Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Bay Residences, the phase 1A of Penang WorldCity development by Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. Strategically located within Bayan Mutiara, a new development hub located in the eastern part of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway and in the vicinity of Sungai Nibong. Comprises four 22-storey residential tower, with condominium unit size ranging from 455 sq.ft onwards.
Property Project : Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Location : Bayan Mutiara, Penang
Property Type : Residential
Land Tenure : Freehold
No. of Blocks : 4 blocks of condominium
No. of Storey : 22
Built-up Area : 455 sq.ft. – 1,945 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM359,900 onwards
Developer : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Register your interest here
Contributed by reader (Update – 02 Oct 2013)
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Block E has got to be higher then other blocks so far in PSF.
But I think it is still lower then the Loft.
Probably because of unblock sea view and much lower density. But the four blocks of condo in front which Asia Green has bought the plot of land from Ivory, will be the same as then
Loft or slightly higher since some of its units are having unblock sea view too. We will find out end of this year for these condos from Asia Green!
BUT asia green name is bad now, make penang world city look cheap now.
Why Ivory sell the small piece of land to Asia Green?
Thought Asia Green is going to launch Victoria Bay beside queensbay mall.
Anyone can clarify this?
That will depends on the selling point of block E. If the psf keep on up with no strong reason, then it will facing strong competitor of Asia Green in QB project. I wish Ivory can have more selling point facility and concept launch in that area that would benefit all the buyers.
Anyone heard any shoplot will have in nearby?
Thks tommy n tonyam. One more q i hv, do u guys think tat the light will be quite a direct competition to pwc ? Or how would ppl differenciate the light vs pwc after 3 yrs?
i feel the light collection is much higher grade compared to pwc due to 2 main reasons ie. density and directly beside sea..the under construction 517sf studio which faces hiway has transaction above 1000psf..
According to sales people, the simplest reason is Ivory will make profit by just selling that piece of land to Asia Green.
So Asia Green will build something on that plot of land.
In addition, Victoria Bay is a separate project by Asia Green as well.
This will be interesting. Difference is Vic Bay is a mixed development concept…
I am guessing higher PSF for VIc Bay!
Personally, that makes The Loft lose out to Vic Bay in this point of view.
Hello..anyone intrested to apply loan for pwc? I am banker from ambank..can contact me at 0165513468..thanks
heard that there is a high floor 872sqft unit at the price of RM570k, and the buyer has able to mark that up at rm25k margin and transfer the booking to others. was that (the original price of RM570k and the quick earning of transfer) ever possible? As i was told that the developer won’t allow any quick money earning by speculator but will release it at higher price..
The latest price for high floor 872sqft unit is 650~700k. (during lauch 30~50k lower)
How come this 872sqft unit so CHEAP???
Sure or not?
With 570k you can only get 615 sqft unit.
Barely 6 months after launching before CNY, already increase so much? The location still got trees , not yet pilling. Nothing man…
At this rate of increase, 3 years later, the leftover units will be what RM few hundred K more expensive?
Don’t know , to laugh or cry…….
yea, that is what i understand too.. but someone posted the ads at mudah (still there) claiming that it is rm570k for 872sqft. i wonder if this was hold by some ivory vvip (at further discounted price) or just some misleading info that I am unable to get confirmation on.
Drop by the sales office and find out if possible. As what I know, the transfer of booking only allowed between family members. So if a name change s possible, then everything else possible too, if you know what I mean.
anyone take UOB loan? How is the package?
What I saw at is RM622k for 872sqft, Block A.
It might not possible for Block D because the launching price for middle is already at ~650k.
What I saw at is RM622k for 872sqft, Block A.
It might not possible for Block D because the launching price for middle is already at ~650k.
the ads is still there as i saw this morning..
Is it legal to sign S & P when the developer has yet to get approval and permit of the plan from authority? Please advise.
I think we sign is not SnP.. but its a pre-sign agreement to purchase. If plan not approval or change we have the right to opt out
Interested to apply for ambank loan?
Thanks for the info.
anybody know if the model house at the sales office is completed? Last time when i went there, it was only up to the facilities floor (5th floor).
Heard that this project is going to cancel due to land settlement. Have you all receive any call to get back the checks or deposit?
@ dingding
What is the source of your info? How do we verify if this info is true?
OH? where the news come from?
I also want to know. When did you receive the call?
Developer will not cancel a project due to land settlement issue. Cause land settlement issue is not a issue for engineering view. And for the condo at the land like that (IJM, E&O, Mahsing)…Al the foundation is support by piling group .. not the land… except got another serious issue..
One call to Ivory office- NO SUCH THING
Else this thing would have appear in the newspaper..
Anyone call Ivory to confirm that Asia Green purchased the front plot of land (in front Block E)?
i hereby confirm your doubts for you. I work for Asia green : ) we bought up the front piece of pwc. All of you can kiss your sea views goodbye. Launching at approx rm650 per square feet onwards. size from 700sft onwards. Cheers.
the boss initially wanted to sell at rm650, , then after all the countless meetings until the wee hours in the mornong,he decided to sell at rm900. can ask May about it : )
So when will it launch?
if it really sell to Asia green, can we say bay Residence Phase 1A is the last piece of freehold title residential under PWC project? the rest should be leasehold right?
I think the front piece of land is not reclaim? Could be still freehold.
@ 900psf, it is now on par with The Loft, but still it is not entirely seaview if there is a new building planned on the reclaim land ahead. (I am reffering to the picture of the plan)
Assuming 700K for a mid level 700sqft unit with seaview, I think is a pretty good buy I’d say. After rebates and etc, it’ll be lower then 1000psf. Own stay is perfect
But if its leasehold, I’ll definitely say no..
I think the front piece of land is not reclaim? Could be still freehold.
