One Imperial
One Imperial, strategically located within the establish township of Sungai Ara, Penang. Comprises five blocks of condominium with a total of 768 units. Cheapest unit has an indicative price of slightly below RM400,000 with the size of 1,050 sq. ft.
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Land Tenure : Freehold
Total Units: 768
Built-up Area: 1,050 sq. ft. onwards
Developer : Modular Platinum Sdn. Bhd. (Ideal Property)
Contact No.: +604-645 6888
Indicative Price : RM380 psf. onwards
Contributed by reader (06-Jan-2016)
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Kami semua mau sini cari rezeki sebab lumayan dan boss bagi rumah bagus.. Kami pilih OI sebab faciliti bagus..dan sebab pun murah..RM1300 satu rumah.. Kami boleh tinggal 10 orang.. Kita boleh jadi jiran sama sama.. Tolong sama sama.. Tapi tak banyak orang tinggal lagi.. Kebanyakan mau sewa..
Hehe! Jiran saya kawan cina ajar tulis, bagus ya? Kami bangla baik sama jiran2 rumah sini, mahu saya pindah ke oi jadi jiran mu?
Hehe! Semua ini jiran rumah kawan cina ajar tulis, bagus ya? Kami bangla baik sama jiran2 rumah sini, mahu kami pindah ke oi jadi jiran mu? Kami jadi kawan baik ya?
Hehe! INI semua jiran rumah kawan cina ajar tulis, baik ya? Kami bangla baik sama jiran2 rumah sini, mahu kami pindah ke oi jadi jiran mu? Kami jadi kawan baik ya?
Hehe! INI semua jiran rumah kawan cina ajar tulis, baik ya? Kami bangla baik sama jiran2 rumah sini, mahu kami pindah ke oi jadi jiran mu? Kami jadi kawan baik ya?
What the f@ck! Why property talk involve bangla comments??
yini tempat manyak bangus oh!! kita bangla manyak suka kawen orang semua…
“Lobang” pun bacgus, taping kina pakai topi getah.
白痴”bangla”又上网咯.. 哈哈.
U jangan hahaha kita punya comments, kita tahu apa u tulis. Jiran cina boleh tahu, kita kawan baik, tak macam u orang kurang ajar hina bangla
自己叫自己”bangla”, 还须要别人hina 你嚒? 哈哈哈…
kawen,, ape lu cakep? kitaolang talak paham la…
This is not a kopitiam forum.
Bangla Oh Bangla….
Ha..Ha.. No Bangla lah, only gangster contractor that asking for sampah fees from owner that getting outside contractor to renovate their house.
Really a big failure for Ideal Property to allow gangster to collect sampah fees for all their projects, pls share around to your friend so that more ppl are aware of this issue. Shame on the Ideal Property CEO who come out a statement in years ago ” said that no gangster collecting sampah fee for their projects” …….what a contradict statement. Can’t be trusted.
lu olang kasi kita cikit lespect okeh ?
What to do, Penang Gangster contractor is soo strong backing by so call “relatives of Malaysia Ruling Party”, even police report make nothing happens. Even Jadeep & Penang Gov can’t do anything.
Which projects in Penang Island are free of gangster contractor?
Setia Triangle Projects, my friend just took me to see his unit today. No in-house contractor and low density only 6 floor. I may consider Setia Projects in the future.
Anyone have any idea when TM is coming to this condo? Or is everyone using mobile data?
Mah Sing, SP Setia , Boon Siew…..
Management of the OI need pay high attention for their facilities, noticed that the swimming pool not always maintain and very dirty. it’s price at OI over market value? because surrounding of OI had many development and very high density.
OI & IR is located at the middle of this high dense and crowded area surrounding by many high rise building & coming projects, 3 mosques, 3 schools, wet market, LMC & low cost flats should be very congested & high population in future.
What to do? This is the only place in island where you still can get affordable and reasonable pricing with new and fair facilities condo.
