Sierra Residences
Sierra Residences, an all-in-one integrated lifestyle development located along Jalan Fettes within the thriving township of Sungai Ara, Penang. A masterplanned community featuring medium and high-end condominiums and a vibrant commercial pocket in a tranquil riverside setting.
Project Name : Sierra Residences
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Built-up Area : 900 sq.ft. – 1,182 sq.ft.
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Indicative Price : RM280,000 onwards
Contributed by reader (20/12/2011 @ ~11pm)
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Contributed by reader (23/12/2011)
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Contributed by Reader – Nov/2013
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Knowing from GSD now is progress on Car Lot insert in SnP. Target getting stamped by this month.
This is not benefit, the loan interest is the associated cost of your investment. If you don’t know about it/not document it properly..then sorry, government will just tax you base on (selling price – S&P price)…rugi lah…
By the way, zakat enjoy full 100% tax rebate, where got impact??? don’t simply shoot lah.
Anyone already received SnP stamped copy?
pls share here.
Anyone have the SnP and loan agreement lawyer contact number? Want to contact the lawyer to ask regarding my loan agreement and Snp? Thanks !!!
Your lawyer is BP Ang & Tan or other?
as per my understanding from GSD, there is 3 lawyer firm for this project.
I think you can directly check with GSD for more details
Can you share if after offering letter from banker being signed, can we still select the other banker and is there any penalty for cancelling the offering letter?
Failed on my loan application for SR!
what is the reason being rejected?? loan/income ratio or other thing else??
Hi All…
Have any update for this project? have any S&P already stamping?
After signed, you need to pay penalty. For rhb, you need to pay 1% of your loan approved. Other bank I’m not sure.
Is only offering letter, the loan agreement still haven’t sign yet, is that mean I am still need to pay for the penalty?
This penalty is fair for them to cover the loan agreement preparation after you signed it. Anyway, you call Ur agent, is good if he can handle it foc for u.
you still can reject lah.. just said you not agree to the find print term & condition in final draft lor.. letter of offer is offer only mah, you agree to the offer stated in letter offer in general, but may not agree to some small small term mah.. don’t be frigthen by sales people, they just want to tie you up nia.
if they ask for penalty, ask them for black and white which bank negara rules said so..don’t be victim of the salespeople! It is they job to explain everything clear upfront & prepare the doc.
Latest Info: According to lawyer firm for those units which is from 7th-15th floor the SNP already get stamped.
You may call up lawyer firm for more in details…….
by the way, what happen to the commercial shoplots attached to this project? Does it mean outsiders can just walk in to the compound and visit the shoplots?
SnP already stamped as confirmed by lawyer. Will collect from GSD once send to GSD.
Anyone who already collect, pls share.
No update, just know already been stamped and will need to initiate car park allocation document once it is ready… Then will get the stamped SnP once the car park allocation thing is done.
Advised from GSD this week will confirm for Car Park allocation.
Great news, my snp also stamped. Will collect it by this wk.
all floors have been allocating carpark. type A price have increased 30k and come w just one carpark..
constrution site start pilling..
Good, hope will be completed by 3 years. Finally pilling job is start after all the challenging period.
U mean left over units?
I just called the GSD office. Based on their input, SNP is stamped but car park allocation is yet to be confirmed.
Hw much is the left over unit? 1189ft type A?
Today just received news from banker, Maybank still pending with few documents with developer and may withdraw from this project, AMBank is already released loan on this project, is that correct or just a fake news? Kindly advice, as I have been signed up for Maybank loan
Hi, any left over unit? ^^ thinking of buying for own stay.
I can b reached at
Pls walk-in to their sales gallery, there are about 5-10 units left…
And for type A only…price starting from 43xk onward if not mistaken….
Desmond :
if your unit is above 18th floor then should be no problem for MBB loan.
