Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
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A pity phenomena in Penang now a day.
Scenario 1 : Graveyard removed & convert to condo for people living. -> Shineville Park
Scenario 2 : People force to move out & convert it to 骨灰塔. -> Kek Lok Si 西园
Why dead people who had sleep peacefully for so many many years must let go for people living?
Why a warm family must force to move out in order to let room for dead people living?
Why can’t this 2 scenario be oppositely shifted?
From my observations, many failed to discourage others from buying this condo
units.Most of the units and 90 units of terrace houses have been sold. Actually
this project with a built- up area of 1,650 sq.ft.costing Rm 438,000. and above
are hampering others from selling their property in and around Penang.
Too bad the dirty tactics and bad comments here do not bear fruits.
“THE HARDER YOU SQUEEZE,THE HARDER IT GETS”.But anyway it’s a nice try.
they’re making this forum “no standard”
I believe all the cons comments given by different ID are the same guy, who is initially known by CK. in other projects, this guy also gave a lo of bad comments. This guy is trying hard to pull down our Penang economy by influencing others not to buy any of Penang properties. I guess he/she has no money to buy any property in Penang and hope for the drop of price then buy it/ anti-development / Kampung chicken/ graveyard ghost who still want to stay there peacefully/ sales person from other developer or something else! No standard!
Agreed with Penangkia…buy for stay if not afraid of ghost but no for investment. The site is on ex-graveyard,no sea-view and with low-earned folks around the town.
@Penang guy Hahaha i laugh at ur super dupper analysis. If u r not the no1 stupid ppl here in penang then u sure r the no 2 for this kind brainless analysis outcome. Then who is no1? None other than this project salesperson who trying hardsale here. Ha ha
bad luck, tragedy , ghost sightings, suicides ….better not buy here
@other choices
Sometime salesperson purposely label the good unit,sold out.Try to let people think this project is selling like hot cake.After some time,there will have unit availabe.I do not believe all the unit facing George Town sold out,may be they want to sell the unit facing graveyard first,i will.Also, I dont see other project like E&O keep saying their project is attracted to customer,Only this project,always have people said we are selling very good…how many percent sold out.If,all the unit sold out,this is a miracle.
I think all these info is not realiable.Anyway, i consider buy one for my foreign worker to stay there.
Why think, rely on info is not reliable and consider ? If you have the means to buy,
you would have bought it for your foreign worker.( Even if the 4 corners are
surrounded by graveyard). No need to “CONSIDER” is just for your foreign
worker only ma.
After reading this silly and fun forum, i decide to pay a visit to the sale office and meet up some banker who station at there and try to be busy body. Quite surprise with the condo take up rate even with today cautious economic situation and the cemetry location of this property. So i can see that a lot of ppl is just bull shit at this forum.
you really believe all what these bankers sitting in the developer office tell you ?
has it occur to you why these bankers with vested interest are there ?
pls use yr intelligence.
PPL here just want to make this project get TOP famous (with cons or supporters), developer can save some $$ to advertise in here d.
Anyway, their sales are good, really good. Selling price of this development are very attractive & competitive. Any bad / very BAD BAD cons here also doesn’t scare away their purchaser.
THEY (Developer) really SOLID proof…..
just hoping PPL here can be more constructive & mature…..
I also hoping every project from every developer in PENANG selling good like them, then we’ll don’t get any more abandon projects in PENANG.
you all knows that an abandon projects are worst than a graveyard.
just my 2 cents……. CHEERS…..
This is not related to inteligence, the banker is my old pal since school.
Seem like the developer of this project have a lot of rival that love him so much, keep on biting on this forum.
This is just a property project and i’m not buying as i already have nice place to stay, please don’t bite me.
No, you’re not trying to be busybody because you are oNe.If you must lie,
(went to the sale office) lie intelligently.There are no banks’ representatives
in the sale office after their official launching.Don’t bullshit.Must be
talking to ghost.
Yes, I don’t think now have any banker sitting in EcoHill office because this project almost end of sale, getting slow down the “heat”. The main reason for good sale is becoz attaractive price on condo/terrace with regard to the location surround by cemetery.
Hi penangnites and others mates on the same side of thoughts – yes this forum is really fun, silly n ridiculous perhaps there is no control point or dedicated admin. Investors n mature buyers will definitely has their cognitive intelligence to weigh the points given in this forum
beware many saleman here trying to push tis graveyards condo … many units actually still unsold
@joe lee
Agree. This is the common tactic by developer. More units is available soon later after the bad units have being sold off.
Since you already have nice place to stay, why still “KE PO” until goto developer office? Nothing better to do during free time Or you are the sales person keep promoting this projects?
Please be more specific as how many units are unsold ?But still many
prefer this condo compare to, such as Summer Place ,All
Season Park. BL Avenue ,D’Piazza, Timesquare Condo and many more.
It is no surprising at all for all the bad comments here ,hoping that
potential buyers will refrain from buying this condo units .
@joe lee
This is Penang another total lost project.
Bad means bad. Bad location, bad feng shui, bad traffic, bad environment, bad scenery view……… it’s almost like a total lost project.
The only attraction is the selling price is a bit lower than market.
Who are afforadble for this projects defenately is considered at least medium or higher range income person.