Or may be you can enlighten us where can get a better one in island?
For me. The schools and wet market is an advantages for OI owner.
In fact, we can save on transportation cost when the children go for schooling.
Walking distance to wet market is a blessing for senior uncle and aunty, no hassle to look for parking and driving.
kita myanmar oran suka sini… manyak canteq ini flat.. boler renang off day dangan kawan.. thank u wa punye boss manyak baik.. jalan bole sampai golden triangle makan.. bus stop jugak dekat pi BJ mydin shoping
We bangla pun suke sini, boss mau tengok date masuk OI, I kilang ada 100 kawan bag by bag masuk OI. Bus kilang bole parking tunggu lobby sana, I kawan bole main ayer swimming, sangat chante mau cari banyak kawan mari OI stay, relax!
Lu bangla jagan kacao kita myanmar oran.. lu suka sini ada masjid sajar.. sebap ada manyak dekat bagi lu bangla sembahyan… kita tak sukar…
Spice will b having a LRT station. OI will be within walking distance to LRT.
If LRT only available at Spice, it will be better to build overhead pedestrian corridor with air cond (like those in HK) link to Relau area eg OI and IR and many more new condo and new schools in that area.
Good idea. I believe the state gov will do sth about it to make sure all residence in this neighbourhood will benefit fully with the implementation of the LRT system. This area has potential. In a 10 years horizon, the properties in this area will be moving northward. We shall wait and see
Yini One Imperial manyak sesuai kasi kita olang tinggal.. saya sukak sangak ini one imperial. boleh mandi dalam kolang sangat sihat. saya mau bawak kawang kawang mali mandi happi happi. olang Malaysia bangus boleh kawang kita bangla. saya love you malaysia
inayrartwin imyaha loutmyarrhcwarsaw myanmar .. rae kyawantawthoetraekopine bharsarhcakarrhpyint pyawwso kya kone aan!
yini romah saya kawan bawak saya pigi, saya suka yini romah… 1bulan belapa mau bayak?
saya kawan kawan mau tingkal.
Dear all owners of OI,
please contact me if the Daikin brand air-conditioning set of your house going to trade in.
We will trade in your air-conditioning set with good price.
My email address is
saya sulah pigi renang, air manyak kotoh.. yini romah terok, tak mau tingkal…
Hi, anyone to let go their unit??
preferbably 1180 or 1050 sqft, 2cp… target price 530k…
please sms/whatapps 012-5462783
saya sulah jakap tak mau tingkal apasaii agent kol saya lagi? gilakah agent?
Hello, I am looking for a unit for own stay. Please send me an email if you have a unit to let go. Please contact me at
No agent please! Thanks!
One imperial seem become Foreigner place now, sure it’s housing price will drop very fast(good new)!
Good luck to those purchase one imperial!
Dear owner,
I’m interested to buy a unit for own stay, preferable ground floor unit @ 1200 sq ft (not garden unit).
Direct owner only.
Please sms/whatapps 012-4612908
Why OI have become foreigner place? Is this news true that many foreigners are renting there now or just rumours? Security and safety could be compromised if this is true and is the management or commitee doing something?
Dear owner,
Anyone wish to rent out your unit at OI, please email me at
No agent please
Hi I’m looking for a unit around 500k, please email me at
No agent please, thanks.
An associate of mine moved in to this place just over a month ago. I visited him there twice last week. He has yet to see any unit rented to foreign workers, not even one, which I find not surprising at all. But I just had to ask him because I saw too many comments here claiming that this place is infested with foreign workers. To those who are worried about this claim, all you have to do is ask yourself this question:
“Would a property owner with a decent-sized brain, buy a property that cost him in the regions of 500k – 600k, and rent it out to foreign workers for around 1k a month?”. Worse, if he rents it out, he makes his property less desirable, hence reducing his chances of ‘flipping’ this property by selling it off at a higher price. Use a bit of logic and you’ll see why this practice makes very little sense.