I did tried MBB before but on that time bcoz their APDL not yet get approve,so i have accepted for RHB offer
I have done the EPF account 2 withdrawal. Anyone of you if you which to apply remember to prepare 2 set of document for each. If, SnP is 2 agreement must attached together when apply else you will have to go KWSP office one more time again.
Hope to completed in 3 years.
Thanks, Karen for the info.
You are most welcome.
Hi Karen,
Appreciate if can share what are the documents need to be prepared for EPF account 2 withdrawal. SNP with supplementary agreement? Bank loan agreement?
Please advise and thanks.
for the docment need to ready. (all in 2 set)
1. SnP copy must lawyer certified true copy
2. supplementary agreement must lawyer certified true copy
3. loan agreement
4. fill in the form application (get from KWSP office)
Great inputs, i still no manage to go GSD to correct my copy. Have to go there by tomorrow and settle it. Then wait for 3years.
Can I know for how long have you wait for stamping since after you signing for snp? I wonder for how long do I still need to wait cause I signed my snp 3 weeks ago together with loan offering letter on the same day?
I signed the document on somewhere Aug. Sound like the SR value was already grown up by rm50k, other projects surrounding SR were more expensive and still hot cake.
Let us know if you manage to get the stamped SNP copy later..thx
I sign since June but not yet get my stamped SnP yet.. Where should i get my stamped SnP?
Just called GSD, they on hold to release the stamped SnP copy due to the car park allocation issue. Their management decided to release the SnP after the car park allocated for every unit. However, some peoples had already got the stamped copy(may be 10ppls only) before decision was made by their management. They unable to advice when they able to close the car park issue yet.
1 blk many unit
why onhold the SnP since already stamped? what to do with carpark allocation? The carpark locations are not specified in the SnP and totally not related.
I can answer that, because there are still few document we need to sign for the car park allocation to state that you agree that if the car park you assigned is used by TNB or etc you are totally agree to get another car park space which is not side by side already.
yaloh, before signing the snp, chasing us for snp or will open sales for our property and now, after snp stamping, just mention to us car park lot still have issue, why not they mention to us on the earlier that they still pending for this and that, really doesn’t make sense.
Let find a day, we go to office together and clarify the actual problem face to face with their so call “management”
Who is interested, put ur vote here, then decide the date and time.
The allocation is done by the architect, the SnP we still cannot get because the lawyer insist everything is okay only can give back cause if anything happen they will be in trouble so better save than fast. So developer just sit there do nothing and push buyer to sign SnP lo..
really ridiculous! The SnP not stated where is the assigned carpark lot or include the drawing of the carpark location. Totally no relation. Why onhold the SnP???
@Fast & Furious
The SnP must have the car park thing, go read the government regulation to know further. Nothing ridiculous here, this is the world. Nothing is perfect. Everything is correlated, every process take time and human is always greedy and selfish.
You are perfectly right, but, if everything still not “kow tim”, why the developer so in hurry to chase the buyer to sign the snp? And why the lawyer never mention to us about this matter before we sign for the snp? I still remember that during signing of snp, the lawyer have given us to sign a document for no objection for the car park arrangement incase your car park require for other purpose use (e.g. TNB room or Bomba hose), kindly advice.
By the way, on the earlier, you mentioned about the car park lot allocation is done by the architect, how do you know about that? If the car park lot have been done the allocation, what else are “they” waiting for instead get the snp for stamping?sometimes ppl not because of greedy or selfish, is just because we as a buyer, we are curious! Do you think we are now dealing with few cents or thousands investment? We are now talking about over few hundred thousands property.
Is not because we are not given time to them, we have already waited for almost 1 year in order to get the snp signed, but now for how long do we need to wait for our snp stamping?Another 1 year? I am strongly agree with GG, is really ridiculous!
The developer hurry chase buyer to sign snp because they greedy and selfish. Lawyer never mention because they greedy and selfish. You should know there are missing document for the car park during signing snp and you still sign even the document is not complete (no car park allocation) and you are using panel lawyer that is the disadvantage, for better security you should hire your own lawyer.
