Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
Contributed by reader (01/10/2012)
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@Esther Goh
Good luck to you joining one of the lousiest community in Penang….. Somemore say the seller is genuine. The seller is laughing out loud now you bodoh!
Just go check the transaction value, talk so much argue for wat, sure got owner let go urgently with lower price better than let bank lelong, if cant earn 100k then 80k, if still no buyer below 500k also have to go or let bank lelong.
Some the owners just cannot accept the fact that not all owners have the same holding power. Desperate sellers are everywhere. To be frank to yourself, property market value has been going down south since last year, and Shineville Park happened to be 1 of the worst projects got affected. from RM800k to now RM500k, what does this figures tell you? It says the supply is more than demand. Simple…. I challenge you the SVP owners to sell your unit at 680k now. Let see do we have any successful transaction or not.
Why should the owner sell as your asking price ? Want to prove that your brain has been damaged.
@Esther Goh
Esther, you have my deepest sympathies if you have bought one unit in this project… I feel sorry for you. You have just bought one of the worst condominium in Penang you can buy currently. With thousands of other units in the market, you should have considered others.
It’s a pity for that you can’t buy but want others to follow. Your disappointment is
reflected in social psychology. Just simplify your life (Syl) !!!!!!!!!
Actually SVP condo for me… I feel ok. Bcos big space& reasonable price.. Good for big family.. Every property got pro &cons.. Depend how u think..
Another SVP sympathetizer here. Please don’t drag others into this mess.
Just to make it simple for you to understand. IF YOU DON’T HAVE MONEY TO BUY
Oh yes, I manage to buy a unit at RM450K above 20th floor. Desperate seller willing buyer. Yummy!
For own stay?
Penyapuman, why don’t you say you bought it at RM 350K ? If you had to lie, use your “right” side brain.
Don’t bullshit lah, I heard my neighbour said 480k mah, where got 450k. Hao siao!
All bullshits but dreaming of owning a unit but no money to buy at current price.
Ya lor, all bullshit one, no money to buy, just bullshit, even go down to 400k next month i think they also no money to buy. I think that’s why the price keep go down.
It is a pity that this area just turned into ‘Village for foreign workers’. The risk of buying ‘cheap and big’ property is that foreign worker agencies and factories get to afford these properties to provide accomodation for their workers.
No choice.. This is worst condo in farlim at this term of appreciation..& management.. No hope for this property. Those who buy it for investment.. Good luck
@Isaac & Taugi
Don’t simply shoot if you two nuts know nothing about Farlim, this area is Shineville Villa.
Talking about “quality” you two must be talking through your stinky ass.
i think they are people who has no class, people with standards doesnt speak like that
I would like to have it for own stay. But, I am only interested 1,600sq ft. If there is any seller would like to sell at 480k coming months or next year, let me know as I am still waiting price keep on dropping. I am expecting economy crisis will be coming soon.
lol I also interested, I offer 481k better than Lau.
A fair price for SVP is around 420k. Even at that price, it’s not easy to sell. The bank I work in will be revising downwards the valuation due to the most recent transaction.
@ alice
What bank is that ? Trying to mislead for a price that’s beyond logical value ? Well you three can wait forward and ever.
Sorry, we are bound by BAFIA (bank secrecy law), not convenient to reveal. Not only our bank, the rest will be revising in a few months time, just that the financing of the latest deal was done by us, so we’d be the first to revise.
@ alice
Don’t bullshits here. Banks do not do valuations but only “valuers”. A borrower needs a good credentials to get a loan from the bank.
The value of 420K is way, way below or even market trends. Wait forever with your idiotic statements.
come sell me if you have 420k unit. email me
personally working for public bank and i have few customer borrowed loan 720k-770k for 1.6k sf unit. dont mislead info and let ppl feeling like you are clown.
dont be a dumb pls, if you knows nothing you dont pretend to be a hero or agent, im bank bm and handling few account of shineville customer too. its so funny all of your keep lowballer and make fake stories around. if you have such super great price, please email me i will give you commission. my unit corner lot with side by side carpark, got ppl even keep calling me to let go my unit for 680k cash cheque. its funny when you guys saying below rm500k, unless that unit got problem or urgently need cash, no such deal on earth.
I know what you mean, it should be worth more than that. I just bought one unit for 700mil. Yes, 700mil of hell notes. You want prove? I will email you tonight, after 12pm. Or you want me to pay you a visit? Hehehehe…….;) GIVE ME BACK MY LAAAAND……………
Good news!!! ASP flood but SVP not…kudos SVP.
@Penang Lang
So desperate ah?
Shineville Park is great place to invest. BIG floor space – will bring BIG return after another 5 years. Don’t believe??