Ask yourself, do you really need such a big space? in fact, with the same amount of money you may get some other better project with smaller size. But it’s still worth. At least you have no worried about the sub-sales value with peace of mind.
Unless this is the low cost flat with the selling price 75K, then nothing to comment. You bough it because of you have no choice.
Since you got choice, why still insist to buy this under “CURSING” projects? Do you think those ex-graveyard family is happy to see their ancient being move out from the space? Do you think after 10 years later there were no one can still remember this is a piece of ex-graveyard land and the price could be rocketing up?
At last, sincerely congratulation to the developer if all the units is really being successfully sold out. A good marketing & sales person must be capable to sell their BAD product in high demand within a short time frame. Do not deny, the marketing+sales team are reserve the right to be recognized since they very successfully to meet the criteria.
Total lost project as seen only to person with Total Lost of Sight . Trying to
promote sales here ,”PAY MORE FOR SMALLER UNIT’ concept. I can’t see that
happening here.
Nobody is stupid to be conned into believing it. Try again.
you’re like a lost dog which couldn’t afford a bone, I suggest you to name back your goodself name “CK” other than keep changing names.
look back at your posting time to reveal who you are, u’re a total failure which still trying to kill for a bite. We, genuine buyers must need not to look into your comments to make a smart purchase. what you had mention is a total bullshit and nonsense.
you should visit komtar 3rd floor for LMC application
Here come the con man again, start to do cloning job again. I do urge again the aministartor to shut down the forum. Peneng property talk is no standard at all, better go other website.
I like to read this forum. On top of getting good comments and information on properties, it is also very entertaining by reading these comments
Actually everyone is free to say what they wanted to say. why take it so personal?
@chinese agree!! i also like to read the comments in Penang Property Talk. Everyone can share any types of comments (bad or good)… This is actually very informative to those who are interested in that property. Nice comments posted from everyone! including CK…
This property is value for money at this point of time. I doubt there will
another project with the right price in relation to the built-up area.
Everyone values genuine info’s but not those silly comments.
You can just ignore it if you think the comment is silly. But it may be useful to others.
Useful to others like you. You are trying to intimidate others into believing
your false information.
Dear Opinion,
1. This is a site for us to provide opinion good or bad.
2. Shutting down the site because of unfavorable comments sound silly to me. That will defeat the purpose of this forum.
The administrator have at least taken step for some containment by providing your good-self to register for an avatar. Will this be able to control the hijacking of ID? I don’t think it really matters at all. Do you? ID is free… talk is also free
I think it will be unfair to put the blame on the administrator. We can’t control the in-flow of comments based on emotion. There’s no right and wrong here.
There’s nothing wrong with this project except it’s sitting on part of an old graveyard and that’s a fact. In Feng Shui term, this is not favorable. Of course this will be irrelevant for people who’s not superstitious.
What I don’t like about this development is the total 40 floor designn. In cantonese it will be “Say Sap”. Or you can translate it to SURE DIE.
Never come across my mind it’s graveyard condo instead of silleville condo. Nice name@joe lee
Yes,everyone can gives their views but you keep on harping on the
same thing repeatedly,you must be very jealous of people buying the
condo units here or this project is hindering your sales ?
Morever you calling people “Stupid”. I don’t see you are “that Smart” either.
Do your homework first, this condo itself doesn’t sit on an old graveyard.
@Realistic & @Opinion
Just one and only one FireDragon here. Please check Siarra81 forum.
Everyone have their right to give their personal opinion. If you unlike this forum or feel that this forum has no standard, then just QUIT and never re-visit this web-pages. Just a simple rules of thumb……
Who intimidate wrong info? Can I say both of you are the sales agent and trying to persuade those ignorant buyer into your trap? Otherwise, why so care about those -ve comment?
Everyone have the right to give opinion. Everyone have their preference of choices. As long as you feel happy to stay on top of ex-graveyard, no one can stop you. This is your choice. You should stand proud on your choice and announce to the world about your like. Nothing wrong, right?
Whatever I dislike, doesn’t means you must follow. If you are sale agent, I appologize to desagrade your business here. If you are a genuine buyer, I should congratulate you for owning a new (ex-graveyard) property.
Good night and Have a nice day.
FireDragon,do your homework, go google it, it’s not an old graveyard land.
If it is true, then congratulation for those genuine buyer to own a new house for homes. For speculator, then I just should say good luck. -n-
I think it is exactly on a graveyard land too, just next to it. Checked with google map satellite version and I saw many kampung houses on that piece of land.
Sorry, typo error
Sorry typo, shud be ‘I think it is not exactly on a graveyard land too…’
Anyone want challenge me? Shineville on graveyard land !!!
i can let you place bet….
Look likes you do a lot of home work to sell/buy this GRAVEYARD PROJECT.Perhaps 90% chinese people will stay away from this project.10% is kena tipu by the salesperson like
realistic(last time called THINKTWICE).This salesperson very good in “kelengtong” and the only person support for this project.Markerting manager…?are you?
It is a fact that ~60 graves had been exhumed to make way for this project. However, from google map the majority of the site is actually a village, not the land full of graves. So it’s right to either say that this project is built on graves or not built on graves. The graves exhumed may be at the border of the site.
