Malaysia-China firm wins RM8bil road and tunnel projects
Penang has awarded the tender for the underground tunnel linking the island to mainland and three major highways projects to Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd with a land swap and 30-year concession on the tunnel.
Penang Chief Minister has announced the deal today where the firm will underdertake 3 highways and tunnel projects in exhange for a 44.51ha of reclaimed land in Tanjung Pinang. The deal will only be formally inked after a few more months where the finer details of the overall project are agreed upon.
The projects consist of:
- Gurney Drive-Bagan Ajam undersea tunnel (6.5km)
- Gurney Drive-Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway bypass (4.2km)
- Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway-Bandar Baru Air Itam bypass (4.6km)
- Tanjung Bungah-Teluk Bahang (12km)
The reclaimed land in Tanjung Pinang will be handed over to the contractor in stages depending on development and construction of the awarded projects.
According to The Malaysian Insider’s report, it was agreed that there will be no toll charges imposed on the three major highways on the island. It would also have to bear any losses of the tunnel should there be a lack of usage by motorists.
Consortium Zenith BUCG is made up of a local company, Consortium Zenith and China-based Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG).
Mmm…still long long way to go, don’t think all these projects can be done smoothly.
I think there are benefits of the proposal, especially the Air Itam bypass and Tanjong Bunga-Teluk Bahang paired road, as well as Georgetown inner ring road.
As for the tunnel, the value is there if supported by the additional connection above. No doubt the traffic of the northern area will not improved with the tunnel, but this can improve the traffic of Tun Lim Express and Greenlane, indirectly, reduce the travel time from north to south.
At the same time, more working people at northern area now can stay in mainland and travel daily to island, similar to southern area today. This will be a relief to those people if they really impacted by the high property price in north.
is penang ppl need the tunnel ?
Bagan Ajam will be boommmmmm…any1 have the tunnel exact location?
How to “boommmmmm…” ? Take a look at Batu Kawan.
Check 2 years ago price vs this year price. And check again next year.
I’ll assume it as the house price. Any references regarding the actual sales
price concluded in Batu Kawan ? I would like to invest if the investment
climate is right.
Good News!!!
When is the starting date to build this project….??
But….sure will traffic jam when construction start…..
we need the infrastructure upgrade. Making Penang more accessible is the way to go.
New York to New Jersey uses an underground tunnel as well.
guys… please dont be pessimistic… support with good intention….. it will work out…
we can already see a trend of betterment… since left wing…. we have to push and give more feedback..
The tunnel will distrupt the future expansion plan of bw port.
Penang island itself is so congested, should have a tunnel connecting the north, ie Tanjung Tokong, east, ie Bayan Lepas and the west, Balik pulau. Doesn’t really make sense to have 3 connection to the mainland for now.
bagan ajam properties now in hot cake.. housing and shoplot price increase from 20 to 30% within this 2 years.. it just starting..
bagan ajam properties now in hot cake.. housing and shoplot price increase from 20 to 30% within this 2 years.. it just starting..
(boommmmmm…? ) with the proposed tunnel. I was referring to the second
Penang Bridge, was there a “boommmmmm…” in Batu Kawan ? A sudden
rapid growth in Batu Kawan ?
the 3rd sea tunnel connects the north to butterworth. Otherwise we would have to take a ferry or the Penang bridge to get there. It would be so much easier for us who stays up North but travels to Kulim to work.
Any additional link should be welcome because it makes Penang more accessible.
We have seen the impact of the 1st Penang Bridge towards our Penang economy.
It is indeed positive.
the third link is needed but maybe not now, it will intruduce more traffic. priority should solving the congestion in the island itself.
By the time the tunnel complete, Penang bridge already reaches its saturation. So construction should start asap. Imagine workers in Georgetown and Gurney have another choice in term of housing in Bagan Ajam and Raja Uda for short travel distance, and at the same time relieving the car volume going through Georgetown from northern part to bridge.
Unless we wish that there should not be any growth in Penang. Stay like this for another 50 years.
Stop crying like a child. Hand it over to the more capable state government.
little has been done to improve the congestion in the island. high rise has been mushrooming like nobody business. try driving around gurney/town area, you will understand what I mean.
shouldn’t the tunnel build in the island itself to disperse the traffic? I’d love growth… but whats the priority?
I was abroad for many years and part of my job involve in analyzing traffic system. a tunnel linking the east, north and west of the island will bring more benefit to the penangite.
what do you mean by “Penang bridge reaches saturation”?
We drove to Gurney/town very often to lunch or dinner, but general we din experience the congestion that you mean. Maybe you can pick one or two area and timing to see whether it fits your description. The bridge is the one that i heard a lot of complaints.
Jam 80% of the time during 5-7pm. Now is 60%.
The package inclusive of 6 roads and 1 tunnel. From my limited knowledge, the traffic mainly caused by the weekend tourist mainly from mainland, peak working hours where cars from all over the island and mainland. When the roads all completed, most of the heavy traffic locations will have an alternative road to share the traffic load. This will help.
More links to south and west of the island are also importance but as your comment the traffic around the gurney and town are more critical and are under the first priority. South and west area no serious traffic problem at the moment except a more heavy traffic during the working hours. The roads at southern area also generally wider.