General knowledge for building plan to be plan by architect no big deal. Yea human are greedy and selfish that make them worry of the $$$ they have, why don’t u think it like donating the money for charity.
New developer without experience is like that lo. Next time buy from more reputatable developer lo if want fast.
Stamping of SnP – floor by floor basis – shd b 18th to 20th floor stamped up to today. Can get the stamped copy from your lawyer
Loan – Type A & B – can try PBB, Ambank, Maybank, RHB, Affin, HL
– Type C – RHB & HL
Construction – Piling works stated, shd complete in 1-2mth from now
– sales gallery will b constructed in the site, shd complete in 1-2mth from now
To purchaser that bought a unit, not too worry with all the rumours that the project wil b abandon. regarding the lisence and permit, yes for new developer without any good track record will have some difficulty in applying, there is nothing in this world is easy.
bank that do not approved high quota for this project is also from their risk management studies. but bare in mind what investment there is no risk furthermore alot of purchaser do get their loan approved end of the day.
the developer delay on the stamping of SnP not all bcos of bad issue. we try to consider from good point of view, handover date is from the date of stamping, they delay few mth on stamping which mean they have more construction time. what we worry is there no progress in the site, but from what we see since we pay our booking and 10%, they are clearing the site and now the whole huge land being cleared and all earthwork platform level done and now they are doing their piling works and almost complete it all. if you clear mind, all the booking and 10% are in the stakeholder fund, that the developer nor the lawyer get the money. but the developer manage to construct all this, if the developer that have problem with their cash flow they will not plan their move this way. they will stamped and get all the 10% and slow down the progress. if that happen then only we start to worry.
i believed this developer still can manage to complete this project in time, let all the purchaser worry about the quality of the work, hopefully they done the good job and bring up the whole area.
any has cancelled and get full refund?
According to you, developer can get the sweet time for construction if delay SnP stamping. While buyers need to bear loan interest for few more months, that’s is about RM1.2K per month just for bank interest! Is that fair to buyers?
the 1st 10% purchaser oredi paid. in order for the bank to reimburse money to developer for the following stage, developer hav to get all document stamped. so without stamping bank also wont release money. if bank didnt release money. purchaser wont have to pay interest
After 3yrs if still not completed, the interests will bear by developer per snp agreement.
I have just got an update from MBB. It seems that the developer is having issues with the carpark & renovation agreement documentation is not complete. MBB is struggling to get the necessary document of the developer. Anyone has tried BSN, RHB or Ambank? it seems that the developer claims that this 3 banks has released the loan.
Hi, appreciate your explanation which has made me more confident in purchasing one of their property. Recently I saw their landed ,Oasis, almost complete.
I already get the EPF withdraw so fast KWSP complete.
You get your Snp and Supplementary Agreement Stamped copy for EPF application or without Stamped copy. Thanks.
The Snp and Supplementary Agreement must stamped copy and with lawyer certify true copy well do. Then KWSP will proceed your request.
can we use kwsp as first 10% payment? since bank only loan 90%
Thanks. So mean you have received the Stamped copy for the SnP. We still pending Snp Stamped delivery from Lawyer since the Car Park allocation is not complete as advised by GSD.
you need to get approval from GSD management like me.
So anyone else got the stamped copy for SNP ?
Yes. I received the Stamped copy for the SnP is just for me to proceed the withdraw KWSP account 2. We have to wait the GSD confirm the Car Park allocation then lawyer will send us the complete set SnP to us for keeping.
Karen, Thanks for the info. Wish that we will get the complete set of SnP soon.
Last week visit GSD Office, still left 3 units top floor of Type A available.
why can’t the lawyer give us the stamped SnP first? they already cannot change/overwrite anything in the document if already been stamped. No point still onhold it. Do you have info how long GSD will take for a simple task just to confirm the carpark allocation? Really feel uncomfortable with that..
thanks for your info. can i know which floor that you buy maybe we are
neighbor hihi..
