Grace Residence
Grace Residence, a 44-storey skyscraper, comprises 378 condominium units with size ranging from 1,017 sq.ft. to 1,646 sq.ft.. This is a green residential development located along the new link connecting Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim to Jelutong Expressway.
Property Project : Grace Residence
Location : Jelutong, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Built-up Area: 1,017 sq.ft. – 1,646 sq.ft.
Total Units : 378
Developer : Nova Mulia Development Sdn. Bhd.
Register your interest here
DISCLAIMER: This article is purely the writer’s opinion on the property project, based on research done using publicly available data at the time of publication. This is not an advertisement by the developer or agent, unless stated otherwise. Any claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a project or service should be verified with the developer, provider or party in question.
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Heard from my friend RM4xx per sq ft, it’s a leasehold project
RM480-RM500per sqft and it’s free hold. Developer says type A,B&C confirm buyers more than units available..
What you guys think good investment ?
i think good investment return should consider landed property, u can consider property in Butterworth for more affordable price. High rise property need good management, i only trust good reputation company such as IJM, Mah Sing etc could manage the project well, this one not very sure.
it’s freehold, not leasehold. In fact, open for booking since last year
where can i do booking?
I would like to buy one unit of grace residence 1000++ sqft
This is good project for the strategic location.. wish to get more info on the soft launch schedule.
This project never published to public at all and now there are already advertisements of letting go some units in, what a marvelous undertable-deal between the developer & those kang-tao insiders. Good job to the state government for not able to stop such unfair sales strategy that directly contributed to the unbearable hike of house price.
Don’t get too excited, the location is near to the sewage treatment plant.
I already tried to call the Agent posted in Mudah and checked with the developer. This project only open for register and not launching yet. Yes, the price from RM480 per sqft onwards. Hardly to find brand new and so called “cheap” project in Penang Island liao
44 storey.. the highest condominium in penang….. if it comes with rooftop garden.. the view must be superb…
No, the higher is current Boulevard Condo ….. near to Farlim.
Boulevard is just 38 storey ..
ya but boulevard 37 and 38 on hill overall the highest for now….. in 2 years time… the highest will be the latitude on mount erskine hill 43 – 45 storeys…. on normal land dont forget BSG’s silverdale 3 45 storeys… anyway penang shud have an observatory tower arnd the mid part of tanjung tokong and gurney drive area……. how come no one is proposing…
any idea how much is the 1000++ sq one
Type A and Type B no balcony.
The proposed new link to Lim Chong Yu Expressway will make Grace Residence attractive for Bayan Lepas factory workers. But pricing should be less than $500k as Gold Coast only asking for $550k for renovated unit.
Gold coast is lease hold while grace residence is freehold
But directly facing the ever growing rubbish dumping site. Cannot ask for too high or else might become abandoned project due to low take up.
when is the soft launch?
Hi, CL,
Actually this project is good for stay or invest, is a gold green project, Heard from people, In KL, like this type of project, SP Setia selling Price is RM1,200psf, and i heard this project already sold out, if u really interested, u can call this no. 012 5229917, to check the latest info.
Hi, wbk,
do u understand what is gold green project? and a normal project.Gold coast is a re-claim land, and just only a normal project. But grace residence is a gold green project.If u know the different than you wouldn’t compare the price..sorry to tell u that.don’t get hard feeling.
I think Pg 1st so called green project shld b Setia Green but that is landed property. For condo, this is the 1st one or Nadayu 290 also green project. But until now, this 2 condo projects not yet launch.
Why this project so quiet hah? Still studying the pricing strategy? Hehe…
44 storeys……imagine ppl stay at the high floor one…how to evacuate if there is earthquake even it is just minor one?
this project already sold out? are you sure? as i know this project only can register name only…..
Just called to the office, this project not yet launch. No info at all when & at what price. Is the Penang property so damp hot cake??
Don’t 100% trust developer. This project already opened for sale (not official) previously at MBF tower probably by the agents, but not sure % sales.
Hi TT, do you have more info to share on this project?
First of all, i want to clarify i’m neither staff from developer nor agent. I just share something i heard b4. Below might be change. Please don’t cope me on this.