I’m not talking about public holiday where there is unusual influx of traffic. There is only 2 reason why the bridge is jam, 1st under normal circumstances, intersection on mainland where there is traffic flow from Juru, Penang island and Prai industrial. this need to be rectify by fly over and not the 3rd link. Accident would be the 2nd reason of jam and can easily be rectify by quicker action from the authority.
Second link would definitely help but not the third link, at least not for now.
make sense but I don’t see bridge jam other then peak hour where there is heavy traffic from the industrial zone. again I’m not talking about public holiday or unusual circumstances, eg rally by the katak Ibrahim group. Second link should be sufficient to cater for current condition. Third link is too expensive and should come a lot later.@Bryan
If you look at the bigger picture, the proposed tunnel is really going to ease
the traffic flow. It will benefit those staying in B’worth and Penang as they
have the choice of bridge or tunnel.( Trouble share by 2 is half the trouble ).
The 2nd. link is too far away from B’worth. Even from Simpang Empat to B.
Kawan is 6 km. and the bridge is said to be 24 km. Just imagine the distance
and time consume from B’worth to B.Maung in Penang. You have to travel
another 12 km if you going to G’town not to mention the extra time it will
Those coming from the south will only be using the 2nd. link to crossover to
Penang. It will be also a nightmare to cross 2nd. link during afterwork as the
stretch of the coastal way is going to be jammed by traffic.
The building of the tunnel is justify as it will ease the traffic congestion on the
Penang Bridge as less people will be using the 2nd. Link travelling to and fro
Penang and vice-versa.
Try listening to radio for traffic condition during 5-7pm. Without missing a day that you will hear them reporting traffic exit to Seberang Prai from Penang island is slow moving. The tunnel will fix that by reducing traffic from the island north.
The tunnel need to build. If the tunnel not going to build….in 10-20years you will never have a chance to see the development in the mainland on those area.
Remember infrastructure is build for convenience. It is not to build when it is need.
I think more option between mainland and island is good. But it will be build by China company. Any concern safety wise, quality wise?
Do you know the 2nd link bridge is building by a world biggest bridge construction company and they are from China? I only have concerns if the building components are make by GLC in Malaysia.
State government has ambitious plan to build 11k LMC at Batu Kawan, Singapore style. Look out for the news and apply fast. By comparison, the house prices in Iskandar is escalating to unbearable level because of federal projects. And Johor Government did nothing, not even limiting the foreigners from grabbing 500k houses.
Does China famous with building undersea tunnel project??
What you have said just confirmed that you don’t have expatriates as colleagues, and you probably have very little interaction with foreigners living in Penang.
Did Malaysia make own satellites or astronaut landed on moon before?
It is not concern made in Malaysia or not.
At least get something proven and trustable.
eg, China have many railway project recent years as well as bullet train. If get them to build KL-Singapore high speed train, what do you think?
No project will suit all people taste. Anyway, we must make the 1st step.
Houses in Bagan Ajam already escalated by 30% in the last 2 years. The official announcement on 2nd tunnel will escalate the price further. Good news for those invested in Bagan Ajam and Raja Uda area.
the 3rd link is needed. With the on going development up north and E&O will be reclaiming 750 acres of land. The population will increase up north and for those staying up north that works across the sea. It is the most accessible way for northerners to cross over.
Our economy itself will boom further with this increased accessibility.
Penangites this is the right thing to do.
I tot china is famous for fake products?
then chiat lat already, 2nd link and the future tunnel we will become ginny pig for testing
don’t worry….we have a lot of ppl ready to be pinny pig. Nobody will cares until something happens, and then they will forget again. History proved it so well.
Bridge in Cyberjaya also collapsed la… I trust China construction company more than no name one all over Malaysia.
True also, by the way how do we check about the developer that build that bridge in Cyberjaya?
Agree with H@n. Infrastructure is build to propel development and growth. Not to build when it need. And how to quantify the right timing you need it…
Anyway, the PG opposition claimed the company just register in 2012 July, I don’t feel it wrong, as it a new joint venture. The only concern is the capital investment of the company. Since the contract not sign and still in feasible study stage, I feel opposition tried whatever method to reject the proposal/plan.
The second bridge will not help to ease traffic of current 1st bridge. I don’t understand why opposition claimed more route to island will cause more traffic congestion. So, doesn’t this mean 2nd bridge will create more traffic problem, why they still go ahead with it? And what their intention to slow down development of island + mainland?
From my humble opinion, their opportunity is over. Penangites give them opportunity for last 10-20 years, and they are too late to show us result.
If to say like this, can we say since the road in front of your house do not have traffic at night time to early morning, the 2 lanes reduce to 1 lanes is good enough for you to go in/out?
Why all those big capital like Shanghai, Tokyo build so much road and there is not congested in non-peak hour?
Not sure do they aware what they talking about?
3rd link and toll-free . all link should toll-free so all people from mainland and Kedah can drive into a Penang Island.
For project such as the undersea tunnel, I don’t think the Penang state
government rely on stupidity to come to conclusion. The world’s fastest
underwater railway tunnel (10.8 km ) and at 60 meters underwater is
one of China’s successful achievements.
The Longyao Road river tunnel, 4.04 km long, starts from the intersection
between Shilong road and Longwu road in Xuhui district, goes under the
Huangpu River and ends at Chengshan road in Pudong district. Started
operation during Shanghai Expo 2010.
Many branded products sold in the US are made in China. Don’t be surprise
if your Nike shoes are made in China and goods ranging from fashions to
household products. These are some insights to clear anyone doubts.
