Gardens Ville | Penang Property Talk

Gardens Ville

Sungai Ara/ 19 March 2012 Leave a comment

Gardens Ville, part of the integrated lifestyle development by GSD Land in Sungai Ara, Penang. Featuring lushly landscaped garden at podium level, panoramic hill and sea view, club house with recreational facilities and many more. It comprises condominium units with built-up size ranging from 1,100 sq.ft to 1,300 sq.ft.

Related Project: 19 Park Residences @ Gardens Ville

Project Name : Gardens Ville
Location :
 Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Built-up Area : 1,100 sq.ft. – 1,300 sq.ft.
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Indicative Price : RM400,000 onwards

  1. dwnoman
    November 9th, 2012 at 10:43 | #1

    seeing the tent is ready outside GSD office. And many banners around the road lamp.
    there will be launching for 10/11 Nov. Maybe another long Q again like SR???

  2. Bryan
    November 9th, 2012 at 13:37 | #2

    dwnoman :
    seeing the tent is ready outside GSD office. And many banners around the road lamp.
    there will be launching for 10/11 Nov. Maybe another long Q again like SR???

    So, no Q yet just now? Sign of oversupply of poor developer?

  3. XY
    November 9th, 2012 at 14:14 | #3

    2 of their projects (SR & GT) facing problems and issues, how about the Summerton? The progression looks very fast…

  4. lepanther
    November 9th, 2012 at 15:26 | #4

    Just saw the tent outside GSD office around 2pm, no looks very hot like that, saw few people only. My bro-in-law got no. 21 at around noon. Not sure now.

  5. lepanther
    November 9th, 2012 at 15:43 | #5

    Heard that from a construction company director that one of the director in GSDLand does not have a good track record and believe to have cheated some people. Not sure how true, just some info I’ve digged out from some friends in construction business. A known risk to take.

  6. lepanther
    November 9th, 2012 at 15:45 | #6

    Aren’t these two belong to the same boss? GSD and Ideal?

  7. penangspy
    November 9th, 2012 at 15:58 | #7

    this company has been launching many projects but yet to deliver any….just wonder what is their quality?

  8. Bryan
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:10 | #8

    lepanther :
    Aren’t these two belong to the same boss? GSD and Ideal?

    heard that before but not sure how valid the source is.

  9. david
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:11 | #9

    Believe me, selling rain cloths and umbrella tonight. Selling Ice-cream and ice kacang tmr noon. Sure Fatt ah.

  10. Bryan
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:11 | #10

    XY :
    2 of their projects (SR & GT) facing problems and issues, how about the Summerton? The progression looks very fast…

    What is the problem of GT? construction of level 5 started as per yesterday.

  11. Bryan
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:13 | #11

    david :
    Believe me, selling rain cloths and umbrella tonight. Selling Ice-cream and ice kacang tmr noon. Sure Fatt ah.

    If you believe this project will be hot, Q will be long, instead of selling kacang putih, sell Q number better.

  12. bangla kia
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:18 | #12

    I am selling seat to all people, who want first row or 2nd row can pm me… 1 seat RM500 only come come before all seat be taken…

  13. Indo
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:46 | #13

    lepanther :
    Just saw the tent outside GSD office around 2pm, no looks very hot like that, saw few people only. My bro-in-law got no. 21 at around noon. Not sure now.

    Garden Ville for poor

  14. Fast&Furious
    November 9th, 2012 at 16:51 | #14

    I’m selling ‘HOT’ seat for first row at RM400 which is cheaper than ‘bang ka lai’.

  15. bangla kia
    November 9th, 2012 at 17:13 | #15

    Tomorrow no more seat already left 5 more seats, those really want to buy GV dun miss this opportunity. I already queue 2 days with my friends, come come pm me here and I will give u my contact. I will pass the seat to u all 8am tomorrow, RM500 worth a lot with nice units.

  16. Kam
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:05 | #16

    As I repeated <> Pls think twice before you buy half a million property!!

  17. Kam
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:06 | #17

    I do not dare to buy any GSD Land property as scare about their financial and other project on hand which working like tortoise. They even do not have any experience building high condo before. Also, all their salesperson and staff like try to hiding some issue from customer when ask like ‘ada muslihat di sebalik batu’. They did not answer to customer honestly and their staff give several answer for a same question. Indeed GSD Land is a 龙门客栈

  18. Kam
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:11 | #18

    bangla kia :Tomorrow no more seat already left 5 more seats, those really want to buy GV dun miss this opportunity. I already queue 2 days with my friends, come come pm me here and I will give u my contact. I will pass the seat to u all 8am tomorrow, RM500 worth a lot with nice units.

    I every day pass by there. The Q only start a few ppl in this morning. How come i didnt see you yesterday nite ?

  19. kia si
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:19 | #19

    欧美经济大跌. 若明年经济萧条的话, 我国的房地产会受影响吗?

  20. Kam
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:24 | #20

    Very interesting …….. 我认为只要美国继续大印钞票(QE3),楼市自然还会继续上升,可是问题并不是房价还会升多少,而是泡沫何时突然破灭,半年?一年?无论多久,那天迟早都会来临。因为无论什么投资,一旦进入技术超买(价格升至基本面因素无法支持的水平,通常发生在价格短时间内急涨之后),信心随时会崩塌,如果进入竞相出售期,由于买家不愿承接高价,卖方就开始变相削价,这样问题就来了。因为很多人都是高额借贷者(90%),一旦房价打折超过10%,房屋就转会成负资产了。到时候,卖方会比买方更急于出售,市场规律突然逆转变成buyer market,如果到时全球经济出现危机,买方不是没钱、就是条件不足无法贷款,那些有钱的未必会急着购买,更不如静待楼价如雪球滚落、进入超卖时期(价格跌至不合理的水平)之后,再来扫楼。这种事情在香港发生过,无论背景故事有何不同,市场的运作规律是一样的。当时香港某些豪宅急贬到最低时只有高点的三份之一价格。在那场泡沫中,香港平均每位业主损失高达267万港元,有10多万人从百万“富翁”一夜之间变成了百万“负翁”,造成了严重的社会问题。这正应了华人首富李嘉诚的话:“房价上升没有人跳楼,但是房价下跌就肯定有人跳楼。”鉴于国外的前车之鉴,我门是否应该仔细想一下,赚钱自然每个人都高兴,万一楼市泡沫破灭,我们是否有足够的能力来承担那些高贷还款?如果有多余的财务能力可以面对楼市危机的风险,那买不买都不是问题,关键还是准备高度借贷买房却不是为了居住需要的朋友们,是否想过最坏打算?是否有做风险管理及评估呢?

  21. Ah Huat
    November 9th, 2012 at 18:37 | #21

    Aiyo, i heard this bubble few years back ago, see till now house price still rising. Our inflation is high because of government policy not because of investor. Please please convey the message to gov not here in this small forum.

  22. kia si
    November 9th, 2012 at 19:27 | #22

    是不是有letter 的才可以拿No.?

  23. Alvin
    November 9th, 2012 at 20:13 | #23

    Few bangla occupied the seats of 1st row.
    Aiya, I forgot to ask them selling the seats how much?

  24. MK
    November 9th, 2012 at 21:55 | #24

    Just pass by, about 30 ppl in front of GSD office.

  25. Obamana
    November 9th, 2012 at 22:31 | #25

    Why so little people? Because raining?

  26. Logic
    November 9th, 2012 at 22:35 | #26

    “Bo Laku “

  27. Ah Dog
    November 9th, 2012 at 23:18 | #27

    Penang people is now suffering for layoff, traffic jam, capable but no money CAT government, and etc. Where got mode to buy new property? The queue is shorter than The Golden Triangle; the few peope that i seeing just now maybe already go back sleep and left all the empty seats.

  28. KK
    November 9th, 2012 at 23:27 | #28

    not many people, maybe one imperial better. .

