Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
Contributed by reader (01/10/2012)
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Kek Lok Si view for sale RM 720k or 2k /mnth.c/w 2 cp.
Nice area but bad in fengshui. I will not buy.
Nice area and nice fengshui. Will buy if got money but currently poor just can see and cannot buy
@Yatr wen ryn
You will buy only LMC.
@Yatr wen ryn
Sorry, wrongly posted. Meant for Na Keat.
I believe the showhouse is at level 24 as the house already 70% finish renovation..already put air con and the kitchen also almost finish renovate..
Anyone believed in him will have contacted “red eyes” syndrome. What a
lousy forecast ?
@Yatr wen ryn
u can email me at thanks
“Na Keat”
Price will depreciate to RM200 psft.
You have to wait for another 200 years loh, hahahhhhhhhhh.
He posted it on May 22nd.2012.
reno in 24th flr which unit?
unit 1
‘na keat’
If earthquake happen in Penang, possible for you to buy less than that. Unfortunately no earthquake in Penang.
If flood or tsunami were to happen, you can still see SVP standing. If SVP can’t be seen, then whole Penang is yours.
Be realistic. 450 per sqft is still very low compare to current market value. Any new launching is below 500 a sqft, I will still grab.
Property transaction is consider low the first quarter this year. Did the value drop? Just stagnant I would say.
Believe or not price is going up again after the correction period. Why depend on the market when you can decide your future?
Show unit belongs to who?
Totally agreed with u
So good fengshui are now allocating for future bilionaire..
Congrats to all shineville owner. Its common for some ppl jealous over your house.
Let them criminate as much as they can because they just cant accept the facts!
Actually, SVP condo is not as bad as SVP landed, at least the condo units are not sitting right on top of the gr@veyard, whereas for the landed, the z0mbies can stick their hands out through the toilet bowl. So you’ll get a rude shock one day when you feel something squeezing you from down there when you’re sitting on the toilet bowl shitting.
Hello . This info is wrongly given la …. the show unit is NOT for show … it is private so please avoid showing up there ! Kena marah nanti … Haha
Show unit not for show? Tiger show also not for show you mean?
It is not a show unit ! It is somebody’s private home in renovation.
” Na Keat”
Do you have that sum of money to buy that is the big question ?
I agree with na keat, the price now is just temporary and soon will drop, but not until RM200psf as this price will be much lower than those condo in mainland already. There are too many empty units in Melody Home, 4 seasons, and this SVP.
All Seasons Park the main structures facing problem. Foundations tilted to
one side.
Mind to share where you get that information? Is that confirmed?
Yes, confirmed. They have to rebuild the whole project. They will send in the machines to demolish the whole building tomorrow.
Thanks for the sarcasm. Is my question not a valid question? Or am I to take any comments posted here with a sack of salt? Sad.
I agree with you, RM450 /sqft is still very low compared to current market value. The owners are very kind that they are willing to sell at such low price. Let’s all give them a BIG THUMBS UP!!!
And then a round of BIG APPLAUSE!! Yeah!!….*clap* *clap*
Only the latter 2 blocks affected.
Actually your info is outdated. The latest info says the whole project is affected. MPPP will move in tomorrow to demolish the whole place. Giant and the other shops have been notified, they will start to move out this evening.
impossible 24th unit 1 is not showroom, because last week they already installed air con and kitchen already built .while we only can apply tnb on 16th yesterday. how come they hav electricity? they using fans too
It does not matter because it’s real and if you wanted to classified it as
Thanks for the info Jk. Was considering a unit there. Will have to think carefully then
The owner has access to the powers and water somehow…a big shot who deviates from the normal practices!
Think carefully? No need to think straight away lah! The foundation is already tilted, the building is going to collapse anytime soon, still need to think ah??….:D Hahahahaha…..