Personally I don’t believe in ghost but I am not keen to buy here for investment because I think most people don’t like to stay beside graveyards if they have other choices.
P/S: the earth exists for million of years, every inch of liveable land will have human corpses below it. It may be as recent as few hundreds years ago.
agree most people dont like to stay on or beside graveyards land n tis will definitely affect the resale value
Better don’t bet with @smart. It’s 100% graveyard land. No one clearer than those old autie & uncle who stay nearby.
Be careful, you are playing with fire. What are you going to bet ? You’ll lose
everything.The graveyard is nearer to the apartments and 3 storey terrace houses by the roadside.
How is the response of this project? How many units left?
I bought one today. Those units facing town view almost sold. Only 8 units
left,mostly on higher floor. The response is good.To me is better than Fiera Vista
as I went to have a look last Sunday with many units still available.
Be careful,don’t play with fire.You will lose everything.Not only old
auntie & uncles,grandmothers & grandfathers also lose and “Koyak”.
I am one of the early birds to book one unit. The “sure die”units (40th.fl.)
already sold when I was there two weeks ago. It costs Rm 938,000.00.
to be precise.
I am intrested in the unit facing city. Is there any left?
May I know that the Entrance is just at Lebuhraya Thean teik or Developer have open any Entrace at Lorong Batu Lanchang?
The entrance will be at Lorong Batu Lancang.The same road (New)leading to the
3 storey terrace houses.
Definately @Buyer is salesperson. good luck for the sales.
You are 100% wrong. I am not a salesperson.Don’t wish me luck,I buy what
I like, my money.Either you buy it or leave it. That’s All.
U mean that Have 2 Entrance to site, (1) Entrance fr Lebuhraya Thean teik (2) Entrance fr main road Lorong Batu Lancang. But as i know only hv 1 Entrance, just fr Lebuhraya Thean teik.
The entrance from Thean Teik as you can see now is for construction usage
only.When the project is completed, the entrance will be from Lorong Batu
Lancang. You can view the plan if you visit their sales office.
only one entrance from lebuhraya thean teik as told by sales…no entrance from lorong batu lancang..
Who r miss to buy the unit, still have a chance, Just waiting the Bumi lot release but the price sure is increase
No thanks, dream on for it for 550k subsale
Subsale 550k? On Subsale i think almost owner only interested to sell as price >600K, @365/sf the price still reasonable
By the time of completion, 3-4 years later, I think this unit worth more than 600k. I have a strong confidence towards this project, that’s why I invested in it.
@Penang guy
no need waiting so long, after @2 years will completion (If refer with developer’s record), I also have a strong confidence with this project, So I buy a unit, unit No.8
Loon, u r such an early than I, I bought unit no.3 when no.8 has all been sold out…
@Penang guy
The unit No.3 & No.8 is same layout, it is a nice layout, this type of layout only hv 52unit.
i also buy 1 units 25fl ,for own stay
Hey guy…Shineville park already joined @ facebook….welcome owner go to there to share a opinion!
You propose people to bring the ghost story into facebook? Luckily 7th lunar month is just over. hahahaha……………… Don’t worry. I won be the one to tell the ghost story.
only unsound people will buy this kind of project
you no money ma diam diam lor.. u talk so much for wat?
now new normal condo average per SF about 400 d. where can get this kind of price.. 1600+ SF.. if per SF 350, also rm 560k. after 3 years, of coz more than 400 per SF. if 450 Per SF also 720k. You better hide in kampung and live together with your family under the atap roof.
dont come to shineville condo, they wont bother u this kampung boy.
Normally for those who complain too much,they don’t have even have a
place of their own.
In fact at the very beginning I didn’t notice this project but due to the
hard hitting comments, it sounds more of hatred and jealousy rather
than the real issues that convinced me to buy.
who can give me shineville park facebook
add me pls
I can’t find a logical explanation why those people condeming this project still spend their time visiting this website to marked down their -ve point with curse and curse. If you don’t like it and found those buyer(like me) stupid, let us be. We all have evaluated and think it over before investing into this property we call it home.
If you think you want to remind us that this project is built on a ex-graveyards, your message has get through. Thank you. But we will still be buying.
I suggest you to go to those property side which you think you are really interested on and call add your valuable thought. Wasting time here to condemn and cursing people with bad words will not show that you are a kind person, but rather a badmouth bypasser.
People condemning this project could be due to one of following reasons ;
1) A Broker
2) Unable to obtain a bank loan
3) Can’t afford to buy
4) Trying to promote other project beneficial to him
5) No more good unit available
Obviously buyers are well aware of the pros&cons.
I have seen much of these type of jealously and usually it is due to rivalry nearby (which is ~point #4 as mentioned by OPINION) which will be completed sooner than this. They felt they had paid higher and miss out the race and try to catch up by slowing down others.
This happened in Sg Ara projects where some buyers/investors of SPI hentam the newer/nicer project eg. One Residence like nobody business. But in that it was about the developer’s reputation rather than grave. They also hentam Sunway Merica for Grave issue.
They want to ensure that their nearby projects look better and more sellable when completion. By badmouthing here, it may makes future buyers to consider their projects rather than Shineville. At least feel Shiok for price appreciation too!