I think what John_70 meant was other than peak hours, the current bridge is more than enough to cater for the traffic. So with the second link going live soon, traffic during peak hours would be dispersed to 2 bridges, so no more jam. And this should last us for another at least 10-20 years before you start to see jam again during peak hours. Bare in mind, Penang is not Shanghai nor Tokyo. Those are mega cities of the world. We’re not. And I sure hope we won’t be one for a long time to come as that would only decrease our quality of life.
Now having said that, major road constructions typically take a long time to plan and to build (unless you’re talking about Shanghai whereby ring roads get built every 2 years!!) in Penang. We have been talking about PORR for DECADES…:D.. So maybe it’s time to start talking and debating again, and the people of Penang shall decide whether they want it or not. Ask yourself what kind of city would you like to live in. Ask what are your priorities in life. If you’re not sure, take a short trip to a foreign country (preferably one of those most liveable cities in the world), and see what makes them happy…..:)…..Cheers!
I am lucky enough to have self-driving tours over some developed countries like western part of US, Germany, Netherland, Italy etc. Here are some thoughts for you to think about:
1. Building more roads do not necessary mean lesser congestion. E.g. in US, there are many 4 lanes (each direction) highway, but yet, jam during certain hours of the day, just like our highway – cannot move at all. Why?
2. In Italy 2-lane (each direction) highway, although highway is super jam right after office hours with many trucks on cars on the road, still can move slowly. Why?
3. In many cities I had been to, I had never felt the real need to drive. Why?
4. The famous Arc De Triomphe roundabout in Paris has 13 (or 14?) exits. Why so big?
And recently, I asked some friends if we have a very good public transport system like those cities, would they use it? In general, no … why?
Here are my personal views:
1. There are just too many cars on the road – cars are “too cheap” to the extend it is very common for a family to own a few.
2. People behavior – for whatever reasons (super heavy fines?), truck drivers just obey the rules and only drove at 1 lane no matter how slow or fast the traffic was
3. The public transport system and basic infra-structure (i.e. commercial, schools etc.) is not perfect but good enough for daily needs.
4. I was told the huge round-about was planned many years ago (50?).
And last, the top 2 reasons for not taking public transport are – not punctual is not the top … :
1. Bad climate – hot sun, rainy
2. No last mile (almost to the door step) stop
To make long story short:
These projects probably make sense, but there must be supplemented by other advanced planning (like the Arc De Triomphe).
While government does play an important role, we play the other part. While complaining (and we should, if something does not seem right), ask yourself whether you are playing your part as well.
Although I like Penang, but to me it is still far away from being a truly good place to live. To achieve that, not only we need “hardware” (i.e. infra-structure), but also “software” (i.e. people). It is much easier to implement “hardware” than building up “software” (which may take generations). I really hope PG can march forward to a better place to be in both.
Haha… You trust the radio???!! The astro traffic ranger?? You must be kidding! You will hear this same thing during peak hour ” Penang bridge remain busy but moving esp heading to butterworth”, vice versa. Guest what, i’m driving at 70km/hr.
What John_70 and yourself mention is very “ideal case”… Typically only happen in western world. For us living in 3rd world country a tunnel would be a gift which is much better then corruption, putting those money into someone pocket.
I wouldn’t dream about tunnel in the island. Build a third bridge if needed which is cheaper, use the balance to build an outer ring road that go around the whole island (can be in stages).
BTW, i don’t think we need the tunnel now. Look at the “white elephant” butterworth ring road. The tunnel should be build when the Butterworth ring road is congested!
What time did you cross the bridge at 70 km/hr ?
Good for you. You must be leaving office early all the time.
lol, CH… smart lo! underwater tunnel no need la… build 3rd bridge (cheaper) and use the baki $$$ to build tunnel in the island (guess cheaper?). Shorter travelling in the island… Outer ring road is long … only for makan angin… Correct ar?
I can’t remember exact time, but i remember checking my speed when the traffic ranger report slow moving.
@Chan Today the radio said “Already at a crawl towards bayan lepas exit” at 8.20am. No car at all.haha!
Good for you. Then you should ignore the traffic info from radio at all time and be happy with what you enjoy now. It is less my problem because I don’t need to cross the bridge everyday like you do.
Hi condomana,
The second bridge won’t disperse 50% of traffic from current bridge, the most will be 20-25% (idea case). Anyway, it might less. Those who frequently use bridge today all stay around entrance of Penang bridge (thus you see the property price you will know). The same thing will happen to Batu Kawan area, but that is after 10 years.
The current bridge also said enough to cope with traffic (25 years ago), see today how the thing had changed. I still believe hard-ware (infrastructure) will spur development and growth.
Macau, a small city, with 3 bridges. And the population is 560K only.
I don’t like growth, but this is nature of development and market force. For those they like peaceful life, can move to Sg Petani, Baling, Kulim, big land with cheap price. RM500K can get big bungalow. I prefer my old kampung house, but need to cari makan, as I am not the lucky person born with gold.
With more road access, it help to reduce congestion of population on island. There are many islander like to move to mainland too. With more accessible road, it will make thing different. And no isolated feeling of staying island or mainland. Just like LGE said: Penang state is both island and mainland, don’t always focus island only. The driving distant between island and mainland only <15km, it is short, just the limited route that sparking problem. Talked to typical person stay in island, how many time they go to Seberang Perai? For them, without Penang bridge is not a problem for them too, and they are happy that less people come in to island.
