Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Bay Residences, the phase 1A of Penang WorldCity development by Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. Strategically located within Bayan Mutiara, a new development hub located in the eastern part of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway and in the vicinity of Sungai Nibong. Comprises four 22-storey residential tower, with condominium unit size ranging from 455 sq.ft onwards.
Property Project : Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Location : Bayan Mutiara, Penang
Property Type : Residential
Land Tenure : Freehold
No. of Blocks : 4 blocks of condominium
No. of Storey : 22
Built-up Area : 455 sq.ft. – 1,945 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM359,900 onwards
Developer : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Register your interest here
Contributed by reader (Update – 02 Oct 2013)
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bye… @JT
It is obvious “Everyone” = Buyers of TBR.
But it is good that you have nothing more to say. Keep it that way and one day you will be blinded by the success of PWC!
For the record, I knew well you were fake about the VIP statement, the 3 units you “blindly” booked and etc. If it was a truth, then you are 3x more blind.Whatever your intention is, please, promote your putra place in other forums as well. Easier and faster to get rid of it for whatever reason.Better if you can hold on to it another 3 yrs as the price will increase with TBR being completed by then.
Simply weird to have such people going around forums talking bad about people’s decision and choice. Can’t they just respect others? Anyway, these people come and go. Better to just ignore them la….
I have photos, but how to uploade the photo ?
Can sent to me
One way is to send it to Ken (admin). He can post it in this forum.
what is ken (admin ) email address?
I have sent to admin email,; waiting for him to upload.
so far no luck on admin upload, can sent to me directly thanks
Anyone has visited the sales gallery? What is the current status of take up rate? Fully sold or left few units. What are their schedule for Block E & F launching? Any price indication?
Left few units from each block.
They have released level 3A with garden area for sale as well.
For eg, block A 455sqft + 165sqft garden ~491k…
This garden area, are they covered by ceiling or simply open?
from the model, I don’t see any cover…
Like that cialat…higher units throw anything will surely land on one of these gardens..
Thanks KC for the photo. Definitely looks good.
Curtains will cost a bomb for full windows from floor to ceiling
Very weird.. What price are they selling for these?? People can just jump in?? privacy?
Need some advice here… For Block B, 615sqft @ 677 pdf, is that considered a good buy?
i bought the brezza back in 2008 for only RM420K and it is 1350 sft. Now RM420K can only get you 615sft?
That is really sad.
The world is printing too much money.
When and what floor you bought your unit?
Compared to those who bought Block D, 615 SF is above RM800 PSF
You will get both answers, either still worth it or just not worth it.
My advice to you is simple, worth it. Even though it is not worth it now, it will be sooo worth it when Penang World City complete! What you see today at the site only trees, bushes, the show village and nearby jetty. The entire place will transform to something you wish to be part of or at least own one of its cheapest launch, that is Tropicana Bay Residence.
If you want QWR by AG, that will be priced at RM1kpsf in Dec (tentative pricing). Min size Above 1000sqft. Huge quantum but good if you can afford because seaview (yet, unconfirm due to future development when land is reclaimed further). I choose QWR as comparison because it is part of PWC and just right beside TBR. So, RM677psf TBR (I assume after rebates) vs maybe RM900psf (QWR after discount). Which is more worth it for investment or own stay?
Decide wisely..
now still got 677psf ?
Per sf price for QWR and TBR will be almost the same, not 30% different.
True, if you compare the leftover 1744sqft units @ RM700psf in BLK B now where smallers ones already sapu by investor club. 728sqft type is affordable type thus not comparable even size is similar to 615sqft. So options for public only Left BLK A, launched target in DEc with psf RM1K. You have different information?
Thanks for the advice, but I’m so confused because all the comments are so negative towards the smaller units.
KL property prices are fueled by new biz opportunity, job creation and rental return. Yet, the property price is still lower than PG.
Look at prosperity of Subang Jaya and Shah Alam,
PG property is fueled by what??? Merely speculation.
Job creation, new population, rental, medical tourism, no land, cheap loan, DIBS package, insufficient homes, foreign buying, speculation, investment, inflation, higher fuel price.
