Exhibition with the best deals in decor and electrical items | Penang Property Talk

Exhibition with the best deals in decor and electrical items

Property News/ 5 September 2011 Leave a comment

VISITORS to the Perfect Livin ’11 Home & Lifestyle Exhibition at the Penang International Sports Arena (PISA) can expect good deals and discounts on a wide range of home decor and home living products.

The one-stop solution, held until tomorrow, from 11am to 9pm, features more than 400 booths offering hot package deals for home innovation and decoration items, gifts for purchases and discounts.

Creative Novelties Marketing Holdings Sdn Bhd group managing director Datuk Adriana Law said this time around, exhibitors were offering competitive prices to attract a crowd of 80,000 visitors over the three-day event.

“Due to the overwhelming response from our previous exhibition in June, exhibitors will bring in more products, especially mattresses and high-quality landscaping products, to cater to demand,” she said.

She said the exhibition was separated into eight zones to enable visitors to get the best options in improving their home with the latest audio-visual systems and gadgets, security systems, kitchen appliances and unique landscape concepts.

There will be a talk titled ‘Feng Shui for Wealth & Prosperity’ by Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai today from 2pm until 5pm, and children’s colouring contests today and tomorrow.

Admission to the exhibition is free and visitors stand a chance to win a 42-inch Panasonic LCD TV per day.

Visitors who spend RM1,000 and above with accumulated receipts will also receive a gift.

Those who spend RM100 stand a chance to win daily prizes, including Napure mattress, wallpaper or a fibreglass water feature in the ‘Purchase & Win’ contest.

The first 1,000 visitors to click ‘like’ on Perfect Livin’s Facebook page will be given a Tupperware snack cup on a first-come-first-served basis, and will also stand a chance to win a three-day-two-night trip for two to Bangkok.

For details, visit www.perfectlivin.com or connect with the event on Facebook or Twitter at perfectlivin.

Source: The Star

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