@ 900psf, it is now on par with The Loft, but still it is not entirely seaview if there is a new building planned on the reclaim land ahead. (I am reffering to the picture of the plan)
Assuming 700K for a mid level 700sqft unit with seaview, I think is a pretty good buy I’d say. After rebates and etc, it’ll be lower then 1000psf. Own stay is perfect
But if its leasehold, I’ll definitely say no..
Can someone post where is this piece of land belongs to Asia Green? May be there are other developers who also own land around pwc?
People…do you think these ppl are really from Asia Green?
No way. I believe most of the remarks made here are all hoax, except Asia Green did purchase a plot of land from tropicana ivory – even this has yet to be confirmed. If this is indeed true, I don’t expect Asia Green to sell the property at anything lesser than 1000psf. Reason is obvious – Tropicana Ivory won the tender at 240psf for the land, in order for them to be motivated seller, the offer price will be at least >=400psf from Asia Green. To factor in reasonable profit in considerate of labor, materials and etc, 1000psf sounds more realistic. Furthermore, The Loft at Southbay is going to price at >1000psf. Although oferring reno/furnished unit, PWC location is deem more strategic so 1000psf is justified.
They might be, but very high chance they are not from Asia Green. Nonetheless, this is a forum and information is welcomed. Some could be true as they have checked it from reliable resources. Some could be fake as they just like to see how others response to their funny little gestures in their comments. Anyway, no harm asking. Depends on you to believe on what you read. If I said I have a loan offer of BLR-3%, I am sure alot of people will ask me which bank did I get it from…”something” like that is happening here
Enquiry from Asia Green confirmed front plot land has been sold.
~700/sqft, ~24 floors (higher than TBR 22 floors) – Planning stage…..
No response from Ivory yet.
Now the more important questions:
1. Why Ivory so rush to sell the land? Need urgent cash flow?
2. Dijaya is joint developer and quite strong but are they still in the game? What is the partnership between Dijaya and Ivory? Any insider can provide some info?
3. Are they can move forward to bring up the whole PWC project?
During lauching & booking time, Ivory should make it clear and felt like cheated.
The land deal must be done quite some time.
All buyers, do you think still worth to keep the unit of this project.
Please share you opinion and thought. Appreciate that.
Enquiry from Asia Green confirmed front plot land has been sold.
~700/sqft, ~24 floors (higher than TBR 22 floors) – Planning stage…..
No response from Ivory yet.
Now the more important questions:
1. Why Ivory so rush to sell the land? Need urgent cash flow?
2. Dijaya is joint developer and quite strong but are they still in the game? What is the partnership between Dijaya and Ivory? Any insider can provide some info?
3. Are they can move forward to bring up the whole PWC project?
During lauching & booking time, Ivory should make it clear and felt like cheated.
The land deal must be done quite some time.
All buyers, should I keep the unit of this project? Worth?
Please share your opinion and thought. Appreciate that.
What exactly is your concern? You see, I was told Blk A to E will be blocked by that future condos from Asia Green. But of course I was not told there is a negotiation btw Ivory with AG on that piece of land. Only Last month I got to know about it.
At ~700psf for sea view units makes the whole thing a different situation. But there is no details yet. This are tentative facts. Probably 700psf is not sea view facing units.
@islander_ori Ivory made it clear since the very first day of soft launch
1) All units at Blk A reserved by Big taukeh…but later on… they release the units again
2) on second day, only 1300ft unit is available…
3) at first told public there will be another block E, now land has been sold to AG
4) Ask ivory about the land sold…no response..
So many cheeky tricks from this developer .. Awesome
earlier some one said Ivory=I worry.
may be it is true, what you say?
Are you believe AG will sale RM700/ft2 …. If yes, you can sale off your unit now ….
Wait for it …..
But, you think really will be RM700/ft2 …. at that location ….??
Before Ivory sale …. the Price is fit on RM450/ft2 only (from ivory planning) … but when really sale out … RM600/ft2 already …. Just from planning until start sale …..
Now we know AG planning sale RM700/ft2 … When actual sale time will be RM900/ft2 … min up another 30% ….. That is their strategy …. The game from developer ….
Same like Mahsing at Southbay …. Start Planning just RM350/ft2 only …. First sale already RM450/ft later RM600/ft2 …later RM800/ft2 …. now … RM1100/ft2 ….
Seems like the snow ball is getting bigger & bigger.. Good luck to all the buyers.. Btw, do you know when AG will launch this project?
If all this info on Asia Green is correct, it will be good news to pwc buyers…AG will use latest pwc pricing to benchmark their new pricing which will be higher..and pwc was never really marketed as sea-view development..with current trend, small units with direct seaview will never be below 1000psf!
Totally agree! If AG sells at the same price as pwc, then ivory will receive lots of returned units. Now that should not happen to protect ivory’s interest in the first place. Cannot be business at stake just to get 100mil cash from AG. Right? Lets target the 700sqft unit from AG with sea view
By next year, victoria bay and AG new project etc will all be >800+psf which makes pwc look cheap again..mahsing southbay, ijm light collection are all above 800++psf. My point is future development by ‘reputable developers’and ‘near sea’ will not be below 800psf anymore. Those who are familiar with Dijaya will know they are doing very well in Kl with their recent launch of tropicana gardens (1200psf) and tropicana metropark, with their tropicana branding having a premium. I look at pwc positively because of dijaya (they just changed name to tropicana corp) and not ivory
I have confidence with dijaya as well.
The worst case is if dijaya pull out, ivory don’t have the capability to make PWC happen.
If it’s confirmed the land purchased from state gov has been resold to a third party, it’ll be nice to sit back, relax and enjoy a great show, as Ivory is not allowed to make easy money by reselling any part of the vacant land to a third party. We’ll then see how our Tokong answers to the people.
