Shineville Park | Penang Property Talk

Shineville Park

Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.

Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards


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  1. Believe
    July 18th, 2013 at 12:17 | #1


    SVP is good for investment and subsales buyers will be those looking
    for own stay and some for investment. Foreign investors or aliens you
    can never know. Do you have to rely on foreign investors to buy property
    from you or to survive ?

  2. 20th flr
    July 18th, 2013 at 12:45 | #2

    xxx, foreign investors cannot choose neither SVP or ASP as their purchase has to be 1M onwards.

    SVP has the higher potential of reaching 1M first due to the size

  3. kenny
    July 18th, 2013 at 14:04 | #3

    No foreign investor is going to buy SVP..even below 1M. Only those local want to stay at farlim will consider. Or chance bcos of location and traffic issue..

  4. XXX
    July 18th, 2013 at 14:14 | #4

    Tnx. Apart from highway passing through, any up coming township or big development in the plan for this location?

  5. Bryant
    July 18th, 2013 at 14:27 | #5

    kenny :No foreign investor is going to buy SVP..even below 1M. Only those local want to stay at farlim will consider. Or chance bcos of location and traffic issue..

    Kinda agree with Kenny…If there is foreign investor for subsale units, probably like 1% and those units must hit 1Mil mark. I cannot think of any advantage or reason for foreigners to buy a property in ASP ot SVP.

  6. Truth
    July 18th, 2013 at 15:08 | #6


    Even Penang World City need the supports of locals why don’t promote
    it to foreigners ? No advantage or reason ?

  7. Bryant
    July 18th, 2013 at 15:14 | #7

    No need to promote, currently still cannot qualify for 1Mil tag. Those about the size of 1320sqft only can qualify.Maybe subsequent launches can hit that price tag. By then, it will be like the Loft, had to advertised and sale out of penang and malaysia to gain sales.

  8. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 11:04 | #8

    Wow, seems like alot of bad review and strong retaliations from buyers over this property.
    So much comments being deleted.

  9. Passby
    July 19th, 2013 at 11:58 | #9

    Truth is always painful >.<

  10. Truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 12:05 | #10


    No pain, No gain.

  11. Lemon
    July 19th, 2013 at 12:08 | #11

    So far i can say that this project is good as it has alot of advantages.
    Everyday before i go to work, i can see how the progress going on.
    Finished work and got home, still seeing them working, no doubt everyone says it is a good developer and finished the project on time. As for traffic issues that been highlighted before, its common for all area in penang. I am staying in BL garden and i think if comparing All season park with shineville park, both has pro and con. Pro for ASP is easier to grab vege or food since there is few shops but for the food, its not really a affordable price for everyone so i would say maybe 3 of 10 owner will visit those. For Shineville, it has many good facilities which other condo dont have, also the maintenance fee is very cheap. Each units come with 2 parkings is really good as most of unit got at least 2 or 3 cars. 299 units only compare to All season park with 808 units, this advantage very obvious. To be honest, i missed this chance and i admired those lucky buyers of shineville. My loan was rejected previously because that time my wife was jobless and we dont have stronger documents to get the loan amount of RM400k.. The next 3weeks i visited the developer office again because i my bro agreed to be my guarantor and i wish to pay the booking deposit to the developer officer but unfortunately the guy told me all units was sold off and only left few units which is reserved for bumiputra only! That was my biggest loss ever.. In this lesson, i learnt that good things or chances dont always come.. We must grab the chances we have. I hope there is no argument between All season park and Shineville park because it depends on individual choices. Like guys, some may like pretty and some may prefer cute or sexy. In my case i prefer Shineville park over All season park. I knows many here are doing sales but please respect Shineville park owner since this site was created purposely to discuss about Shineville park and not All season park. I only own a unit of BL garden as known as LMC apartment but i still enjoying my life even i missed the chance to grab a unit. Because i only move forward, what happened already happened. So peace guys!! I hope there is no more argument between salesman and owner. I believe site admin think the same too..

  12. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 13:28 | #12

    Some people just cannot accept the truth.

    @ Lemon, i totally agree with you. Respect the owners here.
    Never forget though, this is a forum. The truth will always be the truth.
    There is always two sides of opinion on this condo.
    When someone talk about advantage, all the owners support 100%.
    When someone talk about disadvantage, suddenly support becomes 0% even though there is truth in the statement. That is when comments will be deleted because the personal attack starts all over again. In general, anyone must earn the respect. How to respect others when they do not respect one another?

    It is obvious because SVP investor is protecting their investment as much as possible. Nothing wrong with that. But those who reads the comments will know what is the truth, what is wrong, what is possible, what is impossible and finally this forum is the key portal to share information for others to decide for themselves what to believe.

    I own neither SVP nor ASP….but I have been reading all the post (both deleted and non-deleted). Enough to realize that negative comments/opinions from non SVP members were scrutinez badly despite the fact that some of these comments were truth.

  13. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 13:36 | #13

    Off track from SVP nor ASP discussion…
    May I know, so what is your next step in getting another house? Has your wife found a job already? Prices is skyrocketting high nowadays. Loans limit tightened..

  14. Hemsley
    July 19th, 2013 at 13:55 | #14


    U’r a true voice here. I also not from Farlim as well but trying to give a neutral comments as possible. I feel the same also coz the owner can’t accept some of the cons event it is the truth. For example, the traffic, I don really agree that some owners accept the situation with the justification that all over the Pg island is the same. Maybe true but at least those staying in Bayswater may hv less traffic problem relative to this area. Maybe after the bypass road completed in 2018 without delay, the situation will be improved.

    I also found out some comments from owners that the maintenance is cheap, low density and many facilities. Those are very good selling points but tough job ahead for the future JMB. If the fund is not enough to maintenance the facilities, those facilities could turn into cons in future. I hv seen condo with tennis court full and water patch and squash court become a store room.

    If the owners stay positive, they actually can use the info above as positive and benefit themselves. But I think I will most likely get shoot instead.

  15. Truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 14:43 | #15


    Do you know how much is the maintenance charge for The Reef and 8
    Gurney ? Each unit comes with a total size of 10,740 sq. ft. for 8 Gurney.
    Total 90 units and what is the monthly charge ? Rm 100.00, surprise!!!
    The same for The Reef but smaller in size.