Grown up la!
Your items 1.) A Broker is not a valid choice. The broker like @Realistic is one of the good example.
Just my opinion, may be people badmouth about this project is because they do not wish to see this project to be successfully and so on the other developer will follow the back step.
Later, more & more graveyard need to move out & to let room for development. Feel pity for those ancient who has contribute much in their life but do not have a piece resting place after dead.
If it affected the sub sales it will definitely affected the brokers.
How to sell a unit of condo with 1000sq.ft. for Rm 420,000.00
at this time ? Even though the condo is facing sea view or whatever.
Only a few will buy it unless the condo is sitting on a land of gold or oil.
This project is for those people “bo lui lang”,but still want to buy property in island.Nothing can be pround after buy property like this.
I got your point. So you means broker “Hentam” for this project and wish more buyer will go for their sub-sale property, am I right? Sound reasonable.
Then @Realistic is not a broker. He should be the sales agent for this project developer.
I can’t deny that this project selling prince is a big attraction. For own stay, yes. For appreciation, no comment. Let market to judge it in the future.
For own stay or investment,I believe it will appreciate in resale value especially
in Penang whether you like it or not.
Unless most of the house owners are “Huan-na”,like Mutiara Heights which
is also a leasehold property.
Fully agreed too. Resident may effect the sub-sale unless you sold it immediately once it’s completed. I have a bad experience for my past property Serina Bay. It’s still appreciate but very slow compare to the rest which is laucnhed & sold at the same period of time. Now even you want to sell, got price but no market.
“Huan Na” not that worse. “Keng Leng Na Huan” will create havoc almost everyday. 2 of them is still quiet. If more than 2, they will chit-chat like an Army Troops in your living area.
Felt very sad on this 2 comments, why have to bring up this issue (racism) again. Don’t always blame blame blame. Chinese some times also have their bad things. Especially,
You only Respect the Dead but not the Living one??? need to “THINK” again….
BTW, I’m Chinese and my neighbour got Malay and Indian too, and they are nice. We are respecting each other religions and we share our CNY, RAYA, Deepavali together too.
Anyway, I’m agreed with property got the price but no market. some times TOO many units “For Sale” within same project will also affected. Serina Bay, D’piazza was an example (Over 700++ units for each project). The management or the maintenance also very Important for Condo/Apartment though.
This project in term of location would atract local born penang folk due to the location is center in penang island, easy access to Goergetown and most convenient part is the nearby famous primary and secondary school.
As most of the ppls now is rushing to shouthern part of penang for new launch property but i think those location is suitable for mainland outcomer which work around FIZ after graduate from University.
For local born penangites may be would like project nearer to northern part of penang and yet living cost in Ayer itam is still low and nice to stay with a lot of local community.
This project beside the only con of surrounding cemetry, it has lot more pros especially the relative fair selling price.
I bought one unit facing graveyard for own stay, never pantang with the graveyard as it already co-exist with ayer itam for so long. Lebuh raya Thien Taik and its vicinirty few new project having some graveyard also long long time ago.
Facing “Guan Yin Ma” is good for Fengsui too…
Those keep complaining and cursing might have their own agenda and we as proud buyer shall not be wasting too much time to change their -ve mind. Let them be what they like.
Afterall, facing cemetry shall not be a concern at all if we behave and live our life the right and respectful way, there is nothing to scare.
Chinese proverb says: “If you do nothing wrong, you will not be affraid when someone knock your door during midnight”.
Also, chinese has started to appreciate the contribution from ancesters. You can see a lot of people bringing their children and kids to clear up the cemetry during the cheng-beng season, no pantang. So what’s the pantang here?
The only pantang is when you lose the chance to buy a reasonable prised house but can’t put down the beh-syiok and start cursing other…. making your life more misarable….
@Ibrought1 Salesman detected !!!
you are wrong. I am not salesman. I am a proud buyer.
If you treat it as racism,what can I say ?. I would suggest you buy a
unit in Mutiara Heights then you’ll understand what I am talking about.
A unit in Mutiara Heights is only Rm 280,000.00 for a 1,600 sq.ft. built-
up which I saw up for sale a month ago. This property is cheap with seaview
and Penang Bridge but veryhard to sell. Do you know why ?
@Buyer you are totally right, the sub-sale price will skyrocket… for those who do not buy, i feel sorry for u all… u all miss the golden opportunity…. Penang property is just like tht gold, it will go up up up… Even it is beside graveyard or on graveyard, as long as it is in penang it is a good property… Penang long life, penang the best….
I fully support your statement, you all know how powerful ‘ke ling na’ power ? let then be your neighbour, your house price will immediate drop 30%. you say powerfull or not ?
I’m Sorry, no hard feeling. CHEERS.
To what i know is common units @ Mutiara Heights only got 800sq.ft. (1,600sq.ft. only for some Luxury unit), and some more there got above 500 units there. We can’t CAMPUR the 800sq.ft. Apartment with WHOLE project 1,600sq.ft. Condo too. Initial price for Mutiara Heights only RM160,000.00 now want to sell RM280,000.00…. not bad d. ya, Another big issue for Mutiara Heights’ title are LEASEHOLD (go google it).
