Gardens Ville
Gardens Ville, part of the integrated lifestyle development by GSD Land in Sungai Ara, Penang. Featuring lushly landscaped garden at podium level, panoramic hill and sea view, club house with recreational facilities and many more. It comprises condominium units with built-up size ranging from 1,100 sq.ft to 1,300 sq.ft.
Related Project: 19 Park Residences @ Gardens Ville
Project Name : Gardens Ville
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Built-up Area : 1,100 sq.ft. – 1,300 sq.ft.
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Indicative Price : RM400,000 onwards
Thanks for your incorrect and very biased info, you must be from Balik Pulau or Nibong Tebal
i would say relau/sg ara is going to re-develop to be a better organized township… eventhough they are still some old kampungs and flats around there, but for sure its soon going to boom.. and soon ppl will tend to come of to sg ara for shopping or other activities..
traffic jam, reallly everywhere one la.. let see after the road widdenning job, how is it going lo…
Well, if you notice that most vehicle passing through Relau main road is heading to AyerItam,PayaTerubong…that leads to traffic congestion.
yes, traffic is my main concern too… but let’s see how after 3 yrs, there will be 6 lanes coming up, hope this may helps to reduce the congestion.
Which info is incorrect?
I am from Nibong but not Nibong Tebal. Very close to QB.
Can you quote me other than Farlim, which area at penang island got so congested population. Or you mean it is nice and idea to stay at high population area like relau and farlim?
For investment, what point do you think relau is strategic and idea to invest?
Pre- thanks for your clarification and I do hope I will get a good and reasonable answer.
Forget about it, if you bought a wrong property at exorbitant price with not so promising future, what can you do? Defend and say it is good, gooder, goodest. Deep inside, regret.
Every one wants to invest, every one think there are unlimited idiots to buy from subsales, every one quote d piazza success story. They forgot d piazza is only RM240K for 1300 sq ft at superb location
Even Balik Pulau is better, at least cheap and huge potential in the future.
New lanes and widening will ease up traffic but just temporary, imagine those road users selecting this route because of 6 lanes instead..:(
In order to overcome congestion, we need new connections and links such as outer ring road, road privatisation as well. A new link AyerItam to Tun Dr Lim Cong Eu expressway to reduce vehicles from payaterubong/ayeritam.
better than nothing, at least something is coming up soon, will see how after this.
The thing is can we say we don’t want our condo and get our money back after the road widening and traffic jam is even worse!
Some time, if they widen selectively , 3 lanes suddenly cut back to 2 /1 lane, the traffic will become even worst. People slow down as cars cut-in . We have seen that so many.
Don’t what to say, cheap also not cheap this condo, if really bad the traffic, just sell off with 100k profit .
if you think 6 lanes also not use, then your brain must be stuck. If you stayed at balik pulau or West area, even not congested, you will still jam behind a lorry.
Now i stayed at RELAU, I just need:
10minutes to reach Sunshine square,
10minutes to USM,
15minutes to Paya terubong,
10-15minutes to Queensbay,
15minutes to Airport,
25minutes to Georgetown. (via coastal highway)
Good jobs. That is data collected at 12 midnight.
Next assignment , repeat the experiment at 7am and 6pm. Report back to us.
Make sure all variables like speed, weather , type of cars are similar
Guys, you should look into the big picture! If Relau valley maybe not that strategic because too many low cost flat. But GV, OI and GT are will be a good new planed township. I will say this piece of land is having much more potential compared to someone mentioned Balik Pulau. Event such an ideal location like Sg. Nibong, still lacking of proper wet market. The nearest market are Sunshine and Lip Sin. Same as hawker center. And for school, those people in Sg Nibong still need to send their kids to town.
Regarding the traffic, the 6 lanes upgrading is a good one, if not, don’t try to sell those areas with just 2 or 4 lanes access road. And, a new road will be constructed to link Farlim to Bkt Gambier and Tun Lim Express scheduled started 2016 and completed 2018. This will diverted some traffic flow from Jln Paya Terubong. And those bought at this area, there is high chance that they will receive a bonus once Jln Paya Terubong connected to Jln Mahsuri with a flyover, just a matter of time. And, the township itself already added more connection road from Jln Paya Terubong to Jln Dato Ismail Hashim.
