Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Bay Residences, the phase 1A of Penang WorldCity development by Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. Strategically located within Bayan Mutiara, a new development hub located in the eastern part of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway and in the vicinity of Sungai Nibong. Comprises four 22-storey residential tower, with condominium unit size ranging from 455 sq.ft onwards.
Property Project : Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City
Location : Bayan Mutiara, Penang
Property Type : Residential
Land Tenure : Freehold
No. of Blocks : 4 blocks of condominium
No. of Storey : 22
Built-up Area : 455 sq.ft. – 1,945 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM359,900 onwards
Developer : Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd.
Register your interest here
Contributed by reader (Update – 02 Oct 2013)
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Surely will get black & white fr them.
What do u mean by islamic loan? Only apply 4 Bumiputra/i or take loan fr Islamic banks?
Is Maybank an Islamic bank?
There is different type of housing loan in the market. Even Maybank also have conventional bank loan or Islamic loan. But non bumi also can take it, but some tnc is different. You can get your banker to explain for you.
just now i go to Sale house there .. THE Block E sold out about 68 unit … 40% ..
I also take the Preview Video . Can here put the preview video ?
Hi I am chuah from ambank. I can assist you in your loan. If you interested to apply with our bank, kindly contacy me at 0165513468 or thanks
Increase 10% from last Friday.
Will I get 20% discount on Stamp Duty if apply fr u?
Yes. Under islamic loan, you are entitled for 20% discount on loan agreement stamp duty. Mind to give me your email address so we can discuss futher about the loan and i will send you our bank package? Thanks@KH
pls contact RHB banker for BLR-2.45% No Lock in.
2nd property also entitled for 20% stamp duty discount?
pls u can put to “YOUTUBE”
Pls contact Queenie from RHB, service good, hot and sexy too. Felt very nice talk to her.
The receipt from CTS mentioned clearly the amount paid which tally with the cost breakdown sheet. On the breakdown sheet, it is not endorsed by any signature or chop but it is stated clearly the same cost to be paid, the unit number, “letter head” of CTS, buyers name, loan amount and of course details of every item and the amount. Unless there is something new to be paid that is not listed, then no choice but to pay. But I guess there should be no more.
So how much was your consent fee and your all inclusive legal charges?
My breakdown list Charges is the original total charges which is in 5 digit.
In there they wrote my name, unit etc but no letter head of CTS.
The amount i pay and receipt i have is not tally with the cost breakdown sheet because it is discounted rate. They apply the discount on the loan agreement amount.
Consent fee is 862.
They have revised the amount that previuos discuss with Miss Lim. After a lot of huha, calling, sms and checking with their boss, the reason they give is Miss Lim give the quote based on islamic loan, as now i switch back to conventional loan, it no longer valid.
But even different type of loan, i dun expect their difference quote is 1.2k, so again nego and nego, they top up Rm500 on this and we finalise the payment.
Just now the cost breakdown sheet and my final receipt is not tally.. and they keep on telling me after pay, it will cover all the items in the list, no worry.
My receipt there write being payment of legal fees and disbursement of loan. I wish there should be no more.
My receipt also do not tally with the official amount. But it is hand written in the breakdown sheet the final amount that I need to pay which is stated in the receipt as well. OK, settle!
My consent fee is higher RM959. I think is related to the loan amount or the unit pricing.
@Notti Guy
I like hot girl, what is her number? Hehe.
Bubble is coming. When everyone starts going into property investment in large quantum i start to worry.
i have seen this scenario before back in 1997, everyone was saying it will surely go up and then pops….everything came tumbling down.
If you are smart, this is the time to sit and wait. Timing is everything.
I bought when it popped in 1997 and 2008. Now i am just sitting back and observing. I am getting worried at how property prices are going beyond rationality.
Just sit and wait, by the way since went you has been sitting and waiting ?
Eager to know but I will call you if I want to sell cheap when I see the
I am not worry about bubble, water bubble, air bubble, chewing gum bubble,
oil bubble, magnetic bubble,gas bubble and liquid bubble etc.
Yes, still entitled for 20% discount on stamp duty under islamic loan@KH
Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City (Video Clip)
Quality not so good .. Take by Hand phone only …
Hi. My I know what are the reasons u switched bc to conventional bank loan instead of islamic loan since u told me got 20% discount on stamp duty..