Just get this sharing info from other site. PWC Phase 1A and 1B get approved by gov.
If the land is sold by Asia Green, big probability it is under IB project which is commercial title. ( I assume commercial suite = commercial title)
Agensi : Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang, P.Pinang
No. Rujukan Projek : MPPP/OSC/PM(1849)/12(LB)
Nama Projek : Permohonan Kebenaran Merancang Bagi Cadangan Untuk Mendirikan Skim Pembangunan Bercampur Yang Terdiri Daripada: Fasa 1a 1 Blok 22 Tingkat Bangunan Dengan 1 Tingkat Sub-Baemen Tempat Letak Kenderaan Yang Terdiri Daripada 3 Tingkat Podium Mengandungi Tempat Letak Kenderaan Dan Kemudahan Masyarakat Dengan: 1) Menara A & B 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (433 Unit) 2) Menara C – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (247 Unit) 3) Menara D & E – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (433 Unit) 4) Menara F – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (247 Unit) Fasa 1b – 1 Blok 22 Tingkat Bangunan Dengan 1 Tingkat Sub-Baemen Tempat Letak Kenderaan Yang Terdiri Daripada 4 Tingkat Podium Mengandungi 38 Unit Kedai, Ruang Komersil Dan Tempat Letak Kenderaan Dengan: 1) Menara A & B 1 Blok 18 Tingkat Komersil Suite (412 Unit) 2) Menara C & D – 1 Blok 18 Tingkat Komersil Suite (412 Unit) Di Atas Parcel A, Bayan Mutiara, Persiaran Bayan Indah, Mk. 13, D.T.L., Pulau Pinang
Untuk Tetuan : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Kategori Projek : A – Projek Biasa
Jenis Pemajuan : B – Pembangunan Bercampur
Rancangan Tempatan (RT) : Tiada RT (Rancangan Tempatan)
No. Lot : Parcel A
Mukim : Mk. 13
A reputable developer will not jump into the other people’s game.
However , if you tell me SP Setia, Mahsing, IJM will join this project, that will be much more BETTER.
Good to see this project is approved finally.
But I could not find Block F from Phase1A site plan as mentioned in the project proposal.
Do you see it?
Yes.. I also feeling weird when i see the Block F, not sure where it situated.
Initially I always thought the plan will approved towards year end. But with this update, phase 1A and 1B is approved!
All Buyers,
With the phase/plan approved so it is a matter of time before buyers need to sign the actual S&P. What will be your decision? Will you let go of your units and wait year end for AG launch?
Or still hang on with the probability it will still be cheaper then AG condo?
If the statement from AG staff “This will be called a JV between Ivory and Asia Green.” is true, the prices Phase 1B will not lower than Phase 1A.
Else, the name of Ivory will fall into deep sea…
After times square, I thought Ivory is halfway into deep sea? :p
Anyway, it is only logical for future launches to be priced higher.
So, what will it be? Hold on or Let go?
Good luck in your decision.
I am not letting go!
To those buyers that already sign the S&P, how do u decide on this latest uncertainties by AG? Will u guys proceed with stamping or will u guys ditch this project for another better investment? How do we go about if we would like to ditch this project to teach ivory/dijaya a lesson for all the coverups and lies and bad services we had?
If AG sold sold below RM900 psf for sea front projects, surely i will cancelled my purchaser with this Ivory. I think they will not penalty me as they actually have no right to bind us due to they have no legal stand, their project not approved yet.
1) sea front
2) below RM900 psf
this will bea great attraction of AG projects.
dijaya/ivory would be happy if you return coz they can then release your unit at current price which is 50k higher…in any case i would think AG project (if it is real) would be good news for this project as new development will bring up price to another level
No, ivory still have not completely sell all. With AG come in with better, do you think their sale will get even tougher? good luck to ivory.
i believe more people like me will drop TBR of ivory. good luck to ivory. welcome AG
Don’ t need worry so much … Just wait AG come out their planning … sale price ..
Maybe is next year story already ….
Sale and buy is depend to people ….. some people think that good .. but also got some people think is Bad …
How ever, if AG and Ivory is JV …. You think Ivory will open his house, let a Tiger go in ….
All the Developer is the Tiger .. we are a their food …
Most important is the MASTER PLAN …. if this PWC can success. I don’t care who is the JV partner ..
The difference is Phase 1B (AG?) with commercial suite/unit /title.
With the project proposal has been approved by MPPP, I believe Ivory will call for final S&P pretty soon.
As long as final S&P is not stamped, it is still possible to pull out.
All depends on the timing.
May be there is mutual agreement /deal between Ivory and AG, who know.
The sales status from sales office by 28-May-13.
Block A – 455sqft x6, 615sqft x5, 1320sqft x4
Block B – 1320sqft x8
Block C – 615sqft x14, 1320sqft x2
Block D – 615sqft x4, 1320sqft x1
Anyone has the latest update?
Understand pwc unit purchased without ownership of car parks! It belongs to developer n they have the prerogative over the car parks in future. KL Dijaya lawyer pointed out this issue before we sign the S&P. I need clarification from Dijaya before signing.
I went to Ivory office yesterday to ask the marketing girl about the land sold to Asia Green but she told me no such thing???
Then she must be lie to you. How can she don’t know?
Greedy unprincipled bloodsucking developers who mislead n con the people should be arrested & lock up in jail ..
instruction from top management….
This AG news is nothing. Don’t we already know that this land in front of TBR will be a 22 floor condo? What we do not know is just when they are going to launch it.
Start from the 1st day Ivory sell this TBR , we already knew that it is not going to have SEAVIEW.
Blame no one but yourself if u still hope it will have seaview unit when u book it.
Agree …
We can drop TBR any time.
Seaview is Putra Marine,Gold Coast,Baystar !