And think about it guys. If a 500k property is meant for ‘Banglas’ or ‘Nepalese’, then what are those Low-Cost & Low-Medium-Cost apartments which cost below 200k are for? Cows and goats? Logic guys. Logic.
Or better yet, don’t listen to me or any of the comments above, pick up the phone, call an agent and arrange to see the property yourself. There. All done. Cut through the childish nonsense in this chatroom with just a physical visit. Simple as that.
hahaha dont read to those nonsense comment……waste time only
the person cant get it and curse it hahaha
Are you sure RM500k/600k unit wont have any foreigner? I assumed you just came from Penang mainland. RM500k/600k in penang is very common price for apartment/condo. A low medium cost house easily can fetch price of RM400k. If you haven’t seen any house above RM500k rented to foreigner, I advised you do some survey first. Even RM1mil+ house also got foreigner workers, they rent your unit but they are sharing over 20persons. If you make a call to agent or lawyer who handle this project, what you expect them to tell you? You expect they tell you honest words? they need to feed their family, they need money as well. Which person telling his own fruits are bad quality one?
kathlyn – Please understand first what is the indirect statement that “kawanbatukawan” is trying to explain. Since you dont understand, let me clarify that. In One Imperial , there is no bangla or Myanmar staying, swimming or using the the facilities inside One imperial. I dont care if bangla or Myanmar staying in jet plane also if its outside One imperial.
surrounding of OI very hot and totally not windy.
the car park lighting not enough bright
OI obtained OC only a few months, still cannot see anything. But after 2 years time u can see foreigner move in. Why??? Because investors unit a lot (under DIBS) nowadays difficult to let go, so they mostly rent to factory foreigners to cover their loan installment. Now we can see only 5% residents in OI. Nowadays foreign workers can found in bungalow or semiD also, rm500k is sub2 the water onlylah. Old LMC flats of BN houses can rent to foreigner, now under ROCKET Carpal Singh son new LMC cannot loh!!! Better use your brain to think about coming years, not only what we see now. We buy house is for long stay, must think about future. Unless u don’t care!!
Already say before Golden triangle… OI..all those bayan baru.relau sungai ara& bala pai bayan lepas is third class apartment& worst condo in penang..VS environment& jiran jiran kawan kawan.. Manytenanted with foreigner worker means “Chap”.. That’s all..
OI is worst condo in sungai ara&relau..
Agreed!! Unless we don’t mind to stay with foreign workers at same area. Those dislike can shift to Chinese place such like Farlim, Lip Sin, Ayer Itam, Tanjung Bunga, Jelutong, Perak road etc. Why want to stay at Relau to be a neighbour with bangla & indons ???
Agreed!! Those dislike to stay at foreign worker area can shift to chinese area such like Farlim, Ayer Itam, Jelutong, Perak Road, Tanjung Bunga, Lip Sin, Green Lane, etc. Why want to stay at Relau to become the Bangla & Indons neighbour???
From OI junction (Golden Triangle) there can see some OI units hanging their cloths at the balcony & window look so ugly and noticed their units without any renovation (no curtain & iron cage), suspect rented to foreign workers.
You will have chance to see it very soon as my mnc company is looking for One imperial for my company operators.. just my mnc company, already have more than 3k foreigner operators.. try to imagine how many units if other company wanted to rent One Imperial for their operators too.. The location is near to my bayan lepas, secondly the foreigner like to stay at relau because convenient for them.. this house is not protected by any laws, so anyone willing to pay for the rental could get it immediately.. this is the worst problem… just like how our PM said One Malaysia.. One Imperial… When one Malaysia become banglasia, One imperial also become One Imperisial.. goodluck.. Investor definitely will not buy any subsales units of One imperial.. The second value going to be lesser and lesser.. advise you who want buy for ownstay, better sell it quickly before too late.. at least still got 5% profit and buy other place..
some of the buyer wouldn’t care.. they said live with them is good
those who don’t have experience living with them didn’t know yet.. let them stay at relau for a while so they can figure out the problem..
so many property advisor here means a lot peoples are interested on OI.
