Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Bay Residences, the phase 1A of Penang WorldCity development by Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. Strategically located within Bayan Mutiara, a new development hub located in the eastern part of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway and in the vicinity of Sungai Nibong. Comprises four 22-storey residential tower, with condominium unit size ranging from 455 sq.ft onwards.
Property Project : Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Location : Bayan Mutiara, Penang
Property Type : Residential
Land Tenure : Freehold
No. of Blocks : 4 blocks of condominium
No. of Storey : 22
Built-up Area : 455 sq.ft. – 1,945 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM359,900 onwards
Developer : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Register your interest here
Contributed by reader (Update – 02 Oct 2013)
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Thank you very much, Picnic.
Current progress posted on 02-Aug.
Nice sharing. Is the photo taken by you? it looks so special and I have the thought whether this is real or is those mini model in those property fair.
Can i know how is the prices now? how much per sqft ?
I think better get latest info from sales gallery as their packages change from time to time.
sometimes is unfair to just ask price per sf as “packages” different already
any update/picture on the construction or sea reclamation?
Kindly send me more info
Anyone who has the current progress update picture?
Appreciate if you could share!! Thank you.
Anyone is buying the garden unit?
you buying the garden unit? is the garden in your SPA as accessory parcel?
you buying garden unit? is the garden mentioned in the SPA as accessory parcel?
Residential or commercial title?
im buying garden unit too
Anybody can pls share a link of the recent site progress? Staying in KL, can’t go back and see regularly. Thx
You can refer to post 208#. Someone has post the recent progress picture.
I just booked an unit and realized that there is a Tenaga substation (PMU). Anyone can share your opinion on this? I’m thinking to cancel actually. Thanks.
I think this topic has been bring up many times since the project is launch and previously have people comment it is namely GIS. — seems is not something like PMU, but you can confirm with the sales gallery if you have concern.
If google GIS, this is also apply is many place and so far no harm. It is seal nicely and is to stability the power supply of the building.
You can perform your study from there.
My own feeling is , as long as my unit is not direct face to that building, I am ok.
Thanks. Do you know how many acres is the land for the TNB?
@tomyam…thanks for sharing the link for the site progress.
You are welcome
Block D construction stops after car park level while other blocks are progressing well.
Anyone know what is going on?
Does not matter. If they deliver late, they compensate. Simple as that.
Only worry for the finishing quality if rushing for completion.
Interested pls do not hesitate to contact Jane@016-4405426 or email to for more details .
Wonder anyone here agrees that for 550sf type where they put the compressor, should be made into a balcony better? Since it is big enough to make into balcony and just put the compressor at the side instead of let it use all the space there
I had recently bought 1 unit in block F only to realise it will be block by Quay West Tower A, anyone has any info about this?
Penang LRT construction work to commence in 2018. (Reported by The Edge Daily on 2/12/15)
TBR never promise have seaview
if you are interested kindly email me for more details and packages
LRT will not pass bayan indah or queensbay.
Interested pls do not hesitate to contact jane@016-4405426 or email to for more details
I don’t think so. If there is LRT, it will most probably cross The Light and Penang Worldcity area before it reaches Bayan Lepas Industrial Area and may be Airport.
Anyway, I read from newspaper, Ivory Chairman/CEO said LRT will come to Penang WorldCity.
But I don’t have high hope.
Looking at the proposed LRT route, it starts from Komtar, passing Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway, turns into Gelugor and continue along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah towards industrial area & airport.
Hi, Think to buy studio at block F 400 sqft for future investment. Anybody know about the rental range for this studio type at penang island currently? Worth to buy?
Not sure
I heard from the sales personnel that it would be 1.8k range. Best to confirm with them and search around asking agent.
400sft for rm1.8k ? obviously the agent is treating you like donkey.
even the 3-bedrooms condo in putra place & villa emas cannot command 1.8k today.
the 400sft in future? My best guess is it will not > 1k rental per month.