Hi. Can submit loan application without original signature copies meh? As I m not in Malaysia.
U’re too -ve thinking oledi.. Sit & wait till yr 2020 or 2030?? Enjoy yr sitting & waiting..
Hi, can you give me your email? Easier discuss there. Or you drop a message to my email thanks@KH
I am not too sure what is your plan on this property. Short term or long term.
If it is for investment purpose, flip or sell within few years, it is better to take islamic loan.
The reason I am taking conventional loan because I am taking Maybank conventional semi-flexi loan(C) and I am planning to hold it for long term.
C allows you to withdraw anytime online in anywhere without going to call the bank upfront or go to the counter to withdraw. In this case, I will put most of the $$ in the account to save the interest. If any emergency needed or better investment opportunity, i can switch out the $$ easily. However, there is limitation for islamic loan as they require you need to go to the branch itself for withdrawel purpose. It is very inconvinience for me to queue at the bank or even need to take half day leave to process this. So for long term benefit, need to sacrifice the 20% rebate.
is legal fee of RM7500 for 872sq ft with 90% loan charged by CTS considered reasonable? can someone share the guideline?
From Feb 1 next year, owners of affordable homes (bought for below RM400,000 on the island and RM250,000 on the mainland) would be barred from reselling their properties in the first five years of ownership.
Meanwhile, owners of public housing (low and low-medium cost units) bought for RM72,500 or less cannot sell their units for 10 years.
I wonder for 415 sf unit will suddenly under affortable house or not?
Don’t think that will happen. If that happens, situation will be messy lor…
buyers will not be happy because cannot sell within 5 yrs and sell also to small pool of eligible buyers only. But if the price of the 415sqft units becomes 200K maybe different story.
Affordable house need to be approved during project plan approval application.
Don’t think 415sft will become the affordable house.
I think you can request for more discounts..7500 is still on the high side…
Heard that State gov is having a discusion with the real estate/developers to discuss further about the 400k affordable housing criteria. Lets wait and see..
415sft?? Shit ah! That’s the size of only 2 car park lots. Sad.
May i know what is yr loan amount?
Do you know if its related to PR1MA?
You are lucky you live in Malaysia…
Not really sure , nevertheless Png developers surely will not accept the new rules…seems like Png state gov would need to spend some effort if they insisted to introduce this new rule…go read today paper.
Quite often I came across when they argued 455 sq. ft. shouldn’t be a
problem as these young people are buying lifestyle nowadays.
Can rent through Airbnb. should see some demand if fully furnished with kitchen…:)
400+sft is just like a hotel room. People love staying at luxury hotels when they travel, 1 week, 2 weeks no problem. But try 2 months, you will then understand why pets don’t like to be locked up in cages, no matter how luxury the cages are…..:)
My dog will return to the cage during sleeping/resting. Cage door is not lock. If i lock you in 2000sqft,you will not like it either. Anyway, I personally prefer 600sqft above.
Oh not you, I thought you were one of them supporting these young people
are buying lifestyle nowadays.
400+ sqft ain’t lifestyle lah! It’s a doggy’s cage, as New_buyer puts it……:)
my loan amount is ~580k..any good reference on what the total legal fee supposed to be?@KH
In my humble opinion, u may get around 6.6k – 6.7k (1.15%) base on my calculation as CTS quoted me 1.15% base on loan amount (all in incl. of stamp duty, state consent fee etc). But still, i haven’t asked for discount yet, hopefully can get cheaper…
Previous comment dated 24th Nov, got 1 ppl get 4.8k for 400k loan, it is 1.2%. Even if u managed to get 1.2%, it is only rm6,960 base on 580k loan.
thanks for your great sharing.. I will try negotiate with CTS again based on collected feedback so far. Nice info
Now the 615sqf is selling rm608900 , crazy
Wah, so expensive… blk E? which floor?
when you check the price?
Can u let me know Which block? Which level?
soon or later, it could be reach this price..
but if i want that for own stay.. i will try my luck when the project complete, try to get from first batch buyer especially Block A and B “investor”
I believe some of the buyer is investor will willing to let go their unit lower price then developer price.
You not booking 1 before ??
I have. I just assume if I not yet book 1, I will try to get from first batch buyer instead of the current one.
else.. need to use 750k to get a 872 sf unit already. >_<
Ya lo … the block E sale price already hit the 750k for 872sf at level 5 …..
