Hillpark Residences
Hillpark Residences, a gated and guarded residential development with 6 residential zones, comprising Double Storey Superlink Houses, Double Storey Zero Lot Bungalows and 2 1/2 Storey Bungalows. The contemporary architecture of the houses are complemented by the underground cabling & drainage system that maximizes the flexibility of space.
Just 5 or 10 minutes drive away are public amenities such as the Tesco hypermarket, Carrefour and proposed site of JUSCO, Alma’s new commercial hub, schools, Bukit Mertajam old town etc. Other neighbouring towns are also easily accessible via well-connected highways.
Property Project : Hillpark Residences
Location : Bukit Mertajam, Penang
Property Type : Superlink & Bungalow houses
Total Units : 280
Developer : Sunrise Manner Sdn. Bhd.
Contact No.: 04-551 2888
Any idea of the price?
What is the price for the terrace house?
@Na Keat, i called to ask today, the DST were all sold out.
so fast? anybody buy?
Any comment on this project?
may i know how much for the double storey terrace?
around 400k
so fast?
Really no more unit for double storey terrace?
May i know how much is the bungalow?
i called but nobody answered.
@Chew share with you, you can consider tropical residency. i bought a double storey terrace.
Thank you for sharing!!!! the house u bought is phase one or phase 2?coz i saw the articles,it has been on sale since last year. dunno still got available units there.
@Chew for tropicale residency, double storey phase only phase 1, and no more phase 2. because it converted to the build of zero lot. i bought it last year May. it should have lots available. u could check at the show village there.
i see.. thank you for your information!!
@bm may i know how much the price when you bought tropicale residency, double strorey terrace
Called to sales office but no one pick up the phone. Does anyone know about the price range for each of the property types?
Terrace left conner unit (538k). The rest is zero lot bungalow (6xxk) and 3 storey bungalow.
Any Double storey available? Thanks.
the developer cannot be trusted… b4 sign up S&P mention want to be one of the best in BM area, but during sign up S&P, suddently change the tiles size from 24″ to 20″, change the wood tile to normal tiles and giving the reason say after the ‘marketing survey’, many customer prefer small tiles.. and many of them dun like wood tiles…. is it funny???
ck, you are referring to the zero lot bungalow? they didn’t show the specification list during booking but just give verbal promise for the specification. this is what i afraid of.
mine is double story link house… when i gave the deposit time, they not even hv a broucher… all spec given by the manager… now everything cut.. cycling track, jogging track all become shorter than original plan…
now fighting with them..
Izzit the GTM developer got provide the spec list?
Ya, must fight with the developer with the specifications mention or promise when we made the deposit. Another things is they didn’t disclose the selling price for each houses like what ijm did for the permatang project. I family book the zero lot type, and know we feel cheated because of the selling price.
Ya, they have the specification list at the brochure, ijm and dnp also same.
The developer has the specs now. I have just signed up the SPA with them yesterday. You should ask a copy from the developer.
what is the price for the zero lot & terrace now?
all sold out,i’m not believe
@Peter u mean GTM project?
those developer lier!!
Every time people call in asked, they 100% tell you ALL SOLD OUT!!
After that they will resell at higher price!!
ck/ eddie, which developer you refer actually, i’m so blur in your conversation. I’m currently looking at Hill Park, did called the SO last month, but most of the intermediate unit sold and left the cornet units only. is the project worth to purchase?
@123, I meant hillpark. The main reason I purchase the project because of its concept. I love the concept.
Peter, I also purchased a superlink house from Hill Park. Love the concept. We will be Neighbour soon.. Cheers!
Belinda, Suggest u to visit the office …the concept is really good with a private clubhouse and a lake. Heard the intermediate superlink houses are sold out.. Left for some zero lots and end lot super links..the project is hot now..
Michael, I also purchased a zerolot bungalow from HillPark … Agreed with u. Very nice concept and exclusive. The house has very nice design and spacious. In fact, I bought the unit together with a group of friends. It is the best project I have seen so far..
@eddie , I checked with the HillPark developer that if they have any purchaser who felt cheated per yr comment. They advised that so far, all customers felt the houses are value for money. if your family member felt cheated, they are willing to do a refund to your family.
In fact, they said they know that you are from a competitor developer and they know exactly which developer firm you are from. As a purchaser and a friend, I found HillPark staffs are very friendly and provide” good values” for their houses and that ‘s why they have overwhelming response. Many of my friends also bought the houses. Do not attack your competitor just because your project can’t sell well.. This is bad for your co. haha!
@eddie , I am concern on yr comment n checked with HillPark. They advised that so far, all customers felt the houses are value for money. if your family member felt cheated, they are willing to do a refund to your family.
As a purchaser and a friend, I found HillPark staffs are very friendly and provide” good values” for their houses and that ‘s why they have overwhelming response. Many of my friends also bought the houses. By the way, r u their competitor? haha!
“all customers felt the houses are value for money??” Are you sure?? just because of developer told you??
the link house b4 launch was 340k.. and increase 20k every few weeks.. now the normal unit is 420k but will giving 30k rebate…
of couse they willing to give refund. because they can sell higher price.
PT sounds like someone from the developer, more than @eddie from the competitor.
I was considering this project previously, and have compared it with Tropicale.
My main concern is the close proximity of this project to the chicken farm located in the vicinity.
When I checked Wikimapia, someone even label a place nearby as “Chicken Hill” ?
Does anyone know if that is chicken farm as well?