The thing concerned here is not about blocked seaview.
It is the third party jumped in this project.
Again, why Ivory not acknowledge the buyers?
Anyway, if don’t like, we can drop it anytime…
I was wondering, if Ivory would have told you that AG will probably own that front plot of land for a seaview condo, where there is no details on launching, pricing and etc, would you still booked your unit/units from TBR? If no, why? and how is it different from now since this news is confirmed and you just got to know about it?
Basically what I am asking is, What is your concern?
To me, I do not see how AG, or Ivory or IJM or MahSing ownership on that plot of land will affect anything to buyers of TBR unless they are building residential units of 40storey high with 2000 units density or selling lower psf then TBR (which is unlikely).
It is just not feeling good with Ivory etchic.
“you want your unit to be further away from the TNB power station”
Is the above statement regarding TNB station confirmed ?
But I hv saw the proposed master plan that the TNB station is in other part of bayan mutiara.
Wah! So fast leave contact already.
The sale must be very good, might be sold within 1 day during lauching. Haha….
All Buyers,
Even if “lol” are able to arrange something for us all, bear in mind that actual signing and stamping of S&P is near. AG may launch early next year. So this means you need to decide to keep TBR or let go when developer and lawyer call you to formalized the transaction.
This should be pretty soon. Between now and the launch of AG, Blk E should be launching soon as well.
I am interested in 3 to 4 bedroom unit, please let me know if got any unit sales, pricing close to the launching price. thank you
Possibly AG seaview unit may be blocked in the future too?
If its true AG selling at @ 750 to 900 psf, all TBR buyers can drop your units and switch to AG for seaview. Additional of RM50 to 100 PSF defnitely worth it..
Just my thought…but I am sure many of you agree with me.
Your 700psf is before discount?
If that is the case, I want to invite all TBR buyers to cancel booking and form a bulk purchase group to sweep the AG units.
May be can get better discount, what do you think? Cheers…
I was just thinking, what if there is no rebate, dpymt flat 10%, no DIBS, only legal fee covered for SPA in the sales package. Assuming for sea view units, PSF at RM900. That means smallest unit is RM630K. Dpymt,DIBS and legal fee for loan easily hit RM100K (worst case)
Compare to 872sqft unit for TBR is around RM660K, after 5% rebate+DIBS, dpymt+Legal fee for loan around RM40K.
So, smaller units sea view vs bigger units pool view! What do you guys think?
Hi everyone…to avoid confusion, I have deleted all comments claimed to be from developer but could not be verified.
Developer must register for verification before comments. All anonymous comments claimed to be from developer without registration will be deleted.
So much for all the information about AG. Life goes on…nothing happened!
You seem to be very keen … go take a look at the Clovers thread. Also, go n ask your banking agents about the events, twists n turns happening at the Clovers.
@Cause n effect
I glance through comments on page 3 only. What I see is people letting go their units for speculation purposes. Anything specific you’d like to highlight here?
@Cause n effect
Thanks for sharing the information. This is what this forum is all about.
Pointing out and share out all the pros and cons for any projects/developers so that consumers/buyers are well aware of of the situation, be it in the past or present.
So are you a buyer of Clovers? Mind explaining if you know the reason why was the planned changed after buyers booked units of clovers, delay in signing S&P and of course idling of the project’s progress? Was it the same situation as TBR where plan is not approved and buyers is giving the developers an offer to purchase? As you know, normally developer will give buyers option to purchase.
There is nowhere mentioning about approval at all.
Buyers, anyone got accept loan offer recently?
Mind to share the best package you took?
Developer does not bear the legal fee for bank loan.
Is it must go through Chow Tat Seng & Low or we can appoint preferred lawyer?
What i know is either choose cts or the bank panel lawyer.
I see some hesitation from some pwc buyers..just because of so-called Asia Green possibly having another project nearby. Whenever there is any new development, you hesitate whether the new one is better, it will never end! But buying propertyi is serious matter and you need to be sure of your decision. Just because of a ‘lol’ guy (he seem to know some info but i cannot imagine any reputable developer allowing their staff to market this way), some are even considering dropping their units. Especially buyers of blk A or B, if you return it, the subsequent buyer pays higher 50k. Anyway its buyers own choice and make it wisely
Who already get the Bank Loan?
Some of the Bank just provide 85% only …
Finally 1 get the 90%…
it is true about Asia Green’s plan. Anyways, it is up to the buyers to decide.
yup I spoke to some property agents, they also confirm that Asia Green bought the piece of land in front of block C, D and E. bye bye sea view for us. I think I will let go and wait.
I able to google where the source from. Approval date is 4 June.
Status Permohonan : L – LULUS
Agensi : Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang – P.Pinang
Kategori Projek : A – Projek Biasa
Jenis Pemajuan : B – Pembangunan Bercampur
No. Fail Rujukan Permohonan : MPPP/OSC/PM(1849)/12(LB)
Tajuk Permohonan : Permohonan Kebenaran Merancang Bagi Cadangan Untuk Mendirikan Skim Pembangunan Bercampur Yang Terdiri Daripada: Fasa 1a 1 Blok 22 Tingkat Bangunan Dengan 1 Tingkat Sub-Baemen Tempat Letak Kenderaan Yang Terdiri Daripada 3 Tingkat Podium Mengandungi Tempat Letak Kenderaan Dan Kemudahan Masyarakat Dengan: 1) Menara A & B 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (433 Unit) 2) Menara C – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (247 Unit) 3) Menara D & E – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (433 Unit) 4) Menara F – 1 Blok 19 Tingkat Kondominium (247 Unit) Fasa 1b – 1 Blok 22 Tingkat Bangunan Dengan 1 Tingkat Sub-Baemen Tempat Letak Kenderaan Yang Terdiri Daripada 4 Tingkat Podium Mengandungi 38 Unit Kedai, Ruang Komersil Dan Tempat Letak Kenderaan Dengan: 1) Menara A & B 1 Blok 18 Tingkat Komersil Suite (412 Unit) 2) Menara C & D – 1 Blok 18 Tingkat Komersil Suite (412 Unit) Di Atas Parcel A, Bayan Mutiara, Persiaran Bayan Indah, Mk. 13, D.T.L., Pulau Pinang
Untuk Tetuan (Pemohon) : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Jenis Permohonan : A13 – Kebenaran Merancang (KM)
Tarikh Terima Permohonan : 27-Sep-2012
which bank provide the 90%?
anyone taking maybank???
i like the semi flexi but still similar to flexi concept for maybank… no need to inform when top up or withdraw under semi plan, but need to see any others is having any comment on this?