– security at main entrance, entrance from ground floor lobby, entrance from car parks & entrance from facilities floor (9 floor)
– 378 units in total for 2 wings (Wing A + Wing B) with 6 units per flr
– Ground, 1st & 2nd flr are lobby
– 3rd to 8th flr are car park
– 9th -10th flr are facilities floor
– 11-17 flr size 1410 & 1254sqf
– 18-44 flr 1646sqf, price from $688k onwards, $3k increase per floor
– freehold & come with 2 car parks
– 23 & 35 flr are sky court with facility
– every floor have garden
– 8” wide on corridor
– 3 lifts per Wing
– grand wide main door – double leaves
– maintenance fee 20sen/sqf
I fully agreed with you. In fact, this already happens on current few high rise condo (eg. Arena residence, Raffles tower, Jazz Residence) by these group “kang-tao insiders” to earn quick $$$ and eventually become a trend in future. i believe this project will be part of it.
Hi TT, Thanks for your up-date. Are you going to have the unit of this?
Nop. It’s over my budget and i can’t afford also
I fully agreed with CK. This is so called “1 Malaysia” & “Malaysia Boleh”. The people are suffering now with all of the inflation, not only house price.
I fully agreed with CK. This is so called “1 Malaysia” & “Malaysia Boleh”. The people are suffering now with all of the inflation.
Any new update for this Grace Residence?
ya lo..there is 750k of 1646 sq feet at
Why never know
Has this project been approved? How come no activities at all? Which floor onwards will not blocked by the mutiara idaman low cost flats? Will the burning smell from the rubbish dump site affect GR?
Then just stop buying from them (kang tao insider). Let the market to test on thier holding power. Those flipper need to learn some lesson, and we need all the buyer/future buyer to stay aside and enjoy the good show
Weird layout with 15sm foyer. Does anyone know whether developer provide discount and DIBS? Kangtao insiders are going to get their hands burnt this time if they already signed the s&p.
The developer sales office at Jelutong (opp the Batu lanchang balai polis) the model house is display there, U can see at night only when the light are full on.
My hubby will buy 1646sq .. for own stay..
The developer told that the new link to Lim Chong Yu Expressway was approved..
Joey, how much u buy the unit?
Hi Cindy,
U interested to buy it ?
For us, we feel the location is very strategic, and also very close to the bridge.
Now can see the construction for Nova Place is started.
First let me clarify that I am an agent..
The project is still on-going and is expected to be complete 3 years later, rebate and DIBS will be provided..and currently only the 1646sq is available, others all sold out..
Anyone wanna arrange for viewing please leave me a reply =D
Why others all sold out,then only you appear ? What is the motive of this
developer ? Only 1646sq is available, what is your arrangement with the
developer ?
I am only a small fry working…my only arrangement is getting the commission if I manage to sell a unit =_=
I met the developer the other day, then they told me only left 1646sq…so I just mentioned here only left 1646sq..think of it as just informing.
When to the office this morning. I was also being told by sales person that left 1646sq only. Those people who bought this had already register and booking early last year according to the sales person.
When to the office this morning. I was also being told that left 1646sq only. Those people who bought this had already register and booking early last year according to them.
the waste dumping site is so close. why no body concern that?
Most of the purchasers have noses and eyes problem!!!
I like the location. Just the dumping waste site make me “beh song”. However, layout A, B and C all sold out. Only D left.
Where is waste dumping site located? How far is it from this project?
it just 6~700 meter from east
i am not a agent i am buying a unit already , the waste dumping is nomore in future it will become the recreation park, info from new paper.
the price is high…. i am not effort to buy although i like it
Went to the fair today at Qbay mall, this proj was open for booking since a year ago and the smaller units all gone. What is left is 1646 sqt and price start from rm892k.
Hi Lily,
Am also a buyer… Nice to become neighbour in future…
Its such a shame, i called a year ago to enquire but being inform by the lady Manager that it is only open for registration and now all smaller unit sold out and i even register myself at their offc. This is so sad that it is happening to penang and no control done to stop this kinda of unethical act / dirty works from this developer. Even a year ago its already on for bigger units but not small units. I would like to hear more from those who is also being treated so by this developer.
they “test water” at QB roadshow back in early 2011 i think, or even earlier, i oso attracted by their “green concept” & target location. been following up with them every few mths, ofcoz registered, but… get the same outcome as urs…so guess is juz another case similar & all developer oso do the same dirty tricks..
What is the package the developer is offering now?
Now many car park is provided?
Hi lluna,
If you are really interested to buy, pls let me know..
Note : I am buyer ..for own stay…
they told me only lower floor 11-20+ 1600 units available with limited unit. All absorb except stamp duty, do you all know how much for that?
Well, that’s mean the value of the place is still low, what you think it will happen to that area after 5 years? if you realize that they are many mega projects coming up at the coastal there, what the value of jelutong area might become after those mega projects completed? buy in when the value is low, and sell out when the value is high. Always hunt for low value area with potential to growth…
Somemore with the current development at the coastal, the price will increase in future..