  29. SP Lang
    November 9th, 2012 at 23:51 | #29

    I think created by “someone” !

  30. SRS
    November 10th, 2012 at 08:38 | #30

    Any live sales report or status from Garden Ville?

  31. AK47
    November 10th, 2012 at 08:42 | #31

    Imperial is too high density, 5 blocks. Very hard to manage well. Two block is better.

  32. H@n
    November 10th, 2012 at 08:48 | #32

    For sure it wont have a long queue like SR.
    Coz the Sell Price above RM470K and too many units there…
    Like SR, 1st day sell, type A also left some of the units it is because of the price range.
    what do you think?

  33. dwnoman
    November 10th, 2012 at 09:01 | #33

    GV only launch one tower….and mostly are being book as last week had VIP invitation.
    there is one floor which had the personal garden had been taken up by the developer boss.
    Actually not much units left for sales for this launching.

  34. PG kia
    November 10th, 2012 at 10:02 | #34

    Too many new launches in that area, price is expensive with future premium factored in. Slow sales is expected.

  35. Oppa gangnam style
    November 10th, 2012 at 10:19 | #35

    Kam :
    As I repeated <> Pls think twice before you buy half a million property!!

    why u care? u can’t afford go away

  36. Alvin
    November 10th, 2012 at 10:42 | #36

    Kam :
    As I repeated <> Pls think twice before you buy half a million property!!

    I thought Kam is the one of the 1st row people who waiting for the good unit.
    Unfortunately,he used 1 night to consider & gave up finally.
    Yes, all new projects at that area sold about half a million & above.

  37. Kam
    November 10th, 2012 at 10:59 | #37

    I do not dare to buy any GSD Land property as scare about their financial and other project on hand which working like tortoise. They even do not have any experience building high condo before. Also, all their salesperson and staff like try to hiding some issue from customer when ask like ‘ada muslihat di sebalik batu’. They did not answer to customer honestly and their staff give several answer for a same question. Indeed GSD Land is a 龙门客栈. To be honest, no actual showroom provided. Who knows later the actual buiding look like rifle range flat and the main entrance is very narrow. PPL who buy GSD product good luck !!

  38. Ubah
    November 10th, 2012 at 11:01 | #38

    Starting from 450k for 1100sft and 1 car park. With 5% rebate, still not that cheap. But still many people waiting for their numbers to be called. Crazy!

    Pinnacle starting from 492k for 1100sft with 9% rebate, so 25k different?

    OI still the cheapest with 380psf.

  39. Cham
    November 10th, 2012 at 11:30 | #39


    非常赞成你的说法。所谓 Sustainability 还是最重要。 GOOD LUCK to all buyer and grow your asset happily in Properties.

  40. fun
    November 10th, 2012 at 12:10 | #40

    haha….penang ppl buys property like buying cakes…….all damn rich

  41. david
    November 10th, 2012 at 13:36 | #41

    Now a day cake also not cheap liao. Should said like drinking water, sap sap 水. :) Thier family income 2X higher compare to the report.

  42. WTH
    November 10th, 2012 at 13:38 | #42

    Jz drive through. About 100ppls still there.

  43. Ah Dog
    November 10th, 2012 at 15:12 | #43

    I see, only one Tower is launched, this indicates GSD not dare to open all for sale, and want to test the market to see if second Tower can sell at higher price in later time, or wait longer if 1st tower’s sale hard to push. Also, with less units, easier to sell with higher take up rate. Anyway, how is the sale or booking rate? Tomorrow go and drop by to see!

  44. JL
    November 10th, 2012 at 15:16 | #44

    Type c finished?

  45. Alice
    November 10th, 2012 at 15:21 | #45

    WTH :Jz drive through. About 100ppls still there.

    wah u sure bo, or they r paid by GSD to be there, maybe 98 of them is GSD staff

  46. WTH
    November 10th, 2012 at 16:15 | #46

    No idea, may be. :) GV not so hot compare to SR project last year, may be caused by setia project just need to pay 1% and gave 9% discount. Also setia is a reliable developer and peoples willing to pay abit higher price.

  47. Tuti
    November 10th, 2012 at 16:54 | #47

    Kam :
    As I repeated <> Pls think twice before you buy half a million property!!

    No need to think already, after complete can sell more than a millions make easy money here

  48. Ah Kong
    November 10th, 2012 at 17:07 | #48

    If this place can sell more than a million, other places will be selling 1.5
    to 2 million. So what is your choice ?

  49. WTH
    November 10th, 2012 at 19:33 | #49

    Ah Kong :
    If this place can sell more than a million, other places will be selling 1.5
    to 2 million. So what is your choice ?

    If count by ratio, other place selling at 750k-1mil now, so are you afford to buy now?

  50. Alvin
    November 10th, 2012 at 19:43 | #50

    sales is good. left about 30 units at higher floor.

  51. Ah Kong
    November 10th, 2012 at 20:34 | #51

    “No need to think already, after complete can sell more than a millions make
    easy money here”.

    No. We are not talking about the selling price right now. You are saying that
    after completion one can sells more than a million !!! It’s the profit margin
    that I am referring to.

  52. cashflow
    November 10th, 2012 at 20:59 | #52

    Be fearful when others are greedy…

  53. Ubah
    November 10th, 2012 at 23:14 | #53

    Alvin :
    sales is good. left about 30 units at higher floor.

    Must be from their previous SR buyers. Previously brother bought SR, not sister must buy also. Whole family or friends can stay next to each other, and form the JMB together. Nice move.

  54. MK
    November 10th, 2012 at 23:24 | #54

    Refer from the newspaper, GV concept, facility seems good, and the package is Ok.
    When is another Tower going to luanch?

  55. Unknown
    November 11th, 2012 at 09:20 | #55

    Why so many negative comments?

    Just share with you all that GSD or GSV very strong or healthy in term of financial position. They are cash rich company. You are doubt on their financial backgroup because you are not understand. Pls do more home work before make any conclusion.

    If you are affordable, pls go ahead on their project. If not, pls do not complain while you are not able to purchase.

    For sure, property prices will increase over a period (just how fast it grow in term of %).

    You are not able to make any diffrence to the developer, but you have a choice to make diff on yourself. Pls think how to make yourself afford to buy a house instead of Ï’m not able to buy”.

  56. WTH
    November 11th, 2012 at 09:38 | #56

    I was a Sr buyer, I not worry about the price or risk. But I’m not satisfied with their staffs. Lack of experience. The detail, Sr buyers will understand. :)

  57. Sniper
    November 11th, 2012 at 09:45 | #57

    Went to sale office yesterday, as usual the sale person are very “lan si” and not so polite. Not sure if this is the selection criteria for GSD when hiring people.

    Just my two cents, no offense:
    1. GSD just want to make “BIG” money by selling high pricing condo on cheap land. The location was a “sampah” land. GSD, TGT, and Ideal are suspected to have the same boss. The reason they setup GSD is due to some bad reputation on Ideal. All “BIG” foreign bank is not willing to be panel for this project is a good example. Look at other “BIG” developer like SP Setia they have some “BIG” bank like HSBC to back them up.
    2. For those who buy for own stay, please make sure you have bought a quality project. What is the quality of property from GSD, no one knows. This is a “BIG” risk. With the same pricing 400-500k, you can find sub sales around this region. At least you can see the quality and surrounding.
    3. For investors, after 3 years when all project around this area was completed, for sure there will be more than thousand units listed in “Mudah” for sale. When the competition is high, imagine how far the price can go. Also, all these projects are mainly targeted for local residence, are they afford for it? If want to sell to foreigner and outstationer, what is the selling point?