So you shouldn’t invest or just ignore penang property since it is solely fueled dangerously by speculation. You better not step into Penang investment. Very hazardous to you. Just you..Subang jaya n shah alam much better. Kepong also not bad. Jinjang lagi baik. Come to think of it, anywhere in kl is better than penang.. Because there is no speculation in KL, only in Penang. What a joke…
Actually we can make direct comparison between 2 tropicana projects ie. Tropicana Metropark in kl/subang and TBR @PWC. Both project have similar psf pricing and in fact both also have the canterlever pool design. For me, i would prefer TBR because PWC location is relatively more prime / near sea, compared to Metropark which is in industrial area
for that price.. i guess if you under table sell to someone else, people will take it. (provided they allow transfer of name. )
400k is in affortable range for many people, 2 room is not much but is a good start for those entry level. i will definitely take it if i get this when launch time.
677psf for 615sqft type is very cheap. I don’t get this price too although i am one of the buy at 1st day of launch. How do you manage to get this price?
677psf for 615sqft type is very cheap. I don’t get this price too although i am one of the buyer at 1st day of launch. How do you manage to get this price?
I cross check the pricing above for 615sqft @ RM677psf with the price list back in feb, perhaps he manage to get it with extra 10% rebate on top of the 3%+5% for BLK A and B OR developer increase the pricing by 10% before the actual day launch. That said, other blocked units before official launch potentially has a 10% cheaper in list price as well.
Lower level 5,6,7 price was around 440k on the first day. So -8% will be around 677/sf
I own a unit so i know..
Your unit in BLK B as well?
Block A
Not possible. i still have the price list for 1st day launch. lowest floor 615 sqft was selling at
484,900 before 3+5% discount.
2013-02-10: Block B 615sqft level 5 South-> 493,400 before 3+5% discount.
Let’s trace history. On 1st Feb, it was opened to repeat buyers (public could also buy), there were limited units released. The low price is refered to 1st Feb and before. On 2nd Feb, big crowd queue in penang and kl, although price gone up 8-10%. Around June, price hike 50k again. Block E and F will increase again
Maybe your first day launch refer to Saturday, my first day launch is on Friday.
Difference in one day is a free myvi already..
Is it because 615sqft block A face west and therefore cheaper? Developer keep those 615sqft blk B facing south so can increase the price??? Just my guess judging from the difference and comment posted.
that was why those people are quarrel an fighting for the unit during first lauch lor….
No, block A and B all same price… My pricing was released on Saturday…
It’s ok la.. those who bought block A or B on Sat ie 2nd Feb or during CNY still get 50k paper gain regardless of size
Ya Block A and B same price…I chose Block A cos a little bit further from the highway…
I can give u another unit price for 455sf on Friday cos I was comparing btw the 2 sizes..
BlockA-11-13 Rm379,900
If u see the price on Saturday it will be 400k+ already
Ya as long as you bought then its ok
Guess we are neighbors then hehe
Cheap lah
Blk A has more units compare to Blk B.
This is because Blk A has smaller units, whereas the Blk B has larger u
really really so cheap..
compare to us who buy block C and D and also in ivory in 1st day… (coz now allow us to purchase also under you get no less than 50…)
Based on the comments above, everyone agree that RM677psf is a good buy.
It would be a waste if you let it go.
Hi Miaomi, On Saturday, the price of A-11-13 (415sqft) was still RM379,900 before 3+5% discount. Price of A-3A-12 (615sqft) was RM484,900.
Hi, ya doesnt matter cos its the past de….look towards the future
Is maybank part of the panel bank? if yes can share the contact of the loan person?
Maybank banker try mavis, 0125151341. You can quote Mr. Tan.
Thanks for ask the valuable input.
What about the cost. I know it has DIBS, but what else?
SPA? Loan?
Legal fee? Stamping? Registration?
I took rhb, Rhb giving better rate with no lock in. Mrta optional.
Is it -2.45%?
Can provide me the loan person contact
016-6686762. Look for Mr Cheong.
Till today, havent heard of BLK E being launched yet…
Anyone has updated news when will it be launched?
E and F should be launch same time. I saw the picture on top there.. the original E already split become E and F pula.
My banker that always deal with Ivory one say he heard the avg price for Block E will be avg RM900 psf (dunno is before or after discount)
Oh ok, I just realize the picture is posted too. So now become 2 blocks. I think that it looks better rather then the L shape. At least the wind can flow through between the 2 blocks.