  16. Lemon
    July 19th, 2013 at 15:21 | #16

    Review :
    Off track from SVP nor ASP discussion…
    May I know, so what is your next step in getting another house? Has your wife found a job already? Prices is skyrocketting high nowadays. Loans limit tightened..

    Hi.. Yes my wife is working now. Not planning to get any unit now because every new project seems very expensive and hard to invest. Previously i am thinking to get shineville because that time shineville was selling below rm300 psf. Im thinking to sell my bl garden and move to shineville or make it as investment. I was very unlucky.. That time it is selling only rm438k, now its selling more than rm700k.. Already make a big profit if that time i can get the loan.. Haiz…

  17. Wilson
    July 19th, 2013 at 16:01 | #17

    I got a news from valuer, boulevard 936sf the latest transaction 480k, RM513/sf. Any comment?

  18. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 16:09 | #18

    Good that your wife is working. At least financial burden is not all on yourself.
    OK, so you missed the boat but I believe everything happen for a reason.
    On paper, everyone who bought a property is making profit. The challenge is to materialized the profit (one topic which was debated in this forum).

    Maybe there will be another project nearby in future..but I seriously doubt it will be below RM300psf. If these area are selling at RM500-550psf now, then considering a loan at RM500K is a 1000sqft unit size or smaller. Look, if it is for own stay, those new property with low entry suitable for you. You can take advantage of the rebates, discounts, free spa and etc…maybe you need to consider places away from these area. Teluk Kumbar for example…though its selling around the same psf price already from certain projects.
    Anyway, just my thoughts so good luck and see you around…

  19. Lemon
    July 19th, 2013 at 16:23 | #19

    I have seen alot of units still available for autumn & spring tower 850sf+
    Selling rm450k nego but im really not interested for the location and those facilities they offered. Its too packed and i dont feel it worth thats why i dont want to buy that. Maybe just can waiting for new good project which suits my criteria..

  20. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 16:36 | #20

    At the moment, were you able to find other projects which may suit your criteria? Other places other then farlim…

  21. Lemon
    July 19th, 2013 at 17:07 | #21


    No.. Didnt found.. I already get used to stay in farlin now so i want buy nearby my area..

  22. XXX
    July 19th, 2013 at 17:38 | #22

    Most buyers of SVP and AVP currently staying at Farlim? More outsiders move in to Farlim or more Farlimers moved out? Want to know the potential subsales buyers.

  23. Review
    July 19th, 2013 at 17:53 | #23

    Hey, if you know of any new development give us all a statement about that potential project k? Thanks!

  24. Lemon
    July 19th, 2013 at 18:12 | #24


    Previously i was staying in jelutong area. Then my wife bought bl garden so we moved to farlim.
    Farlim area is much better than jelutong, jelutong is not so good.. Many rob and murdering cases.. Personally i had lost one best friend at jelutong area, he got killed at night according to police. I still dont know why he got killed because he is actually a good guy and he was working in company all the while, he didnt take drugs also.. Maybe is innocent one..
    Even my house is LMC only but it still better than harmony view & kheng tian area..
    If you guys live in farlim area like svp, boulevard, asp, bl garden, melody home, you will actually feel this area is very safe and much more convenient compare to jelutong area.

  25. ST
    July 19th, 2013 at 18:30 | #25


    Those living nearer to town area will never buy property in B, Baru, Sg.
    Ara and worse Teluk Kumbar.

  26. XXX
    July 19th, 2013 at 18:53 | #26


    Those living nearer to town area? You mean Farlim?

  27. ST
    July 19th, 2013 at 19:13 | #27


    Not only Farlim all other places nearer to town.

  28. Hemsley
    July 19th, 2013 at 19:58 | #28


    That’s why I said tough job ahead for JMB, not saying impossible. I assume u know roughly the figure to maintain lift, swimming pool and so on, and the cost of different contractor and service vendor are vary a lot.

  29. Truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 20:50 | #29


    For SVP monthly maintenance charges will be Rm 200×299= RM 59,800.00
    per month. I am just giving an example for certain place with much bigger
    built-up. Very few had the knowledge that for such a big built-up has the
    cheapest maintenance charges.

  30. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:13 | #30

    Orite truth. Please share how much per sqf for maintainance on SVP? Seen like this project have better response compare to ASP. ASP seen worse in sale. Over supply.

  31. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:22 | #31

    Sandiland is 0.2 to 0.25 per sqf.. How about SVP? And ASP.. Pls share. Anyone?

  32. truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:24 | #32

    I not sure. Anyone can help?

  33. Truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:28 | #33

    Truth brother.. Off course SVP is better than ASP.. ASP still have so many unit awaiting buyer. But SVP all sold out!

  34. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:31 | #34

    I know. But how about comparison in maintainance fee? Sandiland..SVP..ASP

  35. Truth
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:34 | #35


    Rm 198.00 (Including sinking fund). ASP not sure.

  36. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:38 | #36

    The maintainance fee at SVP is very low. Really can not get this kind of price anymore in o hther place. Wonder ASP how much?Anyone?

  37. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:55 | #37

    Any know ASP rate?

  38. Level 31
    July 19th, 2013 at 21:58 | #38

    as read paper advt svp for sale @750k.
    i wonder how many person can afford to purchase.
    recently told by banker most purchaser loan repayment is over 30 years.
    how to survive?

  39. myre smith
    July 19th, 2013 at 23:54 | #39

    Hi, went the project wiil be full complete…?tq

  40. truthbrother
    July 19th, 2013 at 23:58 | #40

    Seen is end of this year will be completed for SVP. Hear that mostly can get in house before CNY next year. Not sure yet.

  41. Truth
    July 20th, 2013 at 00:05 | #41

    Are you sure can complete before CNY next year? Where you get this info from?

  42. Agent
    July 22nd, 2013 at 02:42 | #42

    Hello Guys, if anyone keen to sell your unit facing city view below 15th floor please leave down your contact. I will contact you asap. Price below 800k only.

