Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
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@joe lee
Whether you like it or not, people will buy if they have the $$.
If they missed the boat now, they will have to pay more when
the project is completed in future.
that joelee and paranormal are both same ppl lah, one use formal one use informal way of communicating but end up both having the same results, real gentlement doesn’t speak like that dude, i appreciate my unit and this project very much and im planning for my own stay
I sincerely hope those dislike Shineville Park to leave this site and visit other site which might suite your taste. No point cursing this project and those who call it a home(like me and other buyer).
Want or not, you have to accept that we have decided to buy or invest. Up to you to call us stupid, dumb or what’s ever.
As far as we (the buyers) think we have made the good decision and we are using our money to buy! NOTE: That’s out money.. NOT YOURS. WHY YOU BORDER SO MUCH? We will not loan from you neither even if we broke…. OK?
Hi, i’m one of the genuine buyer there too, I do not see any negative sign of this project as i have several reasons,
1) I’m fine with the monthly installment (combined with my husband) is just around 2k to get a 1,650 sq ft house
2) The location is good compared to other projects in lebuhraya thean teik as we’re just at the junction for the time being (before the neighbour land develops)
3) Traffic wise is improving by the state government, I hope they will make it better too
4) Good track records from the developer and their finishing on their lately completed zent pavilon is nice and i hope shineville facilities can be nicer than zent
The thing i dislike is,
1) the distance between the main entrance of the whole project to the condo is a bit far
). Those envy person(you all know who they are)…. will keep their envy eye rolling.

That’s it! We all have good reason to back us up on our decision to buy…..
We will be laughing to move in 3 years from now(hopefully shorter
hi, r u the one who create the fb fan page for shineville park?
i guess those who curse this project are those people from “unable to sell” projects?? They just duplicate and speak out their pain! :):):):):)
Really don’t understand why these freak is willing to waste his time cursing at here, it really don’t bring benefit to his own and would not affect the genuine buyer with this fact less comment.
Yes these people who are brokers and housing projects marketing
persons are barking nonsense in hoping that potential buyers will
go for others.
The odd are against them in term of sales for this project compare to
others.The volume of sale proved too detrimental effects to their
monthly incomes.
I am not the moderator for Shineville Park FB page. I am just a proud buyer who ‘Like’ the page.
Be aware,you must be extremely be careful or else you will lose 2 not one.
Just an advice to the superstitious and ignorant.
they feel useless if they don’t scream out their pain as another rotten project(marketing or whatever you call them)
My untie staying in Mount Erskine Apartment have shared with me about their experience as below:
1.) Always listen children crying inside a jam lift, but found nothing when rescue team open the door.
2.) Every lunar month of 7th, always someone seeing a huge gang of people celebrating & make noise at their playground. After call the serurity guard & come back to the spot, they are found nothing eventually.
3.) Ground floor Ping Pong room always heard some unbelievable sound during mid-night.
4.) Always hearing some chating noise from your empty neighbour house. You may aware that they are talking in hokkien but you will never understand what are they talking about.
5.) Always got some children crying suprising & suddently when playing at the play ground. They always complaining about some uncle or untie is going to bully them.
Those incident obviously reduced after they pray a DATO KONG around their apartment compound but yet still never solve until now a day.
Another teribble appartment is Jade View. Non of the guard willing to rotate for night shift.
Declaration : I’m not a buyer here & I’m also not an agent. I don’t care whether you are going to see ghost or not in the future. Since so many guys talking about this topic in this forum then only I share my info here. -n-
It would be nice to create your version in FB but the thing is that you
will be talking to yourself. Who know,you might get the attention of Zak,
he might take you in. In a way is good for you as you don’t have to
create “kui” imagination to survive. You will have a new job you love
But this site will not be as popular as now if you’re gone.
What is the name of the apartment your auntie lives in ?
Nice quote, i agree with that. The greed and selfishness of this ppls will cause this forum have endless story created just to satisfied his own means.