I was told that the latest price for zero lot bungalow is 688K onwards for land area 44×75 one. After rebate 30K become 658K. Any one know the earliest price before the 688K?
the house built-up area is huge but the car porch is bit small. I prefer car park that have at least 30ft long. so, that can park at least 4 cars (bungalow)
How much is the bungalow now?
Is it 3 storey or 2.5 storey?
Seems that the info that I got from the website is different from what others got from the developer.
@fu, Any idea how much for Zero Lot Bungalow? Saw the banner – something like 50k rebate. Just wonder how much the existing price before the launch.
That “chicken hill” on wikimap should be real chicken farm, but it’s not very close to Hillpark. Hillpark Residences actually sits on a very high ground, may be the highest point in Alma area. Smell or flies from lower ground may not easily reach too high ground I think. This can be a great place to live in if developed properly.
I went to the site b4, it is landed on high ground. Understand that this property is not based on individual title but a master title. Scared d price of house deteriorate if d developer did not subdivide the title into individual title after sometime. Any valuable comments as i am interested in this project but lack of confidence?
Xy, I called up developer office and was told that the project is under master title or landed strata title.. Something similar to the apartment. Heard that many new and upcoming projects are of landed strata title and it has many advantages over the conventional individual title. It is very popular in KL. I m going to developer office to find out more as my friend told me it is an interesting project on high land.
Every single gated guarded community (landed or condo) has to be strata title. I think landed strata title cannot be changed to individual title unless the gated concept is aborted. Though it’s not “individual title”, the house still belongs to you and you can sell and other people can buy freely. However, you cannot renovate its exterior freely and have to follow certain rules.
What do you guys think about this project if compared to Tropicale Residency and Jesselton Hill? How would you rank them?
Just visited Hill park office today.. Very impressive lifestyle concept. I am attractted by its private and exclusive clubhouse as compared to Tropicale n Jesselton Hills’s public clubhouse. It is also located at high land and is very closed to the Tesco n proposed site of Jusco.
Go and visit their office …it really impressed me n my family. They have soft launch on 11/5 and we have chosen our zero lot bungalow.haha! .. It has nice design and very spacious ie 30*50..
Really excited….
Hi Gary. How much is the zero lot bungalow now? Still got available units?
Did you get info about the bungalow? Is it 2.5 storey (as what I heard from some friends) or 3 storey (as shown in the website) ?
They have a few types of zero lot bungalow. The one I get is RM688k with rm30k rebate if I get it on 11/5( first 10 customers only) . I like the luxury bungalow design but can’t afford it. It is a big 2 1/2 storey bungalow , ard 5000 sf in build up n priced above RM1m.. Wow!
Hi Gary, what is the build up area for the zero lot bungalow you get? 30 X 50 or the 30 X 45.
@BD, thanks for your advice.
@ eddie 30 * 50
Do you think the area will be affected by the flies & smell problem as there are quite some chicken farm in the vicinity of Alma.
So far so good.. I’ve been to site few days ago. Can’t smell it and no flies issue as I guess it is a distance away ..
Is the show house ready?
Went to sales office yesterday. The link house just left 2 end units (618k &708k), pretty expensive for the land size just between 2100~3050. Buyers have to bear higher costs due to the extra costs incurred to build strong structure at high land. There are so many housing projects at kulim high land, but don’t see they selling expensive than low land…do u think is worth to buy? BM people also said very expensive!
@XY , I thk u got the wrong amount. I just bought an end lot unit super link house with extra land of 10 ft width with RM518K after discount. The size of building is real big, 22*50. 2200 sf , a real huge “super link house”. Felt that this is value for money for per square foot price is cheap compared to others as per my visits to other before confirming my unit. Heard they have one intermediate SuperLink house left at rm438 k.
@KK. The price and the land size is given by one of the sales person there yesterday. Do you think they simply increased the price since just 2 units left for the end lot? I did asked also the last unit of intermediate superlink which is RM438K one, unfortunately no rebate for that unit.
Do you guys think if the bungalow is worth the price? I was told the price starts from RM1.38 million & above. I am currently looking for G&G bungalow in mainland area. So far I’ve known:
1) Hillpark (Alma)
2) Tropicale (Alma)
3) Orchard Villa (Tambun)
4) The Residence (Butterworth)
Which one of the above do you think is the best?
Is there any other project (G&G Bungalow) which you guys would recommend?
I personally like Hillpark for its hilltop luxury lifestyle concept. I really like he bungalow design as it is modern with central court yard n nice view. Even though I can’t afford to buy, I thk it is a good price for it is a real big bungalow with 5000 sf in build up and will be close to the new Alma commercial hub.
Others, what ‘s yr view?
Orchard Villa in Tambun is very big (=7500 sq ft) and I was impressed by its design, but the location is not good as it’s near chicken farm & feed meal plant.
The Cendana residences is a lower cost option;though a little obsure in overall location. [schools, kampung -industrial feel] The hillpark bungalo is impressive; what puts me off is the “zero lot” They might as well make it into luxury semi Ds, by joining them instead of having each hope face a giant blank 3 story wall, 10 feet away.
The setting in Jesseltin Hills is also lovely. You can probably get 2 semi Ds, with ample $ to spare on renovation; cycling distance to Jusco.
I do agree hillpark has the “luxury lifestyle concept”, just hope that the developer really build the house according to the concept planned.
If wait for finished build and the real concept display in front your eye then probably the price will increase at least 20 to 40%.
Like Tropicale Residency, when soft launch, the terrace house just 318, but now cost 400+
Why Alma house increase a lot!!! Due to what reason?
