Sierra Residences
Sierra Residences, an all-in-one integrated lifestyle development located along Jalan Fettes within the thriving township of Sungai Ara, Penang. A masterplanned community featuring medium and high-end condominiums and a vibrant commercial pocket in a tranquil riverside setting.
Project Name : Sierra Residences
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Built-up Area : 900 sq.ft. – 1,182 sq.ft.
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Indicative Price : RM280,000 onwards
Contributed by reader (20/12/2011 @ ~11pm)
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Contributed by reader (23/12/2011)
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Contributed by Reader – Nov/2013
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how about maybank? which bank best rate?
Woah, seems like a lot panel bank for this project, good.
Maybank should be not in the Panel yet. May be will be included in the list since Maybank is summerton project panel list. Look foward.
PBB and HLB given 1st -BLR-2.5, 2-3 years, BLR-2.45, Afterwards – BLR-2.4.
PBB MRTA needed, HLB is optional.
You may confirm with the bank. How about RHB and Ambank?
haha…sorry, i do not have contact number for Maybank…
Seems like SR finally pulled it off. Hehe… At least now has few hundreds less buyers out there to further push up the price. It is really unaffordable now for most employed.
AmBank Ms Ng 019-400 4286..
I think they give all of the buyer different banker contact, GSD sales only tell me RHB and Juru PBB contact.
So far i still havn’t received any call yet. I need to call the numbers here myself then…
Anyone know Public bank’s mortgage contact# ?
wanna to release my unit…. anyone want to deal? High floor with 900sqt….2 car park
me too….. low floor 3 …
if anyone can pay me kopi duit RM6k then only i will release my unit….. anyone? huhu
Bank given bad comment……… but i will still keep my unit…..hope after 5 years i can earn min RM100k …..
ok boo?
sure after 5 years the price will go up to ~rm400k lo
agreed the price will go up to rm400-450k coz the coperasi one Lanvendar price from RM170k increasing to RM300k
zan pavillion apartment 1car park 700sqfts no swimming pool also sold at 250k now. what you think about SR
The so-called Zan Pavillon apartment is called Zan Ara.
Very high risk
After completed, the price will be above RM500k for 1182sf typical unit; and RM400k++ for 900sf. The supply is not enough for penang population growth.
Anyway, the price for typical condo will above RM500psf after 3 years from now, or 2015 onwards. Hong Kong, as top 3 most liveable city in Asia, is at ~RM1,000psf for their typical very high dense apartment and far away from city center. Penang is at #8 most liveable city in Aisa, RM500psf consider very cheap
site land clearing in progress.
hi penang…anyone told u already start site clearing?….is the signboard up??
Wah.. so positive thinking. Good also lar.
But hor, Zan Pavillion next door only asking for RM300psf wor. Wait for the sellers there to increase price first lar. And lots of for sale/rent big banners hanging from the balcony. Like very distressed like that. Hehe…
I can confirm that. I think the signboard will be soon lar. Hehe…
As advised by GSD, the signboard will be available by end of the month. Let wait for the moment….
Zan pavillon is selling Rm300 per sf ,bcoz of big sf as-: 1990,2071,2389.
Idaman lavender now is selling 280k only 700sf (per sf Rm400).
But anyway my unit i planning for own stay.
Anyone can share the best bank package that have given by the panel. Thanks.
True also lar. But Idaman Lavender is closer to the main road ma…Anyway, have to see whether the asking price is sustainable or not lor, so many units for sale… But now hor, everybody is rushing to buy if got new project below RM350psf or if got 5-6% rebate + DIBS lor. And everybody said it is a good buy lar. Hehe…
Agree,now very hard to find Rm350 per sf and below for new project.
Public and hlb- 1 year -2.5%,2 year -2.45%,3 above-2.4%(3year lock in period)
Rhb -2.4%(3year lock in period)
Ambank -pending
Maybank and ocbc not panel.
Have any update pls let me know ya.
Arffin bank also is panel but i not sure the rate.
haha, the asking price may be high, but if no one buy, it remain ‘asking price’ only…hehe..not real transaction price lah since not yet complete and change hand.