  43. Agent
    July 22nd, 2013 at 11:36 | #43

    Helo guys, i am serious to get one unit for my customer. If you are thinking im kidding, how about you leave a contact if you have any units below 15th floor? Please dont be childish, if you are fooling around please stay away.

  44. kahheng
    July 22nd, 2013 at 12:44 | #44

    Hello Guys,
    How many units with 1300sqft, 1600sqft and 1650sqft on every floor?

  45. Agent
    July 22nd, 2013 at 15:02 | #45

    Hi guys, what makes you think im not serious? Come on!
    If you know anyone with lv15 below do leave your contact. You can make profit from there.
    Our forecast price for shineville is 900k at this time. Do you know alot of ppl enquiry of this project when i listed out the pricing on my office board. My boss already sold 2 units @780k.
    I have one customer looking below 800k, do let me know if you have. Dont messing here please.

  46. ASVP
    July 22nd, 2013 at 15:49 | #46

    You’ll see..

  47. Banker
    July 22nd, 2013 at 17:41 | #47

    Peoples don’t trust agents. How much the value is bank to determine and registered property valuer. Because of agent, peoples are misguided and end up can’t secure any loan.

  48. Ooi
    July 22nd, 2013 at 17:54 | #48

    Can anyone advise, how much is the market price facing town view unit above 25floor.?
    1650sf unit is batter or 1600sf?
    I have call to Mudah website agent post up 700k~750k, but almost is facing Keat Lok Shi.
    Wish to buy one unit.
    Just go to site to have a look Shineville Park today.
    I think is nice one for me.
    How you ppl think? Can I get below 750k,,
    Thank You.

  49. Chan
    July 22nd, 2013 at 18:13 | #49


    Real agent will leave him contact number on the website for as many sellers as possible to contact him if they wish to sell. How to do business by asking sellers to leave their contact here one by one for you to pick? Who do you think you are?

  50. Agent
    July 22nd, 2013 at 19:05 | #50

    Chan :
    Real agent will leave him contact number on the website for as many sellers as possible to contact him if they wish to sell. How to do business by asking sellers to leave their contact here one by one for you to pick? Who do you think you are?

    The reason i dont put my contact here is because ive seen alot of argument here between Salesman and Owner. I dont wish to received any strange calls from those ppl. What i need is genuine seller. We can meet at prangin mall area if u think im fooling around. From there you can offer me your price and i will discuss with my customer.

  51. Agent
    July 22nd, 2013 at 19:10 | #51

    Ooi :
    Can anyone advise, how much is the market price facing town view unit above 25floor.?
    1650sf unit is batter or 1600sf?
    I have call to Mudah website agent post up 700k~750k, but almost is facing Keat Lok Shi.
    Wish to buy one unit.
    Just go to site to have a look Shineville Park today.
    I think is nice one for me.
    How you ppl think? Can I get below 750k,,
    Thank You.

    Those 750k actually is cheaper compare to city view. Jiran bina give special deduction for those units facing kek lok si temple. The discount is rm30k. So if you are expecting to get city view unit, its almost 800k. I have a customer prefer city view with budget below 800k thats why i came across this forum when i couldnt get any units from our partnership. For those who really wish to sell please leave your contact no. I will keep monitor this site until
    I found the preferred unit. Thank you

  52. Truth
    July 23rd, 2013 at 02:21 | #52


    There are only 2 units with 1300 sq. ft. The rest depend on the layout
    whether it’s 1600 sq. ft. or 1650 sq. ft.

  53. Agent
    July 23rd, 2013 at 09:05 | #53

    Truth :
    There are only 2 units with 1300 sq. ft. The rest depend on the layout
    whether it’s 1600 sq. ft. or 1650 sq. ft.


  54. olivia
    July 23rd, 2013 at 13:53 | #54

    level 29 facing kek lok si. 1650sq.ft for rent only.

  55. Agent
    July 23rd, 2013 at 17:58 | #55

    Hi olivia,
    How much you wanted to rent your unit? You plan to renovate or original unit?
    Please give me your expected price. I will do listing once ready.

  56. olivia
    July 23rd, 2013 at 20:51 | #56

    How much do u think my original (unfurnished) unit can fetch?

  57. Agent
    July 24th, 2013 at 03:47 | #57

    Can give me your email? Will drop you a pm.
    Basically renting is calculated 1.5x ~ 3x times if compare to other nearby apartment.
    Lets say if BL garden has 1650 size, their monthly rental is rm1000,
    So your shineville park unit can fetch at least rm1500.

  58. BM
    July 25th, 2013 at 18:26 | #58

    Zan Pavilion 1990 sqft – RM750k, and SVP 1650 sqft, oso that price.. looks like Zan Pavilion can be considered if those who need big spaces..

  59. Penang Lang
    July 25th, 2013 at 22:21 | #59

    SVP is a lot better than ZP due to the location which nearby town centre, primary n secondary schools, easy access to Gurney, town, Bayan lepas area etc. it can be considered a very strategic location surrounded by good food, good community etc. But the main issue is the congested traffic, but the state government is going to do something with it – a link from Ayer Itam to Gelugor to smoother the traffic.

  60. Truth
    July 25th, 2013 at 22:39 | #60

    @Penang Lang

    I think he is trying to get the cheapest as possible by indirectly presenting
    his view. Nothing wrong but a good start.

  61. olivia
    July 27th, 2013 at 09:40 | #61

    Agent :
    Can give me your email? Will drop you a pm.
    Basically renting is calculated 1.5x ~ 3x times if compare to other nearby apartment.
    Lets say if BL garden has 1650 size, their monthly rental is rm1000,
    So your shineville park unit can fetch at least rm1500.

    how much do u think I can sell/rent ?

  62. olivia
    July 27th, 2013 at 09:46 | #62

  63. Best
    August 5th, 2013 at 20:41 | #63

    Today get letter, the developer has claimed the $ for { (2e) Internal And External Plastering
    }(next 10% of the house price)

  64. Wilson
    August 7th, 2013 at 15:03 | #64

    Now level 40 already, top floor is completed very soon.

  65. fast
    August 7th, 2013 at 15:43 | #65

    Good, hope can get key before chinese News year

  66. owner
    August 7th, 2013 at 22:31 | #66

    any one have a estimated date for OC obtaining??