    Above just my personal opinion, no offense and feel free to give your comment. :)

  58. Kam
    November 11th, 2012 at 10:54 | #58

    Sniper :Went to sale office yesterday, as usual the sale person are very “lan si” and not so polite. Not sure if this is the selection criteria for GSD when hiring people.
    Just my two cents, no offense:1. GSD just want to make “BIG” money by selling high pricing condo on cheap land. The location was a “sampah” land. GSD, TGT, and Ideal are suspected to have the same boss. The reason they setup GSD is due to some bad reputation on Ideal. All “BIG” foreign bank is not willing to be panel for this project is a good example. Look at other “BIG” developer like SP Setia they have some “BIG” bank like HSBC to back them up.2. For those who buy for own stay, please make sure you have bought a quality project. What is the quality of property from GSD, no one knows. This is a “BIG” risk. With the same pricing 400-500k, you can find sub sales around this region. At least you can see the quality and surrounding.3. For investors, after 3 years when all project around this area was completed, for sure there will be more than thousand units listed in “Mudah” for sale. When the competition is high, imagine how far the price can go. Also, all these projects are mainly targeted for local residence, are they afford for it? If want to sell to foreigner and outstationer, what is the selling point?
    Above just my personal opinion, no offense and feel free to give your comment.

    i’m agree with you. Their GSD staff are well proper trained as “dog eye see ppl low” and some temporarary sales staff are knowing nothing of their project lagi “lan si”. As, I have mention in previous post, GSD never have experience build any completed condo before. Good luck to all buyer for GSD project.

  59. JT
    November 11th, 2012 at 15:35 | #59

    I still think that there is still risk on GSD project after listening on bad comments from you guys. If the developer does not have experience in new project either they can do the best for first project to promote thier reputation or just grap money and gone off later..

  60. shakira
    November 11th, 2012 at 21:45 | #60

    hi all, im a first time property buyer, would like to get one unit for my own stay in 3 yrs time after i get married, im interested in the type D unit which is one of the few units left, it’s facing the A tower which not yet released, any comment on the unit? thanks for advice.

  61. Alvin
    November 11th, 2012 at 23:13 | #61

    Sampah land ?

  62. PG Guy
    November 12th, 2012 at 03:58 | #62

    Does any one have info on the commercial lots for GV? How much are they going for now if they have been launched? Notice that unit sizes for new launches are shrinking by the day and yet prices are still escalating…. looks like this will be the trend for PG properties (island side especially)…. for those who have been waiting and waiting….. just a word of advice….


  63. heehee
    November 12th, 2012 at 08:50 | #63

    my advice: standby with your cash and just WAIT, they are getting desperate… hee hee hee..

  64. Tuti
    November 12th, 2012 at 10:03 | #64

    I am calculating how much i going to earn fast money after it completed. Must sell above 1 mil at least

  65. Ubah
    November 12th, 2012 at 10:49 | #65

    Tuti :
    I am calculating how much i going to earn fast money after it completed. Must sell above 1 mil at least

    You got penhouse?

  66. Gary
    November 12th, 2012 at 11:46 | #66

    shakira :
    hi all, im a first time property buyer, would like to get one unit for my own stay in 3 yrs time after i get married, im interested in the type D unit which is one of the few units left, it’s facing the A tower which not yet released, any comment on the unit? thanks for advice.

    If u look for completion after 3 years,better think twice
    for GSD project.

  67. Tuti
    November 12th, 2012 at 12:47 | #67

    Ubah :

    Tuti :
    I am calculating how much i going to earn fast money after it completed. Must sell above 1 mil at least

    You got penhouse?

    No need penthouse la, it will go up rm800/sqf after 3 yrs

  68. Alvin
    November 12th, 2012 at 16:57 | #68

    Tuti :
    I am calculating how much i going to earn fast money after it completed. Must sell above 1 mil at least

    Wah… How to calculate?

  69. GH
    November 12th, 2012 at 21:39 | #69

    Any one interested in GV condo may contact me
    Only serious buyer.

  70. MK
    November 12th, 2012 at 21:52 | #70

    Which type you have?

  71. GH
    November 12th, 2012 at 22:16 | #71

    Type A 1270

  72. GH
    November 12th, 2012 at 22:18 | #72

    Leave me a msg if u interested

  73. Gary
    November 12th, 2012 at 23:12 | #73

    U sell booking?

  74. wonder
    November 13th, 2012 at 11:38 | #74

    Hi GH, how much it cost?

  75. wonder
    November 13th, 2012 at 11:38 | #75

    @GH, how much it cost?

  76. GH
    November 13th, 2012 at 15:51 | #76

    with 2 car park at 24 th floor facing north view pm me Geeho82@

  77. pengemis
    November 13th, 2012 at 19:02 | #77

    anyone knows any mosque nearby for this project?

  78. kevin
    November 13th, 2012 at 19:30 | #78

    no at this moment… but not sure for future

  79. shakira
    November 14th, 2012 at 11:31 | #79

    Gary :

    shakira :
    hi all, im a first time property buyer, would like to get one unit for my own stay in 3 yrs time after i get married, im interested in the type D unit which is one of the few units left, it’s facing the A tower which not yet released, any comment on the unit? thanks for advice.

    If u look for completion after 3 years,better think twice
    for GSD project.

    hi bro, ok. will think again. want to get input on type D facing to be released tower A, can anyone comment? thanks

  80. shakira
    November 14th, 2012 at 11:32 | #80

    MK :
    Which type you have?

    so fast finish all units sold out? i thought still have couple of type A,B and D top floor….

  81. shakira
    November 14th, 2012 at 11:32 | #81

    MK :
    Which type you have?

    Gary :
    U sell booking?

    so fast finish all units sold out? i thought still have couple of type A,B and D top floor….

  82. Economic Crisis
    November 14th, 2012 at 19:13 | #82

    Today’s Sin Chew newspaper, only 80% sold for the 1st tower launched! Terrible, if both towers open for sale, what would be the %? Even though they claimed the price is at 20% lower than market price! Is the property market so terrible now? Hope once completed, this condo won’t sub-sale at 20% lower than purchasing price.

  83. pengemis
    November 14th, 2012 at 19:31 | #83

    @Economic Crisis

    when i was there on sunday, left 14 units only…. how could it be only 80% sold?

  84. jackson
    November 15th, 2012 at 13:36 | #84


  85. Sir
    November 15th, 2012 at 14:49 | #85

    pengemis :
    @Economic Crisis
    when i was there on sunday, left 14 units only…. how could it be only 80% sold?

    14 + 26 bumi units = 40 units / 200 units per tower (correct?) = 20%. Correct wat..
    wah, total 400 units on such small piece of land + shoplots…what the heck..

  86. Sg Ara
    November 15th, 2012 at 15:03 | #86

    Sir, Yes,..looo Garden Ville 400unit + Shop lot and also Sierra Residences also got 400unit ( Low Cost Cond) in the same land….Look like next time the area same as E-Park …..

  87. pengemis
    November 15th, 2012 at 17:28 | #87

    look like all negative comments…… so any advices from you all on what properties good to purchase in 500k range on 12XX sqft in penang island?

  88. Sir
    November 15th, 2012 at 17:41 | #88

    @Sg Ara
    I think E-Park is better. Location is convenient and near to USM easy to rent out. Batu Uban is much better investment than this area, although old.

  89. Aah Dog
    November 15th, 2012 at 20:04 | #89

    World stocks slid Thursday as the eurozone fell into recession and hopes faded for a quick agreement among U.S. leaders not to hike taxes and cut government spending — a potential double whammy which could derail the world’s biggest economy.

    Overall, many investors remain uneasy with the persistent weakness in the world’s biggest economies and a lack of confidence, which discourages companies and households from spending despite stimulus programs by central banks.

    “The concern that I have is that when economies were weak three years ago, governments were able to come to the rescue,” Elston said. “They are not as able to provide support now because their balance sheets are a lot weaker than they were.”