@ Shawn, I thk u mean 7000 sf for land in Tambun Indah.. The build up is much smaller with less facilities.. Lower maintenance fee. HillPark bungalow has 5000 in building size.. I remembered HillPark has bigger land size too… If u like the lift , then Pearl villas will fit u as HillPark does not have lift..
The Orchard Villa that I mentioned is not Tambun Indah. It’s a project right in front of Tambun Indah, and is developed by Oriental Max (if not mistaken). The build-up is 7500 sq ft (3 storey) with land of around 7000sq ft. Very impressive build-up and interior, but so so location.
I went to Hillpark sales office sometime ago and was shown the video. The concept seems to be nice, but whether or not the developer can fully fulfill the plan is another question. Even if they do, I am also concerned about whether the residents would adhere to the G&G rules & regulation and also the willingness of monthly maintenance fee payment.
cendana residency is not G&G, it is only guarded i think…but their semi d and bungalow designs are nice and impressive though…location is not so good like what you said kampung + industrial area but it is not heavy industrial like perai…hillpark location might be better…highlands mah…jesselton hills some of the units very near to palm oil and factories too…house design is nice …
tropical residence to me design not as nice as hillpark,jesselton hills and residency cendana…
the residence near HV cable…need to consider this also as it might be hazardous to your health….about 200 to 300m distance considered safe..?
@Shawn HillPark is a G&G concept on landed strata. It gives the mgt better enforcement authority if resident does not pay the mthly maintenance . The project is managed by EUPE corp, a public listed co with good repute for more than 25 yrs. My friend who bought a unit also know them. They are from SP n the co which owns Cinta Sayang Golf Resort in SP. Quite a nice club if u have been there.
Like some are saying, if we want to wait until completion to see if they actually do as per concept shared, the price might have gone up a lot more later..that’s the risk.
For myself , other than the concept I like, the “location “is a very important consideration to me. It affects the future appreciation of house price for a project. Heard Jusco is opening soon in Alma which is only less than 5 mins away from Hillpark. Anyone heard about this? Is that confirmed?
Yup.. that is confirmed.
AEON signed the S&P with DNPland already
Tropicale and Hillpark, which one better?
Hillpark clubhouse facilities is only for the residence, whereas Tropicale clubhouse is open for outsider, hence cheaper maintenance fees.
If i’m not mistaken, tropicale is the first project of GTM Land, whereas the Hillpark is developed by a more established developer.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The property price in main land (BM) is way over too expensive now. We (few of us) went around and checked on all the new project launching and we summaries that almost 90% of all the new launching units are fully sold….do you believe it!!!???
We are talking about RM 500k, RM600k, RM 700k or even RM 800-900k for a SemiD and Bungalow unit here…
We can not rule out the fact that there are some rich people who can afford for this prices but besides this people, who else can afford for this price?
We did a calculation among ourselves, in order to buy and stay in a RM 500k – 700k property, the household income (total family) has to be more than RM 10-14k per month, otherwise, it could be hard to maintain the life style….
Think carefully before you let all the greedy developer ripe your skin off, and drink your blood!!!
We are not asking you NOT to invest but we urge you to invest carefully
One word – the prices are over sky high now and supply more than demand now!!!
We are a group of people who try to bring the truth out of the dark!
Good luck!
Super agree wit u@J
The prices for all things and stuffs in Malaysia jump high now due to inflation, now mostly new house prices in BM are ranging around rm500-rm800, so it is usual lah…
not because of ppl became rich now but it is more towards inflation topic, and ppl not have much choices and need to force themselves to buy now. They scare if they not buy it now, the price will jump again in future due to inflation…this is true also !. So for investment or own stay, better choose the good location and good concept !! You won’t regret if the property you bought is in a golden location plus equip with good concepts such as GnG.
Although Jusco might be operated in Alma area in future but this location still far away from penang bridge. if plan to buy, choose property at central of BM such as housing property near Song Ban Keng road !
Dear H and T
Lets do some brain storming here
As I mentioned in my last statement, to be able to live comfortably in house cost RM 500k-800k, the owner of that property has to have at least household income not less than RM 10-14k per month.
Having to serve house monthly installment for around RM 4-5k per month for 25-30 years can be heavy and stressful.
What happened if something happened such as economic down turn, job cut etc…..Its hard for that owner to continue serving RM 4-5k monthly installment.
If that happened….whats next?
We all understand the negative impact of Inflation, all prices goes up etc but does our income goes up?
90’s, general monthly salary for fresh engineer is approx 2k-3k, and now 2012…engineer fresh out of school also more or less the same.
What we are saying here is – invest carefully!!! and just don’t listen to the developer or their sales person.
Just trust your own feeling and judgement, is it possible all units in new project launching sold out in 4 hours?
Think for yourself and decide!
Hope the truth reveal soon!
I can’t believe that all units in new projects can be all sold out in 4 hrs. But I know that many started bookings before the launching in most projects these days…
My personal view is that hardly few will invest on mainly properties unlike Pg or KL.
Well, we can’t deny the fact that the prices can go higher in time to come like many other countries that are more advance than us like HK, Singapore etc…
Hope the truth will review soon… ! Haha!
Reveal not review
I agree with J as I can’t believe those newly launch houses can be sold out so fast. I think the developers are using this “psychological tactics” to sell off their units. As the developers know the current trend and Penang lang are “kiasu” type. For example, when 1 shop is crowded, no matter the product is good or not, you will have the feeling of trying it as many peoples are queuing!
Once completed build for Tropicale club house it will be a bigger club house in BM. Although it open to public but i believe the yearly member fees is not cheap. If we stay at Tropicale is free for life on the member. Only pay the monthy fee abt 80+.