Just buy SVP straight away lah, some more so cheap, well below market price, no need to think liao!!…..:D
Checked out..Show Room belongs to Lip Way Decor…
thanks for clarify,but the kitchen design not really useful since the oil can pass freely in whole living room
I hv emel u several times. No response yet.@mia
I hv email u several times but no response from you yet.
@Lian hoe
i only receive email from azlan, who are u ?
Carpark available for rent? Looking for 2 carpark side by side, lower floor the better.
Anybody solved this problem of wet kitchen in type A ?
Much much appreciative to those who can share a good design !!! 😉
How much are u offer???
Can unit 2, 5, 7 and 10 owners get together to talk to the developer to extend the entrance the same size as other units so that we can have a decent entrance. We can’t have a grill door at all with the present size.
I find the extension from the staircase should be built as provided in the architectural plan in our S&P.
And also unit 3 and 8 owners can go along together to ask for a wall & door constructed at the staircases, also as provided in the architectural plan in the S&P.
One unit available only? I want 2 carparks..
Sure can..when?@Shineville Owner
When can we meet up to talk front door issue?
Btw, noticed new facebook group has been setup.
Dear owners of SVP, lets unite.. U can interact with others at our facebook group.. Search shineville park owners group.. Only the owners can join the group.. Im agree to get together and discuss about the entrance for unit 2,5,7 and 10.. Add us on facebook, its easier to set a meeting ..
@Lian hoe
You are right, not all indians are like that, but majority are like that. In order to reduce your risk of dealing with one, you do your pre-selection. Very normal.
Heard the units’ workmanship is terrible…. Some say worst than LMC…
Have you seen LMC units before ? The answer is no.
I have submitted my Defect Form with this:
1. Ceiling light is outside in the common area !
2. Please extend wall from the staircase to allow entrance area TILL THE SAME SIZE AS OTHER UNITS to get a decent entrance for a grill door to be installed.
This claim in defect form may also work without having to meet. We will see if a meeting is necessary when OHM reply officially in the form.
SMART TAG access cards for Cars are newly issued.
I enquired and those find inconvenient to go to BHL can call and request their pick at the site management office instead. Parking at BHL is difficult and also expensive.
Hi what the problem of you…why just rent the car park for Chinese not for Malays….still available a few car park that not a all yet…I will make a complain to…
@Lian hoe
i already replied all mail but none from u, any mistake in email ? anyway,1 space left
If anyone willing to rent ur car park for 100 – 150 per month please let me know. I’m willing to pay yearly in cash. Tq
Just visited my friend’s unit. Quite shock when saw the workmanship. One of toilet bowl was place at a funny position. Not enough space to sit properly. Seem like my friend’s defect checklist will be very long….
Car park for rent
-side by side
-with roof-not outdoor
-1unit available
-if pay monthly ,RM200 per month with 2 months deposit
-If pay yearly/ 12 month altogether in cash, RM2000 only
-Who interested pls email
*for serious people only
RIP Karpal Singh – you will be missed always
You expect toilet bowl place in front main door?
No more kapal, the ship has drowned.
OHM you as a developer provide with 2 cark when launching the SVP..
Other project with low price provide with two car park…
Its no consider.Now I really need one more car park. Hopefully anyone can sold the car park.tq
Rm30000…the price for carpark…rental per year rm2000 x10 years equal rm20000….u still can get back the money
If sold now…RM35000..and put the money to ASM or ASNB..
Interest 8.7%=RM3000…at least you can pay your maintenance.
…….This is from Acc.Green.Hall.tq
acc green hall..i can’t understand your english..can explain?
@mas why some people don’t want to sell the car park. If I have two car park I will sell.but I don’t have..I think Better get the money by sold the car park. And invest the money to asnb or other account.that’s my a acc.
Carpark is very rare and limited in svp and any big condo, noone wil sell. A condo with 1 carpark or none is hard to sell. Those who can afford to pay rm8xxk for condo sure have car, even one couple live together, basically got 2 cars already. LMC apartment with 1 carpark or zero is acceptable but not for luxury condo. Govt dont expect you own so many cars when you applied for LMC. If you are so rich to own so many car, you dont belongs to LMC already. A family who could easily own 2/3 cars should be afford to buy apartment.