I don’t know after 20 year my son can buy a house at penang boh ???
This is the problem.. so some “geng geng” parents nowadays is helping their kids to pay downpayment. Sooner or later.. they might help the kids who still in primary buy future house.
By the way.. think it in possitive way.. if they no longer able to buy new house, they will stay will parents in a happy family mode. So those elders wont feel so lonely when kids grow up.
Anyone know when applying EPF account, when it say need surat kelulusan pinjaman perumahan means bank offer letter only or we need to wait the stamp copy of the full loan agreement.
If only bank offer letter, then is it means now we can start applying the EPF withdrawel since we already have the SNP already.
If can better buy extra house for your son. Even future there might be recession, causing the price to drop but it will pick up fast and rise even higher then now. Maybe can target those landed on mainland as an alternative. Eventually our son will come to us one day for downpayment, so they could at least sell off the house and use the money for their dream hse.
I think is your bank offer letter…
Where got so many $$$ … Can buy 1 house like that is already very good …
Haha.. i agree..
is better to train next generation stand on their own feet.. go to get scholarship etc. Tell them your papa mama best investment on you is your education.
my current house already take loan 35 years >_< really hard to imagine those people have few property on hand how to handle the installment since Penang rental return is not that good compare to KL
I believe those with few houses on hand must be high pangkat people, working overseas, successful in their business or simply rich. But also some of them unable to pay the installment,so end up lelong.
Actually housing price is quite high now but still within reach. even at low interest rates (BLR-XX%), we are paying double of the loan amount at the end of the loan tenure. Loan 500K, pay 1Mil. surely burden. When the time our children starts working, I cannot imagine the inflation at that future time. But I can surely imagine their starting pay as a fresh graduate, if they are able to secure a job upon graduation in malaysia.
If alot of middle income earners already complaining that condos are beyond reach at this point of time, high chance the next generation will experience even more difficult times ahead. Affordable housing could be RM500K to RM700K. The price of a full facilities condo now in relau/sg.ara.
Just my 10cents opinion..hehe.
Block c 21 floor @Andy pg
Last week lo @islander_ori
Does anybody know whether dibs will be affected if loan legal documentation is not completed before year end?
Agree .. Within this 5 year the house price maybe will slow down to increase. But the price still increase, just slow only. Cannot imaging when year 2020. Maybe that time, 1 Chicken Rice at Penang also need RM8 – RM10 …..
You know the chicken rice kopitiam at air itam which sells the delicious char siew? That place already cost me RM16 for two person lunch meal (thigh part+char siew+soup+add rice).
I believe our loan legal docs will not be completed (stamped) until the first disbursement from your respective banks to the developer. I think all buyers signed their loan legal docs already but pending for stamping. That said, DIBS should not be affected because these projects has been approved with DIBS and what is more important is for you to get your housing loan approved soonest before the law really starts kicking to ban DIBS. Banks will be more reluctant to loan once this rule started.
There are hidden gems if you really do your homework. Money would not drop from the sky, I’m not sure others but all my assets generate good return. You guys can start from small and affordable unit 1st, then duplicate from time to time.
i opt out this one. cause not worth it.
all three bankers told me that dibs is secured once yr loan approved, even haven’t sign d loan agreement…
I’d like to know whether yr SPA T&C under 12(3) same with me, the statement as follows:
12 Position and area of the Parcel
(3) If the area of the said Parcel as shown in the strata title when issued is less than the area shown in the Building Plan, there shall be an adjustment of the purchase price for the difference (if any) in excess of two per centum (2%) of the area as shown in the Building Plan calculated at the rate of Ringgit Malaysia Two Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety (RM2,690.00) only per square metre.
*i doubt it bcoz each of us bought it easily at RM6K – RM8K per square metre, but the Vendor (ivory) only compensate us RM2,690psm only…
I called CTS and was told that RM7k is the net already..
Was told that the 1.15% from loan amount calculation doesn’t include the consent fee which is around RM880, is that true? Anyone that can comment?@KH
Hi all , can I ask my loan can’t approve due to all bank was on hold due to no more dibs and the bank only proceed my loan in January even I apply the loan in December . May I know Izit still worth for invest for the studio unit . Confused now want cancel purchase or still go for it
How much you buy and what is the area?