Do this experiment for those branded place like Pulau Tikus, Tanjung Bunga, Tanjung Tokong, see how long it take. LoL. I really curious those keep bombarding Sg Ara traffic one, where do they live that they wont have traffic jam in Penang Island during rush hour.
Before I buy my property in sg ara, some one in the forum said, that piece of land many landed property, many condo, during rush hour for sure having extremely jam on traffic condition.. but now.. I have gotten my key, renovation completed, and now been stay almost 2 months.. traffic is smooth, only at sunshine square, Dpiazza i saw a long queue for traffic… But it’s in acceptable range.
Good statistic. I have similar data.
U must be driving during 12am midnight
hey, its funny u guys debate on this topic ler….
the traffic jam is very subjective one la… when we talk about peak hours, almost whole pg is jam la…
Traffic jam is very objective lah especially during peak hour.. for example during 6.30pm, from Kampung Jawa to Bayan Baru – 10-15 mins; further to PISA – another 5 mins; jam at the Relau junction – another 20 mins – to Setia Green – another 5 -10 mins.
During non-rush hour, the difference is not that significant, probably just 15 mins – 20 mins anywhere.
wht is the point of debating here
GV has multiple access thru Relau and sg ara. if you can tolerate the traffic condition – buy, if you can not – don’t buy
You got the whole point. GV has multiple access. That’s why I prefer to stay in Relau area for the past 10 years. Buy if you like, no point debating as everywhere in Penang also jam nowadays.
multiple access – but around it all traffic jam bottlenecks!
those who said sg ara & relau having extremely jam on traffic as above, may i know where you stay now? can you share with us how the traffic condition at your place?
i believe it must be very good condition, right? Plan to buy one next to you, if you don’t mind.
@small fish
LIKE. I also want to buy one unit regardless of price!
Which area not jam and no bottleneck nowadays ? Balik Pulau or Teluk Kumbar or Batu Ferringi ? Don’t quote mainland ok!
It take me 35 mins. from Seagate to Sg. Pinang in G’town to reach my
house. ( Mon. to Fri. )
Over inflated? If yes. What are the expert here advice for those already 30s but still dont own a single house?
1. continue rent house?
2. buy LMC in Penang island?
3. go and buy in mainland outer place like nibong tebal, padang serai ? because still can get good bargain.
4. wait bubble to happen, very soon got 50% discount?
I have created a dedicated forum for GV
feel free to visit and register as a member (owner only).
anything, feel free to contact me at
30s still looking for property ? Why, ?
because bought Toyota City as first car after grad, then upgrade to Honda Accord few years after? Sorry to be rude, sincere advice, just grab one , whatever you can afford first. You can always upgrade to better one later, then, you have time/space to be choosy.
I bought my first property at 25. Hell, I remember my savings account left few hundreds after 10%. All my own hard-earned money.
Now, own a condo at Bayan baru ( D piazza- lucky, very lucky, could have miss) and double Storey house in Balik Pulau.
Just commit a high end one ( condo) at Bayan Mutiara.
I still drive my old reliable Wira. Slowly i lost interest in car , love property , any bonus, extra money dump into housing loan. I am in my early 30s too.
Not for pride/ arrogance , but I have seen many of my university mates spend on cars- Camry, BMW, etc etc. BMW!! You know, then complain about house expensive. I normally just smile, tag along. No one knows my property purchase among my friends.
will update the progress of construction photo at GV forum..
Thank you
Thanks for helping bro.
Hi all,
Pls register for genuine owner only. I will not approve spammer. No point debating unnecessary topics!
This is a good project…. nice place to stay….close to the hills for peace and fresh air
Construction Lvl 5 now..
Regardless of the price!? Your motive is very suspicious! Isn’t it?
@Olivia Lee
Why not?
If i have money, I also will buy regardless of price.
