Olive Tree Residences
Olive Tree Residences, part of the upcoming mixed development by Harta Intan. Located on a 3 arce site next to “The One” project in Bayan Baru, Penang. This 23-storey condominium comprises 91 residential units. This project was formally known as Mahsuri Condominium.
Property Project : Olive Tree Residences
Location : Bayan Baru, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Units: 91
Land Tenure: Freehold
Indicative Price: RM 900,000 onwards
Developer : Harta Intan Group
Contributed by Reader – Nov/2013
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Ken, the developer website is www.higroup.com.my. You can add to above
Thanks eric.
I have updated the developer website.
Any more information? Launching date? size? price psqft?
Launching next year. Price and size not sure yet (anyone has insider info?). Perhaps you can register with them first.
91 units only, surely reserved for exclusive customers, mana got chance to buy?
Wah, sound good and hopefully can get one
Nearby The One site still got place to ‘squeeze’ in the Olive Tree shoplot and condo??
Don’t know and anyone can share the exact contruction location.
Bayan Baru is getting more and more busy nowadays with all these new development. After D’piazza, there will be one world, one world II, the arena, Elite height, olive tree, and also the upcoming integrated development from Hunza. I am wondering how the traffic gonna cope with all these? For those travelling from the bridge (be it from Bayan Lepas hwy or Jalan sultan azlan shah), you will have to first overcome the big and congested round-about, then the nightmare at the 2 traffic lights at Jalan Tun Dr Awang. In the future we have the SPICe coming up, imagine if really having major events, the place would be jammed pack like mad, unless you take a helicopter.
Penang Island is in urgent need to have a more robust public transportation system, such as LRT or monorial, or else i don’t think any major developments can move ahead.
I was told it is next to The One. Actually 3 arce land very small only. Looking at their design, may be possible. If anyone hear something different, please let me know
Expect the price to be around RM400 sqft following the current trend
Should be but anyone know the build up?
I got info from one contractor that work on this project the size is 1400sqft but the price is unknown
Eric, thanks for the info.
Same as BSG Raffles Tower. If both are 1400 sqft and RM400 per sqft, maybe I will consider Olive Tree instead of Raffles Tower at Bukit Gambir.
anyone know when the registration or soft launch will be??
and what is the expected price per unit??
@SK king
Heard starting launch on early next year. 2 type 1400sqft (hill view) and 1600sqft (seaview). Estimated price is RM400 psf
SK King,
opps… sorry. i misunderstood. My reply above is based on Raffles Tower. Please ignore.
1650 and 1850 sf, two types only. total land is 5 acre plus land, including 10 shoplots.
the other block is 3 or 4 star hotel.
Hi aaron, when is the launching date & pricing for this project?
mid year and around RM450 psf
Hi aaron, please keep me update because interested on this project with low density. I did called in before but the sale person unable to provide me any info
please email me on this project — soplucky@yahoo.com thanks.
@YK, i’ve just called the sales office, they are open for registration. and there are like 300+ pl registered.
Where is the actual location? Is it a piece of land that beside Hotel Seri Malaysia?
Anyone aware of a piece of land beside Hotel Seri Malaysia already fenced up. What is that project?
Exact side shld be that piece of land beside Hotel Seri Malaysia. On that area, only left Hunza project to develope.
Yet to submit plan to MPPP. Not so soon launch?
Jus called Harta Intan, RM 500 psf..launching prob in June..
Where is the exact location?
@Pen, the location is just besides Hotel Sri Malaysia, Bayan Baru.
Any1 have any idea how many sq will this condo be?
1680 and 1880 sf . two types only
Nope, I just found out that Olive Tree will be in the small land next to Arena, not next to Sri Malaysia.
IC, I just get to know the land next to Sri Malaysia Hotel is D’Cascadium from Lion Group. If RM500 per sqft x 1680 sqft = RM840K. Wah, too expensive and out of budget
Since Arena is a hybrid property, a combination of residential n commercial titles. What will be the title for Olice Tree? Commercial or residential?
I got the feeling that the developer will reduce the build up to smaller size. Like between 1000-1400sqft which are the widely popular sizes. $800k price tag condo will be hard to sell in BB areas as of now.
it is commercial title, understand from developer. heard it is around RM450 psf, then RM750k per unit with semi furnished, then sound more reasonable?
Yes, sound more reasonable and better if RM750K with semi furnished on 1680 sqft condo. How about loan interest subsidy? If include, then can consider on this project.
no interest subsidy
Does anyone have the latest info D’Cascadium from Lion Group?
Reasonable at the price of $750k? I think you must be from the office of developer. haha.