I thought from day 1 when purchase phase 1A, already know seaview will be block by future development?
whether future 4 block is build by Ivory/Djaya or some other developer, it will block anyway…
if really want 100% seaview, then shuold not consider phase 1A at initial stage.
unless, the offer same price level with phase 1A (with other condition also remain same) then only buyers will consider to drop and change..
It was drawn in the site plan & master plan since beginning.
Do you miss it?
OCBC offer 90% loan…
All Buyers,
I thought through about this AG’s condos. Base on its location, a seaview is definite. But I am pretty sure it is not 100% unblock as we do not know what will be the future plan on the reclaimed land ahead.
In addition, do you guys agree with the selling psf as claimed for AG?
For TBR its already somewhat above RM650psf without seaview.
When BLK E launch, we will know that it is definitely more expensive then first launch pricing+50K. Factor in the increase of average RM50K, PSF goes up to RM50psf.
So I am guessing BLK E launch starts from RM700psf onwards.
That said, RM750psf for seaview is possible for AG? Maybe, for the biggest, lowest, west sun, pool view or no view units. For seaview, i think one need to pay additional RM200psf extra from TBR.
Maybak offers 90% of original price, locking 3yrs.
1st yr BLR-2.5%
2nd,3rd yr BLR-2.45%
thereafter BLR-2.4%
Are you taking the same offer? I am still considering.
OCBC also offer 90% with -2.4%, semi flexi.
Surprisingly PBB offers me 85% only with BLR-2.3%. Reason give is my unit has 5% rebate.
Buyers, the loan amount approved for 90% of original price or after rebate?
The land bought by AG is closer to the sea.Usually in Penang island the closer a property is to the sea, the higher the value. I just dont think AG will launch at the same price level..
If really true that it is launch at the same price, AG is nasty(to buy the land from ivory and then compete with Ivory in close proximity) and Ivory must be desperate(to sell the land in the first place)
To be clearer, assume selling price is 700,000. After 3% discount, it’s 679,000. So the loan @ 90% based on 679,000. The 5% rebate, buyer will use that to offset the 10% dpymt to 5% only (This is for BLK A and B)
For C and D, initial selling condition, before price hike 50K, has no discount, so the 90% loan based on 700,000.
I booked the unit from Block D during lauching period, only 5% rebate from 10% downpayment.
May be PBB thought my unit has 3% discount like current promotion after price hike.
I just have very basic chat with maybank and ocbc staff 1 month ago, so basically just asking whether the income is able to get that loan. so they not yet give me the package yet.
i try to call different officer (same bank), some can talk very well and some is very blur, one even ask me where is penang world city.. if any one have good recommendation of the banker, welcome post up his contact method.
but most of them told me no need to look at the first 3 year interest how to count, coz if dibs, we can really save from there.
but got 1 maybank officer say there is possibility can fight for -2.45 for subsequent year subject to bank approval. -2.5 also possible if buy the mrta…
hmmm… but i dun think i like to buy mrta.. may be buy seperate insurance for protection is better..
No, banks like PBB will assume buyers to pay solid 10% dpymnt. That is why with 5% rebate, loan approval only up to 85% margin.
Personally I do not like the idea of having to MRTA which will be park into the loan. I mean, the interest is like 4.2% for that MRTA to be serviced across the loan tenure. Better to just pay it off one lum sump.
yes, the banker told me that we need to pay the interest for MRTA portion during the contruction period as developer only bear for it.
I am willing to wait. I heard that AG’s sea view 700 square feet unit is going for RM560K. So i think worth waiting. Just me.
sure or not?
TBR 615sqft already 510~570k -> 830~ 920/sqft.
I will wait and see.
I still remember with RM500K you can buy a 1450sft condo in a good location.
Now you get only 615sft. Very sad.
You can buy a 1450sft condo with 500k now?
In good location? Where?
May be you are still dream in 5~10 years back.
Take The Loft as a quick reference for a total unblock view where smallest units selling at RM1.5Mil onwards (Above RM1100psf)
If it is so true that 700sqft AG units selling at RM560K (RM800psf) with sea view (Assuming low floor), all these units will be snap up so fast by insiders, VIPs, relatives, and other early birds.
I must say that 700sqft is probably a 2BR units. For 3BR units, maybe we are talking about 900sqft size onwards. I am guessing there will be lots of this kind of units based on the density over the plot of area size for 22 storey high tower.
For sure, any sea view units selling less then RM1mil will be very much popular (be it small like 455sqft or big!).
An interesting question to everyone, @ RM560K to RM600K would you go for
a) 700sqft seaview @ PWC low to midfloor or
b) 1300 sqft urban view @ mid to high floor @ Relau
i just remember they told me the difference between maybank loan and other bank loan..
if late payment, maybank will gv more opportunity ..
some bank once you did it at the first time.. the -2.4 will become positive interest.. i am quite worry on this.. sometimes.. is really once in a blue moon we forget to transfer or for whatever reason late 1 week.. the become positive interest will be very horrible nightmare.
how about ocbc? if late payment for 1 week, what is the impact? will the interest rate adjusted?