The infinity pool above the central welcome area looks great! I wonder if can see through the pool from below..hahaha….
I look at the brochure it sent to us, the central there is something look like gym right.. so halfway people doing gym can see others swim on top pass by… :p
Very good for cardio…hehehe….
I’ve signed the
Hi, anyone have any idea what is the purpose of the land between the canal and Blk A/B? Earlier was told to be power station. Any confirm answer?
Went to Gurney Plaza yesterday, there is Ivory roadshow at the atrium. Check with the sales guy was told blk E open for registration now but probably going to launch very soon. no definite date yet.
Think so.
It is not power station! It is GIS substation ie electrical equipment to step down voltage in enclosed building…
Thanks for the info… Surprise me why they need such a big land for sub station.
I was told that the substation are is only 3000 sqft, though it seems big in the model.
May be it’s not according to scale.
I noticed from the latest picture.
It seems like Block A and B / C and D no longer joint together…
They told me that the model was wrongly made.
They should be connected.
when u all sign spa after booking?
pwc is my third house.i got problem with my loan cause i just sold my second house, but still process of settlement. so i only got 70%. i think after one month ok already. so can i sign spa after one month after second house sold out. then i can get 90% from bank. anyone got any ideal?cause i scare ivory dont want to delay my spa signing. anyone of u got this experience?
1) u can try use the same bank with the one that u sold. provide them with stamped snp. it works for me
2) if the cheque from buyer already been released, use it as a proof. no need to wait until the selling process fully completed
i tried both (selling two properties) while buying another property
Signed the legal docs last weekend.
State Consent fee to be bourne by buyers due to land restrictions.
I was told by lawyer the SPA has been stamped.
SPA will be sent to developer then only given to us, from developer not lawyer.
(Funny arrangement, but I did not ask why).
Another important thing to note:
Time of delivery of vacany possession now has been changed from 42months to 48months.
For the record, normally 36months to deliver. But developer requested for extension to 42months and now 48months.
if the time of deliver change to 48 months and while our loan agreement did not state the long, is it we need to re-sign again the loan agreement?
Hmm.. developer or lawyer did not call me up for the sign copy yet. what i sign is the only doc during the pre-snp.
Do you mean the loan agreement from the bank or the loan agreement (Power of Attorney, Deed of Assignment and Facility Agreement)?
I think the loan agreement from the bank wont be affected. Loan tenure as specified to be effective from VP.
Whereas the other legal docs will only be stamped prior to the release of the first disbursement (example completion of foundation – 10%) and we can only get a copy by then.
Actually I called up the lawyer and get it all signed and paid up.
Wow.. really fast in doing all the things. I will only sign it at later time. Let the lawyer fee etc sleep in my FD first.
I haven’t signed too, other than that pre-sign S&P. Wait for the lawyer to call first…
by the way, heard from the Ivory sales person at gurney plaza said that the price of block E and F will be 800psf onwards. There are 2 sizes – 872 and 980sqft. Anybody can confirm this?
On that day when I signed, there were couple other buyers who signed their loan docs as well.
800 psf is before or after discount? It seems like they raise slightly 50 psf compare to block C and D. But i like block E and F too as they have their own pool in another direction.
415, 615, 872, 980.
Unit size are getting smaller….price per sq feet has increase dramatically, how sad.
For the sizes mentioned – 872 and 980sq ft was correct, also I was told that blk.E about 167 units and for blk F more than100 units. Altogether there will be over 200 units for the two blocks,
I cancel my booking on 416 sq ft, nearly 410k, not worty.
Which blk and which unit?
Crazy – Block a to F with total more than 1000 units!!!, total land area covers by these 6 blocks are ??? acres?? Developers are laughing to the banks
+ quaywest residence since these two are very close, you will have more than 2000 units
Wow, extremely high density!!! But anyway, should be ok as many are investors, probably many units will be empty.
will they forfeited your book fee?
problem is my second house loan is HSBC which not panel of this project.
feel sad.. now trying for luck with other bank
Anyone get back stamped SPA?