  67. Soreeye
    August 9th, 2013 at 23:18 | #67

    That LMC sticking to that condo is making the view terribly terrible! Maciam abang adik..

  68. fast
    August 10th, 2013 at 23:01 | #68

    Anyone know that the entrance to SV & SP is only one entrance ( lebuhraya Thean teik ) or have also open 2nd entrance ( Lorong batu lanchang ) ? Who can confirm it ?

  69. Penang Lang
    August 11th, 2013 at 17:15 | #69

    Informed by developer staff, the entrance of low cost apartment will be lebuhraya Thean Teik, condo and Terrece house entrance will be at lorong batu lanchang which makes a difference.

  70. owner
    August 15th, 2013 at 23:00 | #70

    will there be any show room later

  71. owner
    August 15th, 2013 at 23:05 | #71

    wish OC can be obtained soon…..

  72. Buyer
    August 15th, 2013 at 23:15 | #72

    May I know recently what is the transtation price ? I need find a unit Shineville Park ( city view) for own stay.

  73. Wilson
    August 16th, 2013 at 15:24 | #73

    heard some body sold 680k.

  74. Buyer
    August 16th, 2013 at 20:24 | #74

    I only want the unit facing city view, still can find below 700k ? i called out some agent said @780K – 850K

  75. @leburaya tt
    August 17th, 2013 at 19:24 | #75

    @Penang Lang I hope what you have been told is true.
    I have a commanding view of this project from my place. I have a 180 degree view of the island. Good luck to all!

  76. Penang Lang
    August 17th, 2013 at 21:18 | #76

    For city view, It must be sold at 800k at least when OC obtained, less than 500/sqft still. But I’m not going to sell mine, it’s impossible to get the initial pricing with this big space of condo in Penang. Better for own stay.

  77. Buyer
    August 17th, 2013 at 22:36 | #77

    @@leburaya tt
    when u r free pls help us take some latest photo and email to admin ( Email: ) Thanks

  78. Wilson
    August 19th, 2013 at 14:04 | #78

    i think the top floor is almost completed, just wonder what shape would be the Roof Top is. :-)

  79. CY Lim
    August 20th, 2013 at 10:34 | #79

    40f Roof top complete!!!!!!

  80. Yap
    August 21st, 2013 at 01:24 | #80
  81. Yap
    August 21st, 2013 at 01:36 | #81


  82. owner
    August 22nd, 2013 at 22:49 | #82

    hopefully can complete by year end….

  83. Buyer
    August 22nd, 2013 at 23:25 | #83

    Any Owner here interested to sell the unit ? interested buy for unit 1650sf or 1600sf, but need only facing city view.

  84. Suhyin
    August 23rd, 2013 at 18:05 | #84


    I have few units from 680k onwards, high floor, 2carparks.

    Kindly contact me at 012-4942101 or email to if you are interested.

    thanks :)

  85. Peter
    August 23rd, 2013 at 19:40 | #85

    they will pass u key latest by feb 14, but o.c for Shineville Park can only get round sep 2014

  86. JJ
    August 23rd, 2013 at 20:11 | #86

    Why distance of the period between get key and get O.C. hv to take @7 month ? So after get key also cant do anything.

  87. Peter
    August 23rd, 2013 at 21:23 | #87

    dats what i heard from some bulk buyers (whose info shud b more chun than us single unit owners), developer office told me by year end, Chong& You (lawyers) said by feb 14. so three answers… i went to site, one of the workers said not possible to complete construction (and cleaning up) by dis year..

  88. Level 31
    August 24th, 2013 at 22:48 | #88

    friend of 30 plus floor facing townview want to sell.
    He ask for 850K- than my friend is going to shake both his legs ! hahahaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!
    Sudah kaya lo.

  89. Level 31
    August 24th, 2013 at 22:58 | #89

    anybody interested ? 30 plus floor asking for 850K.

  90. Peter
    August 26th, 2013 at 23:07 | #90

    your friend’s name is Level 31?

  91. HUAT
    August 27th, 2013 at 09:06 | #91

    Good one Peter.. Hahaha..

  92. Hanson
    September 5th, 2013 at 13:54 | #92

    I have a unit selling below 700K for 1650sqf.
    Can contact me if anyone is interested.

  93. JJ
    September 5th, 2013 at 15:21 | #93

    May I know the unit is facing Kek Lok Si or Facing town view ?

  94. Buyer
    September 9th, 2013 at 09:43 | #94

    Hanson :
    I have a unit selling below 700K for 1650sqf.
    Can contact me if anyone is interested.

    friend…. why sell 700k only? so cheap

  95. Wilson
    September 9th, 2013 at 13:42 | #95

    i think for those townview unit they are selling 750k onward already.

  96. owner
    September 9th, 2013 at 22:12 | #96

    Townview at high floor, 1650 sell at 780k

  97. owner
    September 9th, 2013 at 22:24 | #97

    but i heard can only sell after OC obtained is that true?

  98. Level 2
    September 9th, 2013 at 22:24 | #98

    Such a worst condo…How can sell such price? Who is going to buy this? Bad location..Overvalue

  99. Level 2
    September 9th, 2013 at 22:28 | #99

    Such a foolish guy..700k probably is the reasonable price..Farlim..area

  100. Believe
    September 9th, 2013 at 22:42 | #100

    @Level 2

    Do you have money to buy ? Definitely “NO”. No money don’t say Overvalue.

  101. JJ
    September 9th, 2013 at 23:01 | #101

    I already find some agent to looking a unit for me,My budget only @750k and need Town view but already a month still cant find a unit, almost price range @800k – 850k, if any seller here interested to sell pls let me know, tq

  102. Problem
    September 9th, 2013 at 23:03 | #102

    Another foolish guy…Everyone have their right in this forum to free comment..Pity on penang ppl..All in debt actually..Rich ppl with many debt..behind..

  103. Believe
    September 9th, 2013 at 23:10 | #103

    I have 1 unit going to sell at level view..700k..Anyone interested can drop your email address here..TQ.

    Those tag with 800k above..slow slow wait..No body is going to buy for now. Dreaming

  104. JJ
    September 9th, 2013 at 23:12 | #104

    Please send me the detail..i am very interested.