My friend who bought the 455sq ft at Block A is basically paying at least RM100K cheaper compared to the Block F studio selling price, Not to mention the studio at Block F is only 400sq ft. Smaller yet more expensive. I tell you. Penang Island is becoming more expensive each day
“At LEAST 100k cheaper” 455sqft blk a vs 400 sqft blk f, please lah…. this is a mislead msg to all the readers! tell us the true figure if you know exact don simply exaggerate fact. Don forget that 400 sqft comes with kitchen utilities equipped.
Misleading message?, bet for you to donate RM100K to Chinese school if I can show you the S&P? Many People including you do not even has a chance to see the 455sq ft studio during launching on the 1st day let alone knows the selling price……….all sold , please check the historical comments of this forum first how market-like it is during initial launching of Block A,B,C, D. LOL
List price might be close to 100k difference, but Tower F gives much higher discount and comes with built-in cabinet and appliances. Nett price almost the same.
Units at block F come with a fittings and reno package, therefore the price is higher.
Putra place’s rental is between RM1500 to RM1800 in average, depends on the condition. It may not necessary be exaggerated for a studio at PWC to be rented out at RM1800 upon completion, in view of the better facilities and interior.
Is it? I just called my friend, that silly lady laughed & encouraged you guys to buy Block F Studio so that she can easily sell off after OC with small profits. LOL
And, she also said there were discounts & rebates too at her time of buying, which means the price difference is actually even wider than I expected….hahaha LOL
You are comparing the discounted price of 455sqft with the original list price of 400sqt of course close or may be even more than Rm100k difference lah. Please compare apple to apple, discounted price to discounted price, and deduct the amount of built-in cabinet and kitchen appliances for 400sqft and see what’s the difference.
400sqft net price (with kitchen appliance…1 aircon…etc) below RM400k, if it is >Rm100k difference, then 455 sqft unit must be very much less than RM300k. I strongly doubt that, if yes, i congrat him/her. Let’s talk with right figure but not simply assume.
As long as your friend happy… no problem at all.. lol
455sf blk A during prelaunch net about 330k low floor. Insider maybe more rebate..and 400sf blk F prelaunch net about 390k low floor. The kitchen cabinet and some appliances maybe worth 10-15k. But remember now no more dibs..
What you bought is history. COngrats to those who bought earlier.
Please don’t fight at here …hi hi hi
On 2103 (April)
Blok A Level 17 (455ft2) – RM399,990
Discount – 3%+5%
=RM368,508 (About RM810/ft2)
Blok F (400ft2) – RM390K (Which floor don’t know)
Discount – (Don’t know the latest) long time didn’t go to the show room
Last time know is about 5%
= RM370,500 (About RM926/ft2) with kitchen appliance…1 air-con…etc
Take out RM15k – 20k for the F.OC item
About RM888/ft2
Different about 10%
This project already sold more than 2 year ….
The price different is sure …. more than 10% is normal…
why not you compare five year ago … that time more cheaper … RM350-RM500 / ft2 only
at the Bayan Lepas area …
why don’t buy at that time …
CAUSE the timing bye bye already …
So, for those who bought earlier also have their own RISK.
If now the price is go down ….
People will say they buy too early …STUPIC
Now the price is more higher that 2013 selling price..
People say again, don’t buy …Price will come down soon …
Buy now.. also STUPIC
So, WHEN you can buy ?
For me,
If you like the environment, the location and you are ready to Hold it more than 5 year / Stay in …. JUST buy it …
各花入各眼 ..
This just my 2 cent …
Block F , 17th floor, 400sq ft- listing price is more than RM500K.
No matter how many airconds, rebates, dryers, washing machines they give…. Janet’s friend unit
is cheaper at least RM100K !
CM, what you see/ buy is normal people’s price.
Staff/insiders who grab the limited 455sqft at much cheaper price
No need to argue. It is a fact. Block F buyer is paying RM100K more with 55sqft less compared to the block
A limited edition 455sq ft for similar level/floor. Actually, only selected few can buy these 455sq ft. Not fair to compare also. The 1st 20 person who lined up also saw these unit sold
Block C level 10, 605 sf selling how much? Anymore know can share here?
@Andy Do you know the estimate price / sf for BLK C during that time?
The question now is whether they can find subsale buyer who are willing to pay them 100k more.
Who is going to pay for a pigeon hole even for 350k at cost price ?