Your declaration already reveal who you are.
Hi all genuine buyer, please continue the serious and productive discussion in the facebook. This open forum is just full of asyhole which are here to curse, -ve comment etc. I feel sick for them but pity for them as they are yet to realize how bad they are.
Anymore stories to share beside these ? Feel scary looking forward
to pray with concert and sexy singers, so by looking at the sexy girls
you are not scared anymore. What are you trying to prove ?
To prove you are a “wolf in a sheep clothing”. Don’t take us owners
are naive and you are smarter. Post your stories and share it with
every projects’ forums, then you will be able to have many concerts
and many sexy girl to look at.
Does that help you to realise your dreams and ease your pain ?
It will definitely and I can assure you. Now you may start creating
more stories to fulfill your needs.
These Ah Dog and Monk (Monkey) do not belong here.These two
belong to Sierra Residences.You guys are not on par to be here.
I think you should say it vise versus. Sierra Residence is much more better than Shineville Park with no ghost worried.
Those use the superstitous story to intimidate property like in here, or even relate Mount Eskrin and Jade View really have no respect to the RIP yet these still feel proud of doing so.
Yes, they created stories which is out of context for genuine buyers.
Prospective buyers know what to buy with that kind of money.
They trying to teach fishes how to swim.
@joe lee
Don`t worry there won`t be any ghost sighting or whatsoever. The whole area is so congested with car and people and ghost won`t stay in those areas
These low morale whisperers do not require a good IQ/EQ to act in a negative stupid way, because they are born to be stupid and their mind is full of negative thinking.
It will be a wasting of time trying to change these type of person to stop cursing(for their own good as curse will come haunting themselves later), or even chase them out from this open forum. I am not sure why the moderator allow such idiot to be here(and other property site) and set up fire here and there….
I think they are either have a bad bad relationship with the developer(a.k.a. developer killed any of their ancestor) or their ancestor was among those exhumed and they failed to get a sky high claim. For that, they became so negative and naif about this project, and keep cursing, cursing and cursing. Then when their cursing does not seems working, they come with ghost stories. And when ghost stories also not getting through, they now tie in family member…. cursing every buyer and their family to have bad luck etc etc etc. They made up ghost stories from other housing areas and offended the residents their too. Really sick with their rotten mindset.
We believe their is ghost, but we have stronger believe that human and ghost can co-live together as they are living in 2 different dimensions. In actual fact, human is more scary as humans are living in the same dimension and can curse other for acting not per the way they want. We see a lot of these bad mouth people here. We purchase the condo/houses with our money(not their money), but yet they cursing us for buying. You see any logic out of this? A proper working mind will tell you they are off-minded and do not make any sense.
I am urging them to stop cursing and stop all the bad mouth spread to get a good karma. If you do not do any good thing to raise your karma, at least you shall not do any harm to cut it.
THANKS for your show of “concern” about this project.
The launching was a “Great Success” (thanks to purchasers support)
Just heard from my friend that went to the office to understand more, still got a lot of units left, he may consider to get one for investment (but he not dare for own living). His concern is, the majority are buy for invest, so will expect very high vacant rate (even higher than what we can see on some condo currently like The View, The Spring, The Uban, etc. that you always see a lot empty car parks and very few light on during night time). Really dangerous for those move in once completed, as your neighbour are those vacant units. Need to wait few years to fill up most of the units.
Go get mabuk somewhere, don’t fantasize here. You will not earn any respect here.
Hahaha, did your friend really go to the office to check? You want to bull shit, check first before open your mouth.
Still got a lot of unit left? Do you mind to share how many unit left?
But for own stay or for investment leave it to the buyer at here, its none of your business.
You still want to bark at here and don’t give up yet after so many story.
Ohh, The View, The SPring and The Uban vacant rate is high? When do you visited the place and what make you judge that? Don’t simply release hot air at here.
Are you sure ? I called the sale office two days ago relating other matter.
If you are talking about bumis’ lots, they have to set aside 30% to be
reserved lots.