Now just pending the Car Park allocation from GSD. Lawyer will wait this document complete and send to us in 1 time. they also don’t want to do double job. As i call GSD office last week the sale girl tell me it will be settle by this week..but you know lah GSD always commit a week and a week.
now just can said wait…wait…
I want to settle this fast fast. Could not understand what is the problems behind. Jz car parks.
jia lat developer..make people regret of the buy nia.. some more want to launch the new Garden Ville.. wonder how they can handle all these projects. simple thing also cannot settle fast.
Can I know what to bring during signing of loan agreement and getting the stamping for snp?
If they cannot settle the carpark allocation then why ask us to sign so early??
GSD requested me to sign the SNP this weekend.
Wondering can refuse/delay or not.
I prefer better not sign SnP as long as they cannot settle the carpark allocation issue. Don’t know what is happening behind there. Somehow they are going to onhold the SnP. Better stay tune and watch.
As my understanding loan agreement is banker will settle with you.
they will inform GSD pannel lawyer which they assign for your unit.
then lawyer will call you to sign the SnP. After signed the SnP you have to pay up the 10% money of your house.
Meantime lawyer will get the copy you have signed to stamping the SnP.
At the monent i still not yet get the SnP copy by my lawyer due to the car park issue
GSD unable settle. .
so will you need to pay 10% upon signing the SnP. Will the loan kicks in and interest start accumulating?
At the moment i just pay 10% upon signing the SnP. No more any payment at currenct.
on your last sharing, you mentioned :
October 15th, 2012 at 10:46 | #70 Reply | Quote @cl
Yes. I received the Stamped copy for the SnP is just for me to proceed the withdraw KWSP account 2. We have to wait the GSD confirm the Car Park allocation then lawyer will send us the complete set SnP to us for keeping.
Can I know can we proceed with the KWSP withdraw without snp stamped, kindly advice.
Can I know how do you make the withdrawing from KWSP account with 10% down payment?
I am really confuse as you mentioned that you received the stamped copy for the SnP is just for you to withdraw KWSP account 2 but in your latest mail, you said that your SnP still need to go for stamping? Can I know are we having a temporary stamped copy for the snp then return the snp to the legal advise again after withdraw the $ from KWSP?
@ Desmond:
Lawyer will photocopy 1 stamped SnP for you to apply KWSP withdrawal
Let me explain here again.
1.Developer call us meet up lawyer to signed the SnP.
2.After signed the SnP lawyer will proceed to stamped the SnP and laywer still keep the
3. If, you need to withdraw the KWSP account 2, you have to get the photocopy SnP from
lawyer but need lawyer to certified as true copy. For easy you just inform lawyer what
you need then they will perpare for you.
4. after get the photocopy you can go to KWSP office to proceed the withdraw.
5. after process approve KWSP will bank in to you in 1-2 wks time.
then easy liao.. everyone go to the developer office say want to withdraw for KWSP, since they claimed the SnP are been stamped, just ask for a certified copy by the lawyer!! what for keep saying SnP already stamped but keep onholding it?
cause still pending developer for car park allocation which i tell in the above mail before.
If they can give a lawyer-certified copy of stamped SnP, why not the real SnP? what is the difference? Everyone just tell GSD we want a lawyer certified copy of the stamped SnP!
Anyone know what’s project tht SR building at the side there? Saw a sign board stated “2 tingkat rumah contoh sementara”.Is it SR show hse there? Pls comment. TQ!
Should be
Only 2 units left still need show unit?
Why not, some buyer want to buy 2nd hand unit(I believe many units are holding by developer themselves) and they will research more early. Also, it helping potential buyer and current buyer to do advertising during construction. If i’m a buyer, i also want to see the physical outlook and plan for something early (eg renovation)
Don’t see much progress on the construction side very slow, just few pile and few big stone and Summerton too is progressing pretty slow, EliteHeight and Vertiq project is incredible fast. SR main door like opposite old metal collection center full of lorry in and out, road access is not good. Surrounded by low cost house which mainly stay by Malay and workshop. My 0.001cent opinion.