Why until DEC 2013 just go to apply loan? Should apply early when we know next year not more DIBS..
@Tokong RHB & HLB still can submit as far as I known. Till 31st Dec 2013
hai Tokong you buy what block ? floor? and what s.f ??
hai Tokong you buy what block ? floor? and what s.f ??
Bro, at least u managed to get RM500 discount
Actually 1 point something percent quote is a rough guide only (base on info gathered fr this forum), that’s not how d lawyer calculate, there is a standard calculation for Stamp Duty & State Consent Fee, but my calculation seems quite accurate… haha…
My loan amount about RM200k higher than yrs, maybe that d reason y I managed to closed at around 1.1% on top of my loan amount…
So I think RM7k ‘should be’ considered quite reasonable…
How about other’s opinion?
You can always ask other lawyer firm and do some comparison.
Go to the firm which you think price is reasonable.
Hi. Toyota is correct, RHB still can accept loan with DIBS till tomorrow 31th Dec 2013… good luck!
Now that we are in 2014, DIBS no more available…at least for TBR.
I wonder what is in store next for coming property buyers.
As for BLK E, they have 3% (Discount from selling price) + 6.5% rebate (which can be use to offset the downpayment).
The sites clearing in progress.
I think 7k quite ok liao for CTS price. Recently they seldom give very good quote. If you want lower quote, unless u convert it to islamic loan. Conventional loan amt should be around there.
I also pass the Construction Site Every day … Now already in Foundation Stage. (Foundation Load Test). We can every month update the current photo for us review. ????
I saw they focus one the 1/4 of that land part which is near to the river. Not sure why it not apply to all at the first stage. Or they need to build the power supply plant first?
Knowing from some friend in the construction field, Ivory is very focus on the Citi Residense Project progress, after this will be PWC. Is happy to see my house stage by stage build up. Hehe
The supply plant meant for TBR right? I guess power supply is most important. Perhaps they have to start inside first and slowly move out.
Yes.. for a new development. . TNB is most important. .. if not .. who supply power supply to the contractor ..
Yes.. for a new development. . TNB is most important. .. if not .. who supply power supply to the contractor ..
Can I use my own lawyer instead of cts? Cts quote 1700 ringgit more. But my banker says if u dont use cts, he will not pass the snp to the bank and in a way , not playing nice so that loan release is delayed. True ?
May be your banker took commission from cts?
Just walk in to the bank and submit the application directly.
I think his banker is those lazy one.. or the banker is ivory introduce one..
Feel sad that my unit will definetely be block by Asia Green condo. Hope it wont affect the selling price, as i plan to flip it.
Which unit and block you purchased?
What are the withdrawal rates of both Penang World City & Asia Green with the recent government intervention by imposing several cooling measures; RPGT, No DIBS, prudent lending by banks based on LTV…?
i think is hard to know.. unless you know the person inside. But i guess the new block will not selling like hot cake as the price increase a lot.
Price increase a lot??!!
What quantum??
Heard projects at Iskandar in JB are going at special discount bin view of no DIBS
I am comparing the selling price on the very initial launching with the latest selling price.
for sure developer need to come up something when no DIBS.. CNY going to reach. normally Ivory will have big advertisement during this period. Always have “big angpow” 8888 or 18888 advertisement if book during this period.
But not sure apply to PWC project or not. Last year it apply to most project of Ivory except PWC.
I think Iskandar over supply is far more serious than here. My friend just visit there got a lot of project already OC but the fill up rate is not high.. so need to see gov there how to attracts people to invest there.
Iskandar projects mainly fueled by foreigner speculation or own stay. The price is crazy where some go as high as RM2000psf, which singaporeans feels that is still ok partly due to low entry, DIBS & zero levy (was) AND free everything else on legal fees and etc. Secondary market will not be local, instead still foreigners thus making it difficult to flip. That is why you see alot of empty units.
Anyone give up TBR for QuayWest?
I believe nobody will give up… Quaywest is much more expensive with minimum close to 800psf onwards… Entry price is 1M!
ya.. they told me min 1M now after discount.
Is too far compare with my affortable price range.. not even can get loan approved.
last time, some agents selling QWR for ~700psf. Now, developer selling ~800 psf. gulp..