The Spring selling at incredible high price at Rm 580k with leasehold title for
1313 sq.ft.
The View – 1)Too many glass panels making the units too hot.
2)Very noisy just beside coastal road and old main road.
3)Coming back from work can see the condo but cannot reach,
has to make a U turn back across opp.side to reach home.
(Sometime you can see the long queue from town to B.Maung
and vice-versa.)
The Uban – 1)Not congested but over congested.
2)LMC built too near to The Uban.
These are what I had read and just to share.
You sound like fortune teller, the condo haven’t completed you already know no body will stay there. You can go genting to place your bet, not here.
The number of units sold speak for itself.
the buyers are not replying cuz the comments are not worth a single energy to comment – jus FYI ..
i think BL avenue and all seasons park are worst than this condo, they are facing the funeral parlour which almost every day hearing chanting,prayers & funeral procession,
I think the funeral procession and chanting have no effect on most of the building beside it lah.
They are not using loud speaker, you barely hear something if you stand near the KHOO company front gate. Further more that area is well organize with big space and for ppl that don’t know what is that place will hardly know what going on from outside.
make sense, but facing graveyard is still better than facing funeral parlour, you’ll see sad faces crying for the departing one almost every day.
true, if i stay in all seasons park facing the parlour, i won’t sleep well looking at those agony
If you think ghost exist, then it exist. If you think ghost does not exist, then it doesn’t. No one can prove the existence nor non-existence of ghost.
Hi all genuine buyer and proud owner, let’s stop responding to those idiot comments. No point for us to argue as there is no cure for them already.
From old grave, to ghost stories, to tie in family member, to relate all other innocent owner from other projects(The View, 4 Season, BL, Seirra and more), they are running out of conscious mind and did a lot of sin by cursing and telling lies after lies.
We shall let them talk sendiri and shiok sendiri until the cows come home.
We the genuine buyer will discuss the serious and productive matters in the FB page.
Who is the one said still left few units? I just called my friend there. He said all sold. Sales agent/OtherFailedProjectBuyer can you guys please stop..? dont jealous us.. take it as lessons and next time you can have a good unit like us/Shineville Condo
I am seeing serious integrity concern here. There are few criticizers that post their reply using different different log in name. If you are sincere, please using a single log-in name from the beginning to the end to show your sincerity.
Also, some of these criticizers are so ‘rich’ that they participate in more than one project discussion(opp… shall say criticism or curse). I doubtful that they are the investor or buyer, or just there to past their time to curse/criticize for fun.
Everyday seeing graveyard and tombstone can always remind you to appreciate your daily life, love your family, and don’t do dangerous stuff like rempit, as one day you will be in there as well. So, this is a great location.
Different ID to give personal though? Wow! This proof that you have few personalities, but most of the time is bad.
* Their price (based on per Sq. Ft.) are very competitive and attractive. They provided a lot of Facilities. Maintenance fee are Cheap too.
* Developer got a GOOD and FAST record. Visited their latest Zan Pavillon Condominium at Sungai Ara (got chance, you all should have a visit there). I like the Facility Floor there (Just imagine that there is 2x bigger for Shineville Park). They’ve completed it within 2 years with OC (very fast) for a 23 floors condo.
* Graveyard land a.k.a. Feng Shui land. We wouldn’t and shouldn’t simply find a place to buried our ancestor.
* It’s very clear and near view to ‘Kek Lok Si’ when they show me the photo that they taken from their site people. Some more got the ‘Guan Ying Ma’ to “poh pi”.
After doing all the research and consideration, me, my brother and friends finally make our decision to bought it.
Just something to share about this project and I don’t have any Ghost stories to tell.
To be realistic,
I do not have comment about this project.
This project is just another project by the developer (Atleast have track records compared to other projects)
Regarding the land, who gives a da** ?
Don’t you guys feel kiddish talking nonsense and crapping all around the forum?