18.1 Subject to the terms and conditions as stated in Clause 18.2, the Vendor agrees at the request of the Purchaser to allocate for use together with the said Parcel the number of Car Parking Bay(s) as stated in Section 7 of the First Schedule hereto (‚the Car Parking Bay(s)‛) and in consideration thereof the Purchaser agrees to pay a sum of RM500.00 per Car Parking bay to the Vendor upon his execution hereof as payment of surveyor fees.
18.2 It is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto that:-
18.2.1 notwithstanding the allocation for use together with the said Parcel of the Car Parking Bay(s) by the Vendor at its sole and absolute discretion, such right of use shall be subject to such terms and conditions to be stipulated by the Vendor from time to time and it shall not in any way be construed as a guarantee that the Car Parking Bay(s) will be designated as accessory parcel(s) in the strata title to be issued to the said Parcel and the Purchaser shall have no right whatsoever to make any claim against the Vendor in respect thereof or in the event that the Car Parking Bay(s) is/are designated by the Appropriate Authority as accessory parcel(s) to the strata title of the other parcel(s) within the said Building;
18.2.2 all car park bays to be constructed and provided by the Vendor for the Project shall at all times be deemed to be and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Vendor and the Purchaser shall have no rights, interests or claims whatsoever. The Vendor shall be entitled at its absolute discretion but shall not be obliged to apply to the Appropriate Authorities for the Car Parking Bay(s) to be designated as accessory parcel(s) appurtenant to the said Parcel on the strata title to be issued to the said Parcel;
18.2.3 the Purchaser hereby consents and agrees that the Vendor shall as the owner of the Car Parking Bay(s) be entitled to operate and/or manange the Car Parking Bay(s) in any manner as the Vendor shall in its absolute discretion deem fit including, but not limited to, opening such Car Parking Bay(s) to the public and the Purchaser shall have no right or claim whatsoever against the Vendor in respect of any matters concerning the Car Parking Bay(s) including without limitation the location, position, allocation or use of the same;
18.2.4 The Vendor reserves the right to contract with any third party upon such terms and conditions as the Vendor shall at its sole and absolute discretion deem fit, to operate and/or manage the Car Parking Bay(s). Any party appointed by the Vendor for such purpose and/or their employees shall not be deemed the agents of the Vendor in any way and the Vendor shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Purchaser and/or his Invitees or the Other Purchasers and/or their Invitees as a result of any act or omission, negligent or otherwise of the appointed party or their employees.
means we need to pay RM500 to get d car park under our name?
It seems like purchasers dont own the car park bays??
crazy… sell so expensive, then need to pay RM500, then d car park still not belongs to us.. What a joke
Is it from SPA?
Have you received the stamped SPA?
Yes from SPA, received it already….they will give u a free umbrella -_-
I see… I will call CTS tomorrow.
you have sign everyday page of the spa or they direct use the pre-snp copy and send for stamping?
I didn’t sign every page.
Have you?
Didnt sign every page, just sign1 or 2 pages then they give u umbrella already -_-
So much difference if u have bought a house from ijm before and then go and buy from ivory…..ijm so pro, when u book ur unit they can even give u your car park number. Also i noticed no map layout of facilities. They can build it anywhere they want….if they want to:)
No, i guess i sign about 3 page during pre-sign snp, then no news liao, the lawyer even not mention on the car park thing until i saw this is bring out here.
and..i got no umbrella given !!! hahah
i agree with miaomi, a lot procedure of ivory is not acts very professional, may be due to response overwelming, so they not even bother too much. for me temp no car park no is ok as long as 1 is permanet give to us, as some project they might swap your car park slot, location everyyear so that is fair to everyone, but the agreement clause actually is making everyone worry although they verbally say after the car park slot owner will be us after transfer the title.
Forget to mention, i did not go to CTS to do the bank loan agreement yet. Banker already pass my offer letter signature few weeks ago and till now no one call me for next steps.
May be due to too many buyers so they need to do it batch by batch. Process block A and B first?
As for the car parks issue, what should we do ??? Any suggestion pls.
I have called the lawyer and Ivory.
The response from them: The clause in the SnP is standard format of Schedule H. The allocated car park will be “accessorized” in the Title after VP. But we do have to pay RM500 to the surveyor after VP.
why we need to pay surveyor?