Segregate is good for those busy ppl which have no time to use club facilities. Then we have an option to only pay the basic maintenance fee. No need to bare full maintenance cost
For hillpark, use or not use every month you need to pay 200++ …
Just a choice which 1 you like! Beside, Tropicale although is first project, but the concept perform very good! I’m not SA or try to ask you guy buy. just share what i know. 😉
say until penang lang = singapore lang
@ NAND agreed with u that if u want cheaper maintenance and shared public club facilities, then go for tropical. If u want more exclusive and private facilities, then go for HillPark..
Of course, then u need to pay higher maintenance fee. That’s the options and difference…
1) Hillpark (Alma)
2) Tropicale (Alma)
3) Orchard Villa (Tambun)
4) The Residence (Butterworth)
Is depend on the developer background, location, concept, price & build up area. Personally, i like Hillpark & Tropicale. Location let me feel more fresh & away from industri park. Alma area will be hot in future with DNP developemt on Alma Business Hub, Tesco, & Jusco. More and more others developer will come to annouce new project soon…
May i know where you get the information there are more and more developers will come to announce new project soon.
Info just “guess” from my mind. As we can see now the developer is focus on here. Lats time Alma place is quite and no traffic jam one.
How’s the public security/safety in Alma?
How about other trivial issues such as house flies, traffic jam, etc.. How’s the situation there?
Love hillpark concept,but not the location lo……
Why not the location?
Traffic jam is one of the issue for Alma, specially for those work in island.
Not only Alma, traffic jams in and around B.Mertajam area.
Agreed with you. Hillpark too far from Penang Bridge.
In term of long-term Sustainability of club house, i do believe GTM will do better than Hillpark.
I saw the GTM boss around 1-2 am overviewing the laying of their rock flooring before the initial launching. Very committed developer in terms of quality. Several days met him very late at night making sure QC of their landscaping is good.
So I do believe that GTM has a very good plan in terms of sustability of their first project.
Show house normally is closed at around 6pm and how u are able to see the boss at 1am?
I visited the office of Hillpark and found it quite unbelievable that most of the units have already been snapped up. Does it look real given the fact that the showroom is not even ready yet.
I would rather believe it’s just another developer tactics to put “fake sticker” on the chart.
I prefer GTM project than Hillpark..
most of the beautiful location house will be snapped up before the showhouse is ready. I believe it is true. Like Jesselton Hill, the house also snapped out before showhouse is ready except the bumiputera lot. Permatang Sactuary, 70% non-bumiputra lot also snapped out. Show house will only be ready in June. Unbelievable. I take the photo of Permatang Sactuary 2 times ( in February and April). will compare the sticker when the showhouse is ready. I will expose them if they are fake
After so many negative comments, still 70% sold out? Please go ahead to reveal the truth….i am sure they will tell you later which units buyer’s loan cannot approved …with higher price and no rebates…….
Every one has their own likes n dislikes.. If u like Hillpark, then get one unit there. If u like GTM, JH, PS, then get one unit there, If u thk the developers are lying for the sales rate, then don’t buy now or wait and see if the price can drop later . If u thk the prices might go up later, then get one now..
This is call the foresight… Sharing with those interested buyers..
I climbed up the hill yesterday to have a look at HillPark show house construction .. Not bad.. They are using clay bricks while most of others are using cement bricks.. I m very impressed …
You need only pay RM10K to secure a unit in Permatang Sanctuary and fully refundable if you don’t like it on official launching day. Why not when there is no risk?
@ No risk, huh! No wonder Permatang Santuary got good booking rate…but these are not confirmed sales leh… How to say it has good response then n in fact, the inherent risk is high if many were to cancel at no cost ..Thk about it carefully…hehe!
I personally have reservation on Permatang Santuary as it is not G&G. Security issues and the pond, greens, landscape eventually will be managed by council… Would it look as nice later when developer sold out their houses?
Better thk twice, really no risk or high risk?
This is first project for GTM! It will make it good imej.
The club house will give better benefit to ppl who live there.
Let wait all completed build and running 100% .. then we all will know the comparation!
In future more and more G&G concept come in Penang main land!
Since there is no any clubhouse in Alma yet and i believe the developer who successfully maintain the clubhouse will surely boost their property image and value.
I guess GTM will be the first developer to be successful in their clubhouse’s concept in Alma because
– GTM will move their existing tobacco office to this clubhouse once it is completed.
– Open concept clubhouse by allowing public utilization of the facilities to earn extra income for the maintenance purposes.
– The clubhouse when completed, will be the biggest in BM with a function hall capable of accommodating 2k of people.
– CEO and even the chairman have their own bungalow in this project and i’m sure they wouldn’t allow any failure.
Although opening the club house to outsider have its pros, having the thought of sharing the club house with outsiders & strangers is really unbearable to me.
I still prefer the privacy and exclusiveness even though it means paying slightly more every month.
i also agreed with shawn opinion, g&g concept was abandon when club house is open for public like gg said the function hall capable for 2k people how imagine when function hall was use for wedding dinner how did u stand for that 200 or 300 people, car drive through in your
dream home for G&G concept? NO MORE PRIVACY……………….you have to share with someone else althouht they is no tropicale resident. Earn the extra income for maintenance purpose but satisfy the tropical resident benefit, buyers of hillpark can pay the bit expensive of maintenance fee hoping our’s utilization was only for the hillpark resident not allowed from outside stranger that’s mean we are regarding our’s life standard.
Sharing club house with outsider & strangers is no privacy and might be affected with Tropicale residence if the club house crowded with ppl during wedding event.
But this only affected on few hour during night time. it won’t affected long term.