I doubt your statement on your MNC company is looking for accommodation for their foreigner operators is true.
As I know,all big MNC company will not deal with this but instead will leave it to the agency of the operators.
You may verify this with your MNC HR dept.
No owner will rent out to such companies if it is going to make the value of the property depreciate.
In any event, we all know that proper management is one of the key factors leading to the property appreciate in value. And if there is really a problem with foreign operators, then I urge the owners to attend AGM to vote for rules that against renting to such companies.
A lot of bullshiters talking about foreign workers occupying OI. I am not worried at all. Get the keys, do the reno and stay. After all, everywhere is the same. Unless u r super rich and can afford landed property. Lol
U are so smart & show a good example for those ppl dislike foreign worker. But nowadays landed property also got foreign workers, except million super condos
If OI is full so bad, why you all so free visit this OI forum? Or you want make the OI price drop so you can gain some other benefit?
Gopalan – IM WAITTING ….
MNC company is more reliable & stable for monthly collections compare to private tenant. House owner won’t let it units abandon for long time without any profit making. Actually property at Relau no depreciate happen so far ex. Sri Aman launching price rm75k now selling >rm200k, Marina Bay rm400k, Angsana rm400k, Desa Relau rm450k etc. Other than that there are no rules to control for rent out to foreign workers, the developer wont listen to u unless u are a super condo owners (millionaire level)
Ideal had confirmed that Aik Hua primary school will be located in front of OI. End up 3 schools, 3 mosques, wet market, >15 high rise building surrounded that area. It look so congested, crowded, high population, complicated place at Relau in future. Very ” chap & chat” !!!
High rise mean developed or else can moving to jungle.
Hong Kong, Singapore also many high rise buildings, congested, high population, supposedly also very chap if someone mentioned was right. But they are developed countries which Malaysia trying to catch up….
You guys dunno the contractor is also related to Ideal’s shareholder?They are sibling,dude
Gangster issue still persists. Encountered them and they are so greedy wanted big sum. I am planning to lodge a report if they continue to be unreasonable. Can anyone who lodged report previously please share the experience you had with pdrm, and what we write in the report to be more effective? Wanna make my report impactful to put more pressure on them. Hopefully this can help settle once and for all. The more the better…
By the way, in earlier posts there was a discussion regarding the OI chat group. May I join the group? Could any of the admin please contact me and advise how to join the group? Here’s my email:
The 1st JMB meeting going to held soon. For those concern about the “rubbish fee” encourage to attend on that day meeting.
Yup I am aware… see you guys on 31st. Does it mean that the residents’ committee will be taking over from developer after this?
@ Hong
Rules are made by owners!
I know of one recently transacted price for Desa Relau at about 270-280k.
@Alicia Toe
Rules are made by goverment. As long as the house owner not breaking the rules, they can do what they like especially the invest owners. Even the LMC flats also got bangla, how to control the investors??? Penang houses got value, not like mainland. So no depreciation happen
Who don’t want to stay at greenery, quiet & fresh air like jungle environment??? Only u don’t like!!!
Yes you absolutely right.
such a good project, with nice landscaping and facilities… i really dont understand why so many people keep telling fake news on foreigner bangla blah blah… perhaps, there are buyer from other property jealous on this project?
when the so called site gangster want to collect rubbish fee from me, i reluctant to pay any single cent to them and they blocked my contractors from going in, end up I log police report and police came and they kuai kuai allow my contractor go in to finish the job without any problem. so moral of the story, the site gangster just bully those give in to them. so just ignore them or call the police immediately infront of them.
@Fake Gang
Thanks. I’ll surely call the cops if they try something funny.