Hi all, I’m very angry now. I’m not able to get my loan approved and when I go to ivory office today they say will charge me 1% of total purchase price that will be close to 6k.
When my first loan rejected they ask me dont worry and try they want to change me this 1 % say snp already stamped. Im not even informed about snp being stamped.
When we sign the pre snp I was told we will get inform about this.
felt cheated!!!
When you sign the spa?
You can apply the loan after make booking or signing the spa.
Booking letter can be used.
Hi islander my loan not able to get through
I want to cancel my booking. I sign the pre s n p around June
Will budget 2014 that is announced this friday have any impact to us? Should we sign the SnP before or after the announcement?
The significant thing is stamping date.
I know how you feel, you try to apply through more bank see your approval can be done?
I guess as long as we put down signature on the pre-sign snp we will have the risk on having the fine. Normally once booking, must get bank agent help to calculate the %% of getting loan approved , else is dangerous.
Most people stamping date should be after the budget 2014 ler.. as date so near already and they just start processing.
the only thing worry is the remove of DIBS… if presnp and loan offer sign but not yet get stamp.. dunno how..hmm..
I guess the cutoff timeline should be based on project approval date. Otherwise it will be unfair for those SPA stamped after DIBS is removed (if announced in budget 2014).
I dun like verbally talking, after insident happen noone will admit they spoke tat phrase.. Everything better and safe in black and white… What happen if the car park slot owner still not be us after transfer the title? BECAUSE ALL THIS JUST VERBALY, BUT D CLAUSE IS BLACK AND WHITE….
quote from d previous threat:
The Minister of Housing and Local Government in his wisdom in 2007amended Regulation 6 of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing)Regulation 1989 to further protect house purchasers in regards to car parkbays. It is now compulsory for every housing advertisement to state thefollowing:
“(ea) any parking lot which is an accessory parcel to the housingaccommodation in a parcel and which does not form part of the commonproperty of the accommodation”.
y they still can make Deed saying we r not d car park owner?
@jayden: one of d galery sales girl told me, for previous case, if d purchaser cannot get loan approve, they fully refund RM5k deposit to d purchaser…. but mayb tat case is really before stamping
@Tomyam: I am block B also din receive call to sign S&P yet…
I thought d gov set rules says until VP is 36 months, then how come suddenly Clause 48 months? Anyone can explain this?
They will then ask you to pay rm500 for your car park as part of their surveyor fees.
Or if there is a late delivery compensation, they will nullify it by asking you to choose your car park and forego late delivery compensation.
By right every car park should be includd as an accessory parcel to the unit.
At the moment it is under common area and it is up to the management/developer to allocate it to you.
The minister of housing should make it compulsory for developers to allocate all the car parks first before selling it.
They shouldnt allow agencies such as new bob, zeon, etc to start marketing and taking deposits before they receive their APDL.
“They shouldnt allow agencies such as new bob, zeon, etc to start marketing and taking deposits before they receive their APDL.”
Are you referring to QuayWest? There are some many agents outside marketing QuayWest even before soft launch.
Can anyone in the legal firm advise how we able to get the developer stated black n white for the car parks to be included in the accessory parcel? Or can purchasers approached the state government to intervene on our behalf???
@ steven: my concern same with you too. Hope there is a black and white solution..
Do you think >RM630k for 872sf (RM720 psf) worth or not for this project?
I am interested to buy, but sometime feel not worth…
Can give opinion?
Sure not worth, take loan for 600k for medium cost size unit.
Loan 90% plus the interest, nearly one million, if you take loan below 60% , ok
What level? And face what direction? @angeline
This project will be the downfall for many greedy engineers. They think they can flip this project like all other projects previously, and they will definetely falls into deep hole this round. I would not say much, but there is some interesting project coming up soon 1 mins away from TBR which is fully seaview and at a very competitive price. Thats why i say the subsale of TBR will be a nut case.
blok D- level17-facing east
Are you talking about Quaywest or Victoria Bay by AsiaGreen? Nothing new …
Quaywest? Look at the plan and the density. Is it really full seaview? In future, already there is plan to reclaim the land in front of Quaywest. So now you see it, now you don’t.
Victoria Bay is much further away and not much info about this.