I prefer look at big picture, instead of focus on small matter. Anyway, I'm not property speculator, as I dislike high property price too. I hope this is a bubble, but fact is all houses and new development still sell like hotcake.
In other word, building more link to island will indirectly resolve population congestion issue. And ensure long term growth of Penang state with more "space".
7.30pm today radio reported heavy traffic towards seberang jaya. please drive slowly and safely..
RM2 Ringgit
Hi JT,
Hahahaha…….2 main problems with Bagam Ajam/Teluk Air Tawar/Sungai Puyu residential area. (1) Fighter jet noise from the air force training airbase (2) Floods.
Connectivity to penang island is not the main issue.
Hi Condomana,
I think you have to be more specific and should not assume all Bagam Ajam/Teluk Air Tawar/Sungai Puyu residential area have the same problem.
BTW, Where are you staying ?
(1) Fighter jet only once a while and believe only restricted area affected.
(2) I wondering which part of Bagam Ajam/Teluk Air Tawar/Sungai Puyu residential area have floods issue ???
Can you be more specific which residence area you related to (1) and (2) ?
Your info sharing is imprtant.
Thank you in advance.
Thumbs up for your comment. If there were better infra-structure elsewhere (transport network and system, schools etc.), I wouldn’t want to stay on island. Indeed, if my home town were to have a job with 2/3 the pay, I would be going back. At the current trend, it seems PG (island only?) will eventually become a concrete jungles without souls.
Hello JT,
Obviously you are not staying in that area right now. Otherwise you would surely know how the jets take off and land and the flood issue. So, you’d have to do more research before you start your property speculation!! Furthermore, this tunnel talk could be, well, just talk, for another 2 decades….:)
Well well, 2013 salary was bad. Did electronics job in Penang increase, I hope building more tunnel or bridge can create more job for us. But I dunno how it can helps us in generating more jobs.
Hi Steven,
Building tunnel and roads will surely create lots of jobs as this is a RM6 bil project. But the key component should be the effect of the roads/tunnel (be it negative or positive) but not the jobs as jobs would be temporary. And if you’re complaining about electronics jobs, don’t think building roads would benefit you unless you retool/retrain yourself to work in the construction industry….:D
Hi Condomana,
Mind to share where you from or stay? It look like you are familiar with that area personally, or you “heard” about it only?
I stayed around that area while back in 15 years ago (long time ago :P). Yes, the TUDM and padi field are main point over there. But I never heard of flood. By the way, all my previous school mate still stay around Air Tawar / Sg. Puyu / Sg. Dua / Bagan Lallang / Raja Uda area. Thus, just would like to firm your information is accurate and not rumour.
I couldnt agree more with you. Very well said, most of the mainlander who travels to pg every morning is from SPU or SPT. I could say maybe 2/3 of them are from this area. So with the 2nd link it definitely wont help much. The 2nd link will only be an alternative to all if the current bridge/ferry breakdown. Can u imagine travelling 20km south and then the 2nd link 24km and another 2 to 3km if only your offc is located at bayan lepas. This is only rough estimation based from where i stay, SPU.
the 2nd link also could not solve jams in green lane & lim chong eu expressway instead make it worse.
Over to the mainland the seberang jaya roundabout will remains jam even with the 2nd link
The tunnel could solve all these
From public feedback and certain blogs, i see a mix of input to the tunnel specifically.
There are the conservationists who are full of proposals [including the use of bicycles to work]
There are the economists who argue that the costs can be better spent elseware.
There are the politicians on the opposing front who are only interested in derailing anything the state goverment does.
There are the opportunists who are concerned that property prices on the island will be affected and therby argue that congestion will be worse with a tunnel.
BUT the voice of the quieter mainlanders are not heard?
There is this massive gap between the 2 Penangs and at the depressed northen hub of Seberang prai will certainly spur the economics of SPU, up to Sg Petani, reducing the ecomonic gap. After all Butterworth is the traditional gateway to the Island, and has enormous potential. Potential that has been ignored due to access.
For Pak Hai people who are diam-diam… no news is good news 😀
Too many people complaining….. so no one see anything positive?
@Pinang Pisang
Yes! I see the positive side. 😀
Penang soon will no longer be livable city with current existing road. No upgrade but keep building high raise. what for to have 3rd link that will introduce more traffic?
You should try town like Lahat Dadu, I am sure the traffic is lesser and lesser.
please understand what I’m trying to say… I would like to stay in big and busy city that is with right infrastructure in place, not something that we spend so much, 8billion?’ but not heavily use.
ur example is not relevant.. it is like I say the strawberry is not sweet and you reply, try the grape, it is sour.
Fully agree with KKK
one you said third link will introduce more traffic. but then again you worry the third link might not heavily use. So which one is your final reason to object the tunnel? more traffic or less traffic.
Hi Chan,
What jack meant was the tunnel would be under-utilized with maybe a utilization rate of 10%. However, this 10% is enough to cause massive unwanted traffic jam in gurney drive/kelawai if we do not do something about island roads. So you spend RM8 bil, use only 10% of it, and introduce additional traffic problem on island. Correct or not, jack?….:)
That highlights one very important concept on “bottleneck”. You can never eliminate bottleneck. You solve one bottleneck, the neck would get shifted to another location. You solve it, it gets shifted to another. It never ends.