By the way, anyone has any idea when Time Internet will come to OI? I’ve been requesting Time to come to OI since its surrounding new apartments are already covered – ie Golden Triangle, SR and GV – and OI has more units than these. But every time their answer was the standard “thank you for your feedback, currently we do not have coverage, but will look into it blah, blah, blah…” I believe if more of us request for this, then they will come sooner.
you should come to join this saturday commitee meeting for this issue in one imperial…..
you’re not referring to the meeting to be held next tue (31st) right? i am not aware of a committee… was it set up by the residents?
may i know the time and venue? i’ll try my best to make it.
The first AGM will be held at Hotel Seri Malaysia on 31/5/16 at 6.30pm, to elect the members of the JMC, to determine the amount of service charge/sinking fund, the rate of interest chargeable on defaulters, to make any additional by-laws etc etc. All owners are encouraged to attend!
Jmb formed
Jmb committee must be strong to demand and make sure the accounts ef money are accounted for. The office ppl must kutip the hutang
Yesterday the accounts did not give ppl see. Give a budgeted expenses indicating surplus rm1900 per month…. who are they kidding, they say 500 of 700plus ppl pay….
Oi is running on debt….
When MC form in next few years, dev wash hand, pass accounts to residents… if got money, never mind, if no money n full of debts…. die liao
So now, jmb must push dev for 1) settle all building defects 2) scrutinise their accounts, 3) force the Office to kutip hutang…. they have experts to draft letters etc….
Jmb means joint management body. Dev n resident discuss n manage
When strata out, jmb dissolved n form MC aka Management Body, bahasa called Perbadanan Pengurusan
This whole committee is residents. They would decide on some of the things and daily operations are still handle by the Building Management engaged. So dont go and KPKB when things dont go your way
Go the Building Management. Any big issue, still need AGM n EGM with residents consensus.
Me no lawyer, so technically, my wordings might not be accurate, but this is roughly
Can I check with you guys if I only install lightings, fans and heaters for my unit. Will the so called “gagster” kacau me? no grills or any renovation works will be done.
Why not you try ask Ideal ppl and see. Would like to hear from you what they said.
as my experience that is not a renovation so they will not kacau one……
renovation mean totally build up the kitchen, wiring or add point of plug, hit the wall, install the new grill etc.
if you only install is not reno so you are not going to be charge anything.
This is basic neccesary installation.
As long as u dun hav big giant item have to use lorry carry and pass thru guardhouse for them to stop you. I would said no problem and go ahead.
I have yet renovate my unit, from the early posting on this forum shows there are quite a bit of complaint on the gangster inhouse contractor, is the situation getting better and how much sampah fees for minor renovation such as install light & fan and kitchen cabinet.
For those who have gone through the process. Pls advise.
I stay in blk A, digi ok
May I know which internst service provider you all using in OI? or Ideal got any Contractor internet service provider? such as TIME or UNIFI
no Unifi and TIME yet still in the progress…..
thanks for reply,
I am one of the owner of Ideal others development, wonder ideal got helping residences to nego with the internet services provider? or we need to gather all residence to apply ourself with the internet service provider. the development still in progress
Oh you not join the watsapp group chat….
than please join asap before you left any info….
I not one imperial owner haha,, I m summerskye owner.. just want gather information form others ideal property owner about the internet service provider issue….
unifi officially in OI…….
Hi – I got 1 unit to rent out 1300sq. Basic and no furnish. Please drop me email if you interested. No agent please.
thank for the info, y not TIME =( … UNIFI is ideal management apply for u all or, residences themselves apply?
unifi is ideal…..
Time is by JMB but still on the progress.
I’m new owner how to join whatsapp group? Please advice.