PGKIA the prices i don’t know , PGKIA u last time buy BLK C 615S.F HOW MUCH?
I am one of the buyer from Block D . recently I noticed there is one red bricks building coming up beside the blocks . Anyone know what is that building ?
Why buy a pigeon hole with 370k for 455sq.ft ?
600K after discounted price.. I suspect i kena tipu by developer.. :0(
Developer is making big money by selling >RM800/sqft at this area with such density. Might be the highest among all condos nearby……….
Prosper with tropicana. Refer a friend, buyer-get-buyer, 1.5% rewards.
Who’s keen, let me know.
London bridge is falling down..falling down….Ops, penang bridge is falling down, falling down
BLK C 615S.F 600K IS OK LAH,NOW BLK F 550S.F ALSO 600K++..
recently another ivory project near island plaza, they launch their studio unit,
490 sf > 700k
610sf >900k.
(about 10th floor)…
too geng… in this market situation.
With 600k+ better buy The Triuni Sanctuary, Batu Uban, from 689k, 2 car parks came with 1130sf surrounded by landed terrace and bungalows. Afterall TBR also no sea view, and the two projects about facing each other with high way in between.
DIBS also accounts very little lah. I don’t know what’s the fuss about DIBS all about. I used read it is about 5% of purchase price, but I received the actual bill for other project, it is so little. Forget about it lah.
This project is about its potential, if they execute it well, then return and liviability will be excellent. If not, we all drown together.
PgKia , if u buy for your own stay is ok ….
Hope we huat together lar!!!
if no choice, own stay lor.. what to do? Up to the lori liao…
HAHAHA , is up to pirate ship , if future per s.f up to RM1200 u fat lah……….
Ivory project near Island Plaza? Are you referring to City Residence? That’s a different story.
It is commercial title. The trick Ivory is playing with commercial titled projects is they mark up the price really high, and then give under table rebates to buyer, so that even with a 70% loan (maximum for commercial properties), a buyer can essentially get 100% loan, because after a hefty under table rebates from Ivory (can be up to 25-30%), the actual buying price is only 75-70% of the price indicated in S&P. And because of these tricks to boost sales, some ignorant buyers are actually buying overpriced properties in the market. That explains the strict loan approvals by banks nowadays.
pls provide email. I plan to buy property there
just get to know today the tbr start selling the extra car park?
Anyone try to purchase? Is it worth it?
just get to know today the tbr start selling the extra car park…
Anyone try to purchase? Is it worth it?
Just confirmed with the sales staff. TBR is excluded from the referral programme.
Just came back from Tropicana office. Long Q / many people to buy car parks.
Happy bought 1 , so will have 2 car parks now
Guys, trust me, if you spend some money on extra car park now, you will be happy for next few generations
Yes; bought an extra car park !!
How much is the extra car park?
If no money, bo pian. If got money, better buy extra car park. Or will regret later
Market value also increase. Some couple looking to buy condo, reject outright if only 1 car park. Long term
City Residence is under residential title.
The car park is expensive…
How much for extra car park?
Option 1: 1 Tandem + single car park = 55k
Option 2: 1 Single car park = 48k
Option 3: 1 Tandem = 28k
As today, some blocks car park has been sold out…need to act fast
The car park is expensive.RM48k for single car park.
City residence promo is the same as other ivory projects, I have asked during the roadshow. besides, it is residential title.
Left single car park only.
Anyone want to let go Tandem (front/back) slot?
I need one. Thanks.
Does the car park sellable or transferable after OC?
Additional carpark is a need nowadays but 48k for a carpark is fairly expensive… I can afford it. But I’m not sure if I’m willing to buy… Assuming rm200 a month rental a carpark which is consider crazy for PENANG condo . After renting 10years you only get 24k. So maybe if u include inflation maybe 10 years u can get back 48k? But it’s still not very likely. As current condo car park rental rate is around 70 to 150max. What do u guys think?
Trying to show a class above so need to buy extra car
park for 48k if not how to live in this environment of
pigeon hole of 455 sq. ft.
make good sense…
~50k Additional car park for own stay own need then the answer is YES. For investment? …er… hehehe, no matter how to calculate also feel hard to convince.