There are not same category at all. If compare like this i feel the Shineville Park are very worth to buy or invest….
BTW, I’m not their sales, I’m just one of their “Zan Pavilion” purchaser, which going to get the key soon. Their workmanship is good, especially the Facility floor, you’re sure to get the “WOW” effect (like a Hotel).
No problem, I am not here to argue but to prove a point. If my memory serve
me right, the 1,600sq. ft. on the higher floor are ” penthouse” units.The Spring
asking price now is Rm 430k for 936 sq. ft.original unit. (Total units=396)This
is also a leasehold property.
Yea, the workmanship is good and the layout is nice. Those buy this property, congratulation to you all… It is a good choice, the price is not so high compare to others property and it is close to all the school, future giant, market, hospital and a lot more. Sure this property will make profit cause in future the property price in penang will appreciate more due to no more land and high demand. More MNC is coming in penang thanks to our LGE CM.
@proud penangkia
well i believe the highest selling point for this project is because of it’s price and location…
it’s not easy to get such space vs price in penang anymore and it’s right in the middle of georgetown actually, go up (bayan lepas), go down (town area) also can….for those of you who bought it, congratulations…for those of you who dowan to buy or miss out, find the next project lor…I always reminded myself this…u got cash u scared no property to buy meh….sometimes luck counts also ler…you see times square…tell me if that’s a good investment? i wonder if the shop lot buyers are crying now….good concept but bad execution….haih…even 1st avenue is becoming a better hotspot than times square now…
Well, with all the bad comments by those who are just coming out to this real
world trying to “cari makan”, this kind ot strategies is outdated a long time ago.
We will see within the next two years,Meridien Residence,Fiera Vista or any of
your Sg. Ara area projects are more saleable with good investment returns
compare to this one.
Everyone… seems like every sales property in Penang have bad comments, complain and superstitious. You can find out by yourself. If you want a good feng shui, good strategics and etc, that will cost you million of ringgit, can you afford that?
Buyer :Well, with all the bad comments by those who are just coming out to this realworld trying to “cari makan”, this kind ot strategies is outdated a long time ago.
We will see within the next two years,Meridien Residence,Fiera Vista or any ofyour Sg. Ara area projects are more saleable with good investment returnscompare to this one.
any ppl know 1650sf is cost with balcony and utility or not???
@ppl penang
For a 1,650 sq.ft. unit it costs 468k and every additional floor you pay 1k more
per floor. It comes with a utility area and balcony.
Left more or less than 10 units or so when I went to the sales office 2 weeks
ago. ( Units facing Komtar ).
1 master and 1 public toilet. that’s it.
I just notice something…excluding the penthouse, both 1650sq and 1600sq comes with 2 bathroom only??
If I am not mistaken the 1,600sq.ft.( Units 3 & 8 ) units all have been taken up.
Yes, 1 for master bedroom and 1 common toilet.
Fiera Vista and Meridian Residence will have good appreciation? think about it again, for 1k~1.3k sq ft condominium in that area with the supply of more than 1,500 units, are you going to be on the queue of 1k when u’re starting off your subsale? please be realistic
I am not implying that Fiera Vista and Meridian Residence will have good
appreciation. Please read carefully.
“We will see within the next two years,Meridien Residence,Fiera Vista or
any of your Sg. Ara area projects are more saleable with good investment
returns compare to this one.”
Meridian Residence & Fierra Vista for Per Sq Ft? And it’s oversupply in SG area, flooded with 1k~1.3k sq ft condo, you expect for good investment there?
Even in Lebuhraya Thean Teik, there are more than 1k units of new condo coming up, but none has 1.7k sq ft. I believe in SG area, there’s no 1.7k sq ft condo as well.
Can you imagine how small 1k sq ft is?
As a buyer myself, my pick will be Shineville Park compare to Meridien
and Fierra Vista.
Hello.. Im indian+chinese.. i heard someone mentioned about ke ling na kia..
Ya i agreed many of ke ling na kia at msia is very pariah.. but im not included because im the better one. hope you guys dont mind because i bought 1 unit in shineville condo. level 28.
hope that dont have any pariah huan na kia or ting nang kia there..
ke ling na kui, you are the most powerful ppl in the world, u know why ? cos after you move in, your neigbour house price surely will drop 30%, cos ke ling na kui area hard to sell out.
Hey, no racist here k? There are a lot of different kinds of Indians. Some r even doctors or lawyers. I believe Indians who can afford to buy a house here, considered higher standard also. One unit costs almost RM 500k… Not ordinary ppl can buy.
Mathumaren, it doesn’t matter lah! we 1malaysia mah! i bought a unit at 23 floor type A, welcome to our neighbourhood
I also a proud buyer! Kudos to all of us who have made a great and wise decision! We will further proof this 3 years down the road when the project is completed.
Those with -ve thinking of this project will continue to curse this project. There is no right or wrong. We shall not waste our time to change their mind set(or they shall not waste time to change our decision to buy). Probably they will get a bigger house else where. Not really like to be in the close neighbourhood with this type of -ve thinking people.
Haha, penang gal i think you and muthumaren are same person with different ID. Try to fool around at here? But dont play with racist issue, you are playing with fire.
This statement also pariah, commented by you and asking for one extra
car park for free at “Sierra Residences” forum.