    No country can escape the contagion effect … Better dont buy now …

  90. T
    November 16th, 2012 at 06:50 | #90

    100% sold out yesterday when I called & and they target to launch second tower either in Dec or Jan. Penang got so many buyers?

  91. Sg Ara
    November 16th, 2012 at 08:09 | #91

    Penang got a lot “INVESTOR”, not “BUYER”….

    Looking the Plan, the area almost same as Relau, along the road Tunas Muda Corp building a lot Low Cost House and have a Mid size Mosque…Thinking Where or When the Mosque become Big Mosque like Bayan Lepas. Bcs last time have 1 Small Mosque in Golder Triangle project area.
    Rent to Indo or Vint worker like Zan villas….

    Btw don’t worry, Invest in Penang property sure have 100% return btw 10% – 20% after OC obtain

    **Sorry, not heart feeling. Just my personal view only.**

  92. pengemis
    November 16th, 2012 at 08:24 | #92

    erm… i am actually buying for own stay…..

    considering the area is surrounding by new landed houses currently which >1mil and its kind of silent enough for own stay…. i m buying the one facing the mountain and feel quite comfortable….

    they provide DIBS which i believe they have actually counted in to the psf currently… i bought at 420psf as its in high floor and i believe 3 years later for sure it wont be this price anymore….. but anyway, for own stay, i consider the environment more… i love the garden concept which hopefully it can be sustained well la…

    ya.. maybe e-park having better in location wise but considering on “NEW” factor, i choose a new property rather than subsale where u have to lose almost 20-30k on legal fee, agent fee, etc…

    just my 2cents….

  93. Bryan
    November 16th, 2012 at 09:45 | #93

    pengemis :
    erm… i am actually buying for own stay…..
    considering the area is surrounding by new landed houses currently which >1mil and its kind of silent enough for own stay…. i m buying the one facing the mountain and feel quite comfortable….
    they provide DIBS which i believe they have actually counted in to the psf currently… i bought at 420psf as its in high floor and i believe 3 years later for sure it wont be this price anymore….. but anyway, for own stay, i consider the environment more… i love the garden concept which hopefully it can be sustained well la…
    ya.. maybe e-park having better in location wise but considering on “NEW” factor, i choose a new property rather than subsale where u have to lose almost 20-30k on legal fee, agent fee, etc…
    just my 2cents….

    The legal fee, agent fee….. included into the selling price….

  94. SP
    November 16th, 2012 at 10:07 | #94

    420psf quite reasonable price for the price in high floor. Is it come with 2 free carpark or 1?

  95. vmeshp
    November 16th, 2012 at 10:45 | #95

    I see a lot of doubts here.

    Once I heard a wise man say: “You, the buyers have the money in your hands. Them, the sellers/developers/agents, are asking for YOUR money. In such a situation, who do you think is the boss? Whom should be afraid of whom?”

    & Please don’t fall for the mother of all gimmicks: “Penang’s land is limited, prices will only go up infinitely etc etc… ”
    Look at Hong Kong:
    >Land limited? Yes.
    >Premium location? Absolutely. Even more prestigious than Penang.
    >>>But what happened in 1997? The market was so badly hit that prices fell by up to 70%.

    Not saying the same will happen in Penang. I hope not. But please evaluate your options objectively.

    So if the price is right for you (taking into consideration location, property features, market conditions, future prospects etc etc), by all means, please go ahead & buy.
    If not, keep your cash. Keep your power. You’re the boss.

    Invest wisely.

  96. PG Guy
    November 16th, 2012 at 11:09 | #96


    Penang prop price will fall one day, but don’t know when. Keep money in FD with 3% interest does not generate good return. Mutual fund up and down. Any better advice?

  97. ezalor
    November 16th, 2012 at 13:10 | #97

    Yayaya….Hong Kong prop price did bubble burst and drop >50%.
    But those bubble theory people always avoid to mention further:the price rebound back higher within 2 years 3 years, and much much much expensive now.

  98. vmeshp
    November 16th, 2012 at 13:27 | #98

    people also always avoid to mention further: the price was on a downtrend for 6 years straight. AFTER those 6 painful years, then only the rebound you mentioned began.

    6 + 3 years = 9 years of stagnant cash flow, 9 years of non-return on investment.

    If you have incredible holding power then good for you. But still it was highly unwise to invest in properties during those times. Again the need for wise investment decisions. If you keep your money, your options remain open.

  99. Bryan
    November 16th, 2012 at 13:36 | #99

    vmeshp :
    people also always avoid to mention further: the price was on a downtrend for 6 years straight. AFTER those 6 painful years, then only the rebound you mentioned began.
    6 + 3 years = 9 years of stagnant cash flow, 9 years of non-return on investment.
    If you have incredible holding power then good for you. But still it was highly unwise to invest in properties during those times. Again the need for wise investment decisions. If you keep your money, your options remain open.

    The problem is, cash depreciated from day to day. Your hypothesis only good if the recession come next year. Otherwise, keeping cash is a poor investment plan. Cash rich enough to buy many things buy afraid of buying, cash is just a paper or number then.

    So, what if you were wrong?

  100. heehee
    November 16th, 2012 at 14:08 | #100

    Simple nia, if you bet economy downturn coming, don’t buy; if you bet economy keep growing, hantam lah.. see who will be the winner…hee hee.. but I just wonder if property price will keep growing, why so many developers rushing to launch their projects now? hold for longer time to launch for higher price lah, why so stupid?? Some more have to give so many goodies….hee hee hee……

  101. vmeshp
    November 16th, 2012 at 14:21 | #101

    When I say keep your money, I don’t literally mean put it in a savings account or our microscopic-gaining FD as PG Guy has pointed out. The money will rot there. I’m suggesting you keep your money in a more LIQUID form. Liquid means you can convert them to cash within weeks (if not days) to invest on other things when needed. There are plenty of options (I’m NOT selling any kind of investment courses whatsoever by the way) – currencies, stocks, options, commodities etc etc.

    Risky? Yes, definitely, but all forms of investments are risky, properties included.

    To answer your question “What if I was wrong?”. I’ll totally get burnt of course – My money will shrink in value or I’ll ultimately become poorer.

    But what if I invest the majority of my money on properties & it turns out I was wrong? I may have to end up auctioning my properties off. That would translate to even bigger financial losses, worse, bankruptcy.

    Anyway, I don’t think I should keep going on. This might end up being a debate & this forum is not big enough for that. I’m just here to give forum readers a different perspective – a buyer’s perspective. Nobody has to agree or disagree.

    So I’ll make my original message shorter. Like I’ve said earlier:
    >If the price is right for you (taking into consideration location, property features, market conditions, future prospects etc etc), by all means, please go ahead & buy.
    >If not, keep your cash. Keep your power. You’re the boss.

    Invest wisely.

  102. pengemis
    November 16th, 2012 at 15:43 | #102


    2 car park..

  103. Bryan
    November 16th, 2012 at 16:52 | #103


    I could have agree with you, but no foreign currency is strong and save at the moment. Stock would have collapse faster if recession come. Commodities is almost the same situation with property. Out of all the above, only property can be use and invest at the same time. Only thing is that you get loan for property and other you invest direct with your available cash. So, the risk is higher in that sense.

    Unless you are say only Malaysia economy collapse.

  104. heehee
    November 16th, 2012 at 19:13 | #104

    Property investment play by “leveraging” – for example, you just need RM50k initial capital (downpayment) to invest for a RM500K property. The profit (or loss) will be amplified 10x, e.g. property price appreciate 10%, the profit(or LOSS) is 10×10% = 100% of your initial capital of RM50K. It is very high risk, even higher risk than stock & currency investment because you can get into NEGATIVE loss (=BANKRUPTCY). In stock or currency investment, worst case your investment may just become ZERO value. But if property price down 20%, you lost your 10% initial capital (RM50K)+ another 10% loss (long term payback with bank loan, or bankrupt). When the value of the property lower than the loan amount, people may just don’t want to service the loan and let bank lelong the house. That’s how the 2008 US Subprime crisis started… 负资产 。。。hee hee hee..
    I rather keep my cash in hand, and wait for time to “slaughter”…. Let see whether your property price can fly… hee hee hee hee hee…

  105. Believer
    November 16th, 2012 at 20:43 | #105


    Where did you graduated ? US financial system is different from M’sia.
    Property investment is very high risk compare to stock ?