But I do agree the projects at PWC is already selling at premium price. Not much gain expected for now. But in anticipation of PWC master plan to be fully completed, it is different story.
u mean QWR?
QWR has not open for public booking yet.
So far the interesting price you heard probably for bulk purchaser.
You have to pay more for seaview…
Dont scol engineer ok, they are having hard time, working preasure, no increament, no promotion. Worried if economic down.
Engineer + rental income + other side income… good live, not bad okay.
u must be one of the rich engineer.
Cukup makan aje la. 😀
can survive la.
@angeline Good facing with high floor, price still affordable. Of cos I prefer seaview but I have doubt on the price.
I think the price is reasonable in 4yrs time. Even Teluk Kumbar condos are selling close to RM500 psf, while Relau area is selling at RM500++ psf. Queensbay location is good so RM700++ is still reasonable. Location is superb and easily access to anywhere. I believe it is easy to rent out too if you decided not to stay there yourself, to help out on your monthly installment.
Prices of the condos at this location are increasing steadily every year…
Good live only on weekend or on holiday trip, hahaha, ,,,
Just cukup makan but cakap banyak, blockquote cite=”#commentbody-173150″>
Li :
Cukup makan aje la.
Price for last 3 years, not increase steadly, observe sharp increase or double the actual value, property bubble, this same situation happen in 4 years time, all will be in trouble. Anyway how much you want to subsale your unit after 4 years, rm630k, double the price 1.2 million this graveyard size unit. Some of our grandmum, grandpa graveyard bigger than our bedroom.
hi anyone have the email address of PWC management? thanks.
QWR is not 1 mins away, but 10 secs away. Sorry, cant reveal much as this is at a very early stage of planning. Was told by a very reliable source. All i can say is, it involve reclaimation of new land.
@Nothing new
Of course not QWR, else it wont be called insider news :). QWR is not a secret anymore.
the last I heard few weeks back, 872sqf all habis sapu. Yours somemore high floor and good facing. I have a friend interested if you decide to let go!
Looking forward to my annual holidays soon…
u can try MBSB, but will b easier to get approval but d interest will b a bit higher than other bank.
It is not under Bank Negara, but EPF is their big boss

I too are of the opinion that 872SF type is the best
You mean Victoria Bay by AG?
Stop showing off you have insider news, if want just let us know.. if not just keep quiet
If it is victoria bay, this is nothing new, this project has been known for years. The only possibility is IJM’s LMC project, this has been announced quite sometimes back but no official plan yet so far.
4 years? You do not need 4 years, people are already in trouble now. Let’s just pray that it won’t snow ball into something big, a soft landing would probably be the ideal scenario….

Read first, it involves reclaimation of new land. As i said, the plan already submitted to the state goverment and just waiting for green light. And no, its not by Ivory or AG. And yes, its penang based developer. Ok thats it.
Ivory’s purchase and development of 102.56 acres of land located in Bayan Mutiara of which 67.56acres are existing land and 35 acres are to be reclaimed for a proposed mixed development.
It is hard to believe that Ivory can also “sell” the rights to reclaim to another developer? Unless the reclaimed land is not within the 35 acres of PWC.
Check today new this MBSB bank profit for third qtr jump to 47% this year, Sure BNM big lady wont be happy with this news,
The interest as quoted by MBSB will be same as normal and follow BNM rules and regulation by end of this year. This is confirmed by MBSB officer as BNM want to control the housing debts in Malaysia.
However, you still can obtain financing from non-financial institution such as insurance companies (GE, Prudential etc……)
Thought I am quite informative but I have never heard of any new reclamation plan nearby PWC, 1 min away as what you claimed.
There was a proposal for sea reclamation to boustead as a form of compensation, but this has been dropped out officially following the complaint from Bayan Mutiara’s residents. IJM’s The Light Waterfront reclamation is already started and completed for phase I and Phase II, unless it is the phase III you are talking about. If these are not it, then I can only see 2 more possibilities:
1. CP Land. According to queensbay’s masterplan, there will be new reclaim land.
2. The coastline stretches from queensbay to 2nd bridge. This virgin land seems to be an ideal place for reclaim and luxury development but so far have not heard anything about that.