“Hope they can give good package for early bird, like free one more carpark,
then i will hire bangla to queue for 3 days, buy it, and then rent it out to
bangla once completed”
Hi Gal.. I dont mind you said that because every races got cheap/standard one..
Just be more open minded and choose wisely.. I believe our PM Najib also is one of the pariah huan na kia.. but he is lucky.. his fate is to become our PM. If Worst, he might work under bangla too or even Rempit during night life..
Wtf, you still don’t get it . You buy if you want additional car park.
That’s why this is so called a Graveyard project. Ting Nang Kui not yet wake up from under ground, Ke Leng Na kui & Bangla Kui have already come first. Hahahaha…………….
Yes,it’s alway the case when someone with low mentality and has no money to
buy they will talk rubbish.
Those who bought have made the right decision. With a number of
projects coming up in Sg. Ara and Tg. Tokong ,this project has no
questions on When….. ?,How….?,Why….? and so on.
No wonder they talked about “Kui” with nothing to comment because
if they don’t,they have nothing to say.
I think those who bought this project is a right decision, they developer took less than 2 years to OC Zan Pavillon and Zan Villas in Sg Ara!! even faster than SP Setia Reflection when same launch date!!!
Penang Guy@
Correct.. I love this developer.. OHM.. they have many good reviews..
I wish to buy a unit last week.. went to their office.. sadly corner lot sold out.. will hunt other project of OHM
this condo sold out extremely fast… hardly to believe it…
Victor & Penang Guy@
You r Right.. Zan Pavillon already have unit Sold as 590K. Hope that Shineville Park
can also complete faster, can get value >380/sf@620K
I think this project will be completed in time. Panel Bankers have been
arranged and you can sign your S&P within days. This can only be done
because they have good sales.
Many other projects as you can read in other forums, the date of signing of
S&P are just like a guessing game for the buyers.Left in the dark.
personally i won’t invest here but suggest that you all lobby the developer to build a bridge & a gate to chung ling school, it will add lots of value to your property.
Agree with you, if the developer can also have a solid plan to build the road out to Lorong Batu Rancang then the traffic flow for the shineville park/villas will be ease. With your suggestion and this would definately add a big bonus to the project.
you r Right….After give a booking,Signing S&P within 3 days, as i know only this developer can do it.
Hope that developer can build the road out to Lorong Batu Lanchang, it can help get higher valuer, if can build a fly over by pass to greenlane main road…..
I’m confident and made my purchase during launching period because they have their SPA ready for SIGN once you place the deposit, some developers don’t do that. Hopefully it can be completed in 2 years *hope i’m not asking for too much* hehehe!
Penang guy,
Yes, signed but without stamping. So, in term of law, it’s not yet consider as official purchase agreement.
Hi all, does anyone signed the loan agreement already? Which bank did u all decided and what is the offer?
Hi Wilson, im with Public Bank – rate at Blr – 2.50 (first yr), Blr -2.45(second and third yr) and 2.40 thereafter …
UOB blr -2.4, no lock in
Public Bank -2.5 (1st years), -2.45 (2nd years), -2.4 (3rd years), 3 years Lock in
Mostly will sign with UOB
all signed the loan agreement already? When is the due date? My loan application still in process.
Does anyone know when developer will ask for next phase of payment? I’m planning to sell off my old property to partially pay for this one, and need the time to do this.
Fratwart, pls dont do like this. After you sell, where do u stay? If this project stuck, then will be in trouble. Think twice before u buy it.
I just collected the keys for Zan Pavillon (Another project by this developer), i’m surprised by the ceiling height at around 11 ft! and the size of the swimming pool is big ! i’m very satisfied with their worksmanship. I’m planning for own stay there…..
Good Lee. Congratulation.
Cycling height of 11feet is great. What did OHM told you when you signed the S&P 2 years ago? just hope Shineville has the same cycling height too. They told me around 11-12feet but seems this is not written in the agreement. I just hope they keep to their promise.
hi mathumaren,
i bought 1 unit on 28th floor too
They told me it’s roughly 10 ft when I first bought 2 years ago…..
Was told by the sale office the ceiling height will be around 11 ft. I have just sign my loan agreement.
Went to the site to find out the work progress, seem that piling work for landed house already started and lots of cran/heavy machinary and activity at the site already.
Hope that the developer can do the good job for this project like their Zan Pavilion project.
Great. I have confident that we have made a right and wise choice to buy a unit here. The record from this developer is good so far.
I heard Zan Pavilion has a good workmanship and the build quality is good. They said the common area like hotel….. Not sure whether we could go to one of the renovation unit in Zan Pavilion to take a look……..
FYI. If you want to find out the progress of this project, I recommend you go to the flat in blue color opersite the XingJiang Primary school. Go up to level 18 or 19(using lift la ofcause
) and watch out from the outer staircase and you can see the entire project site. I did that couple of time already since I decided to buy. Good view and you can get exactly the same angle of view when our condo is ready(for those facing town)…. You can also see other project eg the BL Phase2, the 4 Season etc.
I buy a unit with 2 carparks lot, but I have 4 cars, may i know that have extra carpark lot for buying? How about the price for 1 carpark lot? May i know my extra 2 cars can park outside?