I also put up my SR nice unit ‘asking price’ at RM500k but no one want also even reduce to 450k..hehe
Aiyo, project not even started already want to earn 50k, sure people stay away lar. Now got so many new launches somemore. Hehe…
But you can ask how much GSD want to sell those returned units, then sell a little bit cheaper than them lor. I am sure they will sell it at least 10% higher than the ori price one… to make existing buyers happy ma. Hehe…
i tot this projects stopped due to no panel bank want to give loan ?
That is rumors from some 1
Anyone already sign SnP? Anyone have make booking on signing date?
Snp start sign on 25 May until Mid of June. Can make appointment with GSD.
Yes, already make booking from GSD, normally GSD will call to confirm the signing date…
2000sf onwards condo selling at RM300psf is normal, as it is big, but for Zan Palvillon, sorry to say that it is absolutely not a public’s favorite, like the Uban. Now, if want to get new condo with RM350psf, it is almost impossible unless you buy Condo at Teluk Kumbar, those want to look for RM350psf, please anticipate the Platinum 3 at Teluk Kumbar, launching this year.
Guess what, not more than 5 years you will see Condo at Balik Pulau. This is not a joke. Penang property is not enough to support the population growth and now we have expatriate crowd coming in, for MM2H, etc.
@Mr tan
Any contacts for Affin bank ? Thanks.
no need to go so far to Balik Pulau lah, remember there are still lots of available apartments at Paya Terubong there which resurvivied after being abandoned during the last economy crisis at year 97-98. For short term future just pray that the housing price can maintain and will not dive steeply lah as external & internal economy also worsen…
Stop dreaming,you won’t see Condo in B.Pulau even in 6 years time.
Those people buying landed properties are for those local in B. Pulau.
In time to come other than the local people they will realize that to
stay in B’worth is much preferred due to the availability of conveniences.
Sorry i don’t have person contact number.
I Agree,but now B’worth property is start going higher. landed and apt also same.
@Mr Tan
This is the so called halo effect… For investors, no harm to check out Bworth.
hello friend….we still have a lot of apartment 650 – 750sqt in penang la….
500sft studio also coming out lar… but for same price you get a terrace house at Bworth wor….
Anyone got loan approved and already appointment for SnP sign? Any photo sharing on the latest site progress?
Already apply for loan but not yet approve might take 1 or 2 weeks and already make appointment to sign with developer end of May. No photo on latest site progress, will go there to see on weekend whether the signboard have been put up.
Based on banker, the developer not yet get the adpl approval from the government. So they cannot process the loan, why the developer are asking us to apply for loan and sign SnP. Like a bit nonsense, any idea anyone?
RHB and PBB got green light already. AMMB still waiting approval at KL, should get approval before signing SPA. Sent all my applications out. But RHB only provided -2.3, not competitive at all.
Weird, i also apply for this two bank but one of the bank person told me cannot apply for loan cause adpl not yet approve by gov so they just keep my document. I hope i am wrong but anyone see the signboard been put up can take photo and post here. For sure you all won’t blindly pay the 10% right if the adpl not approve.
Thanks for the info. We just share with each other for the latest progress and site update so that we can aware what is going on. Just curious, if the floor plan/site plan not approved by Goverment, SnP should not able to be signed. Let wait for May 25 and know the detail.
You are quite persistent lar. Later @WTH will hantam you with personal attack you and calling you small kid then you know… Hehe…
I think the banks are doing the background check on the applicants now lor if you have submitted your application, signing SnP without APDL is just wasting your interest for your 10% downpayment lar, because cannot get stamped yet lar. And risk on the potential change in the site plan. You know now state government keep asking developer to contribute something to the public one ma. Soon will know lar…
Already get confirmation from developer, adpl really not yet approve and they already asking for SnP signing to get the 10%. Only RHB give green light to collect document for background check and no on processing the loan while waiting for adpl to be approve.
wah! this is like ‘go up the bus first, buy ticket later’, while they keep the SnP not stamping, buyers cannot runaway but they no need to bear legal responsibility! so unfair! Why rushing buyers to pay while they applying APDL? afraind market collapse and buyers runaway? If price going to appreciate then no need so rush mah…
wbk, i will only hamtam you…i won’t sign anything until the bank things settled. If bank only offered you 80% and you unable to pay the developer 20%. Then your RM5000 will take by developer and the SPA will be cancel. They will charge 10% of your booking fee only if you failed to get bank loan or cancel before sign the SPA. Pls double check before you decided to sign the SPA.