Since you mention the distance is only 1 min from PWC, I cant think of any other possibilities, it has to fall into one of my guesses here
hi all – can u guys help me? i need PWC management email address, can anyone provide me? thanks.
I am sure you will hear some news by CNY 2014
Do you have specific person to look for, else i would suggest you direct call Ivory and ask in detail, get the person to provide you the more accurate email. May be can drop email to this person ask for more detail?
Investor Relations
Mr Lee Chin Aik Investor Relations
Tel: +604 210 8000 ext: 710
Tel: +6012 680 0112
you may call 04-659 6888 to obtain the email address. this is TBR sales office no.
I just went to collect my SNP. Stamped on 23 September 2013.
no more “holes” here and there like previous visit.
All blocks A, B, C, D Fully on stickers
Wow! No matter what are the bad things, critiscm like over-price, no Sea view, car parks, etc 700++ buyers bought! Average lowest RM half a million!
So, between 700 people and a few person who keep on complaining/ pour ice water in this forum-worry this and that, either no guts to take risk or no money to buy, the likelihood/odds that i am on the right side is high!
Received the small goody bag and umbrealla. So, you will know la if some one use this special umbrealla, she/he is potentially your neighbour
When I signed the loan agreement, the VP has been changed from 42 to 48months. Originally was only 36months. Apparently developer requested for time extension to deliver.
Anyway, If the s&p has been stamped, then the DIBS thingy should not be affected if budget 2014 discontinue such feature.
Had lunch together with some friends and their friends too. And one of the girl brought up the subject of TBR. She was so pissed that the land sold to AG is right infront of TBR rather than the one across the street ( current office). Since i do not know her, i just laugh out loud inside me. How ignorant can these people be. Its all over the internet that the land sold to AG is the same plot TBR going to build in. Here you go, showcase of some blind speculator. LMAO.
Going to sign my loan documents tomorrow at CTS office in Sg Buloh KL. SPA already stamped and ready for collection from PWC sales office.
Have you get back stamped SPA?
I am thinking the reason it change from 42 to 48 months is it they stamp it earlier to prevent the budget have any negative news to the property sector. So according to earlier plan, they might only stamp in Dec or may be even early 2014 but now due to the pull it earlier , so they change the month.
They call you up or you personally call them?
If all SPA already stamp, it is faster than my imagination. As other Ivory project that launch earlier than PWC still not send to stamp yet.
Few days ago Miss Lim from Ivory phoned me to sign S&P. She said PWC is a big project, tats y they want to make it to 48 months.. I was wondering 4 block of building called big project?
Then only for those who sign S&P getting stamp. For those haven’t sign , not yet stamping…
Yesterday i called to clarified something, there is a sales girl said y i am d only one who so ‘nervous’ d car parking bay problem, others just sign without question..
Am I? shall i just keep quite buying a property without concerning d car parking bay? Tat girl not d one who pay money, of course she said like tat…
Miss Lim from Ivory or CTS? I thought they say she resign already? another Miss Lim?
actually for us who booked during Feb, we all pre-sign the SNP in Penang(putting down signature on few page or last page on every section, they say all copy and content will be same and default), so i am not sure do we still have another round of signing that place signature on every single page or it is the final. Like car park etc issue they print out later without our knowledge, but it is part of the snp. So, we only know when we special request to have the copy. That is the reason they tell you most not make noise. If not mistaken, one of the post here did mention KL lawyer got specific tell them on this, however, KL buyer is more to this as some project in KL have similar clause, they not too worry.
I think better drop email but not using phone call, ask them the question again and get black and white answer is better. I have one although i know email is not as power as the formal docutment that we sign.
Today The Star 2 pages report on Penang properties..started by stating
“Penang is heading towards an over-supply on higher-end residential properties, which could lead to a correction of property prices. “
I have stopped buying Star for a number of year now. Don’t believe much
in what is reported.
Read first before jump to conclusion.
I don’t read “Star” toilet paper. Good, if its price down then I can buy more.
If short of supply when price goes up I sell to make more.
I am not here to argue with you. Many has boycotted The Star before & after GE13, no need to elaborate further. Neither am I here to influence anyone. No one has crystal balls unless you have.