Sure have pro & con, when we doing build/make something. Nothing is 100% perfect. It is depend on individual, some ppl might said, club house locate at outside, we have a choice no to pay the club house facilities fee, so only paid some for basic maintenance.
Tropicale concept let residency to choose! This is good for those ppl have no time to go club house.
Wish HillPark & TroResi can boost better quality life style to Alma area! Hope mainland penang can be same with property in Penang island.
haiz.. if have money then buy, if dont have money then noneed to buy? why make our life so difficult??? Anyway, this ain’t your one & only property right???
haiz, if have money then buy, if don’t have enough budget then don’t buy. It is just as simple as that. No point make our life difficult argue here & there.. Anyway, this ain’t your one and the only property, right??
We are not argue, just compare which one is the best, share the thought/opinion for those ppl have budget/money to buy. That why here is call ‘Penang Property Talk’ ma… 😉
Actually for my own opinion, Tropicale Residence and Hillparks can’t be compare. Both of the projects do have their own attractive part. By the way, Tropicale Residence had launched their project since one years ago, and Hillparks is gone after Tropicale Residence. So, most of their concepts are so similar, let mentioned for the G&G concept. It actually prove that G&G concept are thru out the BM old ppl mind, which they started to accept strata title project which do not allow purchasers to renovate for the building outlook and any extension on extra land and they take risk to go thru the new concept and come out the New zero lot bungalow, which the first developer to have this type of design and the naturally green with 4 arcres linear part was quite impressed me.
Again, i am property lover, i do love to visit sample house when i am free out from my job. I did visit Tropicale Residence’s sales office(JALAN ROZHAN) since one year ago, and get thru some information and details, their sales person are very professional, even can explain the construction planning in details, and provide some knowledge for the bank loan and some advise. I did asked the sale person there, how do you think about your project with Jessilton Hill. The sale person told me, both project can’t be compare, because both do have their attractive point. They are developed at the Hill top and they are major on their 3g concept, well Jesillton hill are good in location and the modern housing design concept. So, all the while have to depend on the purchaser, what actually purchaser prefer with the good location or with the good environment, because they are facing lot of small hill land, and the environment kinda fresh and good. Such as good answer but not provided the neagtive comment for other competitor.
One year after and i visited the Hill park’s sale office, get some of the informations from their sale person ( but the sales person not really proffession, not really friendly), and for my first sight, i thought of Tropicale Residence, why both of the developers do have the same concept ,and even the landscape architect also from the same person and Zero Lot Bungalow concept. It can deny that, Tropicale Residence had successfully to break thru the risk, and more and more G&G concept come to Alma.
The development of Hill parks had directly prove that Tropicale Residence is a good project since they are having new concepts. So, my conclusion is both of the PROJECT also worth to buy.
* this is just my sharing. if not agree with me, just ignore the message. =)
Agree! 😉
If the whole project more than 1000 units, then no issue if not open to public. A very good example in Sungai Petani. Laguna Merbok. Gated and Guarded with no compulsory maintenance fees but the club house still can survive after 10 years. Hillspark only have 280 units. In order to maintain the club house, i think open to public is a must.
i think the most of the buyers from hillpark is ability to pay the maintenance fee before they consider to buy the property. I also one of the hillpark buyer and willing to pay RM220 per month for maintenance fee, and heard most of hillpark buyers are high status occupation and a businessman. One more acttrative for me is hillpark are low density total 280 unit only for 40 acre development and also living in green concept.
@Chuah, Laguna Merbok is not a G&G. Agreed with Desmond, the key is not a 1000 in community, it is about the amount collected and the ability of residents to pay n the G&G rules for enforcement. I am also a buyer in HillPark n I will be paying around RM300 pm. Glad that the developer shared the amount of maintenance fee upfront to all the buyers. If one cannot afford , I don’t think they are willing to take up a unit in HillPark. Profile of residents will be different than others in Hillpark.
@Povy, agreed that both HillPark n Tropicale have nice concepts. I preferred HillPark mainly because HillPark houses are much bigger with nice design. Location is also more strategic. I also dont like to share the facilities with the public like Tropicale. It will be more exclusive in Hillpark and that’s why I am willing to pay higher maintenance fee ..
I am a purchaser for Hillpark. I’ve been to TR as well before deciding to purchase a SuperLink house at Hillpark. My view is each Hillpark and TR has their own strengths but I love better the concept of Hillpark as presented by their staff. Their presentation is really professional by sharing a good overview of the project. They are also able to answer most of my concerns well on G&G. I don’t mind paying higher maintenance to get the “exclusivity”. Nice knowing you, Desmond and BB. We will be neighbours soon..
How you define G&G? Can share with me?
Povy, you seems like other developer promoting your project on others forum. This is really ” not professional” From start already said” HillPark and TR cannot be compared” and exactly like the the way the staff said ” TR and JH cant be compared… ” ” TR also takes risks ” and seems like TR is the leader in the market and all the rest of G n G are following TR’s concept…TR chin Hor liaw… By the way, did you hear any adverse comments on TR? Hopefully , your reply won’t be as long again… Hahaha!
Chuah, ask, Povy lah… He can explain to u better…hahaha!
Chuah, ask, Povy lah… He can explain to u the G&G concept better…hahaha!
Every project have their Pro&Con, i don’t believe every project can fullfill you 100% lo. The same question, did you hear any adverse comments on Hillpark or JH ?
* i just sharing my opinion.