However, if you change the whole approach by encouraging public transport usage, you then solve bottleneck by decreasing traffic without having to increase capacity (of course you are essentially increasing capacity in another mode of transport which is far more efficient than cars in terms of energy and footprint utilization).
Encourage public transport is not a new approach, in fact, in on-going. But you won’t see much different if not doing other thing but only the public transport.
Developed area, definitely will be loaded with traffic. The best way to reduce the traffic load is to spread the development to more areas, and this tunnel is a very good tool to encourage the development at SPU. When SPU, SPT and SPS well developed, less traffic will flow into Pg island.
Another thing is that, some ppl are trying to misleading here is, the 8 billions is inclusive of:
Gurney Drive-Bagan Ajam undersea tunnel (6.5km)
Gurney Drive-Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway bypass (4.2km)
Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway-Bandar Baru Air Itam bypass (4.6km)
Tanjung Bungah-Teluk Bahang (12km)
But some ppl just selectively critic the tunnel and some event said that no action toward the traffic networking on island.
10% traffic increase for the mainland or island?
Thumbs up! Totally agree…@condomana
why people attack tunnel. simple, it is expensive! you are free to go find out how much out of the 8b is use for the tunnel which in return, not a great impact in traffic condition.
Saved by condo. Sure agree la..
Agree with Bryan.
It will help de-focus island and spur development with more space (land) from SPT and SPU. When road system is easy accessible, then people will not look at mainland as “another world”. Another example is Bayan Lepas & Sg. Ara area, the good road system make it number 1 location for those MNC employees. Previously, they just would like to stay in Greenlane, as Bayan Lepas & Sg. Ara was abundance area.
Anyway, the tunnel might bad and good investment news for northern island. Good for business opportunity, like mall, outlet. Bad for apartment/condo, as people got more option and they able to get RM500k landed house in 10km distant. Price of island apartment & condo may stagnant or minor adjustment. And business plot / value will further spur.
Anyway, the tunnel might bad and good investment news for northern island. Good for business opportunity, like mall, outlet. Bad for apartment/condo, as people got more option and they able to get RM500k landed house in 10km distant. Price of island apartment & condo may stagnant or minor adjustment. And business plot / value will further spur.
while i agree with the tunnel,i think property price of island will continue to appreciate, see the land in tanjung pinang is given to the china’s contruction giant, they will built super expensive condos and have the links to sell it to rich Mainland Chinese. More crazy price ahead if these Chinese enter the Penang Market.
I would say there will be an impact to the traffic flow at north and center Pg island, and Seberang Jaya. It will reduce the traffic flow due to daily work/ routine at Greenlane and Tun Lim Express, plus the Seberang Jaya roundabout. On the other hand, I don’t see there will be any additional traffic flow from the outstation visitors. Those visitors, if they want to visit Pg island, it is not too difficult to access through the existing bridge. Which meant, they will come with or without the tunnel. And if the tunnel really attracted more visitors, isn’t it a good thing?
Btw, the final price is actually ~6.3B? I tot I read somewhere.
And, I rather we built it now than by another gov in future if any chance. You will not get the package with 8B anymore.
I see the Tunnel is one shoot kill two birds concept. It will enhance bring economy growth Penang from the tourism perspective. Some of you will see it may not help much on traffic, but it provide a capability of alternative accessibility which will prepare Penang for further economy ramp up. As long as the deal is clean and not cronism and corruption, i support!
For reading pleasure… More on undersea tunnel
Hi All!my 1st post here.i have been living here in taman robina park telok air tawar for close to 2 years previously i spent 3 years in a rental at BM town-center above hong leong bank(so so so polluted.people who bought aston villa won’t be opening their windows.EVER!)so in response to the earlier comment i can confirm that telok air tawar does NOT FLOOD and has never come close to flooding.there are no major rivers that can overflow.furthermore having lived in BM before i can vouch that the weather here is completely different from further by the seaside the rain is always very light and stops fast. a lot of the time when i go to BM market for vegetables and it’s raining cats and cows, then i arrive home here and the road and trees are completely dry. now jets. check google map before buying! living here between the sea and the road the noise doesn’t bother me at all, however if you stay between jalan telok air tawar and the runway like in taman ratna or sejahtera indah it might be quite loud.but i can say that jets take off at 9am or 10am. it’s not like constantly off and landing all day like say a civilian airport.never been woken in the middle of the night. naturally living here i am very in favor of the tunnel because if it materializes i can do things like go and see the 8pm show at the Japanese film festival at gurney plaza. although the ferry runs until 1am the last rapid bus from the jetty is 10pm so basically everyone who lives here must own a car or face a severely restricted nightlife on the instead of generating more cars a tunnel with a shuttle bus might cut some traffic.i don’t own a car so don’t invite me to a party on gurney drive until 2020:)
No Worries, TUDM Butterworth is not a busy airbase anyway and will be relocated within next 4-5 years.
Bagan Ajam/Sungai Puyu/Telok Air Tawar/Raja Uda properties will definately experience drastic increase from now onwards
Hi JT, how u know TUDM will be relocate to Kedah ?
From where u got the news ? Cant get any info from newspaper !!!
i found this blog post worded slightly differently from The Edge article. it concerns the Sg.Besi RMAF operations being moved to other locations, 1 of these locations being Butterworth. so actually TUDM Butterworth is not moving to Kedah, right?