    TQ. Urgent!

  105. Believe
    September 10th, 2013 at 00:55 | #105


    No money can’t buy ? Everyone can commend but don’t talk nonsense if
    you don’t the value.

  106. Believe
    September 10th, 2013 at 00:56 | #106


    No money can’t buy ? Everyone can commend but don’t talk nonsense if
    you don’t know the value.

  107. woo
    September 10th, 2013 at 08:02 | #107

    Something wrong here or problem? You are talking to your self…So 700k still want sold or don’t want sold? Don’t talk fooxxxh things here..TQ

  108. John
    September 10th, 2013 at 08:09 | #108

    For me this condo is really over value…not worth with the tag of price..

  109. HUAT
    September 10th, 2013 at 08:37 | #109

    Level 2 :
    Such a worst condo…How can sell such price? Who is going to buy this? Bad location..Overvalue

    John :
    For me this condo is really over value…not worth with the tag of price..

    You know all the talk about bubble and price crashing? My opinion is this project would suffer first due to its location if that happen. Always jam and no value in my opinion. No offence ya..
    And you know about the talk of bad developer and speculator? Well soon we will have alot of them mark up 100% to sell their unit here. Who’s bad? Again, just an opinion. Free to comment back but no personal shooting ok?

  110. HUAT
    September 10th, 2013 at 08:45 | #110

    Just to clarify, buy at 438k but sell at almost double 800 or 850k. That is how prices in penang goes up. Purely due to greed. Not petrol, migrant raids, RM weakened and etc. those want to blame on the prices, you should know about this.

  111. JJ
    September 10th, 2013 at 09:46 | #111

    I totally agree to u. Really over value at this place. If other better location then i ok with that. But this place are really too much..

  112. John
    September 10th, 2013 at 20:31 | #112

    This condo is suitable for own stay. Investment or resell in subsale market is definitely out. Really is overvalue. Price is not match to tag for this condo at 800k. We can see through the market..No 1 will go and throw their money in dustbin to this kind of condo..

  113. Wilson
    September 11th, 2013 at 17:21 | #113

    i think u are just a housewife so that u got so much of time to think the negative point try to asperse shineville, y not u just use your time to earn money rather than complaint this complaint that about property? If u keep on complaint and imagining house price will be drop in 1 day, u will not even to get a flat nowsaday.

    1) If u complaint overprice, 800k/1650sf=RM484.80psf, Boulevard is now selling RM530psf, All Season selling RM600-650psf.

    2) If u complaint location, Lebuhraya Thean Teik is now upgrading become 6 lanes and Outer Ring Highway is in proposal from all season to Jelutong Highway. Shineville is located at the boundary of GEORGETOWN/FARLIM/AIR ITAM, if Shineville Jam like hell, then what do u think of whole farlim and air itam?

    3) If u complaint cemetery, u can try to ask who stay in Thean Teik previously, the Site of Boulevard & All Season were also the farm & “cemetery”, accept the truth please. Not only Farlim, such as Taman Krystal and others in Tg Tokong previously were also cemetery, ppl stay there for almost 15years but there is no anything happened and the subsale is still selling good nowsaday!!

    4) If u complaint Car Park, All Season is only attached with 1 car park per unit, Shineville is giving 2 car park per unit.

    5) If u Complaint View, u try to go up to Boulevard showroom at Level 35, u can enjoy the Panoramic View, same view for the Shineville Park even better because of stand 180′ directly facing the half Penang Island.

    6) If u complaint Subsale, boulevard is selling like a hot cake and All Season unit just left 15% & Shineville is sold out since 2 years ago, which mean ppl are not blaming the location and the negative points except u.

    Honestly, every condo also have the positive & negative point, if u feel this condo is suitable for u, then just buy it, if u dont like it, then just buy others, no body is forcing u now. If u try to confuse what I m saying to Political Issue, then u are such a childish kid.

    Thanks for seeing my comment.

  114. YES
    September 11th, 2013 at 20:24 | #114

    since when i am interested in commenting about this condo? i am just writing based on your second last comment which seems unfair…it’s like only good comments are allowed here?
    but it’s interesting to see you write so many bullet points just to reply to short message pertaining to your second last comments above…it brings me back to school time, and you look like trying so hard to tell people that svp is good or better….this is not wrong either but to ask people get out of this forum to me is very rude….after so many comments (good or bad) about this project still not enough? after all, people will have their own judgement…get a life

  115. PeteR
    September 14th, 2013 at 07:42 | #115

    i bet all who cared to type in here owns a unit. be nice. comments good/ or bad welcome. any idea when dat undersea tunnel n highway to jelutong expressway gonna b built? from all season meaning across the grave yard? i hear federal gov not supporting n dat reclaim land n swap with china idea not gonna go on.

  116. Frankie Lim
    Frankie Lim
    September 15th, 2013 at 23:29 | #116

    anyone has Type A2 ??

    Im interested!

    Please prom me. Thank you!

  117. Jane
    September 16th, 2013 at 13:42 | #117

    This condo really have something problem..Those who want to buy please go and check carefully..Only one sentence for this condo “Buy for own stay is good if you like to start at farlim with bigger unit…But if buy for investment plesae think twice”…Not very comment from public to this condo..For those who know the story of this land of SVP then ok. For those who don’t know..and interest to know please go find out..What developer have done to the land before..start to build all this condo and terrace link house? Please go and find out and you will surprise and probably to change your mind from purchase this condo..

    @Frankie Lim

    @Frankie Lim

  118. Buyer
    September 16th, 2013 at 17:55 | #118


    People have money and they know what to buy with their money.

  119. Jane
    September 16th, 2013 at 18:14 | #119

    Just share..Good Luck to all the buyer..

  120. careful
    September 17th, 2013 at 01:17 | #120

    @Frankie Lim

    Not every thing for type A2 is favourable.

  121. ST
    September 17th, 2013 at 17:54 | #121

    Type A2 main entrance will not be accepted by those who believe in fengshui.

  122. ST
    September 17th, 2013 at 20:59 | #122


    Type A2 is because of the entrance facing and the location for me is fine.
    For me even in S’pore the location is not a problem. Example like Pasir Ris
    all sold out even leasehold.