TR is the leader in the market for G&G concept ONLY in BM.
if i can explain the G&G concept better, then do you want to employ me this uncle to work or not ? hahaha
*aunty (typing error)
TR not the first developer to have G&G concept, the first one as i know is WHH, the G&G bungalow located nearby alma food court there.
Then Propertywatch wrong lo.
Rm165 maintenance fee for TR 3 storey bungalow and residents must pay extra Rm50 if they decide to use the facilities of club house. So total fee per month to pay for TR 3 storey bungalow is Rm215 whereas Rm500 for Hillpark.
Finally I chose TR just because long term sustainability of the club house is very important for me.
Good Point !!! That is why low density properties like Hills Park need to open the facilities to public in order to sustain. Unless like what desmond said – ‘most of the buyers are high status occupation and a businessman’. Then different story la.
Yes, for the kind of maintenance fee HillPark ‘s residents need to pay, most of the residents will be of high status… That’s the exclusivity I want … If you prefer to pay lower maintenance fee and do not mind sharing facilities with public, then TR will be the choice..
9 2 meet u, ivy. i also superlink hillpark purchaser. b4 decide purchase a property in alma area,cos i now live in taman impian single storey. i have make survey for tropical residency (early 2011 road show at Sunway,DST around 250k, permatang sanctuary early 2011 at ijm office when register semi d link start from 378k. jesselton hill semi d when CNY 2011 launching in BM utama office only selling 498k, desa impian single storey semi d develop by asas dunia cost 250k. but my wife prefer like permatang sanctuary cos nearly my parents house in taman impian. But when 2012 coming, price of new deveploment in alma booming
like rocket tropical residency DST selling 378k early bird price in nov 2011 confirm from GTM office (latest price 398k but sold out), jessilton hill cost 588k in cny 2012 (still a few unit left), single storey desa impian semi d price rising almost 380k in may 2012 Still few unit left). And finally my first choice taman sanctuary launching at march 2012, cost me 460k after discount 20k (480k) for early bird people like me even register 1 year ago in jan 2011 (LOT 93). So how i purchase a TR for paying more 128k, permatang sanctuary 82k and desa impian 130k. Luckyly i got forum from news paper in sept 2011, eupe have a new project in alma and location, selling price also afforable for me (DST) below 390k. The land area 70X22 and built up area is 50X22 spacious space compare to other development. although i have to pay higher maintenance fee for G&G concept, thinking of my two child is valuable for me to give their childreen better enviroment to grow up.
There is always a price for exclusivity. Public clubhouse may not be necessarily doing well.. Look at the BM country club… What happened then? Look at some high end super condos in Penang n KL with very low density , the facilities are well maintained. So, my view is that every one has his choice.. Not good to condemn Hillpark here.. If u want exclusivity, go HillPark . If you want lower maintenance fee and do not mind sharing with public facilities, go for TR.. The market is fair, right?
Every G&G developer also claims their buyers are from high income household and successful businessman, so there is no maintenance fee collection issue in future and bla bla bla…….
But even all the buyers are rich household, we simply cannot guarantee that in future a successful businessman always manages to succeed in business and high income household never encounters a financial hardship.
i think it is impossible for Hillpark to open their facilities to public since their club house is located inside the residence area. As for me, even they open their facilities to public i will not join the club for such a few facilities in a tiny club house.
It is also a benefit for buyers if the developer always there for the commitment of their open concept club house. Don’t need to worry the issue of the fee collection after developer handover the club house management to residents.
@Uncle Lim
Who try to condemn Hillpark? Don’t simply confuse people, pls.
I just bought a bungalow at HillPark, Lake Park facing. Hugh bungalow with really nice modern minimalist design. RM500 will not be an issue to me.. What I want is the maintenance need to be done well. The owner of HillPark is Dato Beh family, very well known developer with good repute in Kedah. So, I am having good confidence. I thk the residents in HillPark will be more
Higher end.
www15 etc, since u r proud of TR facilities, go back to TR forum n be proud there. Don’t come here n promote TR , this affect HillPark as we will be part of it. If u like public facilities , hotel n restaurants … So be it. We like our clubhouse at the lake park.. Privacy n exclusive.
Most GNG project like Orange Villas, Airmas project , Oriental Max, etc already have private clubhouse.
If www15, Povy, Chuah etc like the public clubhouse along the roadside.. So be it..! Go back to yr TR Forum..
Agreed with Jlim, a normal purchaser will not say so much bad thgs on others n promote so much on TR. It is so obvious to know who www15 etc are? Go back to TR forum n o sales lah.. U must be behind target… Hahha!
First time seeing so unprofessional n unfriendly staffs of a developer come to others forum to promote TR.. Times are bad… It is really sad and disappointed to see this to happen in the property market. Must be really desparate, huh? Do you believe if they say they are not from a developer firm. In fact TR is also a nice project cater for purchasers with diff needs. But, the staffs,… So so..unprofessional..Tired liow…bye bye! No eye see..crying …..
I admire your bungalow is lake park facing that is built from a septic pond. I believe also the bungalow is located at the lowest level of the hill as compared to their link houses.
OMG, I can’t believe people are buying the most expensive bungalow but getting the lousy lowest location which is facing the septic pond. Do u guys think is it good from a feng shui perspective?
Haha.. It’s funny to see how creative you people can be.
Where do you get the idea of the lake being a septic pond?
I’ve checked with the sales assistant and was told that it’s a man-made lake.
In terms of feng shui, I think it will be good to face a lake even though I am not expert in feng shui. 😛
Went to the office 2 weeks ago. seem to be very impressive but price is a bit on the high side as compare to others in the nearby are. Maybe i’m wrong, not sure what’s the current market price…
i am comparing orange villa, TR, and hillpark. anyone can give me suggestion? i was attracted by their gated and guarded concept. i am currently looking at 2 storey bungalow. hope to get some sharing information here. thanks you.