What I was told is that AG plan to move the affordable units in QWR to a nearby plot of land which they are obtaining now. Its a 50-50 thing if this will work. So if it doesn’t work out, then the current plan stays as it is but if it does work out, then the plan for QWR needs to be changed again. Thus will it be like the clovers? Taking more then a year to get their revised plan approved again? Long wait for QWR buyers.
May I know which nearby plot? I do not see any other empty land nearby. tq
I did not ask further. Only was told nearby…but “nearby” is very subjective.
haha.. may be “nearby” is sungai ara since there is growing now.
Anybody know if there are still units left for block E and F?? Price?
Still have. You need to check for the latest price.
– 22 floors: 3 level car park, 3A with garden, 22th top.
– 9 units per floor.
– Total 166 units.
– 2 sizes: 872sqft, 980sqft.
– 3% discount from selling price (Price in SPA)
– 5% cash rebate from 10% downpayment
– additional 1% cash rebate for 1st 80 units. (52 units booked)
Price Before 3% discount & 6% cash rebate:
– 872sqft: 743,900~809,900 (853~929/sqft)
– 980sqft: 840,900~906,900 (858~925/sqft)
Price After 3% discount: (Price in SPA)
– 872sqft: 721,583~785,603 (828~901/sqft)
– 980sqft: 815,673~879,693 (832~898/sqft)
Price After 3% discount & 6% cash rebate:
– 872sqft: 678,288~738,467 (778~847/sqft)
– 980sqft: 766,733~826,911 (782~844/sqft)
wow….the pricing, really ‘untouchable’ by average joe…!!
got interest subsidy scheme?
Received SMS that priced going to increase after 29 Jan 2014
Price increase for all blocks? By how much?
Did not mentioned just says last change to grab the property before price increase by 29 Jan 2014 – Tropincana Ivory
Based on sales, 10% for all fr 01Feb.
Newspaper said Ivory will have promotion on CNY. 10+5 % discount. Not sure apply for PWC.
But i guess it does it they up the price by 1 Feb, then promotion will discount it back.
Tomyam, yes apply to pwc but the pwc price up 10%. Current is 8+5% promotion, then CNY is 10+5%, however still increase a lot.
All experts,
I’m looking on 615sf, is it good value to invest this size? How the demand in future? Anyone can advice..?
Are there still 455sf studio available? What’s the current price after discount?
They can increase all they want, the fact is Penang do bot have so much fools who will fall nto their marketing trap.
I think if buy 615 sf now, if loan 90%, in future, the rental is not easy to cover the instalment. Even just to cover the interest part is very challenging.
Let say loan to max 35 years, may be interest only already 1.7k to 1.8k each month. 615 sf have 1 big and 1 small room. Number of units so much, you need to make some extra effort so your units looks great to get that rental amt.
But for me for those who work in FTZ, I will love to stay there to try to avoid the messy traffic jam. So the general master plan, the location will be the reason to consider when decide whether get a 615 sf unit for own stay.
*Arr.. it only suits those single, couple or family with 1 kids…
CNY promotion 10%+ 5% for block E in Kwong Wah.
To day I see Sin Chow newspaper PWC 872s.f from RM630000 start and 10+5% discount , now prices in start low already??
@Andy pg
Really? Which block?
I no call to ask ,i just see newspapers only
@Andy pg
The Central 600sqf selling at RM530k onwards and PWC 872sqf selling at only RM630k?
Sound funny..Lets go Gurney and check out with developer..PWC might not be so cheap..
RM630k no more and those are no seaview unit…
I had a look , average floor about 800k before 10+5% ie. about 780+psf net for 872sf. Pls note there is no more DIBS. There are 5 or 6 studio left about rm950psf net.
Which block?
i just go to the show house take a look …
Blok A – Bottom Floor With Garden – 9 unit / 1320 ft2 – 2 unit / 455 ft2 – 8 unit / 615 ft2 – 8 unit
Blok B – Bottom Floor With Garden – 5 unit / 1320 ft2 – 2 unit / 872 ft2 – 1 unit / 615 ft2 – 3 unit
Blok C – Bottom Floor With Garden – 6 unit / 615 ft2 – 5 unit
Blok D – Bottom Floor With Garden – 5 unit / 615 ft2 – 3 unit
Example : Blok A / Level 12 – 12 (615 ft2) :
Feb 2013 = RM 507,900 (3% + 5% + DIBS) 5% Deposit
Dec 2013 = RM 581,900 (3% + 5% + DIBS) 5% Deposit
Feb 2014 = RM 637,900 (10% + 5%) 5% Deposit without DIBS
Got 1 unit 872 ft2 at Blok B just reject by bank Loan Today.
