MNS: RM75bil project not viable | Penang Property Talk

MNS: RM75bil project not viable

Property News/ 16 January 2013 Leave a comment

GEORGE TOWN: A RM75bil mixed development project proposed in Balik Pulau is too expensive and not viable, says the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS).

MNS Penang branch adviser D. Kanda Kumar said it would be cheaper and more viable for a project of such scale to be developed on the mainland.

“It is expensive to build such a development on the sea. Why is there a need to spend so much money?

“The other concern is how to divert the traffic. The road system to Balik Pulau is poor.

“Another road will have to be built to contain the traffic and this will involve taxpayers’ money,” he said yesterday, while commenting on the project.

Kanda Kumar said he was present, along with representatives from several other non-governmental organisations, at a presentation of the project’s concept by its consultant late last year.

“However, there was no commitment from MNS due to a lack of details about the proposed project. We, however, highlighted our concerns,” he said.

An English daily reported on Monday that the proposed 2,833ha development comprises electrical and electronics, oil and gas industries, tank farming, government administration offices, schools, hotels, residential areas, parks – all to be built on stilts – and an artificial beach.

It quoted the proposal document titled “Proposed creation of offshore concrete structures for industrial development on the west coast of Penang island” submitted by Al Cube Sdn Bhd, the local vehicle for a Malaysia-Hong Kong joint venture.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who had declared on Monday that the state government had not considered the project, said yesterday that the state would now not consider the matter at all even if it had approval or endorsement from non-governmental organisations.

Source: The Star

  1. Penang Homes
    January 16th, 2013 at 17:15 | #1

    Building castles in the air or potential smear campaign?

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