  106. PG Guy
    November 16th, 2012 at 21:30 | #106


    Stock investment still carries the highest risk. The price can go into water in a day.

  107. Sahja
    November 16th, 2012 at 21:36 | #107

    wah~ think I’m outdated.. property investment more risky than stock/currency market??

    I can only agree that investors should invest in gd location properties in order to minimize the risk.

  108. heehee
    November 16th, 2012 at 22:32 | #108

    if you think it is not high risk to invest on property at this time, ask those who invested in N-Park during 1997. The price went underwater for many years and a lot been auctioned. Yes, property “investment” (a.k.a flipping) is higher risk than stock at this time. If you have RM50k dump into stock investment, the worst case you may lose the whole of RM50k. If you use the RM50K as the 10% downpayment to buy a RM500k property for flipping later, you may lose more than RM50K (if price down more than 10%, then you owe the bank for the extra loss). Looking at the sharp price rise>40% in the past 2 years, you think a 10%-20% price down is not possible?? I see this round we hit a big recession of the world which may last for sometimes. I have cash on hand and you have properties, let see who will be the last one standing.. hee hee hee…

  109. PG Guy
    November 16th, 2012 at 22:34 | #109


    Risk is much higher when invest in stock market, any stock market.

  110. Jason Wong
    November 16th, 2012 at 22:37 | #110

    I think you can continue to keep your cash for old days, i love the way you calculate property investment risk higher than stock investment.

    1. You did not take into a/c the changes in stock prices on a daily basis.
    2. You are comparing property investment using loan, but stock investment fully funded by cash, this is totally an unjust comparison. You can take loan and buy stock the very same amount n see which risk is higher. At least in property the prices will drop but not to zero, in stock wait till your investment being delisted.

  111. heehee
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:16 | #111

    hee hee hee.. what so different? If you buy KLCI blue chip stocks, where got high risk even hold for long term (multiple years)? the past 3 years KLCI boom from 900points to now 1630points. Return is much more than property, and do you think those blue chip stocks will go to zero value? Of cause if you buy penny stocks it is much higher risk and higher return/loss. Same if you buy property from an unknown developer also high risk the project may be abandoned. In stock market you need to do your own market analysis. If simple follow people sure loss until you broke lah. Same for property market, if you don’t do market analysis and simply follow, then wait to be “slaughtered”. And worse because you will be tied up with bank loan which consume large portion of your income for many years. So you said property investment is not high risk? hee hee hee…

  112. liz
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:16 | #112

    Invest in stock, currency, forex and house equally has the risk. The KLSE are at the peak, same go to housing. I was really burnt in 1997 and 2007…now recovered a bit as stock has gone up. I had buy house, apartment…all are in penang. Price also up and down…I hold on and value never go down if u hold more than 5 yrs even it’s bad economy. Simple raeson, penang is land scare area. Do you believe condo cost RM700K now? Do you believe RM700K condo will cost RM1Million for 8 yrs in Penang? Lets wait and debate 8yrs later!!

  113. WTH
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:18 | #113

    “currencies, stocks, options, commodities etc etc”. Yes for currencies, options(i would said property), commodities. Stocks, are you sure?

    “But what if I invest the majority of my money on properties & it turns out I was wrong? I may have to end up auctioning my properties off. That would translate to even bigger financial losses, worse, bankruptcy.” Come on, investment mean you have extra money after deducted your commitment. If leveraging, i would say this is gambling, just bet for better. It won’t bankruptcy you if you invest using extra money. Such a childish theory.

  114. WTH
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:19 | #114

    heehee :
    Property investment play by “leveraging” – for example, you just need RM50k initial capital (downpayment) to invest for a RM500K property. The profit (or loss) will be amplified 10x, e.g. property price appreciate 10%, the profit(or LOSS) is 10×10% = 100% of your initial capital of RM50K. It is very high risk, even higher risk than stock & currency investment because you can get into NEGATIVE loss (=BANKRUPTCY). In stock or currency investment, worst case your investment may just become ZERO value. But if property price down 20%, you lost your 10% initial capital (RM50K)+ another 10% loss (long term payback with bank loan, or bankrupt). When the value of the property lower than the loan amount, people may just don’t want to service the loan and let bank lelong the house. That’s how the 2008 US Subprime crisis started… 负资产 。。。hee hee hee..
    I rather keep my cash in hand, and wait for time to “slaughter”…. Let see whether your property price can fly… hee hee hee hee hee…

    Nothing wrong by theory, the risk is getting higher but is it already hit the peak? No one can answer it.

  115. WTH
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:21 | #115

    Jason Wong :
    I think you can continue to keep your cash for old days, i love the way you calculate property investment risk higher than stock investment.
    1. You did not take into a/c the changes in stock prices on a daily basis.
    2. You are comparing property investment using loan, but stock investment fully funded by cash, this is totally an unjust comparison. You can take loan and buy stock the very same amount n see which risk is higher. At least in property the prices will drop but not to zero, in stock wait till your investment being delisted.

    Like :)

  116. WTH
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:32 | #116

    heehee :
    hee hee hee.. what so different? If you buy KLCI blue chip stocks, where got high risk even hold for long term (multiple years)? the past 3 years KLCI boom from 900points to now 1630points. Return is much more than property, and do you think those blue chip stocks will go to zero value? Of cause if you buy penny stocks it is much higher risk and higher return/loss. Same if you buy property from an unknown developer also high risk the project may be abandoned. In stock market you need to do your own market analysis. If simple follow people sure loss until you broke lah. Same for property market, if you don’t do market analysis and simply follow, then wait to be “slaughtered”. And worse because you will be tied up with bank loan which consume large portion of your income for many years. So you said property investment is not high risk? hee hee hee…

    Le… brother also can go bankruptcy!!! Come on stock price also based on leveraging lar, some can be 20times higher ans also mean they need 20years to reach the actual value. if economic crisis occurred in these 20yrs. What do you think your share price and dividend? Stocks have more high risk than property, this is never wrong. High risk high return and this is more easy to get extra money than buying toto and no need a long term commitment. That why alot more prefer to put money in stock market. However, you need to invest some money in stock market to diversify your investment. Buy at the right time but you need sell it immediately when the market is bad. just same like property. Always remember, property is concrete made and stock is paper made.

  117. heehee
    November 16th, 2012 at 23:36 | #117

    Yes, property price up & down. I think you will prefer not to buy during 1997 & 2007 if you have done your homework well. hee hee hee…

    liz :
    Invest in stock, currency, forex and house equally has the risk. The KLSE are at the peak, same go to housing. I was really burnt in 1997 and 2007…now recovered a bit as stock has gone up. I had buy house, apartment…all are in penang. Price also up and down…I hold on and value never go down if u hold more than 5 yrs even it’s bad economy. Simple raeson, penang is land scare area. Do you believe condo cost RM700K now? Do you believe RM700K condo will cost RM1Million for 8 yrs in Penang? Lets wait and debate 8yrs later!!