Interesting, interesting, a wise person who recognise an unpolished diamond (hard carbon) will keep it, an ignorant person will throw away the useless rock
My Kancil only worth 5K now.. Park my kancil at 50K car park.. make no sense lar…
Ya lo…really make no sense lar, please throw away your Kancil and upgrade your car !!!! 😀
I saw people write cek book to buy car park at sales gallery like buying vege
I mean those who bought big unit, >RM1 million, car park price is ok for them
I think for investment car park is worth it.
Reason–> Limited car park available. During subsell, i assume 60% are investor for Tbr.
Surely <10% of these investor have 2 carparks. Thus your unit will be much more attractive. Low is supply, high in demand during subsale.
As nowaday carparks is a must already…
If i rich enough.. Then i buy Condo at Gurney drive and stay there liao… make sense or not?
Hmmm, the question is : you invest additional RM50k for car park, let say after 5 years with the expectation of 100% ROI, meaning that by that time you need to sell your condo unit with additional RM100k higher as compared to the same unit with 1 car park, is buyer willing to pay this extra 100k for additional car park? Or they would rather choose other condo unit originally comes with 2 car parks? It is a perception thing.
If you are rich enough to get a unit to stay in Gurney drive luxuries condo, still make no sense for you to occupy your 5k Kancil in the respective car park, I would rather drive motorcycle and rent out the car park instead of parking Kancil, from investment point of view. Haha, we are out of topic lah, lets come back to TBR discussion, hope that author wont delete my post.
Okay friend.. We discuss this car matter offline..
That was why I said, why do you people
buying these pigeon holes just trying to
show you’re part of the community. If
you belong to a flat resident, don’t try to
camouflage your identity !!!!!!
haha.. well said as well.. but my personal opinion feel that those that bought the studio unit are mostly not for own stay.
Either to flip or put it on AirBnB, as for Block E&F is already partial furnish. You just need a bit top up to rent it out with a good price…
Better buy option 2 as tandem is troublesome . You have to move the car behind if the front car have to come out . and tandem is located at another side , not together with the single car park even if you buy option 1. By the way , anyone know how many extra car park is for sales ? most of the units will get to buy at least one of the extra car parks ? or only few percent got it ?
No matter option 1, 2 or 3, the additional single car park bought will not side by side…
I don’t understand those ppl buy such a small unit for wat.. I should call this project as Penang Pigeon City..
1 carpark only.. Ivory make us really worry. Trying to create profit only.. Even The Zen project also very bad.. Super high density…..
yea . but tandem is at another side . is not together with the single car park . what i mean is , if buy option 2 . won’t so troublesome la . at least who wants to come back or go out first also easier . guess they have not enough car park space to offer , thats why offering the tandem option. only 3 / 4 floors of car parks available for each tower
no need too big ma . studio units are more cozy and easier to renovate . for one person stay is fine la . i would prefer studio units too if i am staying on my own .
Studio unit only for short time only. When you have own family, you need to upgrade to bigger unit. By the time I afraid you might not able to afford it. Better buy bigger unit (at least 3 rooms) first before it’s beyond your reach.
Option 1 and option 2 only different rm 7k. (If can afford to fork out the rm7k, then can park another car behind…haha)
Option 2+3 = option 1; big different with rm21k….lol
Will you buy a
– 870sqft unit single carpark at RM800k, or
– 870sqft unit two carparks at RM850k?
Think about it….
I thought the standard 800sf above unit come with standard 2 car parks?
No, only unit with 1300sqft and above come with 2 car parks.
Mahsing recently sold carparks in ferringhi residence. 25k for one single cp and also 25k for tandem cp (ie 2cp front back) !