Just curious if bank can approve loan application without adpl? Anyone can share out related information here?
Mind to share why is zan pavillon not a public favourite ?
zan pavillon not public favourite is due to
1)high monthly maintaince RM330 up
2)sharing entrance base with low cost project next to it
3)original launch price RM400k only
4)big layout with no practical utilization
The maintainence in RM198 inclusive of sinking fund.
The so-called the low cost project is asking about 250k now in the market, about RM360/ft. Whether that is low cost is very subjective.
Zan Pavillon original launch price from RM458K the lowest floor onward.
The only drawback is the surrounding area not yet spruce up and a little messy but sure will be improved with the completion of Setia Green ans Siara 81 etc.
There’s different entrance for Zan Pavillon and Zan Ara. BTW, Zan Ara RM250k for 700sqft is no longer low cost.
Seems like developer has upper hand lor… Hehe… But hor, why this developer wants people to sign SnP without panel bank lawyer ler? They must be trying to fool people that don’t know the process one lar… Actually buyer can deny signing the SnP if there is no lawyer present one lor… unless you are more desperate than them lar…
Y zan pavillon is not a fav for own stay ….? It’s quiet , big , and low density …but still not a fav… Izzit becoz of the surrounding ? Location ? … Just wondering…
This @Toyota 86 , verify your info 1st, all wrong info lah.
PPB just called me, they will proceed my application and they got the approval already. you must buy MRTA from them.
Yes, confirm from PBB too. They are able to proceed for loan.
can share the PPB contact number here?
Ms They 0124106838
Anyone plan to sign the Snp on May 25 /26?
Plan approved already ka? Just curious, if you signed the offer letter from bank with 3-years lock-in period and SnP. If the project not approved or cancelled, do you have to pay the bank penalty of 3% of the loan amount? If really so then jia lat lar… this developer seems like asking people to sign so that can get their 10% and lock in the purchase, even without the plan approved. SnP should have site plan one ma, cannot simply change one lar…
signed but not stamped mah..still can change lah. Lock up buyers first, the rest talk later.
@Crystal Ball
Buyers not so desperate kua… Hehe..
The 10% down payment should be under whose name?
I think they will say your 10% downpayment will be kept by lawyer lar and safe lar… the idea is to lock up the buyers ASAP lor… once you signed the SnP, you cannot take back already liao… hehe
Hmm, the sales gal mention that the cheque should be under Sierra Residences..
Of course cheque is for Sierra Residence purchase lar, and payable to GSD sdn bhd… but when you ask them who keep the money since the plan not yet approved, they either tell don’t know, or bluff you that GSD will keep, or tell you lawyer will keep lar. How to know lawyer will keep ler? Ha…. now you know buying property have to play hardball one lar… no need to be too friendly to developer lar… hehe…
First time fully agreed with you (wbk) yes, play hard with developer. As long as SPA not sign, 10% not yet pay, the ball is on our hand. I will sign only if bank loan approved. Else, i will just drop the project.
After sign Snp any limited time frame need to be stamped? or there is not time limit from goverment.
Just received call from Maybank, they was on of the approved panel bank as well.
Just received SMS, Maybank is panel of SR project now. You may call in and ask. Look like this project is getting more panel bank to support.
Panel Banker :-
Maybank, Hong leong, public , ambank ,arfin
How about RHB?
yes, RHB is the first bank got the approval but bad BLR
Better check whether there will be a block of low cost flat attached or next to it before sign SnP….the authority may have such requirement in order to approve the APDL.
heard from one of the panel bank that the develop should be alright. even some ivory projects are not approved by them too
I am interested for this project…Any one wanna release?
I am interested for type B also, please send me email to, thank.
Interested on offer below? May be still available.
50K premium still consider little? I assumed you Q for 4 days. 4 days net profit 50K. This is over !!!!!!!!
haha! really huat chai loh..
Lady and Gentlemen!!!
This is the problem!!! Don’t let people like Gary drink your blood and eat your meat!!! I am sure people like Gary must have do lots of booking here and there and try to make 50K here and there by letting go his booking.
That’s one of the reason the property price shoot up sky high over the last few years in Penang Islang and also mainland.
Lets team up and not to let these people make money so easily!!!