Very suspicious ? Why ? If I can find a perfect location without jam, I am willing to pay 10-20k extra or even more. Don’t you agree ? Just let me know the location and project.
Already ask to pay 250++ but i’m not sure is it the MRTA and insurance charge for the year.@Jeanne
We have changed the GV dedicated forum address to:
new website:
feel free to visit and register as a member (owner only).
anything, feel free to contact me at
registered!! but why there’s 2 log in? user name & password then bottom part, user login? i wont be able to log into it, pls advise. tks..
Hi Sui,
please email for any issue.
Hi Sui, we still not receive any email from you. Not sure if your problem solved?
If you still cannot login, please register again. Thanks and sorry for inconvenient.
IC. Will try to check with bank again as till now didn’t receive any notice to pay for MRTA…
Hi, are you present gsd land? cos i have some issue wanna ask u
Nope, I am one of the owner only..
Lvl 5 now
look like many bought for own stay.. its good to see that….
left 2 units to grab…. top floor and lowest floor… almost 480psf ++
Heard gsd have new project coming & is luxury & price is over 600psf ….anyone know the location? Can’t wait to grab one unit . Anyone please let me know if gsd have launch the new one.
Let us know too….. better buy now or else Penang property will not be affordable soon….I hope to get at least 2 units…one for investment and other for own stay….Now staying in Alma and travelling everyday…. Alma is so boring… I prefer to stay on island side….
read from today’s News paper, government may stop the DIBS after the budget in October, anyone heard about this??
Saw you own so many GSD projects d, still can swallow another one?
rich ppl get richer, poor ppl stay poor…
damn, i m in the poor category.. why???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any GV owners already chosen car park lots? According to GSD, they will inform later but no news till now
@Pacific Rim
if you are owner, you can register at GV owner forum:
you can get the update there.
Progress photo updated, Lvl 5 now.
@gvowner already registered…
got it… welcome.
now GV how much psf??
i also wish to know…. last check 2 months back is at 460 psf… now dont know already…
May I know is there any official Resident Facebook Page or Forum for Gardens Ville?
So that all the Resident can sharing their ideas or comment there..
Pls register with your unit number, i will approve your request. thanks
Last 2 weeks, left 2 units at top floor and one unit on 6th floor. All above 600k.
Just realized you registered. I have approved your request 5mins ago.
. GSD already let so many buyer earning the future profit. Im sure new project also can make it but this time i only aim for smaller unit (budget tight). Come & join me for new launch soon! 😉
so u must faster grab one to be a rich ppl then
Progress photo updated.
I m still waiting for the forum approval, anyone help?
anyone wana let go their unit?please email me
anyone wana let go their unit? sms me 0164570867
Can let go unit now ? I don’t think so!
What is your username ? I can help to approve.
according to the SA, 2 units left and it’s extendable to 1400sqft, around 730k with 5% rebate.
You are not helping. This person has given positive comments which is really the fact. North Sg Ara is surely better than south Sg Ara and it is convenient to get to every where. Also, never ever buy on mainland Penang. That place is really the furthest and has nothing to offer at all. Best investments always on Penang Island. Always
@ursula khoo
mainland is for those ppl who want to stay landed, but cant afford to buy landed in island…..
i feel no problem to buy mainland as having more potential to grow…
Can you register again ? I don’t see your request coming in.
What is the actual size ? If you take the biggest 1270, that mean the price already went up. Extendable to 1400sqft is illegal in my opinion. We used to enjoy 7% rebate instead of 5% earlier.
Hi setia 2013. can help to approve me, mine one ID is patrickhcm
Hi setia2013 pls approve my Id kellychin04
I approved yesterday.
I did not see your request coming in. When you register ?
heard from SA the selling price will increase 70k,and car park as well
Those who stay at mainland are loser…cannot afford to buy island properties…..can be considered second grade Penangites
@Felixia Lam
unlucky my loan only can get 70% & this new project i heard is luxury condo maybe i can ask friends to joining for invest….anyone know when will it launch?
mind your words, it is a disgrace for Penang to have a person like you
Worse if you stay at mainland. Better you stay on island
1 thing i like about gardens ville is.. they have a hot ‘milf’ sales lady…
forgot what’s her name. with long curly hair, tall & thin.