In my opinion 2nd car park is MUST, but the offer price is much higher than the sales rep told last time. Look at the layout with the main roads, you will find no space to park your car outside the apartment.
yea I know . 7k different for one more car park . but if buy option 1 , one car still need to park at the tandem . for me , we only have 2 cars . no point buying option 1 . we prefer both cars located at single car park area even though it might not be side by side . unless for investors la , if they want to sell , they will mention that they have 2 car parks no matter it is tandem or single . but nowadays buyers are really clever , some of them may know to check the car park first before they decide to buy the house . for example maritime car park also tandem . there is once we met someone who park behind us , and we can’t find the owner . ended up we waited for an hour before the owner show up and remove his car
This project will have Zero transaction in subsale for next 3year bcos over rated…
Ah Chan, now i understand why rich will become richer
Poor man like you will remain poor
You cannot afford and take an easy way of dooming the whole project
Trying to get rich by staying in this pigeon hole ? No way !!!!!!!!!!!
That’s why ivory happy to hav buyer like u nic (nake) to support their penang pigeon hole project.. Soon.. This will become penang worst city project..
Developer will develop a small pigeon hole to feed you. Developer will be richer &richer. And they build smaller& smaller & u happier happier.. Welcome to Penang Worst City.
Pg island in general, 1 family stay in 1k sqft unit nobody blame, Single person stays in pigeon hole, from the HeadCount vs space ratio calculation point of view, it is far justified in such strategic location, what’s wrong ler? Don’t be so sarcastic lah.
@nono If u already confirm u need 2 car parks for own use, and choose option 1 by just paying additional rm7k, total u have 3 car parks, where u can rent out 1 of them to earn back rm7k in a few years, of course need to sacrify to utilize tandem carpark for ur own use. I think not a big concern to park front n back for own use. In future, u r sellung ur unit with 3 car parks! Just my thought
You called that sarcastic ? Why not build 1k sq.ft built-up area ? The company is only interested in making more money by building these pigeon holes.
Prioritise high-density areas for LRT
The proposed Penang LRT should go through more high-density areas, said Real Estate & Housing Developers Association Malaysia (Rehda) Penang branch deputy chairman Datuk Toh Chin Leong.
He said this was to ensure that the mega project would not run at a loss.
“Priority should be given to areas like Bandar Baru Air Itam or Queens-bay,” he said at a question-and- answer session after a briefing on the RM27bil Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) for Rehda at Komtar on Friday.
Earlier, PTMP project delivery partner SRS Consortium delivered a presentation on the plan which included seven public transport lines.
They are Bayan Lepas LRT; Air Itam monorail; Tanjung Tokong monorail; a tramline in George Town; Georgetown (The Light)-Butterworth (Penang Sentral)-Sg Nyiur LRT; Raja Uda-Sg Nyiur-Bukit Mertajam-Permatang Tinggi monorail; and Permatang Tinggi-Batu Kawan bus rapid transit.
SRS director Szeto Wai Loong said the state government would choose the LRT operator in an open tender.
To a question from Penang Rehda chairman Jerry Chan about acquisitions of private property and cemeteries for the project, Szeto said a few farm houses would be affected in the area where the Bayan Lepas LRT would be built.
He also said SRS and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd were looking into the expansion of the Penang airport, with the matter currently in the early stages of discussion.
Chan had said priority must be given to the expansion of the airport to accommodate the growing number of passengers.
Szeto said the detailed environ- mental impact assessment studies for the Bayan Lepas LRT and south coast reclamation were ongoing.
He added that the studies were expected to be completed and submitted to the Department of Environment by the end of this June. – The Star
No lrt, no tram here but the Light got them all. The Light wins all liao. My investment is slowing leaking water.
The Light ? Come with TNB station !!!!!! Winner !!!!!!!
The light will better investment compared to PWC.. Light linear bought RM600k and now RM950k above.. PWC RM600k buy 870sqf..pigeon hole.. Ppl buy with 1470sqf with RM600k.. Good luck.. Penang worst city..Happy investment.
@ The Light
You have the selling price but not the buying price. Vertiq and Pearl Regency also sharing the same fate because of the TNB power station.
Oops.. I am talking about buying for own stay.. Asking price all condo same..they put higher.. Would you bought it with 900k for 1475sqf or 780k for 810sqf pigeon hole? One is with LRT another no LRT pass through.. PWC will be very high density.. Ivory maximize the profit..
For LRT project, the end in mind is passenger volume to minimize losses. Is nothing you can beat the flow to go through Airport, shopping mall (south bay and QBM) and last stop to Komtar. If you missed the mall, a good example is the LRT never plan through Mid Valley, and now realize the mistake. I would strongly believe the route will not miss out QBM, an important station to consider.