Are you sure, pls do more research before comment.
Strange reason for a developer to look after their buyers future sub-sale. Unless something wrong in their actual sales figure or they held up many units.
i believe your lawyer should able to give you an accuracy answer. It may be a requirement of gov for new projects.
demand slowing … oversupply , prices going down in next few years
Demand is not slowing down, it’s the wish n hope of a lot of people that prices of property will drop, this is what has been said over the last 15 yrs but reality check shows otherwise. It’s a simple question there r so many people out there looking at property n interested to buy if ever the prices were to drop, thus it won’t happen cause if the prices drop demand would pick up n there goes the price again.
Yea, I am sure. Which part you think is not true please state it out?
why this developer having so many problem….?
U r talking about current or future condition?
Can u list down the problems?
WTH …..You just need to read thru all pass comment …. 1902 items from this page comments…..
U said many problems? But u unable to mention it even one? I didn’t see many…. Only car park issue. , what is the others in Ur mind? Can u tell me?
Which condition above is not true, current and future (if future you mean 10/20 years later)?
Pls visit to this fb, pls confirm again where is the main door. again, pls check again what kind of new landed property and condo “built” and to be build beside SR. Also, new location never have a great infrastructure, how can you commend the road condition. No need argue with you, just a question, did you find your dream home in last 5years? Malay, are you racial? Come on.
Please la…we are Malaysian…no racism!!!
Hi WTH, you never drive to the side before. I think you had mistaken the location of SR. It is on the others end of the door which enter from Relau not from Setia Green, the door in the photo i think is 2nd main door for future project not SR. Not even know where the property properly before buying funny.
Opps I am 1Malaysia supporter, I mean foreigner like Indon wrong type, I object racism since I m born.
Can you take a picture and post in the facebook above. How about Sierra 81 landed property?
Mean you rasicm to Indo?
You still not telling me where you can find ur dream house–> no indo no kampung and no metal store?
Hi All,
No need to make any argument already, just went over to see the site on yesterday, nothing looks much changes on the facebook photos, I wonder who was telling me there are 1st piling on the site for Sierra Residences? can you share the photos with us, hopefully not to show us the building that’s almost completed, cause I remember that someone was telling us that it is a sales gallery, actually the bulding for the Sierra Residences not even started with 1st piling yet, we are not even can see where is the building will locate, unless you are from GSD.
Do we need to bring the loan agreement together since the lawyer still not yet called up for snp stamping?
You means bring the loan agreement together to KWSP ?
@ karen,
yes, cause I remember someone told me that KWSP need to know how much you get the loan from bank, then only they release you the balance.
are you telling me that loan agreement no need to attach during application for KWSP account 2?
last night heard from news that there are house buyer from KL was cheated by the developer cause their property not even contruct after 6 years after having the down payment being paid, hopefully not happen in Penang.
Will check with the KPKT in Penang for clarification.
WTH …u know what is the problem ma, coz almost daily u update here. Ask yourself la…good luck to u.
U taking much like expert but u not even know where is the actual location for this project.Hahhaha, Kesian sama lu la…but u like to – buat pandai pandai – big and small kang here.
The doc need per below which i mention before…on 4-Oct..
1. Photocopy SnP must lawyer certified true copy
2. photocopy supplementary agreement must lawyer certified true copy
3. photocopy loan agreement
4. fill in the form application (get from KWSP office)
What is Ur value to boon boon here?
Good news, just called my lawyer firm. Car park allocated(side by side) and the revised snp copy will pass to GSD. I will collect my copy with in this week.
Need your help to confirm, is the both SNP will stamp in this week?
Thanks for your good news..
Not sure what you mean both, is it you mean 1 copy for car park and 1 copy for your unit?
I didn’t not asked my lawyer firm, but however i will confirm it in this Sat and update here again.