Car park can not be sold separately la, only can be sold attached with the unit, this is common knowledge and also I was told by the developer.
@Car Park
Correct. Those thinking to buy car park from other owners one, dont get conned. You paid RM30k, at the end that car park will still under the seller name..
curious why don’t want to buy when developer sell,now want buy from owner. buyer trying to con ?
Dear all Shineville Owners, U are welcome to join Shineville Park Owners Club(SPOC) in Facebook.
Developer just offer to minority of the buyers only.
The car park cannot be sold separately as provided in the sub-agreement signed.
It must be sold as a package car parks + condo …
Offer to those who gave their names early to queue up to purchase the car parks when they became available. Limited lots only.
Understand.luckily i leave my name
Buy condo for own stay, you wont regret to get at least for 2 car parks, even three also normal. I really not understand why some people buy 500k condo, but unwilling to pay extra RM20k to get additional car park, can tahan with one car park only.
Its rm30k
You have to understand ppl ma !
Just “gum gum” enough duit to but the con do.
Susah to have extra $ to buy another car park.
OHM offers for early bird also have no $ to buy loh.
Its no a matter to regret.
Unless miracle happen strike 1 M Daimacai.
Everything comes easy loh.
condo can take loan
car park no loan,only cash. u never buy before?
Car park can take loan.
Any car park to sell or rent ?
Serious tenant wants 3 lots with side by side .
Cause got 3 couples stay in soon.
$$ not a problem.
Traffic light in the junction? News datang dari source mane saudara?
Funny. Buy condo and buy extra car park, the extra amount can be added into housing loan one. You never buy before?
Blow water la him..
Traffic lights at the junction is not possible because it is so near the main traffic lights.
Unless there is an underground passage (!) like Diamond villas in Tg Bungah. BUT $$$ which OHM will seem unthinkable !
The traffic to access to svp is a very big problem to svp owner. It’s not convenient. The developer should fight for us…
Lets unite and make noise in OHM office, if they refused to coperate, lets gather and and and find other way then
everyday make u turn at melody, very ma huan & dangerous
think twice b4 buying the house especially u believe ‘those’ things…my frens who works as construction workers have seen them few times…
Please complaint, i have provided details, depend on you guys now
Assemblyman: Mr Jagdeep Singh Deo Phone: 012 488 3571. Email:
There is a free flow left turn from BT Lancang into Thean Tek highway so making a U turn at the junction is dangerous and illegal. Kenya saman it’s not worth it.
I would rather make a u turn around in front of Little Sisters … The road is wide enough at that place.
In the next few weeks there will be more changes like the widening of BT Lancang road to the good fortune and benefit of SV residents.
I believe the traffic flow would be much better and more convenient for us, both directions.
@Hot Cake
What? SVP still no power yet? I think you should complain to the developer, why build a condo without power.
This forum so funny, from the Shineville Project 1st launched until fully sold and now already OC pass still got a few haters not sure who were missed the boat or jealous still cursing the SVP, still keep saying SVP no body buy, from the price 4xxk until now 7xxk they still yet to wake up, what are they thinking actually?
Obviously from day one already not worth it at 4xxk, how is it worth it now at 7xxk? Still the same issue that bothers secondary buyers (land history, traffic jam, low cost flat right next to it and now not having management office at the site, difficulty accessing the condo etc..)
I personaly think it is not haters. No offence, seems like just some over sensitive owners who cannot deal with public opinions.
After all, this is public forums.
@Transaction Drop
You haven’t learn anything yet, valuation by banks for now is 800k.
Ha . ha…………. saying it very easy. I heard people saying that empty
vessels make the most noise. It must be true.
please call your own valuer and check for the valuation la, the lastest transaction atleast 750k already, boulevard 936sf sell 550k and all season 856sf also sell 520k, u still dreaming a property 1650sf sell 4xxk, are u just come out from forest? Accept the truth please or else u just rent a house and dont ever buy a property in penang.