@albert this is for your selection
1)Orange villa you will get to live with a bunch of fussy buyers who can’t get over the design of handrail and threaten to blow the whole project just because of handrail design again and now latest they will wan to bring this case to ministry dept to complaint, I think you can see the case in newspaper very soon for free publicity. Michael Chong also shake head lo
2)Hillpark you will get to live with bunch of short of cash buyers who now plan to open up the small little tiny clubhouse for public to access inorder to generate income for monthly maintainance cost, you can even rent out your house washing machine as a mini shop lo, Hillpark buyers really number 1 in doing in doing business lo
3) TR comment to be available soon after I explore, pls come back again
Shawn, u know who they are lah…same group using different names trying to pour cold water. Their sales must be bad lately. They can say whatever they like but I heard that most bungalow purchasers preferred HillPark ‘s lake facing units. I brought my feng shui master to sales gallery and he advised that this is the best feng shui area where there is a good flows of “qi” ..
Agreed with property watch, I think Hillpark is facing ” unfriendly n unprofessional competitor” down here…
CKS, May, I am a genuine purchaser here and whatever you said here essentially questioned the intelligence of mine and the rest of purchasers of HillPark .
OMG, let see how the “god” will punish the people who are creating “non-sense” here . Hope the people can sleep well at nights.. It is really “crazy” for property market to have such “rubbish”. . Not only against the developer but against all the purchasers at Hillpark. I think the developers life must be tough today due to slowdown in economy.
I am back from the site
3) TR too depth inside the 3 points jammed traffic lo, nothing impress also
So the conclusion is wait for other better project coming lo, as got buyer said economy is tough now need to open club house for public access for generate income. Cash is king
Albert, don’t trust what the crazy dog is sharing. Obviously , this dog is also from Hillpark ‘s competitor. I just signed up the SPA with deed of mutual covenant. It prohibits business operations at HillPark by the residents. If u want exclusivity, come and join us at HillPark .
Agreed with JLim, for those “competing sabotager” who prefer to share public facilities, go back to TR forum and feel proud there with the public.. I guess you have more supporters there as there are more people in your public club..
HillPark is not your level, crazy dog etc, you cant afford the maintenance fee, go back home and bark there..
We purchasers of Hillpark do not welcome the “competitor sabotager” who are talking rubbish and making nonsense at our forum.
Sopport JLim& BB, we purchasers of HillPark do not welcome TR people who are envy on HillPark ‘s success. Pls dont create troubles. “Shame of you!” TR’s clubhouse is sure bigger , with hotel and restaurants etc to cater for public crowd. TR Needs to earn more money to support the clubhouse and we the Hillpark residents will also support your club.. We will dine in your restaurants and bring more guests to TR to create more crowd and let you earn more to support the club. Our HillPark club is small only lah.. But we have more fund and willing to pay more to upkeep it.. So TR people no need to worry lah.. We are the group of residents who are willing to pay more!
Crazy dogs etc, you should worry more on what’s other additional business to do at TR’s public club so that we HillPark residents can also enjoy..TQVM & cheers!
Crazy dogs, other competitors & trouble makers, TIME TO GO BACK HOME! God is waiting to “reward” you for your good “doings”. From: Hillpark purchasers
BB, should we call our group who bought HillPark houses to come to the forum and chase the ” nonsense people ” “OUT”!!!
Agreed with Jason, TR people should be more friendly and give good respect to HillPark and the residents as we will be a close neighbour soon. We will be your guests one day.. Hospitality is an important factor to the success of a “public club. ” If you fail, then TR residents are going to be suffering..and end up with “No Club”. Then the “public club” will become an “Amazing Club” liow. Haha!
The TR people should behave right, otherwise , we will call our friends and relatives and HillPark neighbours not to support your restaurant and public club..
Joyce and fellow HillPark purchasers, I think the TR Bosses may not know what their staffs did to our forum. If he knows, the staffs will be “sacked” soon by the bosses. I know TR’s boss. He is known to be a “humble” person and I believe he will never allow his staffs to talk nonsense here.
I will feedback to him.
hahaha, little johny u talked like as of you are the CEO of the company and TR boss is reporting to you. look at the mirror first before comment la little johny
Good to have Hillpark & TR around in Alma. Value & image of property in Alma will be boosted if these two projects perform well in future.
Since Hillpark buyers r “high status” human being as claimed by themselves in the forum, I hope they can talk in nice and harmony way also. Blaming or cursing will not do any good for Hillpark & TR.
the only issue I see with these bungalows is the car porch. car porch is not big enough to put in 4 cars. many taman today are facing with car parking issue as many families today are having more than 2 cars. if got 3 cars — haiz dunno where to park !!
I think you can park 4 cars if you park as per how they draw in their catalog.
Agreed. With Tesco, Aeon Jusco, Hillpark & TR GnG, DNP Jesselton & commercial hub, IJM’s PS etc, Alma properties should do very very well in the near future.
Agreed. All projects in Alma are contributing towards the good prosperity of residents in Alma. Everyone can have differences in views and preferences and should be sensitive enough in their comments.
DNP and IJM will take almost 8 to 10 years to develop all the phases of their Jesselton Hill & Permatang Sanctuary. This is the golden 10 years for the property of Alma. If u r the buyer of either Hillpark or TR, please help by promoting more and condemning less for the better development of Alma.