Yesterday drive through the Summerton project about 9pm. The base work still in progress. Hope SR base work will start soon also.
Hi WTH, can you ask GSDLand also on the show unit they are building beside Siara81, izzit show house for garden ville project or Sierra Residences??
yes, i mean 2 for it. hope my SNP can stamp early… haha
Your type A, B or C?
Anyone have call GSD to check on the CP allocation status?
CP allocation has been completed, pls call lawyer to arrange collect back the SNP copy.
Come on, do you think a developer would invest in a show room for a project which was >90% sold?
no show room is ok, important is they can complete on time.
Okay okay, sorry for asking that stupid questions.
Let me confirm with had and lawyer on this sat 😉
Good news… Just received Lawyer firm call.
Car Park Document is ready for initial start tomorrow onward !!
I just signed my SPAs, unit and car park SPAs all together on last Saturday. They had allocated all the CP, priority based on the purchase price of the property, the cheaper is the unit, the higher the CP. Bad news for me, I bought a 1000sf unit.
Base work for sr are started 2-3weeks ago , they are set up second tower crane now .
That is good new!!
Garden Ville is launching. I think now is good time to pressure GSD to stamp the SnP as soon as possible. If not they will have hard time to sell the Garden Ville with such reputation of long dragging. Let see how serious are GSD on the SnP stamping, or just some tactic to buy more time…
SnP already stamped la….pls spend some times to read on previous discussion.
And for Car park allocation also settled….now just wait for 3 years and perhap they can complete on time.
Im agree with @PSYs and im strong disagreed with @WTH…@WTH act like he know everthing and want everybody listen to him.
@WTH please dont act like a chairman …. or lawyer
checked my unit alreday ~368k now
(900 sqt)
How do you”check”? Who quoted the price for u?
Thank you for thought i acting like a chairman here. Another no value information here!!! Whatever people ask and only provide the useful information. What i normally mentioned here were what i got from the developer and lawyer firm for this projects. Many of you just always said economic downturn or whatever not related to SR project. Also kept saying same thing in other projects. Any value to saying this kind of thing here? Why not just have 1 room and put all projects together, since people like you and others just continue to duplicated same invaluable things here. Why not create a room and you become the counselor?
Pls lar, if want to say something here then say something about the project status. There are already alot of articles available in google about the market, world economic situation. Read more articles and book, then say something was proven right.
I had asked alot of questions to those simply said something, are there have an answer? Ask yourself?
What you have today is what you have decided in the past. Come on, do you think few words wrote here can change ppl life or decision on a half million dollar decision..? I’m not going to change you or anyone here, that is your life, your decision..
I really like this sentence – “What you have today is what you have decided in the past”
So bad, my car park lot at level 5 and it very far to lift
Good job, good job! WTH…keep it up…hee hee… I think 90% of the time your info is right…. hee hee hee…
For those who had obtained the stamping for snp for Type B & C, can I know have you paid any amount for spa professional fees? Isn’t inside the deposit letter ever stated “free professional fee for spa & free professional fee for loan”? I wonder how come the lawyer called me up yesterday to pay them RM3K for stamp duty? Kindly advice.
By the way, is the stamp duty for spa is more than 2K?
But did the letter say free stamp duty, legal fee for spa and loan fee is different from stamp fee…
Dun hee hee me lar, i was attacked by others lol. At least not you for this time…h…
B and C need to bear some stamp duty charges.
Is disbursement Charges for Type B & C
Lowest floor get higer level carparks
Highest floor get lower carparks
I consider Garden Ville, mind to share what is the different between Sierra Residences & Garden Ville as the block just between to each others. As i know the square feet per price is different. Building concept & facilities same right?
What is the SR maintain cost per square feet?
Car park lot is dependes on ur purchase price.
mostly type C car park @ level 5 & 5A
PPT…. both SR and GV also very good…. commercial lots at the bottom very convenient…. this is new concept that will be the future…. all new developments will be this type… Furthermore Sg Ara will be very happening in the next 1 – 2 years…. will soon be at par or even better than Tj Bunga…… mark my words…..