Blok B – 872 ft2 = RM 737,900 (Level 6 – West)
– (10% + 5%)
5% Deposit without DIBS
Could you please advice where can we view the show room? Thanks.
interested to get one unit.
please give me your email to communicate. thanks.
Don’t have show room la … just have the model house only with sale person ….
Pass by the area and notice the embankment(填土) of the land is getting higher. is higher than the road level already.
That is for TNB site… I don’t think developer will do it for condo site
The current embankment area is for TnB station only.
No action on the TBR building area yet.
I just bought a unit with 2-carparks 455sqft + 162sqft (garden) in Tower A for myself to live in yesterday. Awesome!
Now, how much before discount n after discount? @Risk Taker
@Risk Taker
1carpark u buy how much ???
@Risk Taker
huh? can buy extra car park? at how much?
Nov ’13 price list for 872sf at lowest floor (5th floor) at RM743,900.
If now 10% + 5% discount it is possible to get around RM630,000
*RM743,900 – 10% = RM669,510
*RM669,510 – 5% = RM636,034.50
(Total 10% + 5% discount w/o DIBS = RM743,900 – RM636,034.50 = RM107,865.50)
Previously 3% + 6% discount =
RM743,900 – 3% = RM721,583
RM721583 – 6% = RM678,288.02
(Total 3% + 6% discount with DIBS = RM743,900 – RM678,288.02 = RM65,611.98)
So the question here is whether the DIBS worth RM42,253.52 (RM107,865.50 – RM65,611.98). In other words, if the current buyer going to pays around RM42k for DIBS, so LPPL with previous buyer…
no way DIBS worth 42k for 600k loan. unless the project takes forever to complete Ivory style.
In February 2013, 872sf selling at 645k but after 5% discount become 612k. Wt dibs.
Any idea is there any easier tools to calculate the total of the progressive interest for housing loan?
let say the person get 600k loan and the construction period take the full 4 years (48 months),
how much is the interest occur?
Let’s say 3 years from S&P to VP for standard strata property, roughly about 25-30k for 600k loan. Final year average 1.5k/month. First two years usually slow pace to complete each stage. If it really takes 4-5 years to complete than maybe about 40k. Smart developer won’t drag their project with DIBS.
The above calc assume price maintained but i think they increased price when they gave 10+5%. Buyers now pay higher net price AND no dibs…normal developer strategy
My above calculation is base on Blk E Nov ’13 listing price, i do not sure how much price increased since then. I m not intended to confuse anyone… soli…
This project will be a good investment.
hope so…
how much is the price u bought? urs is 455 sq or 655 sq? tq@Risk Taker
i bought 455 for 428?? is the price ok? @chris
hi all……just booked 3A garden unit Blk E(980sf) for rm895K (after 10% +5%). But still not sure whether to go on or cancel it. Love the location but very pricey. ?????? Any advise?
I like the location but price is really really really HIGH.
Consider the points that:
1) if this is for own use..then no problem if CAN AFFORD, got money and no VSS.
2) if for investment i think difficult to get buyer or need to wait long
3) kena VSS then no money to pay loan already.
4) If buy that means encourage the developer to increase price further. Pity our next generation unable to buy nice property in future.
I heard this project already sold out within few hours after lauching during CNY last year. How come still have units left now.
It is true. I was there during launching…all small unit was sold out accept few big unit left. But when I was there during CNY this year…there is still some unit left. I was told by the staff it is because some owner reject it due to bank loan prob…… or they maybe think it is too expensive and not worth it!!!!!
Last year CNY launching does not include Block E lar.. block E just launch recently.
Last year launch A,B,C D.
I think block E is reserved by developer to make money only. That is developer game to suck the rakyat blood .
i heard the other block, block F is the affordable housing. can share facility with tbr. then the tbr will become cheap ki. any ppl got more news abt this affordable housing?? number of units? price? car park??
Are you think got any empty area for BLOK F at the same place with BLOK A B C D E??
Where is the location for the BLOK F?