Listen, if you don’t buy from him, i don’t buy from him, everyone don’t buy from him…Gary is going to get stuck with all the units he is holding now.
After 1 or 2 years when he needs to serve all the high interests or installment, he will start to feel pressure and that’s time he will sell his house cheap, (unless he is millionaire) or the bank will come and re process his property (assuming if he is holding 5 to 10 units and he needs to pay RM 2k for unit…sure he can not tahan).
That’s time to buy!!!!
Don’t buy from people like him…
Or, buy the new launching property!!!
Lets work together and push the blood sucker out of the window!!!
haha, who know what will be the future price… but developers all keep saying will go up to RM500psf wor…Grab it now paying RM50k premium may be still can earn RM150k more after 3 years.. hee hee
500k over budget la,, only looking for 900 and 1000sf.
Anyone interest please send me email, thank.
Angel ah, Angel…….Huat Chai is the one claimed 50k premium very little. Not me la… yo
Gary = Kia Su?? he forgot change back his nick before post izzit? lol
can share the Maybank contact number here….
I think Gary, Kai su and Huat Chai are probably the same person.
calm down, guys. Don’t be over excited just because some banks allow you to apply loan from them. Remember the banks loan to you because of your financial status, not the developer’s financial status. If the developer abandon the project halfway, you are going to to serve the loan, not developer. Make sure developer got the APDL before you sign the SnP. So fast already want to buy/sell here, may be just some ‘hot air blowing’ so that buyers not runaway..
face off… lol.
Good catch – ling. Kia Su = Gary, Gary = Kia Su. In fact Gary(forget to change name) also agreed with you about your comment in that landad property forum. I use Kia Su to comments on landed properties and Gary on Condo. Not face off la :). Just want to make it clear. Anyway, Kia Su already become the past. You will not see it in that landed property forum anymore. already give up…hahaha
Wait for the good news from banks next week, probably will know the application result in 1-2weeks. I plan to buy for my own stay. if someone give me a premium rm50k, i will give out my unit also
Also have to wait for the good news from government…. That should be the most important thing for now lar…
Loan aprrove de, finally i choose public bank .
Going to signing S&P at next week.
Any update on site?
Hi Mr Tan,
Just to clarify with you if you mean your Public bank loan approved already? Can you share the hp# of your mortgage?
Not sure how is the situation on Snp signing day (25-26 May). Any sharing?
Hi WTH if u need any bank advise u may call me Thomas Lee 016-555 4510
The SPA signed without stamp due to ADPL not yet approve.The 10% payment is hold by the solicitor until the ADPL approve to Developer.
Still have to wait for the ADPL at least one or two months.
Then should we to proceed to sign the SnP ? the ADPL still need to pending in one or two month
as know the developer just give us one month time to get loan and sign SnP.
What the hell of this situation…
That’s mean after draging for ADPL for another 1 or 2 months, we still need to wait for stamping, I wonder for how long do we still need to wait after the ADPL?
Please bear in mind, without stamping, we are still not able to take any action agains the developer if the project not completed on time.
Our 10% $$$ still with the solicitor with no interest given.
If ADPL not approve, we cannot have the confirmed Floor plan and Site plan right? Pls share.
yeah, just like signing a ‘blank cheque’ to GSD…later the floor or site plan may be different..
what the heck with this developer? project no yet approve already want take 10% from buyers, totally nonsense… if bank only approve 70% loan how buyers gonna fork out another 30% for the downpayment… Bugger developer…
WTH Thanks. Anyone already sign the SnP? Any content such as Floor Plan or Site Plan in SnP.
@ah beng
Roll, Roll, Roll your boat($)……so many projects launched by this developer at the same time. What do you expect?
If wan to release a unit for SR, but GSD not allow to change the the booking name, what can i do?
I think many people will be so happy that GSD called them to sign SnP lor… but never aware the catch lar… I think majority of the buyers are like that one lar… hehe…
I think should not let them take the 10% downpayment for now lor… Later facilities reduced how? 4 lift become 3 lift… no more swimming pool… or got new tempat beribadat next to it… So many possibilities lar…
Developer no allow to change name, any way to sell it????
Interested in type b unit. Anyone to release?
anyone know what will happen if buyer signed the S&P but not able give 30% downpayment which is bank only approved 70% loan..then how???