@Stupid haters
Value at 1mil also no use if the same old and upcoming issue prevent subsale.
Transaction dropping…why? value to high to be affordable amongst the middle level working class in penang. I am dreaming? wait and see..location always number ONE factor.
Anyway, I have multiple properties already in penang and overseas since donkey years.
Welcome to the real estate world, newbies…
My banker told me that SVP market value at set RM780k by bank valuer. Congratulation to all SVP owner… Cheers
LipWay is setting up the base in SVP….
Really? Which floor? I thought they are barred from entering svp?
32-3A…. they are renovating their showroom….
I dont think so, if you are being disturb when doing renovation, you may call police immediately.
They may not disturb you but for sure will disturb your contractor….
My advice is lodge a police report first.
You lodge first ok? When you are successful then we all will lodge. Someone has to be the black sheep. Better be you since you so smart advicing people.
I was told the sampah fee as low as rm300 to RM3000. Depending on the reno works. But of course if you give lipway the reno works then no need pay the sampah fee.
There is a showroom for us to get ideas for renovations. If owners want to engage LipWay go ahead. However, if there are any owners who encounter intiminations from any …. Then we should report as a group … Using the info given by Shila. We can tell Jagdeep YB we are not giving our names for security sake. No scape goat or black sheep needed !
Hello, I will and no need to tell me.
@United Shineville Owners
So you plan to meet jagdeep, saying you own SVP, but refuse to even tell your names? You really believe jagdeep going to help you get rid of those gangster contractor this way?
Then jagdeep is a very busy man..
Those gangster runs these business for at least 2decades. I hope you will be successful. But I think that if you report and your details were exposed, haha, take care la..
@Common Sense
So you are supporting them.
Who knows he might be one of the gangster member who just sit there and collect rubbish fee?
Better still, Penang will blacklist any developers found in cahoot with “gangsters
contractors” who intimidate home buyers into engaging them for renovations.
Most of the owner here trying to be “GAO GAO” and beh Suak with Lipway. If their charging rate are Okay, why not? Their LMC showroom was not bad to me. I think some of the owner here are trying to be hero want to become Chairman of the community. What SHINEVILLE owner unite??!! I don’t give a shit about gangster or not, as long as they are responsible for our SHINEVILLE cleanliness and Reno my unit in good condition. Their boss explain everything very clear to me, that’s why I award my renovation work to them. Not to say I supporting them, it’s a Business and I don’t hope that our Condo will place with cement and sand everywhere. if everyone was with their own contractor, then how? Who maintain the Lift or who will use the lift 1st??!
Just some one here are trying to black mail other to benefit his/her own self. What’s your plan huh? Trying to be Chairman of community or Contractor for Reno?? Unite?? You’ll never get my vote duh!!!
most of the owner dunt like the contractor that monopoly all the projects at the side. Normally they will charge higher than outside contractor.What they say all ok, once you pay then u will know.
“I think some of the owner here are trying to be hero want to become Chairman of the community. ” Good new to heard that the owner are brave to be hero,to protect his/her own right.
“I don’t give a shit about gangster or not, as long as they are responsible for our SHINEVILLE cleanliness and Reno my unit in good condition. “totally not agree.Other contractor cant take care of cleanliness and their workmanship like shit?!!
“Just some one here are trying to black mail other to benefit his/her own self. What’s your plan huh?” want to ask too: what is your plan huh?!! haha
Pay toyota price but get kia/hyundai quality? Yes, many are doing that way but not for me sorry. Kia/hyundai(lipway) dont worth that price.
maintaining the cleanliness of the condo during the initial reno period is the job of the developer, before the running of the condo is handed over to jmb.