I go to maxis centre today. They say cannot apply maxis. TM pao for ~6 mths first to get customer kau2 then only open to maxis. My guess is TIME only coming after 1yr+
Any unit for sale below RM500k….PM me … Genuine buyer
Who want to join one imperial whatsapps group please whatsapps this number 0124564303. Strictly for owner only.
i was surveying between tree sparina and one imperial… after all.. i prefer OI more because of the landscape and location.
i went for more than 10 times to verify issit alot of foreign worker… but i didnt see any except some worker who do renovation.. mostly are local… many fake info here… so do filter and verify your self….
well said…….
totally agree…….
90% units still empty, waiting to rent out. If no local ppl will rent to foreign workers. We have no choice. My hand got 4 units is quite heavy for me to hold for long time. If interested to buy or rent pls contact
Haha…invest la…invest…
How is your return?
4 units!? You must be one greedy investor, I can start seeing the worst is soon to come to many of those new condos in Sungai Ara/Relau area, too many people buying for investment now finding it hard to sell or rent out due to the soft market and intense competition
property in Penang only for own stay
Don’t have the holding power but still want to acquire so many units. Too bad there is a clause in Deed of Mutual Covenants for certain condo’s are not allow to use the unit as hostel for foreign workers. I believe OI should have this clause.
Only home stay units affected, but rent for factory foreign workers is legal through their employer or licensed agencies. Shineville Park & Reflection (friend neighbour) are one of them. I bought 4 units b’cos last time got DIBS lol but now I can’t afford already.
Sooner or later OI will become a bangla center due to current soft market, condo oversupplied, OI mostly investor units & more bangla coming soon after government turn on green light
Not only OI 90% empty units. Garden, Sierra & G.Triangle OC obtained 1+ year already but only 20% residents only. Worry for the coming condos – IR, Iconic, Triangle2 etc. Why built a lot of condos??? Where got own stay buyers?? Dont they know now is unwise for investment???
You bought cheap last time. Easily 100k profit if subsale.
This is very common and normal if the house still left empty as my last experience.
My new house also after OC obtain i take half year to complete my house due to looking for furniture and good carpenter, internet concern and etc.
All of this work will drag time…..
It is take 2 years to fill up the almost 90% residence normally.
Be patient. Investment is for long term. Don’t give up.
Anyone interest to buy direct from owner please leave your contact or email here. I will contact you.
Hi I’m looking for a unit, either 1050sf or 1200sf, please contact my email :
Serious buyer. Thanks.
i have a unit for sales
1050 sqft tower e
I am looking for a unit 1200sqf, facilities view & two car parks to buy for own stay. Kindly email me if anyone want to let go.
Dear OI Owners,
I’m looking for a unit 1050 sq ft and 2 carparks for own stay. Please email me No agents please. Thank you.
Hi, i was surprised by Ideal during their property fair. there are still limited units in One imperial available for sale directly from developer. 628K ++ <- (not garden unit)
at first my fren told me about this, and i dont bliv until i walk in to their booth and they confirm that to me.
This is a good news indeed.
There are 5 blocks total is 768 units. Imagine when all the residents stay in, how congested and high population in OI. Better look for G.Triangle or Garden Ville or IR only have 400+ units.
Good suggest, 5 blocks share the facilities & swimming pool should be very crowded & long Q especially morning ppl go to work or go to school at the entrance guard house t/go scanner
Hi OI owners,
Anybody can share good & cheap electrician? For lighting, fab, heater installation.
Some said that it is crowded because of 700+ unit over 5 blocks.. But what they did not tell/understand is that, this 700+ units were built on a big piece of land. It is really big! 5 block is at least better than 2 block but you have 40 storey high rise, am i right? Plus the resort style of facilities, make it really nice for family stay. At that area, one imperial is considered the best deal.
yes if just stay enjoy the facilities and dont go out or will jam at guard house, should build 3 guard house haha
Yes, always consider the land area. The density can be calculated by unit per acre.
Density is directly proportionate to no. of units, and inversely proportionate to land area.