@at home
hi shineville owner, i am planning to buy a unit for own stay and have read ur comment. mind to PM me and share me your experience stay at SVP. Appreciate your reply. tq
Any disturbance at Shineville Park? I saw the price is very cheap..
Pls pls don’t say that. we don’t want IT to come and disturb us again. PLEASE!!!!!
Sorry, just asking… Planning to grab a unit there, but many ppl saying the place still having negative vibration and also lots of building defect issues such as many units leaking… management should also light up the lift and lift lobby area as both area are not bright enough.
so far now shineville park management did alot of improvement compare to managed by developer.
Dear Own of Shineville,
I am interested with Shineville and wish to buy from direct owner.
Prefer high floor and facing to town.
Please email me at ==>
No agent please.
Hi all, Can i know why the price for such a big unit will be this low?
I mean it is fully equipped too, is it something wrong with this unit?
How much is the Maintanance fee for 1650sqf unit?
heard my friend say those units always got kawan from。。。is it true?
@rainbow r u crazy?
Hi SVP owner, can anyone help to get me SVP management office’s phone? I am 1 of the SVP owner. I has some urgent staffs need to clarify with management, but i am outstation now…
Anyone can help me on this? Thanks in advance!
@at home
Hi i found your review quite interesting. Actually im looking to buy and move into Shineville as currently staying in Sungai Ara which is getting more crowded and congested. I wish that there is opportunity to understand more about Shineville from actual resident like you, instead of getting rumors around like haunted, poor management, temple noisy at night, no traffic light at entrance etc. If you don’t mind sharing you experience staying in shineville, please email me so we can meet up for coffee chat.
Pm details
Can get contact
Hi Ooi,
Have you bought Shineville?
You may email me at
@at home
Could you please email me :
2 Carparks.
Semi furnished.
3 aircon units.
2 shower heaters.
Washing machine.
Facing Kek Lok Si
RM1500 Neg.
Currently tenanted.
Available from 15 Jan 2020.
Hi Ooi, have you finally brought the SVP unit ?
Any owner or residents from SVP ? would like to know more about this community
Own stay for this condo is good as bigger size unit.
Please think twice if investment.
No, lucky i drop the plan. visit the site then you can make a better judgment.
Hi Ooi, do you mind to tell what are the points drooped you off the plan? What are the good points also. Thank you
刚刚看到guru.com卖 sell
1650sqsf RM 490k = RM315/sqsf
3350sqsf RM 780k = RM 232/sqsf
Now is better time to invest??
@Jason Loh
Regardless of how cheap selling in this project that’s no different. This project is good if you buy for stay but poor if you buy for investment. If you buy for own stay you may get spacious space for family which is good. This project value not going to appreciate & you will never get it also in future due to it’s location situated & surrounding environment.
Not encourage unit to buy for stay also, this is the reason why the selling price cant increase, BECAUSE ONLY HAVE 2 LIFT for 40 LEVEL, is one is under maintenance, can imagine got total 40 level sharing for 1 lift, without maintenance also just 2 lift for use. This is the reason why the price keep cant increase since so many years.
Not encourage to buy for stay as well, reason the selling price cant increase because ONLY 2 LIFT FOR 40 LEVEL. I stayed there before, imagine if 1 lift under maintenance, 40 level sharing a lift.
This condo value depreciated due to surrounding environment & internally poor design & maintenance off course lift too. It’s not a premium location. And straits garden condo residence in Jelutong also once of worst development as price never appreciate all time. Bought it at 700k+ but now still same or even lower.
I bought 440k during launch, sold off 400k after OC. i am glad to make a quick judgement to sold off before losing more. The surrounding graveyard and quality of the residents stay in really make the price going to northpole.
Main reason is that the condo is together with the Shineville Garden which has no security whatsoever. This place is doomed. Pretty unlucky myself to bought this. Infront of graveyard somemore. My chinese tenant all stay not longer than 6 months. Now renting to a very friendly malay guy. Hopefully he will stay long since he said he don’t mind the graveyard.
Some people telling me they bought shineville park for investment purpose. Is that make any sense? I think this is the worst development in Farlim.
@Farlim lang
Shinevile park ok lah. Can’t say for investment but quite good cashflow if you own it and rent. The one really trash is shinevile garden. That one really hopeless.
@Ok Lah
Unfortunately the condo stick & hug with a trash.
That’s bad for long term. The value getting lower & lower. TT
Any owner want to sell the with town view unit? Not prefer unit No3 & 8
I have 1 unit facing Gurney view 1650sqf 2cp fully furnish 800k.
Please let me know if interested. All well maintain & tip top condition.
What happen regarding to the landslip near the shineville park? Any update?
any owner selling a unit?