  118. Bryan
    November 17th, 2012 at 07:26 | #118

    heehee :
    Property investment play by “leveraging” – for example, you just need RM50k initial capital (downpayment) to invest for a RM500K property. The profit (or loss) will be amplified 10x, e.g. property price appreciate 10%, the profit(or LOSS) is 10×10% = 100% of your initial capital of RM50K. It is very high risk, even higher risk than stock & currency investment because you can get into NEGATIVE loss (=BANKRUPTCY). In stock or currency investment, worst case your investment may just become ZERO value. But if property price down 20%, you lost your 10% initial capital (RM50K)+ another 10% loss (long term payback with bank loan, or bankrupt). When the value of the property lower than the loan amount, people may just don’t want to service the loan and let bank lelong the house. That’s how the 2008 US Subprime crisis started… 负资产 。。。hee hee hee..
    I rather keep my cash in hand, and wait for time to “slaughter”…. Let see whether your property price can fly… hee hee hee hee hee…

    What kind of theory? It will take > 10 years to make lost of 100% in property, and by that time, property price most likely recovered. The key aspect in investing in property is holding power. Of course, with good developer for case under construction.

    If you want to use stock investment strategy in property investment, I think you are heading to a wall.

    A person having 100K would take 50K to buy 500K property, actual value could be 300K.
    B person having 100K would take 80K to buy 80K stock, actual value could be 10K.

    Assume both enter the market at the same time.
    A still have 50K balance in hand as the “holding power” for ~2 years, assuming he no longer having income.
    B would die in a day.

    If recession happen > 1 year later,
    A will have a margin gain for the first year, let’s say 5~10%. The risk reduced by time.
    B most probably will continue to add money to the stock market (don’t tell me you don’t) after year 0. Stock market goes up, your investment also increased, profit per stock unit reduced. Unless you know which day the recession come, anytime you not able to escape in time, you money turn into paper.

    Invest property in 1997 and 2007 may have high risk. But the risk is much higher to invest in stock at the same time.

    So, if you have 50K right now, you will put into property or stock?

    Don’t tell me you have invest in 2008 with KLCI 900 and now earn 1 fold. Those invest in D’Piazza in 2007 with 20K+ down payment and 50K installment until now, already make 2~3 fold return.

  119. pengemis
    November 17th, 2012 at 08:28 | #119


    :-) well said.. d’piazza ori buyer really couldnt imagine that when it was 5 years ago….

  120. heehee
    November 17th, 2012 at 11:22 | #120

    hee hee hee.. that is what I told earlier lah.. timing is important, either you want to be D’Piazza buyer or N-Park buyers.. after 10 years, people will say the subsale property is old lah, need to pay legal fee, stamp duty, blah blah blah..and developers come out new DIBS projects again to attract next generation buyers… hee hee hee…
    nevermind, just go ahead and flip if so confident…hee hee hee, the water is deep and many buaya awaiting.. hee hee hee…

  121. PG Guy
    November 17th, 2012 at 13:29 | #121


    Stock market water is much deeper.

  122. Sahja
    November 17th, 2012 at 17:20 | #122

    Hey change your nick to huha la, still can hehe here hehe there, so thick one your face.

  123. heehee
    November 17th, 2012 at 18:56 | #123

    I am not the one in deep mud… of course can laugh lah.. hee hee hee.. The time will come, I am watching.. hee hee hee…

  124. WTH
    November 17th, 2012 at 19:12 | #124

    Hey guys, you guys never ever to stop heehee one. just let him enjoying what he want to write here or other places…….. “The time will come,” same meaning to “i know you will be die one day”. Sure happen one mah, just do not know when lol.

    Just interesting to know, not willing to share that is ok, you can keep the answers by urself. Have you buy stocks now? Or you are waiting the stocks price to collapse first?

  125. heehee
    November 17th, 2012 at 19:25 | #125

    oh WTH, I never discourage people to buy properties.. I just express my view here and exchange opinion with other…may be I am wrong and you are right?? hee hee hee, I will be watching behind…
    To some extend stock market & property market are same. Timing is important. You can never against the big trend. Yeah, I already cash out from stock market and also aiming for right opportunity.. Properly the general election next year is the key timing.. hee hee hee…

  126. WTH
    November 17th, 2012 at 20:22 | #126

    Like :)

  127. T
    November 17th, 2012 at 20:26 | #127

    Garden Ville is going launch Tower A on 8 Dec with 10% price increase. Let’s see what is the response then.

  128. Obamana
    November 17th, 2012 at 20:37 | #128

    10% price increase for what reason? for material price rise these few days? labor cost? land cost? This is the trend in telling our property price is out of logic and building bubble, it will burst in one day. Mostly, the price will remain the same once completed, so, just buy after it is completed, keep your money in fix deposit to enjoy some interest first.

  129. T
    November 17th, 2012 at 23:06 | #129

    I agree your points but how do I buy a unit when completed where units are sold out in few days time? I believe you means second unit. Do you think the first buyer will sell their unit at their purchased price? Ans is better don’t buy lah.

  130. J n J
    November 18th, 2012 at 01:57 | #130


    T :Garden Ville is going launch Tower A on 8 Dec with 10% price increase. Let’s see what is the response then.

    bloody blood-sucking leeches these greedy unscrupulous developers ..
    yes .. the time will come … the bubble will burst soon

  131. powerfoo
    November 18th, 2012 at 09:06 | #131

    T:is dat real increase 10%?n it will b launch on 8Dec?dis news from their office?

    @J n J

  132. T
    November 18th, 2012 at 10:05 | #132

    Yupp, you may call them and ask then.

  133. powerfoo
    November 18th, 2012 at 14:13 | #133

    Is dis a good investment?@T

  134. T
    November 18th, 2012 at 14:31 | #134

    It is up to your choice. I did not see any good comments abt Gsdland so far.

  135. Ha Dog
    November 18th, 2012 at 16:28 | #135

    T :Garden Ville is going launch Tower A on 8 Dec with 10% price increase. Let’s see what is the response then.

    very too lan already, will give their sales staff a buay song ‘ i smell shit’ look …

  136. Alvin
    November 18th, 2012 at 16:40 | #136

    T :
    Garden Ville is going launch Tower A on 8 Dec with 10% price increase. Let’s see what is the response then.

    Is it selling price will be higher without promotion rebate 5%? 2nd car park price no more RM15K but RM30K?

  137. pengemis
    November 18th, 2012 at 17:00 | #137


    i think so…. from the SA, 15k car park only available from 10-11 nov exclusive preview wo….

  138. Bryen
    November 18th, 2012 at 22:11 | #138

    Texas Instruments cuts 1,700 jobs …

    Top economists: U.S. heading for another crash, debt crisis looms …

    IMF: There is nowhere to hide in the global economy as a slowdown in Europe and other advanced countries spreads to Asia …

    Gloom and doom spreading …. next few years will see downtrend … price drop coming

  139. shakira
    November 19th, 2012 at 10:15 | #139

    hi bros and sis, lawyer call today rush me sign S&P, so early need to sign already? TQ

  140. Sir
    November 19th, 2012 at 10:37 | #140

    shakira :
    hi bros and sis, lawyer call today rush me sign S&P, so early need to sign already? TQ

    developer is desperate to lock down buyers.. scare that you will fly away…

  141. pengemis
    November 19th, 2012 at 11:42 | #141


    tot u will get additional 1% if sign within 21 days rite?

  142. XY
    November 19th, 2012 at 12:21 | #142

    They had learned the experience from previous SR project …..

  143. Clovers
    November 19th, 2012 at 12:53 | #143

    They learn from The Clovers? I think The Clovers launched first 2 blocks and ask to sign SnP with rebate, almost been a year ago, and the last 2 blocks now haven’t launch yet. Some Clovers buyers already want to let go. By the way, how is SR progress after the SnP hu-ha??

  144. PG Guy
    November 19th, 2012 at 13:09 | #144

    Clovers :
    They learn from The Clovers? I think The Clovers launched first 2 blocks and ask to sign SnP with rebate, almost been a year ago, and the last 2 blocks now haven’t launch yet. Some Clovers buyers already want to let go. By the way, how is SR progress after the SnP hu-ha??

    Clovers launched almost a year ago meh?