PG Guy, which you bought?
So any Type A already start having allocated carpark??
SR ….quite a long time ago….. but still consider GV (share with friend)
As per GSD, all car park already allocated
I early early already know car park placing and already collect SnP from lawyer about 2 weeks ago… Am I the only one here had settle everything??
is this project fully sold out?
Yup…. finished… all taken up… Penang is ever so hungry for houses…. not enough regardless of the pricing…. but worry not my friend…. there will be 2-3 more launches by year end…. watch out for Setia Pinnacle…. that will be a good one….. very very nice indeed…..
@PG Guy
Are you updated? Setia Pinnacle was launched, almost sold out with about 20 units left only.
SRS… yes la… I missed that … missed the Setia Greens landed terraces (RM900k only) and now missed out Pinnacles… sigh… sigh….
You are not the one of the Pinnacle buyer?
this condo still available ??
Alvin… I went there too late.. sigh… sigh…
Hi, any one interested in Type C unit ?
How much?
im intrested, anyone letting go kindly pm me tq
Need to ensure GSD don’t allow gangster contractor to enter the site once OC obtained.
Relau & Sungai Ara very famous of that.
Normally all the gangster’s contractors operate with methods below
1) Setup a boot at the new site & claim that they are the authorized contractor there.
2) Not setup any visible boot but have a group of gangster “petrol” at the area & threat the owner to take their authorized contractor.
3) Stop/threat the house owner contractor from entering the site or damage the property example throw red paint, give special present or letter, steal or damage the construction
4) Join ventures with the developer to have an upgrade package on the property S&P. Legalized the “gangster contractor”. If we don’t take the package the consequence will be no 2) or 3)
Nowadays, the gangster contractor are very smart…they no longer use method 1) & switch to 2 & 3.
hello, i just passed the car allocation document to lawyer 2 weeks ago…waiting lawyer to pass back the SnP now…can i know whether anyone get the SnP already?
Hi all,
I had signed my SPA about 2 months ago, but GSD has not called me to collect the stamped SPA. Just curious that any of you have received the stamped copy of SPA?
ya…got it few weeks back….call and ask whether urs ready or not.
What is ur SnP stamping date?
Heard that bank loan 1st release will be on beginning of December 2012, can I know do we need to clarify with lawyer if the original copy of SnP not yet receive but the 1st release is allow?
Any update from the site?
which type u looking for?
How is the construction site going?
How many floors is this?
I haven’t seen any significant ground work, not possible to ask for 2nd 10%.
Do you all feel that GSDLand project is moving like snail, even Summerton for so long only level 2 and level 4 for GT, while SR is still on pilling stage. Never see project so slow except for Ideal project. A bit worry on their ability to deliver.
agreed………….very very slow……… snail !
Hello …
you think who you are here?
KNS mean Ka na sia……..Talk big only la bra bra bra…. nothing to do mea? You are here try to change ppl life or decision…. is YOU but NOT OTHERS k. Wake up la MR KNS WTH , hahhahhaha, pls make your own decision and stop “Kang’ and “Bra Bra Bra ” here.
Lucky you are not SR buyer. Choice is yours.
what happen to u? forget eat medicine?
anyone know the reason why the 10% payment paid to Sierra Residence (M) Bhd instead of GSD Land (M) SDN BHD? just curious.
By the way, can I know what is the company registrasion number for Sierra Residence (M) Sdn Bhd?
For GSDLand, there are GSD Land (M) Sdn Bhd (927531-A).
If the project won’t be able to complete after 3 years, who shall we looking for, for penalty claim?
Sierra Residence (M) Sdn Bhd?
or GSDLand (M) Sdn Bhd (927531-A)?
Why there are no Sierra Residence (M) Sdn Bhd on GSDLand signboard? At lease a small letter would be enough.
Really curious.