I Really hope they don’t move the airbase! it’s such a part of the history of Penang, the British launched a defense against the japanese bombers from this watching jets taking off from my kitchen window is thrilling! also i think the army presence here helps to keep condo developers and their eyesore skyscrapers away:)and somehow it gives Air Tawar a very relaxed laid back atmosphere.breath of fresh air after the chaos of Bagan Ajam. i encourage people to take a drive along Jalan Telok Air Tawar in front of TUDM till’s one of the best driving and cycling routes in Penang. Thursday and Sunday there’s a very large and bustling morning market at Penaga, great traditional food.Sunday evening there’s a night market at Jalan Tuanku Putra off Jln.Telok Air Tawar, great food too.take the Rapid 603 BUS from Penang Sentral if no car. remember to drop by the Tmn Robina Restoran Nelayan by the seaside!:)
Thanks Peter for your great travel tips….These are the things that make Penang and mainland great
Hi peter,
You are right! You really reminded me of all those good stuff! Well, in the process of all this rat race (or some call it the pursuit of happiness), we have really forgotten about the basic things that make life great. In our pursuit of property speculation – flipping, DIBS, pre-launch, soft-launch, 100% sold, freehold, OC, etc, we have somehow forgotten to live the moment, like Jojo Struys….:)…like.. watch a sunset, or a jet taking off from your kitchen.
As Unker Lim Guan Eng… Penang people must shift from being an exclusive ‘islander’ mindset.
Besides, I wonder how many here who talk about public transport actually take public transport him/herself? Every morning when I ride side by side the BEST Busses… always got empty chairs one… Recently I was talking to a owner staying in Taman Jawa behind the HSBC Bagan Luar.. he said wanna go KOMTAR lazy because need to drive.
MY GOD!!! From his house, walk to Jetty not even 20 minutes.. take ferry RM1.20 only about 30-40mins… then from Weld Quay can choose to walk to KOMTAR or just take the FREE Rapid Penang….
So, from this I can loosely conclude that… many people talk a lot about public transport… is mainly because they want OTHER people to get off the road.. so they can enjoy the Penang roads all to themselves. Hahaha….
@Uncle Ho
Uncle, you have a good way of pointing out this fact……many drivers will still drive even if public transport is available…… their point- Why leave my car at home….it is there so USE IT!!!
Yes need the tunnel, people from noth part of Peanng main land, SP, Bagan Ajam, Indrawasih, Sg Dua, Raja Uda and from the island on Tk Bahang, Tj Bunga, Tj Tokong, G Town area will use it to cross over for work and other. If u see every morning by 7am the bridge will be slow moving, people from main land move to Penang to either Bayan lepas or work in Town area suh as Komat, and Banking.
By evening everyone need to rush back to the thru the bridge then move north to the north part Penang mainland. The tunnel will be more ultilised then the 2nd bridge as I observed it from my 7 years daily travel back and forth to Kulim High tech. However when we build all this we need to take care the safety and environment, do it right.
In future more job opportunity will com efrom mainland as the island is more congested and more island people will need to travel out to work. People form northen states liek perlis, Kedah and mainland Penang will come to the island to enjoy as well as to seek medical expert as we have a number of good hospitals expanding.
Actually leh…. I also like to go Gurney, Tg Tokong and sometimes boh su cho go all the way until Teluk Bahang…
but hor.. when I think of the traffic I have to go through from the 1st Bridge towards those destination… very potong stim laa…
So I support tunnel…
BUT… like someone posted above… the tunnel must have dedicated public transportation lanes… either tram or bus or anything… or even bicycles if possible. Then best of both worlds liao…
Ginger is really older one hotter lo…
True. In fact, the idea of the tunnel is already there during the previous gov. When they were choosing where to build the 2nd link, initially, it was likely to be at the north, but don’t know why, suddenly the link went to south.
I think the current 2nd link will be under utilized for some times.
With Undersea Tunnel, we just need 10 minutes to drive from SPU to Gurney.
My wife who is working near Gurney is spending at least 1.5 hours to get to her office via the Ferry daily. She is very happy to know about Undersea Tunnel.
We support Undersea Tunnel – A must do project for Penang !!!
gosh! you’re right it’s deleted The Edge article!!
why did they do that?! anyway what do you think of the blog post link i posted ? is TUDM moving? i hope not! cue major land based ambush by an army of developers;)
@Local Man
thanks for the thumbs up! i thought i was going to seem like a nutjob, posting travel tips on a property site!i first came here with the parents to see an auction apartment and the moment i set eyes on the 10 storey high casurina trees lining the robina beach (!!)i thought i must have found the most calming place in penang. of course now 2 years later sitting here in the auctioned apartment i know about the mat rempit invasion on weekends!but apart from that,sigh* the sunsets while sipping a bandung at the beach…pure bliss.people should start looking beyond bagan ajam where a old-inter-dst is pushing 350-400k.all the congestion.and now orange3 and tesco is coming up. try looking slightly further north guys!:)
The reason the link go to south, very simple. Go to Jabatan Tanah SPS, check who own majority of land near Batu Kawan, Tambun. And you got the answer. Also the Batu Maung land bank….. who got the most $$ from transaction.
They started to sapu all land bank over there before announce on the project.
For north link, no big land bank for them to sapu. As Tg Bungah, Gurney area pretty saturated. For Teluk Air Tawar and above, it a agriculture land for rice fields, hard to convert to commercial / residential title… No benefit to party, why pick it?