To me(buyer), I felt that it’s just another conspiracy by some other developers(with unsold units/competitor).
Just that
A good view of Shineville’s site. Looks like earth work is almost done!
Buyers/investerors of SP….
Please talk at the FB which the moderator will stop the nonsense at the door step.
No point trying to correct those mind blowing dude here.
I am very pening looking at the top two most popular comment here, SP and CW@BT. But very entertaining, thank you.
May I add to your FB? Let’s continue to talk.
Pariahnormal, congrats, you got the same name here in SP too
Very hot forum n talking about ghost in a property forum!!!
GHOST?? Any 1 c ghost before? If yes, pls let me know. I would like to get number from them/he/she. Alot of my friends told me “Truth” ghost story. but when i asking whether they c it? they will told me …”Oh, i heard from my friend or someone else.
Until today still no one can tell me they REALLY c ghost. So, y we got alot of ghost story? Who create it?
If u can c or meet ghost. pls check with them how Beng Hock die?
If no, appreciate you all can stop talking ghost n also telling us ghost story. Let’s make this forum more meaningful as follow the web title.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Let me say a fair words…. Look at Singapore, there is HDB are build at graveyard land.. It used to be graveyard land too, of course at first people are concerns… When the place are start to develop, land are limited… But now, who care about it? Don’t be so Superstition… Housing price will just keep on increasing only.. due to material cost is increasing and land are limited too.. Especially in Penang Island. Well, I must say every person have their own choice. Just my two cents….
I think everyone knows that but it’s just a few trying to disturb the
discussions here. It is not a graveyard. The graveyard land for semi-
D is selling 1.3m situated opposite Pesta. ( Century Garden & Sawkit
They did it on purpose as to discourage potential buyers. They are
representatives of other projects. Most of the time you can see that
they comment how good and competitive their projects are under
different identities on certain forums. They think nobody knows and
those buyers are stupid.
After reading this blog I was attracted with this property. Anyone willing to let go townview pls leave me contact. It sounds a potential investment for me. Tx
Hi everyone, I have removed some of the offensive and “out of topic” comments.
Some friendly jokes and personal opinion are ok. But let’s avoid offensive wordings and personal attack.
@Ken (Admin)
You have done the right thing at the right time. They had in a way
made this site popular indirectly and their ulterior motives were not
@Ken (Admin)
Thanks, Ken ..
@Ken (Admin)
Good jobs, Thanks a lot..
Finally admin deleted those comments by the salesman from other project.. Hsha
You are most welcome
This blog is meant for fun discussion. Just don’t want any anyone get offended. I don’t know if there is any salesman here, but the comments were removed based on offensive content, not people. I’m sure we are all good Penangite 😀
Ken, tell me, what do you think about this project
Terima Kasih Ken.
You saved this forum from being corrupted badly by those -ve and not productive discussion. By right this forum shall be discussing the project in a logic and healthy manner but some unwelcome people(be it salesman or just passby spirit) use this as a platform for them to curse and build more sin.
With Ken being the gatekeeper, we hope this forum will be moving on with clean, respectful & productive idea discussion.
I personally think there is nothing wrong with this project. It is just another residential project. Cementary may be a concern to some people, but there are so many successful people staying around this area too.
The price is just right and affordable for one to own a property in Penang island. Especially 1,300 a decent size for a comfort living. Just that may be the road is a little congested during peak hours.
For own stay, be sure to choose a place that you like to stay, not just because someone else say this is a good place to stay. This applicable to any property, not just this one
Just sharing my thought.
This area is nearer to town unlike Sungai Ara and Relau. If you”re driving
along Sg. Ara and Relau road you will feel like you are in mainland
kampung road.
Anyone know what is the development in front of the Shineville?
Wah, since when Sungai Ara becomes mainland kampung? I think you think too much….
Nobody has to agree with my opinion. As I see it,just a narrow stretch of road
from Relau to B.Lepas with some new developments here and there with some
“kampung” houses along the route.
anyone know whait is the constuction stage progress ? and what development opposite front of SP ?