An interesting question to everyone, @ RM560K to RM600K would you go for
a) 700sqft seaview @ PWC low to midfloor or
b) 1300 sqft urban view @ mid to high floor @ Relau
I will still choose option a (even now i have bought block D with no seaview.. i still prefer it then relau area.. i really like QB area..and the general concept n picture on what future plan is. (along the jelutong highway)
May be we can also change the question become with a general budget of 650k, would you go for
a) 650 sqft seaview @ PWC, 2, room lower floor (below 5th floor), commercial title with seaview (assume the new title is commercial title)
b) 872 sf non seaview PWC, 3 room, high floor, residential title.
What I know for OCBC is that there will be late pymt charges and of course accrued interest to be paid for the late installement. Never heard of -2.4 becomes positive. So maybank give more opportunity but what happens after opportunity finished? -2.4 becomes positive?
For singles or young couple, option a is definitely better..but of course, it has to be on the fifth floor.
Just nice for a good view!
For singles or young couple, option a is definitely better..but of course, it has to be on the fifth floor. Just nice for a good view!
Why 5th floor can give good view?
Is it including the car park floor?
Did you read that SPA does not mention car park? Does anybody know why?
Given such budget as such requirement where 5th floor is the max, so I have to comfort myself with such thoughts. Its just a generic questions
You have the SPA already? Previously someone said car park belongs to DIjaya and not the owner of TBR Units. Maybe you can enlighten us instead.
Given such budget as such requirement where 5th floor is the max, so I have to comfort myself with such thoughts. Anyway, Its just a generic questions.
You have the SPA already? Previously someone said car park belongs to DIjaya and not the owner of TBR Units. Maybe you can enlighten us instead.
Talked to SA at sale offices just now.
Recently ivory enforced buyers to use Chow Tat Seng for bank loan agreement since last month.
Anyone know about this?
Need to confirm witn main office.
Me too…. Since I Oso lost TBR early bird when ab to buy found up price up d n later heard AG coming I Oso rather wait AG seaview. I register d waiting them to preview lo
Like u:)
It seems carpark is not in ownership of buyers, only allocated for buyer usage. It is worded in deed of mutual convenent doc. Weird
The reason why Ivory is not allocating your car parks for you is because they can use it as a bargaining chip.
For example, Island Resort owners was supposed to be compensated for late delivery but instead ivory told them if they agreed to settle the late delivery without any compensations they would get to choose their car parks.
Now you see….
Let’s check again during signing final S&P.
Thank you
Didn’t know such thing could be true. But I think this car park thingy is really weird. It’s like you can use the lot, but you don’t own it. Then if the owner (I assume dijaya) feels like tear down the car park area and turn it into a mini basement fun fair then there goes our parking lot.
By the way,I did asked about purchasing additional car park lots. The sales guy told me that additional lot will only be available for purchased upon O.C for TBR. I think by that time it will cost at least 30K. Sigh!! Still worth it?
They would prefer Chow Tat Seng and Low because that is Ivory’s boss brother in law’s firm.
i heard some others told me their banker told them the late payment will become +x.xx%
just that not too sure after how many count of latepayment will activate this formula. So, how many count is one of the detail we use to select loan, may be when i meet up the banker again, i will confirm this again.
sometimes not all the loan officer telling the whole story…
Makes me to think twice about my purchases. Hold this hold that, really never encountered a developer like that before. Car park also not our own but house price is us to pay. Cheap meh? Loan agreement also must use cts, r they paying? If more nonesense like this, we should complain to hba.
if for own stay n big family staying those only hve 1 car park.. no matter how also need to have at least 2 ler…
if like couple with 1 kids still can tahan 1 car if they work nearby
your complaint is not valid, as the developer is not pointing the gun at you to sign the agreement.
Just a sharing, I will be using OCBC for my loan. So, I was asked which lawyer to use for the legal portion and I was told that either CTS or panel lawyer from OCBC is allowed.
What I did was a simple question posed to these lawyers (CTS and a couple other panel lawyer from OCBC) to basically quote me the legal fee and misc charges.
Then of course, the cheapest quotes wins my decision, since I am paying for it.
CTS was not the cheapest.
since Tropicana Ivory is not absorbing the legal fees on the loan portion, owner should has own right to choose their legal representative. There is an advantage to engage CTS though as they are familiar with the project, less chance getting stuck due to procedure or documentation issue.
every unit also have free own 1 or 2 carpark ,why u said Car park also not our own but house price is us to pay??? can u explain..
I got to read what is inside in Deed of Mutual Covenant. As long as it is not mentioned in SPA, it is not deemed to be sold to us. As I understand. I got a feeling that it is ‘leased’ to us.
I would think twice before buying this.
I heard that Ivory and Dijaya are not in good terms and Ivory is looking at selling its share through JV with other developers.
So far Asia Green bought it up and other developers might buy up Ivory’s portion through a JV.
Any suggestions what we should do next regarding the car park issues? I’m going to call Ivory tomorrow to check the status.
@Gerald Woo
In any case, Dijaya is still developing PWC even if Ivory is out of the picture, ain’t that a good news since many people dislike Ivory due to its reputation?
Appreciate it if anyone could confirm on the car park issue. So worst that could happen is you don’t get to own a car park but I believe every unit will be designated a car park for the owners usage be it through a leasing agreement or etc..which is still ok. The terms of this lease must be read and understood carefully. Maybe they have ridiculous conditions like car park usage valid for 1st owner only. I’m just afraid things like once unit is sold in sub sale car park no longer available to the next owner and etc… Anyway this car park thingy is such a turn down. Cause I thought I’m paying for the car park too in the purchase price.
penang lang taken for a good ride by unprincipled n unscrupulous greedy developers …. how many taken to court .. jailed or fined ???