The info/article from TheEdge on the relocation of TUDM Butterworth should be reliable.
Hope this post will not be removed as well.
”The stage is set for the mass relocation of RMAF, the Malaysian Army as well as RMP’s units that currently reside at the historic Sungei Besi AFB (also known as Sempang or Kuala Lumpur AFB). The relocation process will be undertaken in phases once development works at seven locations slated as the new operation bases for these units have been completed in few years time.
The RMAF units will be moved out to other airbases throughout the country namely Subang AFB, Kuantan AFB, Sendayan AFB, Gong Kedak AFB and Butterworth AFB. On the other hand, RMP’s aviation branch, better known as Pasukan Gerakan Udara/ Unit Udara Polis (UUP) will be relocated to Subang Airport as well as Ipoh Airport. the Malaysian Army 31st Royal Artillery Regiment (31RAD) which is part of GAPU will be relocated to Kajang, Selangor.
Meanwhile, relocation of RMAF units to the new Sendayan AFB will commence once all quarters building as well as operation center have been fully functioned. The Air Operation Command and its support building will be operational starting from March 2014 while the quarters will be readied by June 2016. By then all of the Sungei Besi AFB including of those that belongs to UUP and 31RAD will be taken over by 1MDB.”
copy pasted from:
100% support the tunnel. Make sure smooth connections with inner rings, and integrate with public transportation infra. Penang as a whole deserved multiple links between island and mainland!
I know it, just trying to avoid touching this in this forum. If judge by the need, the 2nd link should be at the north.
No comment … different source and understanding.
With Tunnel life at Butterworth will be very much different!
So who is going to use the tunnel? People from the south and east will use either bridges. Is there enough traffic to and from the island to make the tunnel worthwhile or is just an attempt to reclaim land and build away and make Penang more expensive?
Who will want to go through Butterworth from the tunnel anyway? Will there be another project there then?
Read my full article here:
Good one!
Quote” This is like Putrajaya building the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) between Sungai Buloh and Kajang to solve part of Kuala Lumpur’s traffic problems.”
The needs on tunnel are more than second link. Both north island and mainland are main commercial center. I will use the tunnel for sure. 100% support frm me.
John_70, i wonder whether are you from Penang? Everyone know that most of the people who travel to pg is from the north unlike Sungai Buloh or Kajang to Kuala Lumpur.
Correct me if i am wrong, Kuala Lumpur is the Center and it is very different from here.
100% a gogo from me. Im from SPU and it will reduce my time travelling to the island (gurney drive, tanjung tokong) for weekend shoppin.
Once the tunnel complete, more affordable homes for people who work at island north will be built at Bagam Ajam as the land there is plenty. Island has no more big suitable land for housing, we need to increase the landbank by building the third link at the north. Don’t force the people from north to squeeze the already saturated 1st bridge or travel far to use the second bridge.
Now it easily takes more than 40 mins from the exit of 1st bridge to reach Gurney with Greenlane being congested every morning. Without third link, things will get worse very soon. Can you be more considerate when giving your loop-sided comments on what penangites really need? You sounded like know nothing at all…
Seems like you don’t know the public transport is under federal control. No open tender some more, of course they spend our tax money as much as possible la.
Kepala Batas,Penaga,Kuala Muda,Telok Air Tawar,Sg.Puyu,Bagan Aiam,Kampung Gajah all no people.Only populated by Mangroves,Bengal tigers and Crocodiles and Spotted Unicorns and Asterix and Obelix right Mr,Quah? Not one house, highway, school, market, low cost flat, shopping mall to be seen in the entire Seberang Prai Utara is it Mr.Quah?”Is there enough traffic”?? Obviously This article was written while Mr.Quah was on holiday at the International Space Station.
As i see it . The 2nd bridge will have zero impact on the currant traffic situation and on the lives on the people of Northern Seberang Prai and also on the people of Tg.Bungah and Gurney Drive. How can the 2nd bridge make any difference to the people in these areas when it is almost twice as far as the 1st bridge? i would rather be caught in a bit of a jam on the 1st bridge rather then take the huge massive detour to the 2nd bridge.the 2nd bridge is only relevant to those living extremely south. Compare the amount of development between where the 2nd bridge is and where the proposed tunnel is with Google satellite and tell me which will be more utilized.The location of the 2nd bridge is way beyond illogical,it’s almost corrupt. Let’s see which link will be under capacity in the future!
Good Peter, Bullseye !!!
We realize someone is still thinking SPU is a “Jungle” / No Man’s Land without realizing that many suffering and queueing at ferry terminal and experience traffic jam at existing Penang Bridge daily. We have to travel >1 hour daily to work from SPU to Island which can actually be reduced to 10 minutes drive with Undersea Tunnel.
Someone’s comment sounds more like political motivated and … please la … don’t try to speak on behalf of Penangites and dragged us in political discussions here.
Very well said, peter and JT.
My advise to u is that please do some research to understand more bout penang or else u are in no position to voice your opinion. Your statement is so misleading.
Those who support the tunnel have vested interest…. they benefit but they do not think about others…… Other people have their view point too….. You just cannot bulldoze your opinion through without considering other options……
@peter & Geraldo :
Hi Both, U all better check correctly then public the statement below ???