TM residency already 8th floor while SR still pilling. If they rush to build last minutes i scare the result of workmanship will not be good. Why they do not build it consistently? Summerton like 1 month already cannot reach level 3. I pass there everyday can feel that this developer project is really not going anywhere. What you all think?
GSD & Ideal are companies which don’t really have a lot of money but still want launch a lot of projects. The need money from the buyer or loan of previous project to run another new project. So
Slow is normal for all GSD & Ideal projects based on past records….. but they will complete within 3 years after S&P stamped (except CEO)….Quality part no comment….. but what I can say is I don’t believe in developers which partner with gangster contractor.
Another trick they always play around is with the stamping date….if you buy the property on first day launched….S&P stamped after a year….means it took 4 to 4.5 years to complete for their project overall….
Well I do question this matter on their sales team on previous project….
they answer in not so polite way that most of our customers prefer this way as
1) they don’t have to pay the installment during construction.. DIBS….
2) the longer duration the construction takes…the higher the price the owner can sell when OC obtained.
So why do you care on the slow progress & complain
as long as your can get your property eventually & property value appreciate.
Like 😉
Hi All
Do your receive any letter from Bank to say pending doc. from lawer to realest payment?
Yeah also received from RHB. Any action needed from us? Per letter, if the doc not release by dec 31, the loan will consider cancel. Pls share.
Me too receive that letter twice, i already call and call and call to the lawyer but seems like they are still not yet send any document to RHB HQ and do nothing on that. The reason they give me is pending billing from developer and do not give any solutions to this. Please let me know if you all have any update on this matter. thanks !!
Do you response to RHB HQ? since they mentioned if issue not solved, the loan will be canceled.
The letter ask the solicitor to reply not us, so i do not reply to the RHB HQ. I call the lawyer hope they will reply, I now also dunno why the document pending.
What document pending?
Cannot be pending billing from developer as all progress billing must be followed by certification from architect with regards to the stage of completion, only then will payment be release. In fact when developer ask for payment, u should receive this billing and also the certification from architect as well.
billing for the lawyer fee, cause Type A free SnP fee and Lawyer fee, lawyer not get payment for developer so delay document to be send to bank. Haiz, headache on all this.
Is it true? What a surprise…..need to confirm few things now.
You meant Ideal Property did not pay the lawyer yet is it?
What ideal property? Are u in the right forum?
Is the developer, i dunno who is them either GSD or SierraResidences Sdn.Bhd., some say they are same boss as Ideal property and G.I.M. This company is a mess, yea they do not pay the lawyer fee so lawyer pending document. Need me to call here and there and no solution at all. Pening @_@
So you are blaming Ideal property for above issue instead of GSD/SR?
Must drag Ideal into the water lah since OI is just next to your messy SR and GV. Cannot see OI success but your SR troubled with endless mess is it?
I already receive letter for another 10% payment for complete pilling but the lawyer still pending document to bank. How the bank going to release the payment ? Anyone facing same problem? What can I do now if the bank do not release payment on time?
chase after ur lawyer lo……or maybe u can deal with ur banker.
i received the letter too, but this will be pay by our 10% deposit to the lawyer previously
how much u paid ur lawyer previously? u mean additional of 10% beside the 10% downpayment?
You can only chase after the lawyer, but too bad since the layer is not hire by you. If what you said about the lawyer fee payment issue is true, then susah lah, unless you want to pay the lawyer fee to “settle”. ..technically it is buyers’ responsiblility to settle the loan and pay the progressive payment to developer. The contractor will stop work if not receive the 2nd payment. Developer may blame on buyers for not able to pay for progressive payment and charge the late payment interest on buyers…Watch out!
I just paid my full amount 10% deposit to GSD today. Before i make my payment, i called my lawyer, they told me the payment was settled by GSD last Friday. My SnP copies had submitted to my bank. Nothing wrong told by the lawyer firm. I passed through the construction area this evening, 2nd floor have started.