Hence, the more the units, the higher the density. And the bigger the land, the lower the density.
In developed cities, unit per land area is an essential factor for property investment.
Land big but useless (only for outdoor parking), small & limited resort facilities & 1 guard house only not enough to suit the 768 units residents. For 2 blocks 40 storeys they only have 400 units is more low dense then OI, OI is only the outlook & color make it attractive & impressive, other than that no worth at all
Big piece of land if all the resort facilities can found that is OK such like The Clovers, Tree Sparina, Center Park etc. But now new condos all facilities mostly built at the top of multi storey car park or top floor like OI, worthless!!
Tree Sparina got bicycle trail, jogging track, big garden & landscape, fountain, 2 swimming pools, playground, tennis court …….all can found on ground floor. 100% land utilize for all the facilities, not like OI only for parking
@water fish
Normally traffic jam happen at outside condo, but OI traffic constrain inside the condo, hahaha!!! Its so ridiculous.
Such terrible condo, better look for others!!!
This area encounter the flash flood when heavy raining come at the G.Triangle traffic light junction just beside the primary school causing traffic jam at that area and OI ppl sure no way to go in & out. Hahaha!!!
@ Hong
IR has 800+ units, not 400+
@ Hong
You sounded like you have not stepped into the podium floor to explore all corners of the landscape !
in OI !
many agent are attracted to this property… according to them, there are quite many buyers interested in OI. considering the price is only around 600k +-
Does anyone knows when Time Internet will come?.. has been wasting for year.
Have been enjoying using UNIFI n Hypp for more than half a year lo..
Have been enjoying using UNIFI n Hypp TV for more than half a year lo..
UNIFI is expensive and slow compared to TIme.
I’m interested to buy a unit for own stay, preferable middle floor unit @ 1180 sq ft (pool view). If have please SMS/Whatapps 0164157325
People in OI simply park their car in other owner parking lot. Talk to security, cannot do anything because this car is the OI owner, which had car access card to enter the OI compound. Then what is the meaning we draw car parks. We should allow to go in and park whatever place we like, and first come first serve, same as go to Queensbay parking lots.
no news about Time Internet coming????
lousy condo even Time also not coming.
Your condo security is doing a lousy job.
At my condo, once there is one joker park at my carpark lot, I just inform the security and within 15 mins they come over to clamp the car, it doesn’t matter that car is belongs to condo resident or visitor.
Yes, lousy security. Better don’t pay any maintenance now.
DHL company confirmed 50 bangla to Sierra & another 50 to G.Triangle, but they are not allow to use the swimming pool and gym facilities. Those DIBS housing investors a lot to rent out to foreigners. Is OI & IR will be the next target???
Anyone faced any problems doing renovation but not from the in -house renovator?
DHL worr… so good let the bangla stay condo?? i dont believe it..
there are plenty of low cost flat around. Doesnt make sense at all
Its possible, some foreign workers stay in bungalow or semi-D also. Shineville condo is a good example unless those millions super condos. Try to observe it yourself then u will believe it that is true.
Not sure about bangla, but alot of Inti college students rent here.
U are wrong, condos mostly for investments ppl but low cost flats is strictly control by gov not for business purpose. High possibility condos will rent out if can’t let go. Nowadays bangla/indons stay at landed property better than us stay in flats only
No problem unless you paid yr rubbish fee.
SP, you meant no problem IF pay rubbish fee?
Or no problem even if you don’t pay rubbish fee?
They will not let yr contractor lorry go in if you not pay yr rubbish fee. The JMB has been formed. If you not urgent to reno the house, you can consider wait until they move out from OI.
if they really strictly enforce it.. you wont see so many of myanmar, siam and vietnam people walk in and out the low cost flat… gov only strictly control on upcoming new affordable house
This is because of BN last time not strictly control (corrupted), all low cost flats were built by BN (ex. 88 & Sri Aman). Rocket only built affordable & strictly control the applicants.