Who say “Kepala Batas,Penaga,Kuala Muda,Telok Air Tawar,Sg.Puyu,Bagan Aiam,Kampung Gajah all no people ??
Not one house, highway, school, market, low cost flat, shopping mall to be seen in the entire Seberang Prai Utara is it Mr.Quah?”
Come on pls, u can try everyweek day morning cross the seberang jaya highway after 7am, u will 200% sure get jam…….i can say nothern region will cover 50% of the traffic.
Dont simply say all shooting all fxxxx………….Tunnel must be build for the current & future generation.
Lets have a HIGH FIVE friends!!:) Lets join hands and Pray that Space Captain Geraldo Quah will reenter earth’s atmosphere safely without emitting too much HOT AIR, and that his BLUE and WHITE PARACHUTE emblazoned with a GIANT WEIGHING SCALE will deploy ON TIME, and finally let us Pray that he will land safely in THE MIDDLE OF SEBERANG JAYA ROUNDABOUT at 5:25PM on a MONDAY.Also lets Pray that he will reach Mission Control at BATU FERINGGI BEACH BEFORE IT CLOSES AT 10PM ;)!
sorry lah appollo31, i kind of try to avoid using emoticons because i want the person i’m sending up, in this instance Space Captain Geraldo Quah of the “ISS”, to feel my OUTRAGE at his article on malaysian insider.But i really apologize for the lack of smileys. BY THE WAY, if you see any Spotted Unicorns in your area i would like to have a picture please.Also do you think you can get Asterix’s and Obelix’s autographs for me because i have read all the comics and i am a HUGE FAN. thanks a lot! ooops,forgot 😉
In fact, I think we need not only the sea tunnel (and we should make it toll free), we also need a tunnel through the hills directly to balik pulau (should be toll free) so that those people living there can come to town in 10 mins (instead of the 1.5 hour driving now), and we can have easy access for durian. We should also have a mega theme park on pulau jerejak (entrance free for penangites) with cable car access from island, to attract more tourist and somewhere fun for our children. A mega Oceanarium would be nice for the kids and tourism. Oh, a state-of-the-art science centre sounds just great. And please don’t forget the old folks, it’s about time we have public-funded retirement homes with nice facilities and top-notch nursing care. How is the state going to pay for all this? Sell our land away lah. EASY!!!!!!!!… land? give rights to reclaim lor!…:)…it’s a no brainer!
i myself might not so like the tunnel concept at this stage.. but i do understand all this issue comes from federal. For so many years, they did nothing to improved the traffic congestion and did nothing on LRT, MRT. We heard the monorial concept will be in Penang since Abdullah years and all people go to grab timesquare unit due to it is one of the proposed interlink exchange point. But now.. since state gov change.. they do nothing.. and now again they promised a lot of things but already lost many people trust on them on what they can do.
Tunnel and tollfree highway for now, the rest put into your wish list first…
Monorial or MRT is not possible for George Town because that would take away it’s Heritage status…
the way to go is Trams… but that also means utilizing existing roads… fuyooh.. pening kepala buat dia
Some NGOs claim to represent Penang but actually they just take care of the island. May need to change name, for example
CAP change to CAPI (Consumer Association of Penang Island)
Have you wonder what happen if something happen to Penang bridge and could not be operated for months, the whole Penang economy will collapse, penang today is not like during the 80s.
1) Productivity drops, lots of workers from mainland, raw material could not get in, MNC will think twice before investing further in Penang
2) Food Supply running low,
3) Low tourists arrival, Hotels & retails will suffer
4) Petrol rationing
5) Electricity rationing
This is to let you who knows that links are not mainly for traffic but has other implications. 3 links will be ideal for Penang survival & growth.
What if the 1st bridge is closed for days due to another crack on the bridge. What shud we do, take the 2nd link which is estimated 25km down south then again to the north(20km) or get stuck in a ferry for hours. Lolx.. most of you here like condomana, jialat is definitely from penang island so they dont see the how serious it would to impact mainlander. Sigh**, dont just talk coz you have never experience it so you never know. Those from the other part of penang island knows it very well how jammed it can be. The 2nd link is totally out of reach for us who live in SPT and SPU as it is very inconvenient to us.
Condomana, we dont need your view coz you will never ever think of your fellow brothers from the other part of island. We desperately need another alternative link to the penang as we have limited one. What you really concern here is that with another link it will jammed up your island and you will get stuck just becoz of those car travellin to island. What a kiasu attitude.
Ant-I, who are you to stop people from giving their view? Everyone is free to express themself as long as it is not targeting personal just like what you did.
No point keep argue on personal view right here. PR share and announce their stand on their future plan. And let the “public boss” who qualify as Penang folks (not those from Selangor and act as half Penangite) to vote for what they want.
Both BN and PR do announced and shared their development and future plan. Who you trust, is your right! Those that not qualify to cast the vote, you got 2 options, move to Penang state, or influence your saudara-mara. The result is the best to tell what the public needed and wanted. It really no point for personal attack. You can share your point of view, but it just belong to yours.
By the way, I doubt those NGO that claimed represent Penangite! Who are they, I never heard of their exist, until the recent Penang forum, they pop-up….. Please don’t stand out and tell people you represent everyone of Penang folks, while nobody know who you are..
Thumbs Up !
You should think of the jammed especially during public holiday where the entire road unable to move.
The tunnel will reduce traffic flow from the bridge and reduce the jam