Anyone know that how many total carparks lot to support all total 299unit (Condo)?
1 car park 20k
I went to their office and ask about the road plan. they said they will make a road link to chungling school there. but this one i not sure its real or not. because they just promising by using mouth…
It will be more practical for an entrance from Batu Lancang road.
You don’t have to make a U-turn if you are going to town.
I think you know what is happening after school and office hour.
I hope so.. i think after 3 years, this condo should be able to fetch around rm680k
I think an overhead bridge should be built at the junction going to
Farlim replacing the traffic lights to smoothen the traffic flows.
Penang rely on too many traffic lights. The authority should do
away with the traffic lights and replace them with overhead bridges
and elevated roads.
If developer make a road link to chungling school there (Lorong Batu Lanchang), I think this will give extra bonus to all buyer
I don’t think there’s a road that can be linked to chungling high school there as the information I got from the sales office is the land has been risen up a lot and there’s an only future access is to wait another project from theirs/other developer from the neighbour land to develop in order for them to build the road to lorong batu lanchang…..
@Simon Heng
Good idea on yearly halloween party in this condo, but you need to own a unit in here to do so. Do you have one or you already bought tone of unit to host the party?
I hope those who had bought this condo had their S&P signed because they
are going to be stamped collectively.
@Simon Heng
Agreed. A lot of GOOD BRO will join your party without invitation. Hahaha………
I can 100% + 100% confirm this an ex-graveyard project. I use this Thean Teik road going to work almost 12 years. 3 years ago there is a yellow banner with those graveyard serial no. + name just hang beside the road site for this peace of land. This banner is to advertise those who haven’t move out. Very funny when I visit this forum… somemore got people dare to bet this is not a graveyard land. hahaha……… really really funny.
Just feel pity with those nonsense comment from those sales man here. Nothing wrong to build an apartment on top of this cheap land so that you can get a cheap price here. This is what you supposedly to tell instead of cheating those buyer.
This project attracted many buyers and with such responses I am sure
I will be able to sell with no difficulty if I choose to in the future as the
sales proved everything.
I have notice projects in other areas that are not selling so well. Just
simple reasoning as for me “Follow the Crowd”.
By the way, do you know why most of the dead are cremated nowadays ?
Land for burial is not cheap.
I think the condo is build on higher ground than the 3 storey houses.The
information I got from the sale office was that the road leading to the condo will be
the same road going to the terrace houses, that is to say we have to pass through
the terrace houses to get to the condo.Just refer to the site plan.
So to build a road connecting to Batu Lancang shouldn’t have any obstacles as the
terrace houses are on the lower ground.So there might be a slight slope going up
to the condo.
This project Selling like Hot cake without any support with Show rooms, Model Building, Road show, Advertisment…
I know all the terrace house sold the first day of the soft launch. Anyone know how the sales looks like for condo? Just hope that the project could start soonest as it could.
I heard that not many units left are those facing Kek Lok Si direction
and they come with one car park only.
Initial stage had started whereby they are levelling the higher ground
and completed the retaining wall by the small river.
Good! Let’s keep updating each other for any news or progress or anything pertaining to our future house.
The flag opersite XingJiang has a good outlook to the entire site.
looks like
keep camping right there, i think we buyers should gather there and have a look someday!
May be for those who are going there could take some photos on the
progress and post it.
Please don’t get me wrong. I am a proud buyer and have no relationship with OHM at all(except as buyer and seller relationship)……
I have taken photos from the flat 2 times, 2 weeks ago and today.
The progress I could see :
1. They have started the piling for the terrace house. There are 2 light pillers doing the job as of what I could see.
2. The retain wall is pretty high, ‘level-splitting’ the kampung houses in the other side of the river with the Shineville site.
3. I found 3-4 ‘structure pillars’ for the condo(not really sure whether these are structure pillar). I don’t see a heavy pilling machine in the site and weird to find the structure. Can anyone tell me what are they? I assume a tall building need a deep pilling or something……
4. I guess the view shall be really good even for level 10, especially those facing town… for those facing KekLokSi, good view to Bukit Bendara too.
i found shineville park on FB.. for buyers, lets talk over there !
I pass by the road every day, yes i don’t see heavy pilling machine there yet. I assume that the pilling of condo need to be done before the terrace house as it need to be deep and heavy structured piller. Did anyone have a good construction knowledge to explain that?
How do we verify who are the actual buyer in the FB? Hope there is a way to stop those -ve people from joining the FB. I do not want another forum which is full of curse
Maybe the genuine buyer can have a close forum or something to talk about the project. Any suggestion how shall we do it?
The structure pillars can been seen if you look out from the flat. They can’t be seen from the road site…. They are round and quit big in size… I might be wrong and that are not structure pillars. Need expert here to tell us what they are.
I will upload some photos I took with my hp in the FB…….
thank for sharing in FB
I got an offer to continue my studies in NZ :). Thus, thinking of letting go of my unit on level 18 – facing city. Give me a call after 7pm if anyone is interested (012-4362700). I am genuine buyer, not sales person and not related to OHM. Thanks.
Thanks for posting some photos in FB.
Are you the moderator for Shineville Park Penang FB page?