You don’t have to agree with what The Star is reporting, The Star is merely quoting statistical figure and industry expect opinions on the overall Penang properties scenario; National Information Property Centre Report (NAPIC), Penang Institute Urban Studies Head – Stuart Macdonald, CA Lim & Co principal, Raine & Horne Malaysia Director – Michael Geh, Ideal Property Sdn Bhd CEO – Datuk Alex Ooi, Penang Town & Country Planning & Housing committee chairman – Jagdeep Singh Deo
So after 8 years of believing in tokong lim, what has he done for Penang except selling more lands and state assets?
called CTS and they said SPA has been stamped but need to wait for developer call to collect the stamped SPA.
Then called PWC sales office said still have not received any stamped SPA.
Anyone get call from developer to collect stamped SPA?
I agree with you. Don’t believe everything you read, but that doesn’t mean everything you read is false. After years of education, we should be able to analyze issues critically and independently. Try not to follow popular belief blindly, and you’ll be on your way ahead of the curve….:)
Just talked to CTS lawyer, since Deed extend to 48 month, so Ivory will inform their panel bank to extend DIBS 48 months too… The reason to extend 48 month is they will include block E and F in it too, which will launch end of this year….
He also mention PWC will XXXX with XXXX minister on 11.11.13 ( i put XXXX cuz i am not sure v d word ), and start pilling from tat day..
then for those who haven’t sign S&P, this is 4th o 5th batch dy…
Cleaner and greener penang. Best place to live and retire. Less korrupcion.
Greener? I think they have chopped down more trees than we have ever had in the last 20 years!…:D
finally DIBS is prohibited according to budget 2014.
Will TBR be affected?
Anyone know which section in SPA mentined about DIBS?
RPGT too
1 to 3 years at 30%
4th year at 20% &
5th year at 15%
Foreigners all the way 1-5 years at 30%, 6th year onwards at 5%, plus must buy property above RM1 million
What are the effects on the property market?
Ban the DIBS is a brilliant point but increase the RPGT not much help to cool down the price. Price will increase further!
i think More effect on the NEW property launching than subsales.
Without DIBS and higher RPGT, it is lesser attractive to buy new project which also carry more risks than already completed subsales…..u get what u see.
Since most condo takes 48mth completion, rpgt impact is minimal ie 15% yr 5 and 0 thereafter. Cancelling dibs is good for long term, and 1mil minimum for foreigners is a copy of penang policy. . all in all, no big impact. If PWC can’t get dibs approved, they should provide rebate
anything can be happen. even correction also probably come…
anything can be happen. even correction also probably come…
I feel I not see DIBS in SPA, it is in another document that we sign right, the one state the maximum interest developer will bear for us. means max also -2.4 (if someone only get -2.3, they wont bear the -0.1)
Very very bad news for greedy developer and greedy speculator, so ma control to curb the property,
Stupid speculator club member, good gift for all of you, badan muka. ny
then who are the buyer, the one who purchase your completed property and then get stuck with 30% RPGT for the first 3 years?
Flippers normally buy primary. Those buying secondary tend to be owner occupiers or long term investor. In this budget, investor worry more on loan margin and stamp duty, which were not affected (yet)
Keep buying lar… market bubble exploding in the next 2 years…..Good Luck!
Can’t believe you guys are paying RM800/sft for a small tiny unit at PWC……
Removing DIBS does not necessary translate to cheaper property price as there are no mechanism in place to cap property price. It will only help to deter speculators with weak financial base. Increasing RPGT will have some effect on speculative buyers but it’s not going to have the needed friction to halt speculation. 5 years wait is really business as usual to many. Let say the completion window for high rise is 3 years and now It is already been stretched to 48 months for some new launch.
I think the price will at some point now start to flatten a little but it will not fall. It will increase surely but at a slower pace.
For those who is already cheering that the new ruling will hit speculators and eventually translate to cheaper property price, not yet. It’s too early to conclude how the heck is this going to reward you.
They say “Lifestyle” of the young with class to stay in tiny unit at PWC.
Very happy, waiting for RPGT tax increase and DIBS. Really focus on property curb and more affordable home,
Price will still go up regardless whatever action taken. If it can curb property
pricing, property in H.Kong and Singapore will not be sky-high now.