Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
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@Shineville Owner 88
Svp quality i verified. So far very nice. But shineville garden, the built quality as bad as macallum flat.. Maybe because its 70k lmc, they dont take it serious?
@Shineville Owner 88
I’ve check with other owner, same amount RM12xx.
Now I was in the SVP, the environment is good. Relax…. The unit so big, spacialy type A 1650sf.
Just realized that all the haters disappeared after SVP obtain O.C.
but seriously I went to see SVP (without keys yet), the guard house is so grand and nice.. unexpected
Agree with you! Haha, I realized quite a sometimes…@Owner
I brought my cousin, a owner of bl avenue to visit my unit. He was so impressed!
He even said he never seen such a beautiful facilities built in condo like this. So happy to know that many ppl are praising my new condo =)
Hi Sim, I m one of the owner for this project, so sad until now still never received any letter to collect keys yet, can u bring me and 1 of my friend(he is also one of the owner) go inside to view? Really no patience for waiting to view inside already.
u can direct go to SVP, inform guard that just visit facility floor, ur car park at 6th floor.
Yup. I just received letter few days ago. My friend called up ohm, they said even you dont have the letter, you can directly go to make payment and get your key. Dont worry
Thanks for double checking.
I got the letter c.c. to me from lawyer to release payment for stages 3, 4 & 5 from my bank today. Seems like it will be another 1-2 weeks before I can get the keys.
Need to go and pay maintenance first, because I was told interest will be charged if late.
Thanks for double checking. Much appreciative.
I got the letter c.c. to me from lawyer to release payment for stages 3, 4 & 5 from my bank today. Seems like it will be another 1-2 weeks before I can get the keys.
Need to go and pay maintenance first, because I was told interest will be charged if late.
Wait, wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got letter from developer to pay for the service fees before key release..
I was too busy till tomorrow to settle the bills.
Hope will enjoy the thrills what you ppl said.
Hahaha haha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I also get letter, I thinks still need wait @ 1 – 2 weeks to get key. Cheers…
no more guard hs for the villas??
Ya!… Pay RM1205 than give you a key.
No guard for the house.
Gangster contractor had setup booth there…. good luck to the buyers….
I received 3 letters yesterday.
1) Letter from the lawyer to the bank to release the final amount
2) Bank’s confirmation that they have released the final amount
3) Letter from the management to ask me to pay RM 1205 for maintenance & sinking fund deposits, maintenance & sinking fund from 19-Mar-2014 till 18-Jul-2014, quick rent & insurance for 2014.
What I don’t understand is I only received the letter on 1-Apr-2014, which is already 13 days after 19-Mar-2014, if I were to ask to pay for the interest (which is 14-day grace period), I will challenge the management office.
Anyway, I called the office this morning. It seems like even though the bank (Public Bank) has released the final amount but the office claims that they do not know which units that the bank has released the final amount for. So they won’t hand over the keys to me even if I pay now. They asked me to check again on Friday or Saturday.
I dont see any gangster’s stall there. If yes, i will make a call to jagdeep singh office to inform his clerk. Do let me know if its real. I dont mind to pay bonus rm5k angpow to the case handler. Just want to keep this condo clean and free of cheapskate gangster.
May I know from which bank? Mine still haven received.
Mind sharing Jadgeep office phone number? We also want to call his clerk to complain.
JAgdeep will ask you to lodge a police report. He will then only be able to follow up the case for you. SVP definitely have gangster contractor. But the question is, how many is willing to take the risk?
Complaint regarding? If shineville park, i dont see any gangster there. Someone can confirm?
Take it slowly regarding gangster contractor. Observe the situations.
If it is proven, then we can make a report as a big group of owners (eg as SVP Condo Residents’ Association). Or we can write , also as a SVPCRA) to Jagdeep telling we fear making a police report because of fear of intimidation. He is a very sensible man. And we proceed from there.
BUT we must be certain there are gangsters there first!
Can somebody connect the real owners in FB ? How can be done in a proper way ?
good. let’s unite.
Maybe u can try to take your bank release money confirmation letter to show infront of the staff. I went to developer office today to pay the fee, the staff told me that there are never pass any keys to shineville owner yet as the reason is they still waiting to get the final release from the bank.
Another story, today i met a few owners there and we had a chit chat at there, most of them are middle-aged owner and they are for own stay, they also dont have any pantang layang
How can gangsters stall not setup at farlim area, u must b new here or naive
Ini Kali lah ! UBAH ! … hehe … soli for using the sensitive phrase
Nothing is permanent. If not our beloved Penang would not have been like what we have today. Never try never know !