Nice to know you….. we will become neighbor soon..:)
Nice to know you too. I am just a purchaser only.
Who is the moderator for Shineville Park Penang FB page? Hope you could identify yourself.
Nice sharing of progress picture in FB, do help to share the progress from time to time. I think most buyer do not have the mean to access to the constrcution site due the site is not vissible from the road.
Will do. I am taking the photos from the blue flat with my hp(only 3.2MP)…. but I hope it still serve the purpose of showing the progress
I did asked OHM before whether they can deliver the project in 3 years(because 40storey high ma). They said their record is complete 1 floor every week!! I think to be the safe estimation, lets’s take it as 1 floor every 3 weeks la. So it will take 120weeks to complete 40 storey which is 2.3 years loh. We will find out….haha.
Ohm completed their Sg Ara’s Zan Pavillion ahead of time……..really dasyat fast….hahaha….i thought normally construction project only got delay but no ahead schedule….hhahaha
sorry, typo. Those interested for the unit on 18th floor facing city pls call 0174368553
they completed the project in less than 2 years, memang dahsyat, i think their construction manager got their skills from some china sifu
, a re-development of the old Sunshine Farlim site into a new commercial complex with business hotel and serviced apartment, May i know that this project can help to push up Shineville park Value ?
What is the selling price for the re-development project @ old sunshine farlim? heard it’s from SP setia, is it still going on?
Its not come with 1 car park.
Its only 1 Car park because all the free additional car park are finished ( for first come first serve buyer )
sorry, typo error again. Those interested for the unit on 18th floor facing city pls call 0174368535
A new developement of sunshine Tower i think will boost the property price of whole air itam. New developement like the All season park, sunshine Tower and future OHM air itam commercial complex with definately bring air itam to a new horizon of township.
Anyone of you know Hybrid Gold Sdn Bhd? Yesterday this company set up a notice board facing Lorong Batu Lanchang(next to the ‘entrance’ to the Shineville project side from Lorong Batu Lanchang side) saying they will exhume 35 old grave. Is this another development project or if for the widening of the road/junction?
Anyone know of this please share.
The 1st thing come to my mind is a big big “JAM JAM JAM” in Farlim near future.
More worrying areas are Sg.Ara and Pulau Tikus to Tg.Tokong vicinities.
I also see that notice board !! Maybe can ask OHM developer, I think got good news for all buyer, If have any update news please share.
Good luck every one …. thanks to our ancient friends, … their children should ‘move them’ to new home, .. just like us, buy a new house, and demolish the old one for development. same-same only ….. BTW … I own one of the unit in shineville park as well.
Anyone know who is the moderator for the Shineville Park Facebook page?
I posted few comment on the wall but all got deleted except the progress photos…..
Not seeing others comment on the wall too…. I guess they got deleted too….
Not sure why the moderator keep the wall so clean. Haha.
I think your post at FB is not deleted, its always there. You need to refresh the page or select the “Everyone(MostRecent) post to view all recent comment. Try it, the comment is there.
OIC… Sorry Sorry.. I am not too good in FB navigation. I only log in to FB to play simple games… Muahaha..
Hello I do not know who is the moderator too.. Jus happen to find it n tot it is reliable for our sharing there. If the admin is not doing well then we can open our page
Yes, who is the moderator?? So we can share our thoughts there too!
I prefer the FB is maintained by one or some of the buyer so that it will last long. Else it will just become dormant eventually. Or it may be misuse for other purpose.
Got some kampung house torn down just today, i think there will be development at big peace of land infront of shineville villas. But where is the 35 grave to exhume any way?
There is no old grave at the ~8 acres of land infront of shineville villas?
Anybody got any info what sort of development it will be? Shoplots or high rise condo?
There are some(~10 I guess) old graves on your left if you go in from the dirt road(tuning in from Lorong Batu Lanchang after the traffic light). But not sure whether there is more somewhere else.
Juts hope it is not a high rise development. Else, the town view will be blocked….
If that happen,then we’ll have to accept it because land is scarce in
Penang. You can see that many buildings that are built adjacent or
just across the roads to each other.But I think it won’t block the view
It will be a bonus if a hypermarket is to be built there.
ths graveyard condo surround will got ghosts sightings , suicides, accident deaths … better dont buy
@joe lee
If I am not mistaken, you are a broker. If someone is fated to
face such misfortunes, it can happens anywhere.
Don’t tell me you’re right compare to many had the wisdom to
decide and eventually bought it or you’re more intelligent ?
Grow up my friend, I think you should be campaining for Pakatan
Rakyat as the election is coming.
@joe lee
@joe lee
Be more creative lah, we have heard that a lot already.
@joe lee
Not sure what type of sick mentality is this. You can go to other property website or even porno site if you want to f yourself out. Don’t f you shit here with these low IQ and EQ curse.
We are the genuine buyer and have thought over and over before deciding to invest. Your curse will only make you look bad but doesn’t have any impact to our decision. Get it dude?
@joe lee
I don’t know what is the purpose of you keep on casting your ridiculous curse to this forum repeatedly. But definitely its really a low mentallity comment and rubbish to be added to this forum which will not help the buyer to evaluate this project. Your present at here is really sickening, go jerk off somewhere else.