U really don’t know the market value now. Did you know that leasehold D’Cascadium selling how much? If I’m one of the Harta Intan’s staff. I still need to ask around and search for info?
Honestly, I really don’t know how both OTR and DC can sell when they launch. You may have to enlighten me. As fas as I know TGT is still selling below $350psf, Arena bumi lot release will be sold under $370psf, D’Piazza is selling under $370psf now. So what are their selling points at OTR n DC to allow them to fetch >$450psf?
This is what we are facing it now. Nowadays developer market their project with projected future price.
I think both developers of OTR and DC will start dropping their launch price now after seeing the messages here, or to provide more facilities as attraction in their projects to launch, haha.
May be the selling points is the free bus interchange by Arena… and the RM450psf have factor in the extra thing state government request to build. If not, kena like Arena developer have to chunk out from pocket or cut corner from building lah…
hi David, what info do you need?
anyone knows when is this launching ?
If I have an elderly at home, I would prefer they can reach a bus depot or a bus stop easily. After I had lived in Singapore for a while, I can see how mobile are the elderlies there. They travel to malls, gathering, tai chi, friends house & market so freely with buses & MRT. The Malaysians’ elderlies are more pathetic as they will have to stay at home most of the time, and wait for their kids are back from work before they can leave house for a stretch.
I personally like the bus depot concept. If they can add another monorail depot here it will be perfect!
M’sia not like Singapore. There are a lot of snatch thieve cases and cheating plots especially targeting erlderlies in public places like bus depot. I will prefer they drive if can, if not, then better stay at places near to market or mall, like Lip Sin, Batu Lanchang, etc. Cannot just simply apply your concept here, it is very dangerous out there.
Haha, I also disagree with you. If you afraid of snatch thieves, just don’t carry a hand bag, and don’t carry extra money. I bet Lip Sin & Batu Lanchang have snatch thieves as well, staying there is as risky.
Cheating plot? Any markets & malls will have it, it’s not limited to bus depots. If they are not able to differential the plot, you better take additional steps to secure their saving.
In short, I can’t lock my parents in the house because of the reason its not safe. But, I will take the preventive measures to ensure I won’t have total lost.
wah…. willing to let your elders take the risk by letting them to walk to the bus depot and take the bus themselves?
Arena really lucky lar to have such a die hard supporter… hehe…
This project located beside Arena? So small land, able to build condo + hotel + commercial shop lots??
Ya, you can do the direct opposite n buy 3 padlocks to make sure they are locked in the chamber till u come home everyday, your choice. Add a few more to make u feel safe!
Hehe… go so extreme meh… wat we expect a sensible and educated child to do is to be responsible… Put them at risk or lock them up are both irresponsible lar… hehe…
Up to you if you think it is OK lar… parent is yours… hehe…
i want to buy, how to sign up
Allowing parents/elders to take bus to where they want to be is = put them at risk? I just don’t get the logic. Since when Penang is classified as war zone? Should we buy bulletproof vest, apply for guns, hire 4 bodyguard before walking out tonight?
Yes, me parents are mine, full stop.
No need to jump into conclusion so fast lor… wait till you get the bus interchange @ your Arena first lar. Safety is just one of the concern lar for the elders. Nowadays even shopping mall carpark also can get robbed one lar if not careful… Not to mention the noise ah, smog ah, etc lar.. hehe…
These, I agreed. Just read the news about the robbers at shopping malls.
what do you mean by Msia not like singapore? singapore no snatch thieve case? no cheating plots? do you read newspaper?
You just need to walk into singapore, i believe just that you can feel the different between singapore and malaysia. Yes snatch thieve case and cheating plots happen but please compare the percentage. Please go and ask worldwide ppl, malaysia izzit = singapore ? Dumbass !!
Relatively small project, very low density and relatively isolated residential from the rest of condominium projects in Bayan Baru. Better, more privacy. Worth buy for own stay.
Ooh! No wonder that comment was left in Arena tread lah. The OT salesman started to work, they must have forgotten the bus depot is just less than 100m away from OT. And Bangla n Indon can manage to walk more than 100m to find toilets too.
I bet they will start releasing more info on OT soon, launch date is near, sales team is at work.
I like your suspicious mind. I am also interested to meet Zakariyya from OT Company!
Today I passed by n saw their banner hanging there now. Pretty soon will be launched. Any got latest news to share?
Ask @ZAKARIYYA the sales
Haha…. and I don’t think he/she is
I wonder how are they going to price this project. It will be interesting to compare with the Arena.
There is nothing personal here, better concentrate on your portfolio rather than prejudice to Mr. ZAKARIYYA.
Sound like OTR is really a ‘threat’ to your Arena, place of pride inspired by the ancient Roman amphitheater!