@ Keat’s Mother,
Do you have any idea how much is a Double Storey Terrace in Bwth or BM area? Pls go and do some research before you open your mouth. It’s all about choices. 500k++ for a 1,000 sq ft high rise in Sg Ara or Relau OR a Double Storey Terrace in Mainland. I rather be a 2nd grade people staying in a “landed property” than a 1st grade people staying in high rise in Penang Island…
@ Keat’s Mother,
Those staying in a landed property in Mainland can wash their car even at 3 am… you try wash your car in your “high rise” at 3 am see what happen??? Bet the neighbors sure throw their mother’s old shoes
If I need to entertain myself when I’m bored.. I usually log in to to read the individualistic comments from the Penang islanders with misplaced pride
Did anyone know when bumi lot will open?
those stay at landed in mainland will get robbed if wash car at 3am.. hee hee hee..
Oh hee hee hee,
500k ++ can get G&G in mainland
even though i am one of the GV buyer.. but i will still look for a landed in mainland for my next prop hunt
No matter you buy in mainland, or island… you have your own good reasons… it is just plain ignorant and silly to condemn people who don’t buy on the same side of the channel as you. This “either you’re with me or you’re against me” mindset is frankly speaking, childish and shows the maturity level of some people over here.
Mainland landed people wash car at 3 am but the neighbors never complaint?
@Unker Ho
What do you think about such statement?
Haha… this ‘property bubble will burst soon’… if you’re here long enough you would have read the same comments over and over and over again…
two groups of people.. one who waits for bubble to burst so they can go in for the kill…
the 2nd group don’t care about bubble and keep buying to invest…
Not saying who’s making the right choices but I guess… time will tell… Heck.. who says investment is without risk? Oh wait.. there is… it’s called Fixed Deposit
I realize about these two groups of people too. Such comments about bubble,price crashing is inevitable and eventually might happen but these people never thought of the crucial point on the outcome of their dreams come true. I mean who doesnt want affordable property right? But at the expense of others to lose their livelihood,jobs and food? That is just sooo inconsiderate, and all for the primary reason to be able to get a cheaper unit when price crash. Sometimes I hope to understand what these people really think. Purely selfish.
Anyway, something about those “evil speculator and greedy developer”, these people have the capability and lobang to make things happen to profit from property investment. Some may not be wealthy enough to sustain a serious economy downfall, but guess what a bad economy gonna do to you…many of us (including me) makan gaji, have your own business and etc. All will be affected. I only hope Malaysia economy shall remain bullish and become stronger.
It is too childish to make complaint regarding property bubble, area too congested, price too high and etc… You’re not going anywhere even after 5-10years. I have been hearing this since many years ago and i regreted for not to buy more properties.
+1… i just cant wait till its completion
Its not sensible to believe the property prices will come down.Pproperty bubble is least possible to occur though the chances are definitely not nil.Concurrent factors to support the penang island property prices would continue to escalate being:Material cost,labor cost,land scarcity,increasing number of population,influx of tourists,and the hot money.
Presumably,if the economy collapses,I believe, those waiting for a kill in this situation themself also cannot afford to buy one as the banks would reluctant to lend out so easily and the BLR would be untouchably high.
My advice to those who are complaining the property prices are too high,think how to supplement your income to gather enough of ammunition,increase saving,cut down unnecessary spending like driving a big car,play safe for yourself and your family by having some health insurance policy.Then do a regular study on property,consulting regularly those who are smart in this regard…..then hit it hard.That’s it.
hi, i have registered with email on 9 aug, not sure you have processed it. i have not received updates on it yet.. tq
Can you register again ? I did not see your request coming in. Pls provide us with your unit number and valid email. We have declined a few request last 2 weeks as we believer they are spmmers with funny email adresses.
any problem to log in unable to access to it.. tks.