About pigeon hole or any name you called, 800sqft is not small, there are even smaller 500 sqft somewhere else.
Let’s accept the fact there are different market that not everyone will have big family or prefer to live in big house due to budget.
Which condo project in Penang is not high density? How many units in IJM The Light? E&O Tamarind? take a count pls. Even is high density, PWC is beside highway that convenient for both direction of traffic. But at IJM The Light, I need to make a big U-turn at Udini if I coming from bridge. How you called this convenient? Not to mention the rubbish dump site nearby The Light that always a health hazard when it start burning. Well, just this reason I do not want to consider The Light at time it launch, and good luck to those who bought.
Agree with you la ” Future” .. make good sense @Future
Come on la.. You are PWC sure got market but the market is very small.. 780k with size 810sqf.. This over rated.. And is only 1cpark.. Another car park where? 1475sqf potential to grow in subsale is high compared to size vs price.. 800k with 820sqf at subsale..even for E&O property also hard sell.. Some unit left 2yrs also can’t get buyer…. If u say 820sqf 800k at town area..i can’t say anything la
guys…anyone knows why the progress of Block E is very slow if compared to A,B,C and D?
“The Light” let play win win.. We hope The light and PWC market value goes up all the way.. Then we sama-same “Huat Tua Chai”
@The light
Hi, Anyone knows if the LRT is passing through PWC?
LRT not passing PWC or QB mall……obviously SRS-consortium choose SPICE arena instead of shopping mall….
PWC / QB mall bungkus….
Called PWC, they said the future Bayan Lepas Link will be a station at PWC…first link from Komtar to Airport apparently no.
Penang Worst City…hehe
Hey Bangla! You got invest or not? Can you recommend the best City to invest?@Bangla
House any time also can buy if you can afford to hold min 5 – 10 year above 。。
But, MUST with the RIGHT LOCATION …..
PWC is a WORST location ????
No need to compare la ….
Like Durian ….
Some people very like it. How ever RM10-RM30 / kg also no problem to eat ..
BUt, for the people don’t like it … you provide 红虾,猫山王 for FREE .. They also think that is SHIT only …
各花入各眼 ….
Second, LRT Station really is a MUST for PWC ??
1 question ..
If you really stay at PWC future …. are you take LRT ??
How many of the PWC resident will take LRT ??
For own stay, I think MOST of them will have their own car ….
Think +, if you want to RENT out your house …
Who is your tenant target?
I not think so the people Rent the house with RM2k+ will take LRT to work ….
(Within this 10-20 year. Don’t compare with Singapore)
Just my 2 cent ..
I support you CM! @cm
Is that anything wrong comparing to Singapore ? Ownself decide rental at 2k+ for this pigeon hole ?
@AP Aiyoh! Read properly la.. Don’t compare now.. You can compare Penang VS Singapore 20 years later.. Now Exchange rate 1:2.9 how to compare??? Compare Apple to Apple .. Dun’t compare Apple to Durian…… Hope Make sense @AP
Ok, You admitted Penang is very much way behind Singapore. Already behind 20 years + 20 years later = 40 years.
@AP Ya. That why we need to work hard and work together for our lovely country so Penang can have same level and overtake Singapore asap.. Agree or not? @AP
Stop dreaming Malaysia will never catch up with Singapore.
Actually Malaysia also is a good place to stay and live …
If always need to compare to another Place …
Why not think above move to there …
We like here cause this is our own country …
Our family all born at here.. Live at here …
Why not think more + ….
Are you have your own family …?
Are your family will be stay at here …?
You can choise just leave this Malaysia if you think
Malaysia is hopeless …
Lol Singapore cant catch up penang lah, u can own few luxury condo in PG, if u move to Singapore only can stay in flat, u want that life? In PG 1 mil can buy 2 or 3 condo, In Singapore 1 mil only can buy a flat with ceiling height only 8ft, pity those stay in Singapore
From the master plan seems like there are two buildings infront of tower E & F!
Penang Worst City.. This won’t change.. Pigeon hole.. If rent then i will rent putra place.. Bigger space..cheaper rent.