Ken admin, you r right.. This kind of price will never be founded again. For those late to get one, you may wait for the bumilot to be released. Regarding the price, its dam worth and im very happy to get one for my own family. Good for investment and also for a family more than 6 ppl
How do i contact you?
Is it too late to buy a unit now? I’m interested to know the price
the price is rm438k onwards if im not mistaken and the unit i took is at around 23rd floor, not sure still got units or not, my friend visited their office last week and heard they only left with bumi units, have to wait until someone failed to get their loan
Any idea when will they open the bumi unit for public?
Not sure.. most of the buyers is chinese..
wish this project can get completed asap so i can bring chicks up =)
many chicks are in the waiting list to be targetted and fished up!!
Unit facing town is 468k onwards and 496k for 38th.fl. All units facing town
sold out.
Hi. Would like to buy a unit. If you interested to sell pls drop me a msg. 016 40111 66. Prefer 1600 or 1650 unit which is below rm550k. Level 10 to 25 only.
How to sell for u ? the Developer allow us to sell for new buyer ? Maybe u need prepare undercounter. If Price deal as 550k, i will consider sell it, ( 18th floor, 1600sf ) Face town view.
Did any buyer notice that in the S&P, the plan of the unit is without measurement
for its lenght and width ?
Hi, Already received an offer for someone which just Rm535k.. 20+ floor.
yes, sure you can sell, why cant..? everythings can be done with $$..
thanks everyone
This condo really caught my heart! please leave your contact number if you serious to let go. My friend might interested to get one. but cant confirm with you now. thanks so much
welcome to be our neighbor, still worth to buy, i estimate after complete can get value >650K (@RM 400/sf)
Hi Loon, I knew that..
Its hard to get a good location condo at penang area now.. Somemore this price is very attractive.. Even i cant get the early bird price but 535k for 1600SF just 330+ perSF still very good price indeed.. But this one is not for investment, will get in once completed
hope to see you guys around 
Did you buy from the developer or buying from the 1st owner?
Did the 1st owner mark up the price or he is selling to you at the original price?
I heard from OHM that they have few units which the buyer can’t get loan and need to let go…
“Did any buyer notice that in the S&P, the plan of the unit is without
measurements for its lenght and width ?”
Hi Ibrought, i bought from the buyer not ohm. Yea. Ohm told me that currently have 2 buyers loan cant be approved but they are not willing to let go, still holding the units and getting loan from banks.. Common case as expected, if were me, i wont let go as well.. 400k+ earlybird price for this condo absolutely is a great deal. In few years time later, this condo should be around 700k..
Wise choice Mr. Teoh! I bought a unit of Type A1 lower floor at RM 460k ++ someone offered me at RM 530k too recently but I wont let go cos I think after completion, the price will shoot up to at least RM 600k. Just need to wait and see. For those who curse this project will see us, buyers enjoy the capital gain. Luckily my wife and I decided to buy it at the first place!
i think u r make right decision. Check with ohm, hv @150 buyer in waiting list for waiting bumi lot release , I m sure the price will increase, the bumi lot mostly r facing kek Lok Si
Where did you get the information saying earlybird price was 400k ?There
are only 2 UNITS costing 366k each with a build up area of 1300sq.ft.per
unit. The 2 units were sold before the launching.
As for the units facing KEK LOK SI were priced at 438k for the cheapest unit.
Those facing town were priced at 468k for the cheapest unit.
hi i sorry for my mistakes. i mean 400k+..
150 in waiting lists.. last few days just 130+.. so fast ppl reg.. i knew i cant get the bumi lot so im willing to pay more
I thought I bought my unit at a higher price as I made the booking
at an early stage.
when the project will start ? and when is the completion ?
The project already started with the laying of foundations for both the
condo and 3 storey terraces houses at the same time.Heard that they
are to be completed in 2 years.