Hi Sui, the website already change to , the old one no longer exists.
still cannot, message there ” sorry your account or ID is banned, you cannot access to site” something like that…
still cannot, message “sorry, your account or ID is banned, unable to access to site” something like that….
Received message, still got units for sale before increase 15% in September, can save Rm50k if buy now, I tot the sale very good, already sold out, but still got so good kang tao now, mmmm….the actual sale actually wasn’t good??
Any smaller sq ft unit 1100sq ft available, what the price offer by developer now.
Hi Sui, Pls email me at, I need to check something with you. Sorry for inconvenient caused.
@Ah Dog
Same here, sms circulating GV Condo now & save up to rm50k before 15% increase in price by 1-Sep-2013.
Then fast fast go to grab one, before 1-Sep.
Current construction Lvl-8 for both block, very fast…
this condo is commercial title or residential title?
residential title
right right…. its developer job to help us (buyer) to push up the price itself…
plus many new development around us…. OI2 is selling 480psf above…. our paper gain for early buyer is almost 15% for 8 months already……
good thing for buyer…. bad thing for our next generation… i cant imagine whether my future kid can purchase a property by his/her own money or not….
Any news? as developer mantion before 1 sept going to increase the price, did anyone go to sales gallery there check?
Latest photo updated at GV forum today..
hi yes the developer has increased the price to 15%. and all the units fully sold out.. guess only left out the Bumi lots…
wondering./.., if the units all sold out, how do u know the price increased 15% wo?
unable to access to forum…
shouldnt be a problem to access as i am going in almost daily without issue..
Hi Sui, I can access to the forum all the time.
In this case, you should email gvowner and let him know your problem, he will check for you.
wish to let go my unit for a quick cash…. 1230 sqft high floor, transaction fee bear by me. asking RM480psf.
interested party pls leave your email or contact number here..
lol. really a quick cash…. u must be buying the unit on launching day
with how many car park?
2 car park
may i know which floor and facing?
Can sell now ? Did you contact GSD for that ? I thought they don’t alowed you to do that.
its above 20 floor, facing north if i m not mistaken..
tat time just buy n sign only.. 😀
my lawyer said doable. deposit full refund if gone case…
last saturday just went to sales gallery, saw that the house price already increase is about 530psf dy.As i can see the unit that i bought showing with different price cover with red paper.
lol… look like not much ppl interested in your unit… wakaka…….
justine talk to justine.which one is the real justine.??????confused babe..
the sales person told me la…
the sales person told me la..
If all sold out,what is the logic to announce price increase in ??unsold units?Preposterous.Incerdulous.
there are units just released due to loan rejection……
just went to the sales gallery 2days back.. all released units sold out again… pg seriously has many rich guys…
Haha.. must be fake one. A lot of people in this forum claim those new launch condo mostly “sold out” are fake one. Those booked stickers on the board also fake one, everything is fake one. The only real thing is property market is going to crash. “Going to” is when, I also dont know. “Very soon” is how soon I also dont know.
hi, is it better to buy zan pavillion compare to this GV? zan pavillion comes with bigger size and cheaper psf price. 2000sqft selling around 700k plus only.
the location just beside only…
i think there have been some discussion on this… u may check back the history…
I have one unit Type A – 1270 SQF ( medium floor ) with 2 car park @ 520 / SQF.
Interested ppl please email me at
walao, u are more tamak than the previous Justine… ppl will better buy iconic skies la…
This is call sucking blood. hehe…..
Already email.
chin, u better look for justine.. 😀
I am more interested on coming new project heard is new concept in penang. All my frens advise said must enter to earn profit. Anyone know what is the built up area or concept?
The sales staff told me is about 1200sf – 1300sf & registration name list is over 10 thousand people! Can see gsd have so many supporter & buyer follow their new project!!!
New project? Where & what is the price?
the details still havent released, but the brochures look damn nice.. 😀
u can go to GSD office to check for it… will launch this year end or early of 2014… thats what the sales lady told me…
IC, let’s pay a visit this weekend or you can scan a copy and ask admin to upload here
GSD sales lady told me Rm 550-660 per sq foot..Will launch end of this year..