    No one will sell you 500k lets be frank!!! Not only me, many are willing to
    buy even if the price is 600k for the one facing town view in no time.

  123. Wei long
    September 17th, 2013 at 23:04 | #123

    Don’t try to play all the price around..All the buyer also is smart. Don’t treat us as a stupid buyer..Currently market price for SVP is around RM680k for 1600sqf. I can’t see any buyer who willing to buy with price up to 750k above…Don’t talk non sense and try to bring it up the price..Currently in market many investor already adv their unit..looking for buyer..Average 680k to 700k only..But still find very hard to sell their unit due to the location issue..Condo is fine but location is the issue..

  124. PeteR
    September 22nd, 2013 at 16:09 | #124

    i heard 15th flr town facing sold, 650k. 1650sqft

  125. ST
    September 22nd, 2013 at 16:28 | #125


    You stand to loose more selling at this time without completion yet.

  126. Benny
    September 22nd, 2013 at 18:08 | #126

    Why this developer always build condo and LMC side by side… you will lose exclusivity by doing this… Zan Pavillion also the same story… but then again, buyer doesnt seem to complaint isnt it?

  127. KC
    September 22nd, 2013 at 23:00 | #127

    Don’t talk non sense..You are such a joker..Talking non sense with no point everywhere..from other forum till this forum..Joker guy..Talking with no point..simply pump.

  128. Seo
    September 22nd, 2013 at 23:03 | #128

    Stay away from this condo..Build on top of deadly land..Can not imagine why developer are manage to just build the condo on this piece of land to just want gain the profit from this project..

  129. HUAT
    September 23rd, 2013 at 11:23 | #129

    Developer got the land cheap. So sell the units cheap. Those grab for own stay is affordable and really worth it if they dont mind the land history.

  130. Buyer
    September 25th, 2013 at 11:49 | #130

    Some alteration has been done to the rooftop. Now the water tank is
    on the rooftop. Moreover rooftop design now differ from the prospectus.

  131. tekkan
    September 26th, 2013 at 20:36 | #131

    This is the worst condo in penang ever build at this land..Worst investment ever..

  132. Frankie Lim
    Frankie Lim
    September 26th, 2013 at 21:53 | #132

    Woww… but we are searching for condo with 4rooms at this budget.

    What about Type A1, higher floor available?
    Please prom me TQ

  133. Frankie Lim
    Frankie Lim
    September 26th, 2013 at 21:59 | #133

    Julie, can u email me?

    Im interested@ST

  134. Frankie Lim
    Frankie Lim
    September 26th, 2013 at 22:02 | #134

    Can u email me?

    Im interested

  135. Why
    September 27th, 2013 at 12:06 | #135

    Buyer :
    Some alteration has been done to the rooftop. Now the water tank is
    on the rooftop. Moreover rooftop design now differ from the prospectus.

  136. Wonder
    September 27th, 2013 at 13:03 | #136

    Buyer :
    Some alteration has been done to the rooftop. Now the water tank is
    on the rooftop. Moreover rooftop design now differ from the prospectus.

  137. ST
    September 27th, 2013 at 14:19 | #137

    Cheap condo

  138. ST
    September 27th, 2013 at 18:50 | #138

    Cheap condo with full condo facilities and big built up area.

  139. Roy
    September 29th, 2013 at 10:25 | #139


    Hi JJ, Contact me if you are serious. I have a unit I have at 29th floor,
    – 1,650 sq ft.
    – comes with 2car park
    – 4 rooms 2 baths
    Priced at RM780K. For those who are interested please contact me @ 012-4305039

  140. Wilson
    September 30th, 2013 at 15:13 | #140

    facing town or back?

  141. Roy
    October 3rd, 2013 at 11:00 | #141


    Wilson its Facing Town. City View

  142. PeteR
    October 5th, 2013 at 08:31 | #142

    Got call from developer yesterday.. instead of front and back cp, change to 2 cp(1 shaded 1 not shaded) for free or, pay extra 10k for 2 shaded cp(side by side).

  143. Fact
    October 5th, 2013 at 21:35 | #143

    Oh really? Why I didn’t get call from them….?? That’s a good offer with only 10k to get side by side cp. cos front n back cp is really troublesome…

  144. PeteR
    October 7th, 2013 at 07:44 | #144

    you got the ront/back too? if yes, u might wanna make a call to ohm offit..

  145. Roy
    October 7th, 2013 at 11:26 | #145

    I gave them a call but they said only for early bird only….

  146. guest
    October 7th, 2013 at 15:16 | #146

    if unit selling at RM700K, downpayment is RM70K and bank loan is RM630K. This shows monthly payment is RM4K. Bayan Lepas engineers must ask for more raise this year from their bosses now.

  147. guest
    October 7th, 2013 at 15:18 | #147

    and not to forget the monthly maintenance fee. to add more salt to the pain, petrol and inflation everywhere. argghh….how to afford…..

  148. U funny
    October 7th, 2013 at 16:24 | #148

    sorry no pay raise this year, everthing frozen, biz no good.

    guest :
    if unit selling at RM700K, downpayment is RM70K and bank loan is RM630K. This shows monthly payment is RM4K. Bayan Lepas engineers must ask for more raise this year from their bosses now.

  149. Reply
    October 7th, 2013 at 17:18 | #149

    Normally Penang buyer budjet >700K not a first time buyer, maybe a few ago their already hv buy a house @300k but now price increase to @600K So just top up @100k to hv new house with more big built up

  150. David
    October 7th, 2013 at 18:17 | #150

    but its hard to buy a sub-sale with such a big price house rite.
    no more DIBS, free legal and renovation fee anymore.

  151. Hope
    October 8th, 2013 at 13:54 | #151

    “4.6km bypass connecting the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway with Bandar Baru Air Itam” Hope can complete it more faster

  152. John
    October 8th, 2013 at 20:05 | #152

    Good to hear this ….

    Three expressways to ease traffic flow in the state will be completed before the 6.5km undersea tunnel is ready.

    This was revealed by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng after the signing of a preliminary agreement for the construction of a few major traffic-related projects yesterday.