  145. ezalor
    November 19th, 2012 at 16:46 | #145

    Pls dont misleading people lar if dont have right info. Clover early bird launch was April, until now only half year niah. Also, from the beginning, AG already told the buyers that expected SnP date should only happen end of 2012. With the readiness of their show unit few days ago, I guess AG soon will call to sign SnP.

  146. shakira
    November 19th, 2012 at 19:50 | #146


    hi, yes within 21 days can get 1%, but they want to ask me to sign S&P first not even 21 days…wtf…desperate-nya…thinking of let go 😛

  147. Copy Bryant
    November 19th, 2012 at 20:38 | #147

    Anybody heard of any suicide case there?

  148. JY
    November 19th, 2012 at 23:11 | #148

    Gardens Ville Tower A already open for booking?

  149. Ken
    November 19th, 2012 at 23:19 | #149

    I received a msg today and asking to select unit in new Tower from 21 Nov onward. Anyone interested?

  150. PG Guy
    November 20th, 2012 at 09:54 | #150

    shakira :
    hi bros and sis, lawyer call today rush me sign S&P, so early need to sign already? TQ

    The 1% rebate if signing S&P within 21 days is really a trap. Why need to sign so soon when your project still not yet approved? This will only benefit the developer who is so afraid the buyers will cancel their booking. So fishy.

  151. SP
    November 20th, 2012 at 10:11 | #151

    Someone told me the price unit just cost 380psf after rebate for one carpark. Is it truth? Can someone validate?

  152. Alvin
    November 20th, 2012 at 10:54 | #152

    PG Guy :

    shakira :
    hi bros and sis, lawyer call today rush me sign S&P, so early need to sign already? TQ

    The 1% rebate if signing S&P within 21 days is really a trap. Why need to sign so soon when your project still not yet approved? This will only benefit the developer who is so afraid the buyers will cancel their booking. So fishy.

    Agreed! GSD is not confident enuf of their product.

  153. Jeanne
    November 20th, 2012 at 11:58 | #153


    I have received that msg too. Is that means those received sms will have the privilege to choose their unit before launching day? Thinking to buy one for own stay, but after hearing so much negative comments, not sure still want to proceed or not.><"

  154. Cy
    November 20th, 2012 at 16:11 | #154

    Any body know this project’s architect firm??

  155. Sg Ara
    November 20th, 2012 at 17:15 | #155

    Goto Site see

  156. shakira
    November 20th, 2012 at 19:51 | #156

    guys, another sms come in tower A 8%

  157. shakira
    November 20th, 2012 at 19:52 | #157

    PG Guy :

    shakira :
    hi bros and sis, lawyer call today rush me sign S&P, so early need to sign already? TQ

    The 1% rebate if signing S&P within 21 days is really a trap. Why need to sign so soon when your project still not yet approved? This will only benefit the developer who is so afraid the buyers will cancel their booking. So fishy.

    hey bro, yeah, want to cancel the booking already, moreover, the sms i receive for tower A give 8% rebate vs 4% for tower B…

  158. PG Guy
    November 20th, 2012 at 21:20 | #158

    shakira :
    guys, another sms come in tower A 8%

    Bcos the q is too short during tower b launch, 8% rebate will sure create earlier and longer q 1. When is tower a soft launch?

  159. pengemis
    November 20th, 2012 at 22:45 | #159

    guess they will surely increase their selling price and give a higher rebate…. thats the only strategy they can go…

  160. Alvin
    November 21st, 2012 at 07:07 | #160

    pengemis :
    guess they will surely increase their selling price and give a higher rebate…. thats the only strategy they can go…

    Probably! They are offering higher rebate but increase the selling price. This is the way that GSD attract ppl.

  161. Jo0407
    November 21st, 2012 at 10:43 | #161

    is there any showroom available for viewing?

  162. PG Guy
    November 21st, 2012 at 10:57 | #162

    pengemis :
    guess they will surely increase their selling price and give a higher rebate…. thats the only strategy they can go…

    That is for sure, else many will drop and book a better unit.

  163. MK
    November 21st, 2012 at 12:42 | #163

    What is the new price for new Tower?
    COnsider to drop One Imperial booking if GSD provide more offer package. 8% debate is quite attractive.

  164. Chuah
    November 21st, 2012 at 12:58 | #164

    For sure GSD will increase the price for new tower then give 8% rebate. “L.P.P.L”

  165. Jeanne
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:26 | #165

    The sales person said has increased the price by abt 40k for Tower A, but overally the price is abt 20k higher compared to Tower B due to the extra 4% rebate.

  166. SP
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:26 | #166

    I think confirmed the price increased already. The below is about the massage I received from them.
    “Tower A just open for sales. Estimated price from RM490,000 onwards & the
    smallest size is 1115sf”
    Let said the unit rebate by 8%, thus RM490K – 8% = 450800/1115=404.3psf (one carpark)
    (RM450800+15000)/1115=417.7psf (2 carparks)

    Benchmark with Tower B RM450K – 5% = 427500/1110=385psf (one carpark)
    (RM427500+15000)/1110=398.6psf (2 carparks)

  167. Jeanne
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:31 | #167


    You may go to the sales gallery to check the price. Yesterday afternoon has started the soft launch. Just now went there almost half the units were sold out. Previously thinking on one imperial also, but after visiting the site, i feel garden ville is better as there is more quiet and less traffic pass by. One imperial is just behind the SK relau (if not mistaken the school name) and somemore is quite high density if compared to Garden Ville. Hehehe…just book one unit in Garden Ville and hopefully the loan can be approved.

  168. condo mania
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:34 | #168

    Jeanne…. consider Setia Pinnacle….. much better than GV… their phone number 04-641 2255

  169. Jeanne
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:35 | #169


    Good comparison. Early bird can enjoy extra one car park for RM12500.

  170. Jeanne
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:40 | #170

    @condo mania

    Thinking on that before as well. I have gone the sales gallery to ask, the cheapest one also 500k++. It has over my budget. Anyway, thank you so much.^^

  171. Alvin
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:48 | #171

    Jeanne :
    You may go to the sales gallery to check the price. Yesterday afternoon has started the soft launch. Just now went there almost half the units were sold out. Previously thinking on one imperial also, but after visiting the site, i feel garden ville is better as there is more quiet and less traffic pass by. One imperial is just behind the SK relau (if not mistaken the school name) and somemore is quite high density if compared to Garden Ville. Hehehe…just book one unit in Garden Ville and hopefully the loan can be approved.

  172. Alvin
    November 21st, 2012 at 14:54 | #172

    Jeanne :
    You may go to the sales gallery to check the price. Yesterday afternoon has started the soft launch. Just now went there almost half the units were sold out. Previously thinking on one imperial also, but after visiting the site, i feel garden ville is better as there is more quiet and less traffic pass by. One imperial is just behind the SK relau (if not mistaken the school name) and somemore is quite high density if compared to Garden Ville. Hehehe…just book one unit in Garden Ville and hopefully the loan can be approved.

    less traffic? unless the sr & gv commercial lot bussiness no good.

  173. Alvin
    November 21st, 2012 at 15:04 | #173

    if calculation $psf,today GV is still the cheapest among OI &Pinnacle.

  174. PG Guy
    November 21st, 2012 at 15:18 | #174

    Alvin :
    if calculation $psf,today GV is still the cheapest among OI &Pinnacle.

    GV got shoplot below have to be cheap la. Have you seen any project with commercial lots below turn out success in penang? Gurney paragon also not yet proven.

  175. ezalor
    November 21st, 2012 at 15:49 | #175

    @PG Guy
    Gurney Paragon can be success because it is high class place with high class commercial lots and the enviroment will maintain well. Like e-gate OK lar, see what kind of shops they open. If those shops are kedai runcit, dobi, car workshop, cheap kopitiam selling economy rice like those “Taman Bendera apartment”, totally two different situation.