The block E is a L shape right. Then half of it will be Block F and is the affordable housing. Not really confirm, i get news when my frien bought a unit in block E recently. is was mentioned by the tbr staff.
it really true it will be terrible as will share facilities with the affordable housing. same like the clovers from AG.
Interesting..if its true blk F is for affordable units, tropicana reputation will go down the drain..
Those buyers based in penang better go to their office and seek clarification. There is no more L shape when i was there in cny. There is Blk E and F…
Yup, i just check the pwc website. indeed there is a change in the plan. the L shaped is cut into 2 blocks. Block E and another i believe is Block F. High chance it will be affordable housing. Pen government want the developer strictly enforce the new rule.. Not sure anyone else have other latest news???
I have been saying this for the longest time. The piece of land in front of block A.B.C.D is sold to Asia Green and they are building affordable housing for 1 block and another will be high end (block E & F)
Block E & F is belong to PWC.
Asia Green has another land in front of E & F which will block all the seaview of Tropicana Bay Residences.
There is news saying that government allow the affordable house to be built on another land and PWC is fighting hard to get it done. If success, then block F will open for public and I think the price will increase much. Is a good move we are not sharing same facility, car park with those affordable house which will pull down the overall selling price in future. Thumb up
i think their concern is not the one that sell to asia green..
but is whether the block of affortable housing is share all facilities with the rest of the block.
and whether now it is share with asia green block or tbr block.
btw.. with the asia green block price also selling like rocket pricing.. i think the affortable unit owner must be quite ok people as the price also 350k n above.
heard asia green got plan to acquire another piece of land n move the affortable house unit to there as exchange.. do you have any update on this?
It maybe true that Block F will be assigned as affordable units allocation, which strictly enforced on all residential development in Penang recently.
Whether it is on the same block or in this case separate block (F) which is still un-confirmed, will be in the same enclosed vicinity of tropicana bay residence. So I am guessing if Block F is designed for affordable units, then maybe they share the same facilities with remaining residence in TBR or simply divided within TBR itself. We’ll just have to wait and see.
yes. I think i dun have too much concern on it, just very envy if it happens.
We should buy our first property on early 20+ , in this case we all eligible for this …
Buyers have the right to know the final plan for their project before S&P. Why Ivory has to rush buyers to sign the S&P while the final plan keep changing? Do you aware of LMC will be at the same compound when you sign the S&P? I have a feeling there will be similar surprises for their Penang Times Square projects…
Assuming if the info is correct, all buyers of block E should cancel their booking as they are buying at higher PSF and now suddenly neighboring block is affordable.
As far as I know, Tropicana Ivory did submit a plan on one block of LMC in PWC but it was rejected(location unknown). However, they did submit a separate plan on block E and F, together with block A to D, which already being approved. On the approved plan, block E and F are not classified as LMC.
Tropicana Ivory did submit another plan on phase 1B even, consist of 2 blocks, close to 1000 units of apartments and SOHOs, I am wondering if they are submitting quaywest’s plan on Asia Green’s behalf. If this is not the case, then another 2 blocks of high dense and high rise residential towers to be erected soon.
It is pretty clear that block F is not designed to be LMC base on original plan unless Tropicana Ivory has decided to change it recently.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t make sense to mix the LMC with the high-end condo especially when facilities are shared. There will be a lot of complications eventually when doing that, e.g. how to standardize the mnt fees.
Understand. I would prefer to have the affordable units too within TBR. Able to share high end condo facilities in such a good location.
Agree, sure have complications. Lets see how ivory AND tropicana handle this matter.
If Block F becomes affordable units, I seriously think BLK E buyers will drop their bookings.
(of course due to personal preference which is very subjective)
On the facility site plan, I see that there are three entrances going into TBR. Can anyone confirm this?
When booking, it is clear plan not approved yet. Though it was a pre-conditioned that we need to pre-sign non stamped SPA back then after booking to so call “lock” the good price back then. So, we all sign it without any confirmed further information.
Even today Blk F plan is not final. What I’m saying is that there is no way we will be able to know if a LMC or affordable blocks will be approved back then within the same compound within TBR.
But personally, I am at least glad that our pre-signed SPA is finally stamped (after 6months) and we can see construction is on the way.