    Under the state’s comprehensive package of traffic management projects totalling RM6.3bil, the 12km Tanjung Bungah-Teluk Bahang paired road is scheduled to be ready by 2018, followed by the 4.6km bypass connecting the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway with Bandar Baru Air Itam by 2019, and the 4.2km bypass connecting Gurney Drive to Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway in 2022.

    The tunnel connecting Gurney Drive and Butterworth’s Bagan Ajam will be completed by 2025.

    Lim said these projects would not only improve Penang’s economy, but also benefit all Malaysians.

    “Apart from the multiple job opportunities, the contractors are committed in awarding contracts to Malaysians, especially Pe­­nangites,” he said after inking the agreement with Consortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd, China Railway Construction Corporation Inter­national (CRCC), and Beijing Urban Con­struction Group.

  153. PeteR
    October 8th, 2013 at 21:27 | #153

    2019 SIAP

  154. Toppan
    October 9th, 2013 at 11:05 | #154

    @U funny
    How many senior engineer in bayan lepas really get salary more than Rm6k monthly?
    Fresh grad engineer rm1.8k to 3k only. The most averagely getting also Rm4k plus monthly..
    Engineers please go stay LMC house.. This house is for pure executive levels only.

  155. condomana
    October 9th, 2013 at 11:49 | #155

    For a budget of RM700k-RM800k, you surely have better option than this, with much better location and appreciation upside….:)

  156. SVP
    October 9th, 2013 at 12:26 | #156

    condomana :
    For a budget of RM700k-RM800k, you surely have better option than this, with much better location and appreciation upside….:)

    Correct, SVP will be my last option >.<

  157. Okay
    October 9th, 2013 at 13:26 | #157

    For me, it’s okay because it is nearer to town and big built-up.

  158. Hope
    October 9th, 2013 at 20:53 | #158

    Also ok for me, with budget 700k-800k (1500sf – 1600sf with 4 rooms ) in town area, still hv any other condo recommend ?

  159. Buyer
    October 10th, 2013 at 12:28 | #159

    its so funny lar, of course 1,650 sq ft condo is not for fresh grads lah.

    hope you guys to wake up from the dream, but we are not expecting a fresh grads to go for a 1,650. if they want to look for 1,650 condo, they have to fork out 1M for other option.

    if shine ville sell 700-800k / 424 per sq ft, even new launch in Penang you cannot get this price.

    always compare apple to apple, don’t always think enginer enginer. enginer stay at bayan baru area 1 sq ft atleast 500-550rm per sq ft.

    come on lah, what kind of comparison is this

  160. Keat La
    October 10th, 2013 at 14:44 | #160

    any latest para normal story regarding this project? very ‘ong’?

  161. Buyer
    October 11th, 2013 at 12:39 | #161

    wow, talk talk talk awhile only, just realize the project is almost completed, time really flies

  162. Update
    October 11th, 2013 at 19:51 | #162

    Today get letter, the developer has claimed the $ for { (2f) Sewerage Works Serving The Said Building}(next 5% of the house price)

  163. Jc
    October 12th, 2013 at 14:34 | #163

    Hi,anyone have latest progress photos fir this project? Hopefully can move in next year ~

  164. Update
    October 12th, 2013 at 14:47 | #164

    Schedule of Payment already up to 75%

  165. Fact
    October 12th, 2013 at 16:32 | #165

    Informed by developer office staff, house key will be ready end of this year or beginning next year. Damn fast!

  166. jack
    October 13th, 2013 at 22:31 | #166

    Judging by the smooth and fast progress of the project and also the good business performance of OHM, I believed this project will bring all purchasers good luck and prosperity ! I am sure those sour grapes will stand to disagree, but then again who cares!!

  167. JW
    October 14th, 2013 at 01:27 | #167

    Unit sold!!! 738k Town View.

  168. JT
    October 14th, 2013 at 14:15 | #168

    Unit sold 780k town view!

  169. Luyuan
    October 14th, 2013 at 14:36 | #169

    Unit sold!!! FOC!

  170. SH
    October 14th, 2013 at 20:22 | #170

    JW. Unit sold at 738K Townview.
    Which floor?

  171. JW
    October 14th, 2013 at 23:21 | #171

    Not sure which floor. Just the information from house agent.

  172. Buyer
    October 15th, 2013 at 09:10 | #172

    I heard from my friend (property agent) as their company just transacted a deal at

    738k for town view but high floor….

  173. Wilson
    October 15th, 2013 at 16:13 | #173

    It seems like the roof top design is completed with the current look? I m not satisfied for the current look just like a cheap cheap apartment, i hope the developer not to disappointed us

  174. Buyer
    October 15th, 2013 at 16:44 | #174

    I thinks still not completed at roof top, the top hv some penthouse, developer sure will complete the roof top nicely

  175. Why
    October 15th, 2013 at 17:14 | #175

    Some alteration has been done to the rooftop. Now the water tank is
    on the rooftop. Moreover rooftop design now differ from the prospectus.

  176. condomana
    October 15th, 2013 at 17:31 | #176

    For your information, developer will complete the roof top as per view now..Don’t get shock because it is the fact..Please view the plan nicely..

  177. MH
    October 15th, 2013 at 19:53 | #177

    Unit sold 550k low floor not facing town.

  178. Roy
    October 16th, 2013 at 09:37 | #178

    until now, i dont see any bad point about this project,

    those sour grapes / all season park 50% unsold developer is having their hard time trying to sell their cake now.

    so who cares? from pilling until today(completion), what else to say wor, project already wan to complete, those who missed the boat sure jealous lar, 450k to 750k = 300k difference from the date of purchase, for those who didnt buy, surely they feel like shoot themselves in the toes, then to their head :)

  179. Pang
    October 16th, 2013 at 15:56 | #179

    MH sold at 550k only..wonder why..

  180. Tokong
    October 16th, 2013 at 16:16 | #180

    Roy :
    until now, i dont see any bad point about this project,
    those sour grapes / all season park 50% unsold developer is having their hard time trying to sell their cake now.
    so who cares? from pilling until today(completion), what else to say wor, project already wan to complete, those who missed the boat sure jealous lar, 450k to 750k = 300k difference from the date of purchase, for those who didnt buy, surely they feel like shoot themselves in the toes, then to their head

    I bet subsale 500k also difficult to sell at this time.