Why it can be worst city? What’s wrong with it?
I requested for LRT stop at PWC because it offers convenience to dwellers nearby. Having said that I believe the design of the track and location of the station is very important. I won’t want it pass by near my condo. Ultimately, LRT must be preferably located somewhere commercial and minimise creating noise to the dwellers nearby. Take KL for example. MRT passed by high class area like Damansara Heights but not near (many) majority of residential area. Bangsar and Mont KIara can be said to be spare from anything.
I am not the developer but I hope with the number of brains they have must have thought sometthing better than what we suggested here. Are they going to create a Bangsar or Mont Kiara here in PWC? If yes, how come I read there will be public swmimming pool cum stadium?? If they are crreating something mass market, then I would want something like LRT. Judging from what I read, the plan may have changed and no longer vision of HONG KONG they were promoting.
If i’m to stay there i will not hope LRT station near that area. I don’t want outsiders simply take a train and jump right in my staying area!
When you have LRT nearby, it simply also means the area is lack of privacy. LRT not only convenient to you (maybe you won’t need it as well if you have transport) but it also convenient ‘others’ to come close by.
Just my opinion mainly bcos i will not use it, not seeing how the LRT station benefits my stay in PWC. You know, you’ll not want too many of those ‘people’ wondering around just because there is a station there. Just feels not secure.
Give reason lah if you saying that.. Don’t talk nonsense here.. @Yo
Obviously he is not buying any unit in tbr lol. Now ppl start to dislike when lrt station going to build near our famous chinese primary school in sg nibong. Can say that the very reason to it can apply on our own staying area.
I support your comment la.. make more sense @omg
@I Love Penang
No need give la.. Everyone know is penang worst city.. Name tell everythings.. Pigeon hole..
@Yo…Nobody knows the future….will see…watch out your words to give yourself a way to step down!
It may be Penang WOW City!!!
“Wau” go fly kite village.
Seems like these ppl doesn’t like studio house at all!
Whether you like it or not, PWC strategied location being accessable to ALL main road/highway/bridge and with the vast land bank (include the reclamation land), the future development in PWC must be great potential & the price is not going to be cheap.
Ar bang ar bang… jiagan gadoh.. karlao tak mao beli.. sehwa la maciam kita buat.. tak mao gadoh ma. Karlao ada lrt kereta api ada jialan sini.. hapi lah pi super gama super sernang..
For the people who don’t like this project,
Why always talk like a children …
Because you don’t like it …
Just ignore the area also is a good location for stay …
a strategic area for future development …
For the people who buy the Condo,
already know it cannot compare with the land housing …
For the people who buy the small size condo,
already know it cannot compare with the bigger size condo …
why you always want to compare this … compare that …
Just make it clear, if you like stay at this area … Just Buy it ..
Just you think this area worst to buy it … Just go away …
Still got another place you will feel GOOD …
Meet your conditions and expectations …
& you afford to buy it …..
When you ready to HOLD it … BUY …
If you don’t like “DURIAN” … Don’t eat it or direct go away ..
Let the people who like “DURIAN” eat it & taste it ….
各取所需 。。。
Just potong stim when knowing there will be another condo or watsoever building that might completely block the sea view. It didn’t appeared in the plan when tnr release.
Have you finished with your writing and chanting for the worst ?
No need to watch out. Cheap or expensive not us to decided. Its market tell everything.. If really good then sure appreciated.. If bad sure this will sink..&all unit rent soon depreciated & bcum penang worst city.. Bcos ivory start to sell the land piece by piece due to lack of cash flow.. No proper manage& they looking for max profit only.. The location &land really fantastic but with worst project in worst city.. If other developer take over this project then sure is Penang Wonderful city.. But as for now..too bad.. Let’s watch out on this.
email me more details at
No big deal here, how worst it is become still tbr standing in pg island, one of the strategic location. Worst to the very bottom tbr will be surround by condos. Is that worst? That’s the island future.
Unless u r saying Penang worst city bcos the building will collapse, sea will flood the area, the whole reclaim land will sink to the bottom.