The rubbish fee is paid to OI Management, right? Or to the “in-house contractor”?
in house contractor……
I’m looking to buy 1050sqft with 2 carpark for 490k. Any seller pls email me
owner unit for sales
1050 sqft @ 2 car park @level 1 (side by side)
why all the condo nearby already implemented Time internet while OI still no news regarding that?… such a lousy and poor management!
looking for 1200sqft middle floor @ 2 car park ( side by side) < rm 600k
contact : 016-9878788
Any news that the in house contractor already move out? Plan to reno my kitchen. Any kitchen cabinet contractor can recommend?
looking for 1200sqft middle floor@blk D or E ( garden or pool view) @ 2 car park ( side by side) < rm 600k
contact : 0164851891 ( no agent )
owner unit for sales
Blk D, 1050 sqft @ 2 car park side by side @level 1 (side by side)
For sales, Blk D, 1050 sqft @ 2 car park side by side @level 1 (side by side)
email owner:-
is there any whatsapp/wechat group that is available for the owners of OI to join? I would like to join. please add me 0164816336. I stay at block E
looking for 490k-520k unit @2cp. contact 0163402118
now price around 600k +- at OI… with 490k budget.. u can get a bigger unit at golden triangle
Saya berinvestasi di proyek sampai $ 150,000,000.00. Saya Berinvestasi dalam proyek startup, pekerjaan bisnis, pengembangan bisnis, proyek jangka panjang. Proyek web yang menarik di bidang layanan TI, layanan outsourcing, desain dan akan mempertimbangkan semua proposal jika model bisnis, rencana bisnis, presentasi proyek yang jelas disampaikan ke bisnis investasi, proyek inovatif dan menguntungkan dengan struktur transaksi yang transparan.
Awalnya saya sedang mempertimbangkan proyek digital. Diterima untuk dipertimbangkan: sebuah proyek dengan gagasan orisinil atau hanya ceruk baru yang muncul di pasar Bisnis dan kemungkinan keuntungan dari analog yang ada, keuntungan yang jelas dari analog lain, jika ada di pasar luar negeri. Payback period dari 1 sampai 25 tahun. Jumlah investasi dan syarat kerja sama ditentukan secara individual dalam setiap kasus. Saya akan meninjau proposal yang menarik bagi saya. Anda bisa menghubungi Ahmed Mustapha Finance melalui e-mail:
I am interested in 1200 sqft unit, middle floor, pool view, with 2 car park lots.
Email me at
Any of owner from One Imperial would like to rent their carpark, please contact or sms to me at 0124494186.Thank
Anyone know why strata title is not issued yet ?
Anyone interested to buy a 1180sf unit with 2 car park (side by side), pls email me at Price RM580K (nego). Basic essentials fit up with kitchen stove that ready to be rented. Genuine buyer only. Thank you!
ur dream will come true..very soon..
If there any direct owner intend to let go the 1180sqf unit with 2 carpark, kindly contact me at
However, seeking the OI residents to advise me on how was the facility and building maintenance at OI? Do they have cleaner to perform cleaning on daily basis? and how was the the recreation facilities condition currently?
Thanks to hear.
I wanted to renovate my unit, currently oversea, heard there are in-house contractor, are they still around, do we needs to pay rubbish fees now?
Can someone help advise. TQ
No more.
Looking for a unit around 450k. Email me at
Reedz. the market price for One Imperial is RM550k and above subject to size and layout.
I’m letting go my unit of 1180sf, 6th Floor at RM565K (nego) with basic fit up and kitchen stove and table top. Currently tenanted who is a good pay master. Genuine buyer can contact me at
letting to my unit .1200 square feet and fully renovated -interior design, Letting go for 700k and side to side car park
Looking for one imperial. Any good unit can contact me through
hi, i am interested to buy a unit in one imperial. May i know is the strata title already out for one imperial?