Hi, can I know the location?
its just in front of the GSD sales office… there is a big land there…
my unit still open for sale. price increased to 500 psf follow developer price. anyone interested pls leave your email here.
Tell me 3 reasons why should we buy from u and let u earn when we can choose a unit from developers. And also there are plenty of new projects coming up.
Hi, may I know what is the price per unit now?
What i know is they will have road show coming this 7 of Nov at QBM for registration & heard from someone official launch will be on Dec. Price about 500psf+ , concept is damn pretty nice. Anyone knowing it?
Hahaha, because developer unit sold out! Price increase to over 700k for 1270sf!
after the badjet 2013, maybe the investor will sell the price higher to compensate the high RPGT…
Do u think so easy to find buyer by simply increase the price?
its about give n take… all ppl tend to be greedy… so holding power is still the main thing…
Let the greedy investor increase the price, ask he or she hold the property till die, who bother.
holding is wise if the price stagnant for years…
Phase 3, SKYCUBE going to launch end of this year? Anyone know the price?
SA told me about 500psf with no DIBS…
Hi hi.. anyone interested to let go GardenVille?
i tot developer going to open the bumi lots soon…wait for that .
VY, tell us your offer…
How is the progress of this Garden Ville project ? Anyone can update the info with the latest progress photo?
Go to private Gardens Ville got updated photos and surrounding projects.
maybe u can aim for Skycube Residence which i saw the property fair at QBM is not bad & low density project. Heard coming Dec have soft launch & with good early bird package.
maybe u can aim for Skycube Residence which i saw the property fair at QBM is not bad & low density project. Heard coming Dec have soft launch & with good early bird package.@VY
“Housing loan LTV will count based on net selling price”
what do you think of good early bird package? does it help with above statement set by Bank Negara?
Heard the construction going very fast & smoothly !
ya… surprisingly smooth…. las time all ppl said GSD very slow la.. this la.. that la… now speedy construction ler….. together with sierra and summerton….
How soon will sky cube launch ?
i contacted the developer on Saturday, sky cube will be launched in 1st Q of next year.
Maybe already sold out even before the official launching…
Woo…i believe will not be so Hot lei , since the banker is trying to tightnen the loan borrowing criteria right now.
Hello, anybody know about sky cube selling price.?
i believe should be around ~550 persqft upon launching.
Thanks for the info…
Garden ville progress reach car park level..? wondering any buyer would able to advise?
Looking for bumi lot to be released by GSD, if anybody come across that the bumi lot is being released appreciate you could share in the forum..tks
Yah, the the new rules, really need to think alot before purchase any new prop…also should opt for mainland prop instead, bigger space at lower price.
Hi , for your info . Garden ville now progess Tower A lvl 16 , Tower B lvl 15
Woo..good progress for garden ville, tks for the sharing alvin.
Anyone have received confirmation on car parking lots? Car parks levels have been completed earlier and GSD should be able to confirm to owners by now
I don’t think it will be rm550 per sqft onwards. This round they will get hit by Ideal’s Imperial Residence. Ideal one start off with only rm454 per sqft onwards.
Imperial Residence i heard many of my friends say that the sell out is not very good
Due to the Structur/concept is not as Good like GV. as their feedback after visit the showroom . beside that garden ville for who purchase before sept 2013
psf is almost same like one imperial . so i think is not too worry ya
Beside that , one imperial is i not mistaken is very high density .
Do u know the land size of one imperial? Try to visit the site to understand more.
Imperial Residences sales is not as good as OI due to property market is slowing down after several cooling measurement n new rules has been imposed.
If i am not mistaken,the total land area of One Imperial is about 9 acres,with apartment units totalling 750 units, and consists of 5 blocks.Unit per area/are wise,i do not think its of high density type.But,managing such magnitude area/blocks/units is of great concern,of course.
Latest photo updated at GV forum today..
Block A Lvl18
Block B Lvl16
Who are the GV owner , u may log in to our GV forum too ya
anyone bought gv with price higher than 470psf? heard skycube selling with 470psf now before discount voucher lagi