Hi.. Any units to let go below 530k..? My friend is looking for one. Please drop your number here if you wish to let go. Ty
If Price deal as 550k, i will consider sell it, ( 18th floor, 1600sf ) Face town view, 2 carparks.
Seems like we have all made a wise decision to buy a unit…..
Really feel proud and hope the project will complete soonest possible…..
Hi, sorry my friend budget max is 530k..
Mr can ask your friend to call 0164836891
@Just Me
Ask your friend don’t sell it, he/she won’t get the money until O/C (bank will only release the money), wait patiently until OC to get 6xxk. 6xxk will be no big deal as 4season and BL are selling 350+/- psqft under construction too. Let’s just wait………..
Yeah, after completion, will become RM600 psf, can sell over RM900k, just wait.
600 psf..? Are u kidding..? Not reasonable.. Should be 700k +- for 1600+
Let’s just wait……..
RM600 is possible too, look at for season and BL, they are selling almost 400 per sq ft liao, after O/C surely can lah, it takes time mah
Time and demand will determine the price.
hmm.. i think so.. BL and seasons are just normal apartment.. this condo is equipped with many good things.. nice location.. 600 should be possible.. even more also can
Can anyone tell me when is the due date of signing the loan agreement? and when is the date of developer starting to collect money from the bank?
Once your loan has been approved you can sign it within the stipulated
period stated in your letter of offer from the bank.
Progress payment will be released by the bank sometime next year and
a borrower will be notified by the bank which approved your loan .
Is there anyone would like to let go unit 9? i’m looking for one unit here with budget of 520k.
I don’t think anyone is interested to sell at this price.
For Interested buyer, you should mention the % you willing to mark up in order to get the unit. The price for low floor and high floor is very much diff.
I have a strong interest towards this project! Unfortunately it’s too late to buy a good unit here. Anyone can let go unit 3 or 8? My budget is 530k…
Serious buyers can call 0194646378
Hi yeoh i dont think u can get around this price. My friend get the best offer so far is RM566k
MrTeoh, if your fren really wanna buy a unit & call me earlier, he would have got 1 @ 540k city view
wow! 566k???I didn’t know that the price will hike up so fast… I am planning to release at at 535 – 540 k for 1650 sq ft, city view
Hi this is normal and expected. This condo is selling under market value. I already went through many condo before i picked up this one. This one so far is the best condo i have found. My brother very like this condo, before that he wish to get 2 units but having some financial problem on that time so only able to get 1.. He told me the units sold extremely fast and he not able to get his 2nd unit.. haha.. he looks disappointed when we discuss about this condo last few days.
@566k (@350/sf) still worth to buy, if buy after complete the price estimated up to @700K
after completed at least 700k for 1600SF unit.
this is what i think so
after completed and oc obtained, i dont think you can get a unit for 700k, unless you are very lucky. 700k is the minimum, can go till 800/900k. Let’s wait hehe..
LMAO, in 10 years i predict it going to be 2 – 3 millions… Let’s wait n c hehe…
I have discussed with my hb, we are ok to release at 535k negotiatable. Contact me at 0194646378
LOL.. it would happen if economy is stable and after 10 years not just this condo fetch 2~3mil but other properties will expensive too.
Jenny, you should let me know earlier.. 535k nego…. i already bought if not i will get yours. btw whats your unit..? facing which part..?
Mine is facing city
Actually selling 535k is not a big deal. But each and everyone has their
own evaluation. Once sold you won’t be able to get back a unit with the
same build-up in town area with the same price which you had bought.
Can someone tell me the contact in UOB in order to get the loan. I just bought one and wish to get a loan.
You can contact Mr.Lim (UOB) ,h/p no. 0164437088.
Thank you for your information.
You’re welcome.
I was planning to sell off this condo, but after few discussion with my family and husband, we decided to take up the unit for own stay as my in-laws are staying in a 700 sq ft apartment and me and my husband are staying in the same block apartment too, and we’re planning to sell off both apartment which worth around 480k for two units. i hope we’re making a good decision.
after much thought i am considering my unit for sale ! corner, middle flr unit , interested can contact me
What is your contact number ?
joe lee is an agent which used to criticise this project and now clamming himself having a unit?