What ever deposit forfeit by developer lor… or loan from Ah Long to cover the 20%…
thanks for your information. then good luck those buyer…..
Any buyer here get their loan approved already? Please share what the rate you all get and which bank? Seems like those apply for bank loan should already get their loan approval by this week, so no need worry for signing SnP
Kindly email me Thanks
I won’t pay the 10% upon the bank loan approved. Else i will release the unit. Stick together, not to pay a single cent until loan approved. Yup ADPL is very important, but if they have so many big projects on hand and change the floor plan at very last minute. That will hit their reputation badly. I think SR is their cheaper projects at the moment except GT. “What you think, decided urself. no people can change you if you changed it by urself
out of topic.”
Good point… must stick together… hehe… If they allow you not to pay them a single cent and still hold on to your booking then why not? At least earn some interest from FD, 30k+ wor…
I already get my loan approved, izzit mean can sign SPA already…
Hi, anyone knows GSD uses which subsidery to apply for the ADPL? I am trying to search for the approval status from the government website. But, i have to use the registered company name who submit the application to search, can anyone help me?
Wish to let go my unit 1182sq ft. Anyone interested? Extra 5k.
Nobody is gonna take up this RISKY project from lousy developer… Wish to get yourself hands off from this project and yet want to earn a few thousands from it, please lar………kind of dreaming..
I heard developer dun allow change name like that wor… so dun be conned lar… hehe…
i believe 80% of buyer will still hold their units. Developer will raise the price on the release units, then. You guys won’t get same price or lower even 20% of buyers release their units.
good luck to the 80% which hold it
yesterday pass by the TGT, until now not even yet 1 storey build.
and how long was that the project take off and how long the deposit paid to the developer?
I understood from my colleagues-bought 7units of TGT, after stamp duty, developer need to completed the project in 3years. Everyday of project schedule delay, developer need to pay compensation to the buyer. good luck to developer
@ A beng
what bank that you have get the approve is in 90% loan?
I believe will have more and more buyers release the unit if this APDL issue drag longer, now may be 60% still holding, then may be only left 40% 2 weeks later..then developer will need to lower the selling price to lure buyers or just abandon the project.
May be we buyers should ask if APDL not approve, can the developer stamp the SnP at the legal office….. this is not buying fish at market…
Yes i cant find the goverment approval on the project is they using other name for register ?
Do any1 know ?, with out goverment approval it is not possible to sign SnP right
Anyone already signed SnP? kindly share with us, have you get the floor & site plan number in your agreement, it is supposed to attach together in your snp, please read the entire sheet carefully before signing and not just agar-agar.
@ah lian
They can’t stamp the SPA without ADPL, those who had sign SPA should notice the ADPL license no. which should be stated in the ADPL agreement, with the ADPL license no. then only can check on the goverment website whether this project is valid or not.
Who want to release your unit ??
please e-mail me at
thank you
How many units you can telan?
Heard that project site already start for cleaning activity. Anyone can confirm or may share the photo.
Yea, i went the site last few week and the site is in cleaning process…
@ah beng
Thanks for your confirm. Do you have photo to share?
sorry i do not take any photo… i just drive thru and glance for awhile…
Talked with my old frez today, he said last time he bought a new house. Also alot ppls say this say that. But finally he got his house but just few months delay. This is good sign to see a small progress now.
Let hope the project will be smooth later.. seeing Summerton is agreesive progress with piling status..We dont know what will happend future but no buy house now in PNG island may faced unaffordable value for a worker. Wish other developer may take over if really worst case.
Such as Farlim Melody Home which adbandon for few years, this week is getting OC this week that take over by Belleview. All the best for every buyer!
i’m only want 1 unit to stay nia.. i’m not agent..
How good is the rate ?? can pm me at, if really good i will contact you..
Hi all for loan application with Affinbank can call me at ( 010-4699074 , mala )
Hi All, please PM me at on the interest rate for this housing loan. I need to review. Anyone have sign S&P for this project
I got one unit to release before sign S&P this June.28floor 1182sqf.Anyone just mail me.
May i now what is your email?
Lye, as i know developer no allow to change the booking name, may i know how to take over your unit?
Just simple, he release the unit and you book it immediately.
I would like to release a unit, type A low floor
No so easy WTH, asked the developer already. They sat they got more then hundred people in their waiting list, if anyone release developer will hold it and sell to first name in the list, you are no able to immediately book it.
is true.
i don’t think so develeper will selling same price with 1 purchaser.