@PPT , lluna
are you or anyone interested in this project now, ” kang tao hui ” (cheap) p/s call 016-41115111.
No more “kang tao hui” since everyone knows.
Any buyers got called up by lawyer to pay the stamp duty? I been told it should be bear by developer and just got to know buyer actually has to pay for it. Information given by agent and developer is misleading. Any suggestion?
@ Damien
As i know bear by developer is loan stamp duty not SPA stamp duty .
hi, wondering anyone knows the ceiling height for this condo since it is declared as a Green Building? Internal air ventilation should be part of the criteria, i supposed. many thx
I went to the developer building and ask for info… they told me those unit available left only those more than 1mil????
I prefer Urban Suite. There was more than 50 facilities at Urban Suite. Compare to Grace Resident, Urban Suite have more facilities and lower price.
how much per sq ft?
Hi all, I am Evon from UP Properties. I am the authorised agent for Urban Suites. If anyone is interested, please call me at 0124729897
people like you so used to and so comfortable making ad hominem statement and point finger at the government… at least there are quality effort and implementation of public housing in penang now… unlike other states… learn to appreciate ler… dont simply complain complain… developers deceptive attitude selling to bulk-buyers and speculators… its not government alone who are responsible… its mainly the people of malaysia… malaysians get rich only by cheating not creativity like other countries like sweden, japan and uk… this is because malaysians are dumbass…. dumb people knows how to cheat only… if u are a developer, you would do the same thing also… wake up….
Currently what is the latest price of this project ?
You always need law to protect the people from harm. The gov is responsible to draw up appropriate law and regulation to protect innocent people. Example, if you don’t have a law to criminalize rape, do you think rape cases will go up or down? Imagine robbing a bank is not a crime?
Any unit available? Or anyone wish to let go?
Pls email me
Anyone can share the latest price of Grace Residence ?
Have you buy it ?
any unit available? how much is the maintenance fee ?
What is the latest price of Grace Residence ?
Interested. Please PM.
Thank you.
Smaller units sold off silently. to whom or what we will never know. and the monopoly of penang developers continues…..
Latest price by developer (for unsold unit 1,646 sq ft) is about RM760/sq ft
I was told by my friend that one unit was sold at RM1000 per sq ft recently. Not sure true or not.
still available any more unit?
Heard now show house is available. Anyone interested may contact Nova developer for further details
i heard this project is delayed for 1 year is that true>?.
Grace Residences
2 car parks
Rm1.35m negotiable for serious buyer
Potentialbuy, you may call to developer (Nova) to understand further on it….
Now developer has special package for 1,646 sq ft unit, fully fitted.
Already open for show room and sales . I am stay beside this condo..Mutiara Idaman.. very strategic place .. very high building. The price not so cheap the location and design very good..
No one comment about the lights issue at night? Or comments taken down?
Nothing to comment. Childish and just a waste of time
Need to be cautious and careful lo.
Don’t play play lo.
If not, later, kena buta nia.
The internal facility is far not complete yet,
Confirm not just 1 years
Interested any sales person here?
Any buyer here for own stay 1 ? We can create a group chat since we’re the neigbours..
Yes, do PM me at I’m setting up a WhatsApp group for resident
I already email you. Pls check.
How many buyers here for own stay 1, actually ?
I’ve replied your email
GR residents, please join us at our FB group (Grace Residence Penang Owner’s Club)
I am the GR residents for own stay.. other than FB, do we have Whatsapp group to discuss the issue?
I have 1 unit 1646sqft seaview unit for sale, 950k let go.
@JJ chin
your unit has how many car park? which facing and flooring? PM me at
Hi any grace residence owner here?
I would like to organise a Owner group.
Pls pm me your email address or contact number. Thanks
May i have your contact number?
Hi Maverick.
We already have a whatsapp group for the neigbours..
You may email me your phone no… I will add u…
Hi All, I bought a unit at Grace Residence few year back. Developer supposed to pay compensation for late completion but till now still no news from them. Anyone facing the same issue? Tks
Hi Joey, can add me to your whatsapp group. My email is
Hi Raymond.
We already have a whatsapp group for the neighbours..
You may email me your phone no… I will add u…
please add me
Hi Joey, can add me to your whatsapp group. My email is number 017-5588700.
Hi, Joey,
can you please email me?
Came across this page and saw there’s a neighbor whatsapp group.
Would like to join please.
Thank you.