Mr Teoh, if your friend is interested, he/she can still give me a ring…
Jenny what is your contact #?
I knew that’s why I am asking for the contact no. Trying to make a crowd
of people selling off their units.
Yeap, that joe lee is a real estate agent, i know about him, he bought several units “nearby” shineville and afraid that he’ll lose money, that’s why he took further actions
Lol joe lee aka as other project agent. Why you did this..? I stil rmb u very hate this condo but now u have a unit for sell..?
think you ‘re a great storyteller … but for small kids, kindergarten children only … ha ha ha
@joe lee
So you’re now playing poker with your main card open.
@joe lee
Hi, do you mind to leave your contact so that i can call you for the unit you want to sell?
Hi, anyone still wish to sell off their unit..?
drive down and take a look down there, joe lee is a property agent
he bought a unit nearby shineville
The truth finally revealed. Joe Lee is the property agent. Identity has been revealed.. reputation also gone to drain. Not good la to talk bad about other property just to make his own sell. No good la like that. The property company Joe Lee is selling also in jepardy because of his bad talking reputation.
Hi Joe lee,
Is this your contact??
Joe Lee
Popular Realty (Penang)
(+60) 10-5603850
(+60) 16-4151498
yesterday the link was working. now no more.. i think he deleted the topic
oh no…. this is hilarious! hahaha
you can actually find the phone number here. lol
my gosh!!
Phone No: 0105603850
Estate Agency No: 31130
Contact Us
Kangyau puah already. See how he continue to be in this field. Make up all the bad stories about other project just to make his own sell? This is really really bad business ethic.
Yeap, an honest agent shouldn’t negotiate for the worse price, drag down both price to below market price and sell it off for own benefit.
Honestly not an agent but “Double Agent” or one with two faces as some
might want to call it.
i hav 1 unit to let go also..
are you sure you have a unit to let go? are you sure that you want to lose money or wait until OC + 3 months for the money to release while people are selling at atleast 650k??
or you’re just another joe lee?
I can sense that those comment will start to flood this forum again.
no. 1 in popular post again!
recent comment, popular post, discussion. fully occupied by shineville! not just their house sold fast but also great occupancy over penangproperty talks! i guess the developer really did a great job.
hopefully the developer will deliver the project in 2 years just like they did in Zan Pavillon (Sg Ara), then we can move in to enjoy our new dream house.
With the current momentum,they should be able to complete the project
in 2 years together with the terrace units.
That’s right.
I see that they have started to build the foundation for the terrace, some of the pillars are even in casting. For SP, they have build the main pillars and the base of the crane has been set up too. Hope they could continue with the pace and get the project complete fast.
yeah.. was at the last few days.. can see that they doing great.. quite fast..
They will be collecting the 1st. progress payment in Jan.2012,that was
what I heard from the banker.
I hv 1 unit of Shineville Park , high floor , city view for sell….520k….who intrested pls contact 012-4695111….tq
My friend told me cant reach this mobile.. please give me again.. i will let him know..
May I know the build-up area of your unit ?
please give me your num asap. my friend is serious buyer!!
my unit is type A 1650sf,pls call 012-4695111.thanks.
Jason are you sure you want to lose money? you’ll not be able to get the money until O/C man
I’m looking for a unit facing town preferable high floor (30 onwards), does anyone willing to let go a unit??
hi Jason,
please stay alert. will drop u a call soon.
sure not more than 520k?
mr jason i m interested too,will call u soon.
if you are interested in city view, type A 1650sf for 520k, u can call me @ 016 4106625
realy can’t find this price at this area.very worth to buy.luckyl i bought 1 unit.haha….
Take note , I am the Buyer with the capital letter “B”. Those selling now
will miss the real value in appreciation when this condo is completed in
2 years time.