Is the land for PWC development owned by Ivory or Dijaya or both?
If it is fully owned by Ivory, there is many unexpected or unknown issue will pop-up sooner or later.
Firstly, we have heard that AG has bought the land from Ivory.
What’s next?
Dijaya has the capability to develop the project on its own at KL area and Southern – Danga bay, Johor.
One thing I am sure is they are willing to put more resource / priority on their own projects rather than JV project.
Don’t you think so?
Read this week The Edge…a big article on Tropicana Corp/dijaya and PWC is definitely important for them..btw Tropicana branded development is usually at premium price in KL, and Tropicana better hope Ivory do not screw up their reputation
can you share the link?
Put it this way:
Ivory owns the land (means can sell and develop residential)
JV with Dijaya/tropicana for ideas/resources (for commercial portion on future reclaim area?)
But details of their involvement is not transparent to us.
then again, I just do not understand why the car park claimed belong to Dijaya, where is the logic in this segregation of ownership? (if this statement is true).
I agree Dijaya/Tropicana capability to develop PWC can be trusted due to their reputation and past records. That makes PWC very attractive + the location, it is THE place to stay/invest!
how much is for type A, B & C?
Which lawyer firm you selected?
Just spoken to lawyer. The car park does not belong to purchaser. If there is any doubt, you need to speak to a lawyer not admin staff, then you get better picture.
I chose OCBC panel lawyer (San & Associates). Which bank do you engage?
They might have different panel lawyers of their own.
Mind telling us more details on the car park arrangement?
what??!!! during purchase time, we was told we will have 1 car park, not said no?? !!!
I dont believe this, such a big company should not simply promise this, dont think we have no carpark.
Ivory sales staff lying to the buyers. What else is Ivory not telling the truth.
Ivory is so infamous as a property developer. Do not fall for their tricks.
Come on … I called the office for clarification.
He said IF the car park is not stated in SnP, then it will be written in a supplementary legal document. Mainly because the car park is alloted until OC obtained.
Later stage when the strata title comes out, the car park will be designated to the unit that we buy.
You are allowed to park at designated car park but it is NOT yours. You don’t own it.
This is the 1st time I encountered this. If the post by other forumer said earlier is true, the develper may use this as bargaining chip.
Has anybody faced this situation before? What eventually happens? Buyer take it as it is and use the designated car park without any further issue from developer?
By the way, I spoke to a KL lawyer. Feel free to ask further as I am just as concern as you.
This developer is probably playing along the loop holes between the law, like what Penas/Goh Choon Lye is good at.
The SPA may indicate the “right to use” the car park lot allocated, instead of own the car park lot allocated!
It’s like a Company Car is allocated for the GM, but that doesn’t mean that the GM can take the car away when he resigned.
I agree that the case for the car park is unethical, but if this is how it is worded in the SPA, and we sign on the dotted line, then it will be too late.
I think you guys over worry too much. Car park given then it is given, no such thing as under Ivory and giving by loan basis. This is not a commercial title and ivory is a public listed company, this is not comething they can easily fool around especially there are so many buyers involved.
So, i don’t worry about this car park topic. Worry about something else, e.g. whether they will cancel this project and replace with something else.
Concern is good but don’t overhype the concern and bring a big issue out of it.
Even if the SnP writes down the car park, does it mean the car park belongs to you if the strata title does not have?
Like my previous case of buying a subsale, the original SnP from the seller does not have the car park stated. Nevertheless, my lawyer put in a clause in my new SnP with a written car park lot.
So what value does it bring by writing the car park lot in the SnP? Are you going to sue the seller or the developer if the car park is suddenly “taken away” (as argued by people here)?
I have checked with MBB, OCBC, PBB.
PBB – Bad offer. 85% loan, BLR-2.3%.
MBB, OCBC – 90%, BLR-2.4%
OCBC told me CTS quote 6k~7k; another lawyer ~5.9k.
San & Associates offers the lowest charge?
Yes, San and Associates quoted me cheaper then CTS.
Which lawyer quoted 5.9K to you?
Since we are paying, might as well get the cheapest…
No different to us..Its all paper work..
haven’t check with OCBC yet? They are checking for quotation from other layers..
Based on my loan amount, legal fee (0.5%) is around 2,500.
So lawyer charges: CTS~4,000, other lawyer (OCBC)~3,400.
How about your lawyer charges from San & Assoc.?
I didn’t go to that detail. I only get the overall quote which includes everything that they need to do, charges, lawyer fees and etc. San & associates is still cheaper by a couple hundred bucks compare to CTS and other panel lawyer.
Anyway, I deal with San n associates before. So I think they are ok based on previous transaction.
All buyers, anyone have latest news for signing final S&P since this project has been approved by MPPP?
I still think it will be year end story, as other Ivory project is delaying. The construction period will be count once snp is signed, so i guess it will be year end story as they might not have enough resources to start so much project on the same time.
The project city residense opposite island plaza heard last time told them sign snp early of this year, but until now, they only ask buyer to apply loan and probably sign snp on upcoming months.
I saw the progress of The WAVE already start.. when is PWC turn? hehe
For Ivory, it took up to 18 months to stamp the snp. You may want to check the T&C when asked to sign.
San & Assoc quotes ~5,900 via OCBC.
Just get call from MBB that there is lower cost from another lawyer, Clement, Dawn & Associates. ~5,300.
Do you heard about this firm?
I have a friend , he told me his mother bought 1 unit at PWC , about RM550 persq feet only.
Is it possible ? Or bluffing?
That guy is rich guy and his family bought many properties.
Mind you, his mother did not even q up during the special preview before CNY.