How about your unit in Zan Pavilion? Sound like many surrounding nearby projects with better location are really threatening to Zan Pavilion sub sale market!
Compared to new project selling minimal at rm500k for 1100sqft like setia pinnacle … Add extra 100k for 2000sqft for zan… I think ppl may think twice also … Just an opinion … Comment ?
Wow, the OTR sales is on fire now…. How much the OTR sales price? $450psf now? Do you have the layout? Do start blowing the pros of OTR over the nearby projects like Elit, D’Piazza, Arena, Promenade, One-World lah. See how far you can go?
We hv Elit,Dpiazza,arena,one world,Promenade and now OTR…within the vicinity
do all of you think there is real demand?what are the chances of demand for sub sale and rental for the majority who have bought for investment?
OTR should priced lower than Arena lah…Arena have to forge out money to do social responsibility to build the 2-storeys bus interchange, OTR just sit there enjoy the facilities. How can? sure have to sell lower price lah, anyone can estimate the cost for bus interchange and convert to equivalent price per sqf?.. if not should support Arena lor…
Like it or not, I smell that they going to price it very high. So just forget about it.
Nobody bought the OTR units since it is not launch yet.
All the opinions here mostly are predictive view and predictive value depends on few factors. If people gave bad predictive view based on few factors that are really bad then the view is acceptable. But if people gave bad impression purposely to downgrade it because it is a rival to theirs then this attitude is not acceptable.
So you are the sales man! How much the selling price?
Selling point for this project should be low density and freehold. Heard that roughly RM500 per sqft, is it true?
Yeap, should be around that figure.
Any available unit?
Most of the commentators here show maturity and healthy discussion.
Unfortunately, there are few people who use 2 or 3 pseudo names to discredit others. I really hope that they are not suffering from split personality disorders.
Thank you for the info
OTR is worse than Arena, it is located right in front of the future BIG cross junction connecting to the 6 lanes Golden Triangle-Relau access road….so smoke & noise from massive traffic + bus interchange nearby..you can see the road work already in progress.
Low dense normally high maintenance fees also… hehe… If fees real high will be a turn off liao lar… hehe..
i saw the signboard at the site already..
wbk, pls go back to fiera vista.. unless u have sometihng positive to say here
Anyone get the selling price from the developer? I tried to call in but no one pick up the phone.
has they started selling? why i see the land clearing at that area?
any info on the launch? seems like very quiet.
Launching date will be around early of next year, selling price above 500 per sqft
but already in the progress of land clearing lo…
anyone have any news on the launching date ?
Latest Good News,
Olive Tree already start to sell by marketing agent, Henry Butcher Penang.
Unit available and price list already obtained.
Booking registration is free with promotion for early bird with free gift ( air-con. kitchen hood, kitchen cabinet )
For further any enquiry, please contact Jeff (Henry Butcher agent) at lcneoh@hotmail.com
Olive Tree vs Garden Ville officially starts now!!!
Latest Good News,
Olive Tree Residences already start to sell .
Unit available and price list already obtained.
Booking registration is free with promotion for early bird with free gift ( air-con. kitchen hood, kitchen cabinet )
For further any enquiry, please contact Jeff (agent) at lcneoh@hotmail.com
Jeff Neoh, what is your phone number?
@Jeff Neoh
is yr office at D-piazza there?
My h/phone is 012-5310390.
Just fill up the booking form ( go thru agent ) and no fee taken.
For further information, please email lcneoh@hotmail.com.
Now 3 storey shoplot in front of Olive Tree Residences is open for leasing.
For further information, please email lcneoh@hotmail.com.
Softlaunch d.
quite suka the location, but quite tak suka with no dibs given… and small units all taken up…
Advertised on news paper
Any double storey terrace new project around this area? Please provide some insight. TQ
what is the launching price for smallest unit?
saw advertisement in newspaper… still have unit available?
Passed by the site, the hotel n condo are coming up nicely. Wonder any buyer here wants to give their input.
Look nice the show units. But time being among the most expensive at Bayan Baru area. RM600 per sqft.
where is the show unit located ?
Harta Intan office located at Longan Road.
Hi I am Evon from UP Properties. For those who wish to know more about this project, you are welcome to contact me at 0124729897 for more info. TQ
Still have any unit available?
I got a 1.800qft unit on 7th floor (less parties on that floor than the other floors). Anybody interested to buy or rent?
@Torerow How can I contact you?
Any available unit?
Heard it is not fully sold out yet, still have some units left. Developer already got the OC.
Call the office and check..
how is this property for small family on rental at the moment ? any pros and cons … please help maybe I can do 1 year rental lease if all is okay. I work in bayan lepas so it’s convenient.
When did this condo actually open? 2015?