  181. Truth
    October 16th, 2013 at 17:51 | #181


    Do you have a unit ? If you don’t, you have nothing to bet accept “Big
    Mouth”. Many are willing to buy even at higher price.

  182. MH
    October 16th, 2013 at 18:25 | #182

    Initially wanted to sell at 670k. After months of hard sell and running out of time i agree to let go at 550k. I still gain something. Not so bad.

  183. MH
    October 16th, 2013 at 18:32 | #183

    The killer of my lesser gain mainly due to the location and buyers concern. Im just happy to let it go finally after all the nego from buyers. Its tough to sell above half a mil when there is nothing to promote other than bigger units… Thats all..

  184. Sold
    October 16th, 2013 at 19:11 | #184

    MH :
    The killer of my lesser gain mainly due to the location and buyers concern. Im just happy to let it go finally after all the nego from buyers. Its tough to sell above half a mil when there is nothing to promote other than bigger units… Thats all..

    Why you bought in the first place?

  185. Fact
    October 16th, 2013 at 19:29 | #185

    Sold :

    MH :
    The killer of my lesser gain mainly due to the location and buyers concern. Im just happy to let it go finally after all the nego from buyers. Its tough to sell above half a mil when there is nothing to promote other than bigger units… Thats all..

    Why you bought in the first place?

    I guess the MH should be someone sour grapes again… 500k u only can get the opposite one, BL Avenue at this moment. Don’t simply talk u don’t even have a unit here.

  186. Sold
    October 16th, 2013 at 20:10 | #186


    Really want to know how he invest. Let him share with us his thought why he bought in the first place.

  187. New comer
    October 16th, 2013 at 20:53 | #187

    He is lying! This site is full of people or maybe just one person out to sabotage and confuse the investors. Maybe jealous or trying hard to discourage people from buying svp.

  188. PeteR
    October 16th, 2013 at 22:12 | #188

    regarding the 2 cp, i guess no need two cars shaded.. cos when sell, 2 cp means 2 cp.. regardless shaded or not. need not waste 10k..

  189. Buyer
    October 16th, 2013 at 22:36 | #189

    I’m sorry to say but practically,

    all those that we have heard, for those who have thought thoughtfully would have known this is a bunch of Lies created by people who don’t get to buy.

    Is simple as that, people can say whatever they want, by creating multiple names that you don’t ever get to see from this Forum, speaking with the same Jargon, urgh I’m sick of it seriously.

    I have been in this forum ever since the existence of the page and yet, I’m still here today listening to the same old boring tune all over again that have been spoken since the beginning.

    What’s the point of speaking those which is not true which has the intention to sabotage? Come on, don’t be so childish, we share comments and points and criticism but not Lies which is not truth.

    Seriously speaking, I’m a buyer of SVP, I have never ever considered any of the abovementioned criticism and lies before I made my purchase and therefore,

    I made the best decision ever in my life, listen to yourself, make your own decision,

    to ask yourself a simple question. Where on earth in Penang are you going to get a Property which worth 750k when first bought at 450k?

    Second question, to compare with All Season Place which is bought years ago, until today, how much (according to percentage) that you’ve actually made? All season place has 50% unsold units and STILL, going out for fair and promotion and STILL receiving phamplets from my letter box.

    But for SVP, what people talking about is “When OC? OC soon, WHY SO FAST?”

    I don’t think any genuine owners like me should be bothered by the abovesaid statements.

    Good day and thank you

  190. Why
    October 16th, 2013 at 23:15 | #190


    Regarding the 2 cp, they are referring to side by side with additional
    10k instead of front and back.

  191. Fact
    October 16th, 2013 at 23:26 | #191

    For own stay, 10k of investment makes a lot of convenience. For investment purpose, it will add value to your property whenever u want to sell. I’m having car park problem with my current property which is also front and back, it’s really troublesome. Trust me.

  192. ryan
    October 17th, 2013 at 00:18 | #192

    With this piece if crap selling for 750k? There are choices with better location and appreaciation. The good thing is u bought it with relatively cheaper price per sqft. If I could afford 750k I could get my self a subsale landed or top up to 900k for landed g&g with triple svp size than this piece of crap.

  193. condomana
    October 17th, 2013 at 00:30 | #193


    Got meh? Can you pls name 3 alternatives if you are prepared to spend RM750k? And for RM900k, what landed g&g can you get?

    By the way, why are we even talking about RM750k? Plenty of shineville units for sale at Mudah around RM650k……:)

  194. Ready Buyer
    October 17th, 2013 at 00:42 | #194


    May I know where would be the location or name of property that I can get
    a subsale landed with 750k or top up to 900k for landed g&g with triple svp
    size ? SVP built-up is 1,650 sq, ft. So 3 times SVP size will be 3 x 1650 =
    4,950 sq. ft.

  195. Mo
    October 17th, 2013 at 02:28 | #195

    Where??? I want buy 3 units. Pls advise!!!

  196. PeteR
    October 17th, 2013 at 07:35 | #196

    now no more front & back d la all the car park.. 1 shaded and 1 not shaded for free. will b as convenien! when selling will mention 2 cp. no need let them make the extra 10k. and ryan… i’m trying so hard but i cant understand your crap..

  197. jo
    October 17th, 2013 at 13:20 | #197

    Its true, many subsales property having hard time to sell, some owner willing to let go lowtoo many

  198. Wilson
    October 17th, 2013 at 13:23 | #198

    Anyone has interior site photos for Shineville, cant wait to see inside of the condo. =)

  199. Kotun
    October 17th, 2013 at 18:44 | #199

    MH :
    The killer of my lesser gain mainly due to the location and buyers concern. Im just happy to let it go finally after all the nego from buyers. Its tough to sell above half a mil when there is nothing to promote other than bigger units… Thats all..

    Rock bottom price for such a “reputable” condo… Price match.. Buy cheap sell cheap.
    Not much people want to invest in such a place. Subsale will suffer more in time to come.

  200. david
    October 17th, 2013 at 20:45 | #200

    Come on, he still earn 100k from the purchase price.

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