RM550 per sq feet only !! People paid what, RM750 to RM1000 per sq feet
@ Ron,
Possible mar! Internal connection!
I don’t know that firm.. You get to save 600, so why not? But make sure everything is included in the charges. Don’t want later they say still need to pay this and that.. Then end up paying more then other firm. MBB loan got lock in? What about OCBC?
ya.. will call to confirm again…
Both MBB and OCBC need loked in for 3 years.
Have you check with your friend on what size unit he bought?
Actually according to Ivory annouce in media in earlier stage , the price psf is from 550 onwards. We can see the psf price is getting higher for smaller unit and later phase. If buy phase 1(Block A, B), internal purchase or purchase at first day, get the largest unit, i think still possible.
Not all people need to queue, on the first day it launch, i am there n a lot people getting number. But i heard outside people is calling inside people choosing unit. Haha.. need to imagine a bit as no floor plan etc. only ask budget and want or dun want.
Thanks Tan. This is my first time purchase of property, and the location is exact my dream location. Do you mind to share any special tnc that we should “special” aware at? No experience on this, sometimes hard to detect the “unfair” clause.
Btw, if we not agree the tnc, do we have the right to ask them for ammenment or we only choose continue buy or not buy? as i guess the snp is all same version for all buyers right?
I do not know if your first time in purchasing a property with such condition is a advantage or disadvantage. Because normally buyers will get an option to purchase when pay booking fee. Now we are giving developer an offer to purchase even before everything is approved. “Terbalik”. But this method has been practiced in KL alot since few years back.
So Penang is practising this trend now.
I believe the S&P is pretty straightforward or “standard” in its own template for under construction property. What I normally see is the attachment for the unit layout,type,size, compensation clause in the event of late delivery, CAR PARK (which we are aware now of the possible “fraud/cheating”) and of course remaining documents – PA,DOA,DMC and FA.
Some developer/lawyer stamp the S&P and DMC. Later on they stamp the PA,DOA and FA right before the first progressive payment is needed. I strongly believe this is done in the interest of the developer (but I do not know what). Maybe I am wrong. Personally if I signed everything the same times, I prefer all documents are stamped and a copy is given to me the same time as well later on.
Thanks for your sharing.
Did anyone receive call from Tropicana Ivory asking about the loan application?
No for me. I not even really apply the loan yet.
Today saw this. If DIBS scheme need to be cancel, it will be quite big impact.
**Not sure this website can display chinese character or not.
Interesting to see what tropicana ivory will do if DIBS is not allowed…they give further 3-5% rebate or proceed with same price without dibs?
Great news folks !!!
Bank Negara said mulling curbs on DIBS
….. possibility of a further upward revision in real properties gains tax (RPGT) to dampen speculation
the Singapore government banned DIBS in 2009
seem like this BMN just woke up …. ( 4 years after our neighbour already ban this speculation-fuelling monster … ! )
anyway better late than never … good news
But seems like singapore housing price is still shoot up like rocket, and many of my friends there still complaining hard to entry the field as very small unit there (about 700sf) also near to 450k sin dollar. (normal location)
I wish all the rules etc only apply to 3rd home buyer onwards.. else will be hard for first time buyer.. may be RPGT is not so big impact for real buyer. But i guess with current price level, wont be too much people buy for flipping price, as even with current price, already very hard to get loan approval.
There is many project outthere is providing DIBS… Hm… for those normal worker.. dunno how to survive.. unless developer wanna provide better solution.
Not true, current price already stagnant. What ur friends want is “reduce/cheaper/discount”. Expected flat price downward start from 3Q 2013 after the 1st phase BTO completed phase by phase.
Lots of Singaporean selling thier “old” design of 90s flat to convert. Even some of my friends selling off thier flat early this year while waiting for the new flat key (for those rental < installment). But most of them will sell off in 6 months after move in to thier unit.
Selling off on the Peak.
@cm Hi, which bank u get for 90% loan ?
@cm Hi, which bank u get for 90% loan ?
@islander_ori ocbc maybe get more than
90%, have u check with ocbc bank ?
If DIBS is removed, 90% loan at RM500K would correspond to approximately RM25K of interest during the contruction period. I am not sure if this estimation is correct as I am using a site on the net to do this estimation @ 4.1% interest.
If above is true, basically a rough estimation is 5% of the loan amount over the construction period to be serviced. Cialat…more money to be spent.
Yes price in Singapore already dropping slightly. For high end since last year already decline in volume and price. For mass market ie HDB their cash on valuation has drop this year. So with more units available from 3Q this year, expect more decline. Even commercial is seeing a drop in demand as people are wary of the high price (and less hot money). My best friend who is a Singapore property agent tells me so.
Without dibs, this mainly affect flippers. But if interest rate goes up, then many will get affected. Currently rental play isn’t as good as last time because prices are high driving rental yield down. So those who use rental to cover instalment can’t do so unless they top up.
Oh well. Whatever it is, buy within ones means. Don’t overstretch less you get caught with your pants down when the tide is out.
90% and another 10% for rennovation after project completion.
Have you check?
What do you mean another 10% for reno? OCBC will increase the loan by additional 10% in order to give you the amount for renovation?
@Bryant Based by my information, there is not only 10%, ocbc rise the loan by additional 30% for the renovation expenses. There are other features too.
OCBC offer 85%
PBB offer 85%
AM Bank offer 90%
RHB offer 90% + 5% (for lawyer fee)
ocbc does not offer that low, it offer higher.:) anything that u want to knows in detail or how to the process work u can hit me with an email to my email address.
I got 90% for ocbc..
Pertaining to the Reno loan, it is treated separately and the interest rates basically follow BLR+0%, so it’s 6.6%.. I thought it is tied to the home loan interest which caught my attention initially..
u already get the loan ?