But everyone has their own evaluation and has every right to sell.
Cant wait to see
To all SP buyer, For my advice if hv offer less than 550K now pls think seriously before u want to sell it, How to buy back @RM330/sf condo with full facility in town area. If compare with nearby completed project ; summer place (@430/sf), Vista Gambier (@400/sf), Time square (@450/sf).
Giant & All Season park shop lot with potential tenant will be there end of this year. After 2 years the value set as @435/sf @700K still reasonable price .
Good Luck to all SP buyer
I’m glad to be a genuine buyer in SP, I will discuss with my husband either to sell it off or move-in for own stay.
After completed, the reasonable price is 450 PSF.. My cousin is sharing with me a unit there we are very happy with the price..
quite agree.. view court now is selling at quite high price and the title just apartment with leasehold.. SP is much much more better compare to other recent projects at thean teik area there
Let see how the price of last block of ALL SEASON PARK that going to launch next year around chinese new year and compare with SP. With the cost that belleview need to put in to widen the thien teik road, it will be >350 psqt for them to gain profit. Or anybody here know their new launching price?
WKL, the price they’re currently selling is near to RM400 already, it will be much more expensive I think.
Just asking, they split launch their 4 towers and how about completion? Is it all together in 3 years or each is given the time 3 years?? I seriously can’t brain this.
you are one of the all season park?
No, I’m not. I’m just curious to see their construction going for so long BUT only 1 melody homes is built, other than that just podium, construction very slowpoke. So how are they going to complete 4 towers in 3 years while more than 2 years had elapsed?
They can if they were to consult David Copperfield.
David Copperfield will advise those buyer of all seasons park to get their homes from Chinese grocery stores.
David Copperfield will give them a statue of liberty for all buyer under strata title
i think in future, david copperfield will become new developer..
So after considering is anyone selling their unit ?
I dont think they are serious to let go.. Unless they are stupid enough to let go below 600k
what is up with this blog? suddenly now all talks about magician. WTF. pardon me
hi all my unit is still available to let go.
high floor , city view for sell….520k….who intrested pls contact 012-4695111….tq
if you are interested, call me pin @016-4106625
ms ooi & interested, you can call me, Pin – 0164106625
A very promising project, I would say for a start at this early stage.
One row of ground floor pillars for terrace units are up and foundation pillars
for condo also noticeable at site.Very fast indeed even though everyday was
raining for the past few weeks.
I have a relative staying in BL Garden, as I can observe their project every weekend, they’re going smoothly right now. Anyone still planning to sell away their unit? Perhaps Joe Lee?
hye.. i have a unit in shineville. just look around and mind to share your good/bad comment..?
Hi Steffany,
I bought a unit of Shineville at level 25.
The reason I bought it’s because
1) Location is much more strategic
2) Price is indeed cheap compared to any developer in Penang Island
3) Full facilities even badminton court, squash and tennis which is hardly able to find in Penang even their so-called luxury facilities or club house facilities
4) Low density
5) Residential Area without commercial which makes your living environment more lively without hoax or massive incomers due to non-commercial area
I’m still thinking whether to sell it off, or move in for own-stay.
Just my 2 cents
Hi mstan why you wanna let go..?
My bro actually is the one convinced me to buy bcoz he has one also.
Indeed a good price i guess.. 480k+ for 1600SF..
I have to discuss with my husband first as we have kids that we might needed to move here as it’s very convenient with so many schools nearby.
I see.. I know chung ling sch is nearby.. its a very famous school!!
1600 will too spacious for me? ( I & my bf only.. ) hehe…
I personally think 1600 square feet is just nice, but i took 1650 square feet. It will be just nice I think, as it’s very spacious and you can have your huge wardrobe / makeup desk or room at your own. And without worrying, you have plenty of rooms that you can use it when you have children (for future use), this is what I’m thinking if i were to move in. 2 of my kids will take the bedroom 1 and me and by husband will take the master bedroom