Alma indeed is the up and coming area for development. This is also due to the scarcity of land in BM and even Perai. I think pricing in Alma will increased in the matter of time. Hillpark, DNP TR and IJM purchasers will benefits from it.
Just got a call from the TR developer and did some clarification with them. I can assure that there is no TR sales person in the forum. Actually most developer will choose not to comment in the blog to avoid any conflict. But I’m sure many of them are reading your comments and feedbacks.
Government should plan a highway in Alma. With the increase in population, I can’t imagine how bad the traffic is 2years from now. Public transport in alma area also zero. A bus and train station should be built. Right now, IJM Permatang Sanctuary have the best location in Alma.
I don’t think so. PS is having health issue with the nearby farm nearby. For me, Hillpark is better in term of location
Most of Jalan Rozhan is already a 4-lanes (2 lanes each way) road, except the stretch between Caltex/Alma foodcourt and Esso/Jalan Kulim. After completion of the bridge at Jalan Alma, traffic between BMU/Megat Harun and Jalan Rozhan, which is also 4 lanes should be much better. The stretch between Caltex and Alma foodcourt should be upgraded to 4 lanes, which can be done quite easily I think, and the notorious Jalan Rozhan/Jalan Alma junction should be widened (the few shops there may need to give way). Jalan Sejahtera 1 at Jalan Rozhan junction should be widened as well. Jalan Permatang Tinggi from Tmn Perwira to Tmn Sukun should be upgraded to 4-lanes with wider junction at Jalan Rozhan.
I hope the authorities is hearing our voices… I don’t want to discriminate chicken farm because I know lots of friends grown up in chicken farm and they are very healthy
the chicken farm and poultry factory near by PS didn’t infected the healthy but a lot of fly and terrible smell when u live nearly by them cos i live in impian area b4. there are a lot of foreign workers too nearly the asas plaza and abandon shop house beside of PS. if u didn;t believe just visit there when evening time at a day. one i satisfy of PS is only the deveploment company was IJM Land.
I live in impain many years, not face any fly issue,& smell problem, just only got mosquito! Please don’t look down foreign workers, without them who will do thier jobs, u? I believe Asas Dunia will be take over by somebody in near future once all the big project was fully complete. Those abandon shop will be your target shopping in near future. We all Penang residence, try to say something better and suggest more idea to improve our area. This is the purpose of this forum. Let authorities know what we are discuss and bring it into reality.
With so many high-class development here, Alma definitely needs a private hospital
Last time there was rumuors that Lam wah Ee will come to Alma taking over the abandon project site of Asas Plaza, is this still valid ?
Because you already immune to it. (The flies and the smell)
oh..finally you found a place that is not near factory. Good boy good boy.
but there will be traffic jam and quite deep. LWE may or may not go thre. Are you still interested?
Seems like you are trying to mess around with the same nick name “Crystal Ball” as me. Just wonder why you don’t dare to use own specific nick name? I think that shown you don’t have confident to speak your own word from own tongue…haha
SAMPLE -u’ll see the pricing of taman perwira at permatang tinggi going down (DST almost 150k only) cos staying most by foreign worker, did u like it, forgworker.
No! all wrong! Tropicale Residency is the best!!!
davE, to us HillPark is the Best and Most Exclusive. Don’t promote TR here. Go back to your forum.
The residence began lalang better
Why ah?
How’s the sales response of Hillpark so far? Anyone knows about it?
Been to sales office. Respond is good . Heard from developer that the show house will be completed in Sept. Worth taking a look..
What will be the name for the Taman approve by MPSP, Taman ???
Maybe Taman Bukit?
it is called Hillpark Residensi
lol government and the stupid private unit wanted poor people die?
how much is the zero lot bungalow?
there will no english name for this project…english name would not be approved by mpsp..
the S&P show the development area are called hillpark residensi
Hi Admin, Can you post info on Orchard Villa in Tambun Gate Community Project. Thank You
Is Hillpark show house ready for viewing?
show house to be ready @ sep soon
just updated the pic:-
showhouse on progress:
I noticed that the show house is built by using clay brick?
Are all three type of houses (superlink, zero lot and bungalow) built with clay brick?
the sample house and sales gallery will open in sept, i am double storey superlink purchaser and inside S&P fourth schedule building material of walls are stated using by CLAY BRICKS. the lastest new from nanyang press told that alma JUSCO contrustion progress will be start and being opening in 2015.
Hi desmond, how much did you pay for your superlink house? I’ve a friend who is interested in the superlink house, he called to the sales office but was told all were sold out. Isn’t there requirement to reserve 30% for the bumi buyers? I wonder how could it possible to sell all (including bumi units) before it’s even official launch? Last time I asked, they told me so far no bumi buyer yet.. so where has the 30% reserved units gone to? So it makes me wonder.. Hmm..
The progress of the show house is kinda slow, considering that the project was soft launch (pre-launch or whatever name they call it) a few months ago. Do you know if all the 3 types of show houses will be ready in September at the same time?
site supervisor told me if development company built a houses below 150 unit no need to built a low cost house n development company can sell their house untill 70% including all type of house after that reserve the balance 30% to bumi in period of 6 month, after six month past the deveploment company only can sell the bumi lot. That’s y we have to register in waitting list.
Shawn, As far as I know, the developer will normally release the bumi lots later. If u are interested, u may request the developer to reserve the bumi lots for u and ask them to inform u once it is released later.
i bought last years nov 2011 costing 388k for superlink
Now is already September. Do you guys know if the show house is ready?
u may call the office asking when the sample house completed?
Called them this afternoon. Was told that the show house will be completed by end of this month. Hopefully it will not be delayed.