For the Affordable homes issue.. i believe not only Tropicana & Ivory having this problem… all the developer having the same issue… tat is our Housing Development Department guideline for all the new coming up each projects to fix in “affordable homes”… and i dont think so all the developer will sell “Affordable homes” cheap… they might doing the top-up packages for those interested in “Affordable homes”…
i like to have a condo which have the full seaview in penang and defenatly prefer location far from the city. i came to understand thru this website there would be a few projects at queensbay area.any suggestion for me to have a nice unit with the sea view?? i noticed that the seaview there very nice n so peaceful.
Is it a trend in Penang to have LMC sharing the site and facilities with condo? Given choice, would you choose a project with 1-2 blocks of LMC inside?
Not sure how we could confirm the affordable housing issue. I guess it will be at tbr compund. for all the pwc phase, the tbr is the ‘cheapest’, so tropicana will place the affordable housing at tbr. just hope the affordable housing is not much units.
I believe it is not a trend but a must (new ruling) for developer to build LMC, affordable units within their development plans.
That is why we just have to wait and see the outcome. If raising our concerns to dijaya or ivory may change their plan by even a 1% probability, that would mean all buyers has to unite and oppose their planning now (before too late).
But I don’t think that will happen loh…
Then again, on a developer standpoint maybe having affordable units within TBR is probably the best of their interest since they have bigger plans with the remaining plot of lands in PWC.
As such, if this materialized, it is not the best of existing TBR buyers interest. So it may resulted to a few hundreds dissatisfied/unhappy buyers over Tropicana-Ivory (not just ivory).
In this case, if Tropicana smart enough not to drown their reputation in TBR, they must consider this point in their planning. As we all know, one penang times square killed Ivory. Tropicana/Dijaya will not want this to happen nor even be apart of it.
But sad to say, there is nothing much we can do…
Has anyone walk into pwc sales office and ask for clarification?
anyone here felt cheated?
Didnt walk in. But called the sales person pertaining to BLK F and as usual they say that “BLK F is still not confirmed”.
Blk F would probably a strip down units sell at a lower entry price that comes with no car park and less accessories.
Buyers would need to top up upgrade packages that would eventually bring the price up
for the affordable home is must comply for every new project in Penang…
it is our Penang Housing Rules.. no one can object it…
i believe, in future for the affordable homes the developer won’t be selling cheap, they must will doing all the upgrading package for those interested.. like our LMC project the price also not LMC’s price…
Just walk in to ask. The affordable will sale to who apply must get salary pay >RM5000. They say on this moment the Blok F is affordable blok. Estimate sale price > RM350K – RM400k up
350-400k small units with upgrade pack.. i guess will become the same price as blk F or slightly cheaper
How to apply for the LMC?
Salary > RM5000?
Normally the requirement for the affordable house will cap the salary at certain limit.
Haha!! i think mostly confirm now block F is affordable housing. Sharing facilities with other TBR residence.
lets make an assumption, if affordable housing 400k(1000sqft), additional renovation package 100k, car park 60k. Total is just 560k. So is quite worth is only 560per sqft, signifcant cheaper then other buyer
Should apply 1 unit
yup, normally affordable house only offer to first time buyer and middle income, maybe he type wrong, should< RM5000 ==
this LMC f block also can use all facilities ?????
who know this LMC f block also can use all facilities ?????
Why still need to build entire block of LMC for 350k to 400k since there are already 400sft and 600sft units priced below 400k?
Not Wrong Type .. TBR affordable house range will be High Range affordable house (Talk by Sale TBR) . Salary min need >RM5,000 and RM350k or RM400k. Bank loan min need RM1700 to Rm2000 per month. Salary less than RM5,000 how to get loan ??
So cheap? just make it a lower class project.
If Blk F = affordable units, then I ciak lat oledi, I bought Blk E in Nov ’13, 2days after groundbreaking.
affordable units cant sale in 5 years? only offer to first time buyer? wer gt ppl wait salary increase till 5k but dint buy any house? unless for that fresh garduate couple combine loan, if open to all then not consider affordable units…
Don’t worry too much about this ‘affordable house ‘issue, this is not Low Cost or Low medium cost, this is special scheme by PG Govt to help young ‘middle class’ to own first house in PG.
Ya. Is true as well. It would be so low class. But just afraid become more high dense. Any idea hw many units is the affordable housing? I jz wonder is this one of the highest dense area/project per land area
Hi all buyers, anyone get back the stampled loan documents?