Upgrades on the right track | Penang Property Talk

Upgrades on the right track

Property News/ 25 December 2011 Leave a comment

PHASE One of the road upgrades on Penang island by the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) is now 30% completed and it is expected to be fully completed by the end of 2013.

The project involving several roads is aimed at reducing traffic congestion on the island.

Six construction packages, at a total cost of RM37mil, have been planned for phase one.

“The first package to be completed was in July 2011. It involved the upgrading of the Lorong Batu Lancang and Lebuhraya Thean Tek intersection.

“The RM300,000 upgrade was completed in three months and it provides a free-flow left-turn for northbound traffic on Lorong Batu Lancang towards Lebuhraya Thean Tek,” said the council acting deputy director of engineering department A. Rajendran during a press briefing on Wednesday.

The second package, currently 90% completed, is the upgrading of the state mosque interchange to provide additional lanes, plus more right-turn lanes into Jalan Air Itam.

The RM1.2mil upgrade which commenced in August, is expected to be finished by January next year.

“Another package which has started work, is the upgrading of Jalan Gottlieb and Jalan Bagan Jermal to provide additional lanes on both sides, thereby increasing the roadway capacities.

“The additional lanes will also function as waiting area for school traffic during dismissal hours. Bicycle lanes will also be provided from the intersection in Jalan Kebun Bunga to Jalan Kelawei,” he said.

For the bicycle lanes, the completion progress is only 10% as work only started in November this year.

The tender had closed three months earlier at a price tag of RM3.5mil.

It is expected to be ready by July 2012.

The remaining packages which have yet to begin work are the removal of traffic lights at the intersection in Jalan Scotland and Jalan Batu Gantung, upgrading of Udini Roundabout to provide free-flow U-turn for northbound traffic and an elevated U-turn at Lorong Batu Lancang to cater for traffic from Jalan Taman Greenview, Jalan Tembaga and Lorong Batu Lancang.

Phase two of the road upgrading project comprises 10 future development plans and they are expected to be completed by 2014 at an estimated cost of RM24mil

Present at the briefing was Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who had earlier announced the project in May.

The public is welcome to provide feedback on the road upgrades by e-mailing Rajendran at rajendra@mppp.gov.my.

Source: The Star

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