If the developer tells you that “I don’t give a shit about gangster or not, as long as they are responsible for our SHINEVILLE cleanliness and Reno my unit in good condition.”, that means the developer is trying to save money by letting the “gangster contractor” do the cleaning and managing job, instead of hiring a professional team to do that.
Well, that probably shows how responsible OHM is. The owners who feel that they are being short-changed should get together, get organized and plan your next course of action.
I think it’s ok if;
1) Lipway give us freedom to take our own contractor while buying sand and cement from them
2) They do not control, items like grill, window, hacking work and ridiculous rubbish fees.
It’s ok for them to set a showroom there but the owner must have the freedom to choose our own contractor. And control our own budget. I believe everyone has their own budget and it’s ridiculous to pay a few thousand extra for the same item or ridiculous charges. It’s not fare to us. Pls remember, SVP owner middle class category owner. Don treat us like we know nothing and simply cheat our money.
Let UNITE!!!
Your words are very well put ! Balanced reasonable clear thoughts !
Oh u again , u came out and support management when we complaining they didn’t have staff in svp condo and asked us go BHL
good job for self support and self appraise
Now u’re on their side again. U are definitely OHM people
they overcharge a lot,try ask
I think what common sense said really is logical. Irregardless if he is one of them or not, authority needs solid evidence and police report to start investigation.
But as you all know, evidence is there and developer let those GC inside and rule the place. They charge us all with a hefty price tag as compare to outside quote. Is free country to use whichever contractor we want. Why must we pay them a single cents forcefully? Obviously developer goes hand in hand with GC. But still i see OHM not blacklisted. Even ASP, belleview not blacklisted (they have GC issue too).
So evidence is there, authority do nothing. Who dares to report and risk safety of ownself and family? But are you willing to pay double to tripled the price? Unite and fight? Who would take the lead? I respect that person.
Kiasi…..LIKE 1000X
lets Unite n fight….
SVP owners are a bunch of kiasu and kiasi owners. They would not even dare to report. All just seat and wait for miracle to happen. Everyone is on their own when comes to kiasi issue.
Though I highly suspect Jackie o Jackie is Lipway member. Trying very hard to persuade owners to give business to Lip way suckers which are charging way much expensive.
I just reported to my exbf inspector. He brought his fellow over there just now and none of the gangsters there. If you guys encounter problem which related to those useless people making trouble, please lodge a police report at sungai petani police HQ or air itam office. I already did my part and please dont judge everyone are the same coward like you.
I did not judge, I just happen to witness and experience the real deal my self few years ago. Sad to say, everyone are for themselves.
Once the lipway show room is ready, kindly bring your exbf inspector to SVP again. This time, do not tell him you bring him there. Make it a surprise. You’ll be surprise!
I don’t recall its an offense to have a showroom to sell their product. Normally this people would buy one unit convert it showroom to sell their stuff. So bringing police or any so called politician also no use cause its not an offense.
Last sunday i have been there.
Saw the pool water overflowing from the shallow walls
The common areas were wet & foot prints everywhere.
Have to raise these defect to OHM to rectify.
Otherwise OHM will KeaSi Keasi then pass over the warranty period.
We are the victim.
n also the dog shit in the car park
You must be very new in this industry. Definitely showroom is legal.
When the showroom is ready, is high likely the Gangsters will setup the table at every entrance to ensure no external contractor coming in without paying the sampah fee.
Simple logic:
– whichever new condo/apartment has lipway showroom, there will be gangster contractor
Lipway will guard the lift like Elit Height experiencing now….
was there last sunday.saw the gym has turned into children play ground..sigh..& I think smoking is definitely not allowed in public area…but,..the mentality of the owner need to change b4 it is out of control..
I think OHM should send someone to explain to us about the status of our apartment. I believe everybody are very confused with what is happening at SVP. For example,
1) Where do we dump the rubbish?
2) Where is visitor car park? How many visitor car park available?
