Lim: Stop-work orders issued seven times more than before | Penang Property Talk

Lim: Stop-work orders issued seven times more than before

BUTTERWORTH: Stop-work notices have been slapped against errant property developers who failed to abide by necessary guidelines and regulations, Chief Minis-ter Lim Guan Eng said.

He said between 2008 and 2011, the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) issued 259 temporary stop-work notices on development projects on the island.

And between April 2008 and May this year, he said the Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) issued 11 similar notices on development projects on the mainland.

He said under the previous administration, only 38 stop-work notices were issued by the MPPP on projects on the island while no notices were issued by the MPSP on mainland projects between 2003 and March 2008.

“Under the present state government, the MPPP has issued stop-work notices seven times more than the previous administration over a four-year period.

“This shows that the state is serious about taking action against developers who do not abide by the law,” he said after opening the Taman Tunku Corporate So-cial Responsibility (CSR) beautification project in Seberang Jaya here yesterday.

Lim said the stop-work notices were later lifted when the developers took necessary action to comply with the related guidelines and regulations.

He said it was unfair to label all developers as errant or bad, adding that those who abided by the law and gave back to society through CSR projects should be praised.

Earlier in his speech, Lim said when the state co-operated with developers that carried out CSR projects, some newspapers had accused the state of being developer-friendly.

“Not all developers are evil-hearted. Those who are not good, the state will take action against them.

“But, those who do CSR, we have to praise them,” he said.

The RM470,000 Taman Tunku beautification project was jointly sponsored by Airmas Group of Companies, IJM Land Berhad, New Bob Group of Companies, Sunway City Berhad and Tambun Indah Land Berhad.

Members of the Surveyors, Plan-ners, Engineers, Architects and Developers Malaysia (SPEAD) organisation also chipped in.

Source: The Star

  1. angela
    July 30th, 2012 at 11:53 | #1

    Yeah, all the no brainer stop work issue slapped, even The Peak from ivory has been slapped with unreasonable stop work orders for moving a rock from his own piece of land to another piece of land, stupid government

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