Oops. Sorry. I respect u but don’t emotion. What you say correct. We just want to mention on The name given was not tally to this project.. World class to become worst class incondo level. This is typically developer max profit& no proper manage.. Squeeze in pigeon hole with pigeon hole carpark. Putting a worst project develop in a golden land..
Oops. Sorry. I respect u but don’t emotion. What you say correct. We just want to mention on The name given was not tally to this project.. World class to become worst class incondo level. This is typically developer max profit& no proper manage.. Squeeze in pigeon hole with pigeon hole carpark. Putting a worst project develop in a golden land.. Illegal parking.. Homestay.. Parking no place..round& round.. Pay saman.. Be prepared.. Very common for this project with system applied in TBR..
I hope you are not working in Ivory…sounds like you know more than the Ivory’s directors…haha..luckily the Tropicana also plays a part:) Thanks for your concern to all the TBR owners though…
Actually tbr is not really 100% pigeon hole, it still have 1300+ sf, with gardens, range from 455sf to 1000sf as well. I don’t think unit with 2 bedrooms and above consider pigeon hole.
I can’t give comment here on car park. Should be standard size I assume.
Well if u say 450sf is a pigeon hole still…maybe for Penang Lang that’s the size of a pigeon hole hahaha..i’m aware there r alot projects in Penang that comes with 1300sf at least, cost around 650-800k. But what it really offer still I see not able to compare with tbr atm…
personally I prefer stay somewhere around Bayan mutiara. The light no doubt is good especially u can own the light collection but it just way too expansive to me when look at its maintenance fees..the light linear well, I can only say have to buy higher level or else I’ll prefer tbr atm but its maintenance not cheap too. Personal preference.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Complete retard!
Oh!! So sorry about the light comment, mean no offend, just my personal opinion.
If the same concept of condo like The light linear build at TBR residence..locstion.. The condo sure well appreciated..& above RM1m &more.. But TBR not that class¬ worth with price by developer..
Whether the area “class” or not, that’s determined by the people staying there. This TBR area is not an area where you have the highest density of “Datuks” and rich foreigners in Penang. So no matter what you build, it is still just a middle class area.
Wow..pigeon hole datuk & more than 1 person stay then need squeeze in? Or car need park outside &waiting saman? High dense really chap.. Even putra marine resort is better..
Datuks normally stay in big pigeon holes, and the anak & cucu will stay in normal pigeon holes. Of course, datuks have their mountain caves too, but as the nest is getting empty, datuks also start to appreciate pigeon holes with good views, as well as good neighbours.
Hehe.. Enjoy your pigeon hole then..
anyone bought block F studio 400sf ? Selling price 400k+ now. Just went to see the show room.
@LL har…rm1000sf now?? U book it? Tower f still should have many units available.
Btw, curious to ask, anyone here buying studio units for own staying?
Not yet buy lar. Furnished unit loh. But only one room. Basically you open door and see bed on your left kitchen at your right. That’s it. Wonder how to sell in future. But looks nice too lah. Location location location. If you, you buy this or Tri Pinnacle or I santorini? Similar price.
I prefer stay Bayan lepas area so I still prefer tbr lo…but honestly, If for own stay and wanna stay for long long time, buy more bedrooms one lo.
I like tbr also bcos of the overall layout, not just only its unit layout.
block f got discount?
After discount still 430k like that. For 400sf. Omg. How to buy. Buy an ambition or dream
Wtf after discount still rm1000+ psf?? This is sick how come suddenly bomb up. It suppose to be 850psf couple months ago! Well with price like this, unless buy for own stay. I hiong hiong ki buy for my future! But of course not with that price XD
With that price is fully furnish?
Only kitchen cabinet, washing and drying machines, nothing else. But so called move in condition, you still have to buy your bed and tv and console etc la.
Oh ya about drying machine, there is no yard for this unit? All the wash clothes have to go through dryer? I notice the yard for other layout is small. Perhaps too small (20sf only). I wonder still can hang clothes in such small place.
Yard got but cannot extend out. Lol. For 550sf n 400 ft. That’s the reason they provide you dryer. But I don’t know why they don’t provide bed n tv cabinet. So high price already. Some more not real FULL furnish