3) How do we check the defect of the house without the attendance of OHM representative
4) Who should we refer or complaint to if we have any problem (without pointing finger to here and there)
And etc…
We need a name, the person who can make decision for the interest of both party. And the SVP owner may appoint a representative to discuss the issue in SVP before having more misunderstanding
From the latest photos, the condo is simply fantastic , and the facilities are hard to find !
here comes the farlim sua pah kau again!…:D
Are you very ” High Quality” ? Look at the mirror first and you will realize
” WOW”
You r right,
SVP can now classify as middle to high class condo.
Look at the facilities which can” lawan” to Fettes Residence .
You r not” Sua Ku “.
For this kind of investment & will never think will get this kind of great Condo.
Really worth for money.
When the time pass…you will find out this so condo…nope..apartment actually is no way active in subsale due to low appreciation…:-)
Nobody will giv money to buy with this price tag.. Unless those farlim “Ah tu Ah kau” here….
Saw it too.The parents are just watching with a smile on their faces/having a good laugh as their kids vandalized the gym equipments.Sad…sad…sad…
dissapointed,my condo has become public facilities and public swimming pool.
@Hot Cake
All projects- villas, condos, even luxurious ones, … Have all sorts of issues and problems because of different expectations. I find owners of SVP need to discuss them in the private Shineville Park Owners’ Club (SPOC) at FB where rectifications can probably be done. Rather than in this public forum ! Join now …
Wake up la friend! U can check with banker now, value at 750k for town view with 2 cp. From 4xx k to 750k considered low appreciation?
Banker may value >750k but any sub sale closed at that figure? If not, then its valuation is incomplete.
Latedt transaction for SVP is only 670k according from Agent..
I was offered 950k for my unit, but i think i will wait for a higher offer.
All Season Park, Corner 1235sf, Pool View, Summer. Price: RM 680 000.
Facing Kek Lok Si.
Problem is got value but no demand at all. Tank of unit for SVP&ASP in market..but no demand.. You guys are sendiri pump sendiri song.. ASP RM680k but no even ppl border..RM580k also no body intend to buy.. Market is rather slow nor SVP or ASP.. And huge problem here is this forum is even giving all the potential buyer to understand that SVP apartment is full of unreasonable& rude ppl. Just a simple comment
I got offer 960k for my unit. Should i sell?
If the subsale price is RM950K above, i rather buy 10 Island Resort 1250 sq ft for only RM850K with fantastic view.
Wait for the price to hit 1.2 million benchmark.
Coming soon.
@Kelly @Kamali
If you could able to close the deal at 960k, then all the bankers may need to adjust their valuation on SVP to that figure completed with actual sub sale record reference at your case.
But the question is are you able to?
Please update us after you close the deal at that figure as offer is just an offer.
RM 1.05mil!!! Your better sell it asap. Central park with 2600 sf also rm1mil, the light linear 1500 sf only RM950k. If your sv got ppl to pay 1.05mil for this location you better let go without thinking.
The Light Linear with 1,475 sq. ft. is selling RM 920k facing coastal road which
is noisy and dusty. Those facing seaview will sell more.Even with the seaview,
can anyone guarantee those with seaview will not be blocked by future
development ? TNB station is also nearby.
i can feel u. soon the gym will become spoilt steel
SVP SVG – all project build up within the target. All buyer come in peace. This is a NEW home for them. Let them move in & celebrate. Everyone is happy to stay at their home-sweet-home. With regards to the price – the sub-sales figure, why worry with negative comment when you are not the owner. The current seller (owner) is the one who fix the price $$$, he/she can sell at RM555K, RM666K or RM777K unless you want to pay him/her RM999K – no one can stop it. Buyer & Seller OK – it’s a deal la. Oh ya, nearly forget of the trafficlight installation idea. Arr…this one can be discuss la. Anyone with great idea to support a better traffic flow? Pls dun juz hantam bulat-bulat if u dun agree. All ppl hv feeling one. I shoot, u shoot everyone shoot for what. Let’s make Shineville ….shine.
i am saddened to see some ppl wearing tshirts and jump into the pool. Worst part was the security lady sat there and watch without saying anything….i really hope the mgmt will do something about it on the security doors…
Shineville Park is a good project and it is great that u own a unit there, but is it necessary to criticize The Light Linear?