  176. PG Guy
    November 21st, 2012 at 15:59 | #176


    e-gate where got apartment above?

  177. Bryan
    November 21st, 2012 at 16:35 | #177

    Jeanne :
    You may go to the sales gallery to check the price. Yesterday afternoon has started the soft launch. Just now went there almost half the units were sold out. Previously thinking on one imperial also, but after visiting the site, i feel garden ville is better as there is more quiet and less traffic pass by. One imperial is just behind the SK relau (if not mistaken the school name) and somemore is quite high density if compared to Garden Ville. Hehehe…just book one unit in Garden Ville and hopefully the loan can be approved.

    What is the total units of GV and the total land size? Hope you get the right calculation about the density.

  178. Jeanne
    November 21st, 2012 at 17:06 | #178


    Garden Ville gt only 2 tower while One Imperial gt 5 towers. Garden Ville abt 400units plus while One Imperial gt abt 700units plus…For me Garden Ville is low density compared to One Imperial. If you said density per floor, of course One imperial is less dense. It is all depending on how you define the term density. If for own stay, I am not that prefer to share the facility with so many people.

  179. Bryan
    November 21st, 2012 at 17:24 | #179

    Jeanne :
    Garden Ville gt only 2 tower while One Imperial gt 5 towers. Garden Ville abt 400units plus while One Imperial gt abt 700units plus…For me Garden Ville is low density compared to One Imperial. If you said density per floor, of course One imperial is less dense. It is all depending on how you define the term density. If for own stay, I am not that prefer to share the facility with so many people.

    I see. Not sure if you also consider the number of shop lots in your density calculation.

  180. ezalor
    November 21st, 2012 at 17:38 | #180

    @PG Guy
    Just example what kind of shops got class one lar. If e-gate upstairs got condo units, I also not mind to stay there, as long as the condo parkings are totally separated.

  181. Kam
    November 21st, 2012 at 17:41 | #181

    I do not dare to buy any GSD Land property as scare about their financial and other project on hand which working like tortoise. They even do not have any experience building high condo before. Also, all their salesperson and staff like try to hiding some issue from customer when ask like ‘ada muslihat di sebalik batu’. They did not answer to customer honestly and their staff give several answer for a same question. Either their staff said that they are transfer from somewhere else and do not know much from the project.

  182. SP
    November 21st, 2012 at 17:48 | #182

    Jeanne :
    Garden Ville gt only 2 tower while One Imperial gt 5 towers. Garden Ville abt 400units plus while One Imperial gt abt 700units plus…For me Garden Ville is low density compared to One Imperial. If you said density per floor, of course One imperial is less dense. It is all depending on how you define the term density. If for own stay, I am not that prefer to share the facility with so many people.

    You not consider elevator is one of yr condo facilities?

  183. Alvin
    November 21st, 2012 at 18:39 | #183

    Jeanne :
    Garden Ville gt only 2 tower while One Imperial gt 5 towers. Garden Ville abt 400units plus while One Imperial gt abt 700units plus…For me Garden Ville is low density compared to One Imperial. If you said density per floor, of course One imperial is less dense. It is all depending on how you define the term density. If for own stay, I am not that prefer to share the facility with so many people.

    But you prefer those Pinnacle/OI/SR/ZP owners / some more outsider come over your area for buying somethings or have some foods there?
    If talk about facilities of Penang Condos, I just can say, “SHARE not OWN”.

  184. condo mania
    November 21st, 2012 at 18:56 | #184

    You are welcome…. hope you get a unit some where soon…. at the rate prices are shooting soon it will be out of reach of the majority…. then have to rent la and be at the mercy of the landlord…. something like New York…. younger generation very happy even if can find a unit to rent…..

  185. PG Guy
    November 21st, 2012 at 20:11 | #185

    @Jeanne is just trying to justify why GV is better than OI. But @Jeanne, you should also consider others like land size and units per floor. You wouldn’t want to stay at apartment with more than 10 units per floor but only served by 2 lifts. Or an apartment with 400 units but only comes with a small swimming pool and gym.

    The other risk for project that bought by mostly investors is the maintenance fees collection will be a big issue. They will try to avoid paying if they cannot rent out or sell their units.

  186. pengemis
    November 21st, 2012 at 20:55 | #186

    i think GV maintenance fee is affordable… 18cent/psf…. still ok….

    btw,rental yield in pg properties is just too too too too bad huh……

  187. pengemis
    November 22nd, 2012 at 08:28 | #187

    y is that zan pavillon still selling that cheap ha? any problem with that condo?

  188. PG Guy
    November 22nd, 2012 at 09:42 | #188

    pengemis :
    y is that zan pavillon still selling that cheap ha? any problem with that condo?

    Bcos you enter straight into the carpark after the guard house. No pavilion, no lobby, no landscape. It is not really a condo.

  189. pengemis
    November 22nd, 2012 at 18:04 | #189

    @PG Guy

    hmm… GV has a lobby meh? i tot only serviced residence will have a lobby wo… correct me if i am wrong as i am a first time buyer…..

    now seeing OI forum, keep bising and say wan to switch to GV already….. hehe…

  190. Alvin
    November 22nd, 2012 at 18:36 | #190

    pengemis :
    @PG Guy
    hmm… GV has a lobby meh? i tot only serviced residence will have a lobby wo… correct me if i am wrong as i am a first time buyer…..
    now seeing OI forum, keep bising and say wan to switch to GV already….. hehe…

    Seems You are happy with that? But how many of them will switch to GV? Just do a comparison of price doesn’t mean to change right?

  191. pengemis
    November 22nd, 2012 at 19:45 | #191


    its ok whether they change or not…. as i am only buying for own stay nia….

    back to my question, GV really has a lobby meh???

  192. PG Guy
    November 22nd, 2012 at 21:44 | #192

    pengemis :
    @PG Guy
    hmm… GV has a lobby meh? i tot only serviced residence will have a lobby wo… correct me if i am wrong as i am a first time buyer…..
    now seeing OI forum, keep bising and say wan to switch to GV already….. hehe…

    Yo.. the lobby so big.

  193. pengemis
    November 22nd, 2012 at 22:39 | #193

    @PG Guy

    can u show me the link of a picture of its lobby? i have no idea at all…

  194. Newbie
    November 22nd, 2012 at 22:57 | #194

    @PG Guy
    ZP , dun hav grand entrance but lobby is at level 4 . The good thing about ZP is the sq . Really large compared to others which we rarely see.. All up to preference actually .

  195. Spirit 666
    November 22nd, 2012 at 23:05 | #195

    Big price drop coming …. next year onward… thousands of empty units for u to choose .. property glut oledi

  196. Telescope
    November 23rd, 2012 at 00:16 | #196

    @Spirit 666

    If next year price doesn’t drop so wait another year ? How many available
    units in TOWN area , thousand ? Areas such as Bayan Baru, Sg. Ara,
    Batu Maung, Paya Terubong, Relau, Tg. Tokong ,TG. Bungah are not my

  197. JY
    November 23rd, 2012 at 00:31 | #197

    Anyone already received Maybank loan offer letter? If YES, who is your banker? Thanks.

  198. Ah Dog
    November 23rd, 2012 at 08:28 | #198

    on top of e-gate you want to live? very close to highway and you will be crazy on the sound wave from heavy traffic.

  199. pengemis
    November 23rd, 2012 at 08:30 | #199


    my banker said will update me the status today… its already 13th days… i need to catch up 21 days snp stamp to get additional 1% disc ler…

  200. Ah Dog
    November 23rd, 2012 at 08:32 | #200

    @Spirit 666
    Don’t worry, if price drop next year, then will attract more people to buy and live in Penang, including foreigners, high demand, higher price, and the price will go up even higher. Every drop in economy, there will be another hike soon. Anway, for sure, the price will not drop in 10yrs back like 1300sf Condo sell at RM250k (will it happens next year?, certainly not)

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