Then the price will definitely 5%higher since hundred of ppls in Q now.
that hundreds ppls register before this APDL mess-up lah…now probably confidence crisis on the developer financial status and may not many people interested already…hee hee..if good stuff where got people want to let go?
Anybody signed the SnP already?
Another quiry, if ADPL not approved.. Panel bank can proceed for loan process?
Do you think ppl let go is because of confidence. I would say most ppl will let go only if they can’t get bank loan, most to personal finances consideration. Take ur 10% deposit, go around the penang island, tell me where you still can find similar project with same price range. Unless u wan to stay at batu ferringi
WTH, agree with you, you won’t find any new project having such facilities & with 2 car parks at this price in Penang at this moment.
Good news…according to the GSD sale person, they get APDL approval couple days ago…:-)
Just share with you all about Sierra Residences ADPL approval from government portal
Finally ADPL obtained. Seeing the some results after many worry in beginning.. Wish to see the completion per scheduled.
Droving through the project site this evening and found that the land is cleaned smoothly. However, there is no signboard around there yet…
Finally, RHB and public bank had approved 90% from my loan. Both offered BLR -2.5 1st yr, -2.45 2nd yrs then -2.4.
Hongleong bank only approved 80%, out from my bank list. Time to sign the SnP soon.
This is what project???
@ah beng
Last two week I go to GSD, I have saw thier new model plan (Apartment + 3 Terres house) which plan to build at in front of SR. Most properly will launch at end of this year. I guess the below link is referring to this project.
infront Apartment = LMC ? I think it is government’s requirement to approve the project…
Nope the infront condo is Gardens Ville
then where are the LMCs?
I dun think their will “showcase” the LMC on their show model lar… people sure ask this and that one after seeing the LMC… hehe…
but i m curious why they want their LMC to be so tall, a whopping 39 levels ler… hmmmm
Any advise on the bank loan that you all take? Which you all think is the best?
Appreciate if can your PBB agent contact? As my PBB agent said still waiting for end financing.
Public Ms They 0124106838
Anyone already sign the SnP? any sharing on Floor plan and site plan. Thanks.
Anyone take already any bank loan??? Do you all notice there will be two contract to be sign where the house price is lower while the car park price is higher??? Any concern on those thing guys??
@ah beng
Do we need to pay anything extra fees for car park contract?
What do u mean by 2 contracts?
There will be 2 contract to be sign, Snp (house price) and Suplemental agreement(car park + renovation) if i m not wrong, you all have no clue on this?? Normally people buy house do not have the renovation charges but this project have it but the overal price is the same as their selling price just the house price will be lower… Any concern on this??
I hv no concerns as long as the loan amount no change. these may be the way to help the applicants to increase the chances to get loan approved.
@ah beng
1. more income tax when you sell house later (house price in snp lower than actual purchase)
2. check the build up area, whether smaller build up area specified and they do renovation on ‘common area’ to include in your unit. Last time some developers used to do it.
3. Does the contract limit your choice of renovation contractor so you have to use those gangster contractors setup booth there later?
I understand from the sales girl at GSD, the bank will 1st release the $ upon completion of the car park, I think that is one of the reason the car park price is higher than the house price.
If 39 level LMC is build just infront of us, what else can we see besides foreign worker?
upsetguy, you probably can see their uniforms and laundry hanging out here and there also.
I thought this project is facing Siara 81, how come is facing 39 storey condo??
Anyone can check the type A is it facing to LMC apartment? I understood should be facing to Siara 81 if the view is not block by taller building.
At least here no chicken farm or poultry
the sales gal mention that Type A will be facing Gardens Ville (condo and Terres house)
Hmm no idea whr the LMC apartment will be.
As know that type is facing swimming pool and Siara 81 as mentioned during launch. Need to be confirm.
have anyone sign snp d? the bank cek should attention to lawyer or developer then?
You can make appointment for SnP and the cheque will be to the developer since the APDL already been approved…
i guess all is Medium costs….if u see the signboard in TGT, it also noted as Kos Sederhana. the website given, called and asked GSD, one block is sierra (323 units) and Gardenville (476 units for 2 blocks).
So the LMC mean is sierra and Gardenville?