If the project is good, no matter how people criticize, it is still good. If the project is bad, no matter how people praise, it is still bad. It’s time to face reality.
Fortunately, just a few sales personnel and especially All Seasons Park sales
is greatly affected. They know what they are buying and you are here because
Shineville outshines ASP, Boulevard and BL Avenue.
It may be true,Shineville outshine many projects as you name it.
But if this statement is from third party, it will be more convincing.
I believe you are one of the owner of SVP.
Most of my defects has been touch up, thanks to OHM
Hope you are not one of OHM employees.
Went to c the SVP condo of my friend, its awesome..Condo built on/beside/in front/back of cemetary is very common now, I wonder why this condo keep getting negative respons. If you are dissatify, why dont u sell to me? OHM said no more units for sale ;(
I m looking for a unit 720k, miss the boat 2 years ago, so sad need to pay extra 2xxk only can get a unit now.
I also missed the boat 2 years ago. I am willing to pay RM800k.
There is one mini temple around shineville project. Come to Solok Thean Tek 2 – to Pray for blessing & keep this area shine up always.
I missed the boat too, I am wiling to pay RM950k.
I also missed the boat. I am willing to pay RM1.5million for a unit of condo. I don’t want the landed property next to it because I like condo more.
One China tycoon came to me ,asking any SVP TownView for sale at high floor.
Money is not a factor to him.
He offered 1M above to have 4 carparks.
Go to All Seasons Park for that price.
All Seasons Park units have to sell another 5 to 8 years to clear the leftover.
There’s a lot of leftover in so many condo project that you can have all your time to look look and see see.
All Seasons Park units available and you can still get it from Belleview or
Mudah for 887 sq.ft. at RM 490k. No need Rm 550k or any extra.
Why so many negative comment about this project? too many sour grapes? Latest project also more expensive now. Even at 1300sqft also RM700K++
wah over 3000 comment! so many ppl aim for this project, must sell at least 1mil.
Wah, so many negative comments, this condo cannot buy..sure got big problem..
Where got problem, only problem no money like you.
Surrounding biggest problem leh for SVP
Yes, biggest problem no money.
Yes, biggest problem is surrounding. Cannot be changed.
at nite can go ask numbers from the ‘surrounding” then maybe can get $$… win situation.
surrounding give numbers, you win….you give feast to “surrounding”…..then both can live happily ever after as good neighbours…
Biggest problem as I said no money and many talk like “Bird”. If you have,
go for The light Collection 1 with a build-up of 1582 sq.ft. that is selling for
RM 1,400,000.
SVP and TLC1 is having different surrounding. Cannot compare.
Is these two locations selling at the same price ? No, so why you can’t
compare ?
“Bird Talks” because because no money and even affected “Boulevard” and
“All Seasons Parks”.
This is state government policy. Any housing development will have a low or medium low cost apartment near by. I suggest u can b independent candidate on next election to challenge our CM.
As I was glancing through Mudah today, there was actually 1 unit of SVP 1650sf facing kek lok si high floor for sale at RM638k. That’s the lowest I have seen so far. Flippers getting desperate?
Contact number please ?
Maybe you shouldn’t rush into it. The market is flushed with vacant units. Things could get worse.
Hello, don’t simply shoot !!!!!! Last time already called,no such pricing.
Link :
Check it out yourself. But my advice, don’t rush into it. Things could get worse. Wait for a while. You’d be able to get something in better location. No need to look at all those headstones.
Only one car park and facing Kek Lok Si. Facing Kek Lok Si is cheaper.
638k for 1650sf, that’s only RM386psf. Cheap considering today’s market, but, maybe cheap also nobody wants? Or is penang property market starting to crash?