How come I not yet receive the letter to collect the key yet? Have received letters from bank n lawyer bout releasing state 3, 4 & 5 payment. The admin told me that they have sent out the letter last Thursday. Do Pos Malaysia takes a week to deliver the letter? Anyone care to share?
The letter from Zantalite is through AR post. It includes description of amount of fees to pay to its maintenance department at BHL building. Maybe when the postman came no one was at home. But he would have left a notice for you to pick up at a certain post office.
@Shineville Owner 88
Ok, tks u for the reply. Will check again.
Thanks Wilson. I did follow up today and it appears that they have received the confirmation list from the bank and I am ready to collect my key anytime from today onwards.
I think who take public bank loan already can get key, for who take UOB loan still need wait, am i right ?
Simply ask the developers when you guys collect the keys. Is there showroom by any contractor available, specifically LipWay. If they say have, then you can expect gangster contractor to monopoly SVP as well. This might be the same case to Shineville villa and the low cost flats as well.
BE sure to kick those gangster out, else be prepare to pay hefty reno charges (double to triple the quote you can get outside) + sampah fee + low quality workmanship+ all the incoveniences of not being able to do whatever you want to do.
Simple logic: In the first year, who manage SVP? The developer.
If the gangster setup their miserable booth to extort money and force owners to give reno works, who allows them to go in? The developer. Else, nobody can simply setup a popcorn stall in SVP. They require permissions and those gangsters has access.
It is clear who is responsible.
Why bother who is behind the gangsta contractor? Just do the right thing :-
(1) Do not confront them
(2) Make police report
(3) Prominently display police report in front of your house
(4) Talk to your local state rep
Few easy steps for a better tomorrow!…:)
Actually I am not so sure… This morning I went to collect the keys. If you pay by cheque, they will still hold the keys till the cheques are cleared. So you need to travel there multiple times.
Here are some tips:-
1) Pay by cash if possible. If not, you will have to go there at least more than 1 time
2) TNB and PBA forms are not ready to be collected, so you will still need to go there again if you are collecting your keys within this week. I was asked to follow up with them next Friday. So would not expect the forms to be ready soon.
3) You are given 1 day to inspect your condo for anything missing. I collected the keys today. So by tomorrow 1pm, if they do not receive any complains from me, they would assume I do not miss anything.
anyone took loan from UOB? Ive yet to received letter saying they have released the loan. Even CIMB have done so. @erick, what’s your house layout?
Type A
I took UOB loan, they said UOB is the slowest compare to other bank. I paid the RM1205 as well but have to wait next week after their inform only can collect keys, what we can do? I ask the Developer they ask me back to push our bank…lol
Can bring me to visit into the condo? haha
I try to step in few times but at last blocked by the guard, they said even I got the CCC letter but without keys and access card they also not allowed me to go in. Geram nia even i just want to visit the facility floor only they also not allowed…after I get the key sure suan siao back them. Really cant wait to view the actual unit anymore…
The actual unit NICE!!
I try to step in few times but at last blocked by the guard, they said even I got the CCC letter but without keys and access card they also not allowed me to go in. Geram nia even i just want to visit the facility floor only they also not allowed…after I get the key sure suan siao back them. Really cant wait to view the actual unit anymore…
Actually to me it is good for the security guards to be strict like this. If not, the condo will be invaded by any people around to use the faculties, which we do not want right ?
Soli but this is my own opinion.
yalah….ish…makes me feels like “so near and yet so far”…wonder what went wrong and we were told that keys only be ready by end of this month… do not know how far is the truth…
cant wait to see my new home…..
The latest photo so nice! Thumbs up! Its stupid if someone here letting go below rm800k..
yesterday just go to pay rm1205 n directly can get the key…lawyer firm staff who gave me the key also told me that ‘simen,pasir n sampah’ is gangster cari makan need to buy from them..
collected keys today and visited my unit, i do not expect that the finishing is above my expectation and the view is perfect, my unit is 2x floor can have a very nice sea view,
seems like i have to change my mind of disposing the property already.
went down to the facilities after inspecting my unit, the facilities is superb and nice, i’m so happy that i’ve bought this condo..
Hi, Where you got the keys from? Law firm or management office ?
you collect key d? meaning that your loan had fully release?
or they let u collect key anyway?
For those who got the keys, what about the carpark allocations?
@Shineville Owner 88
from lawyer firm..when i pay then ngam ngam they say my loan from public already release on that i pay the maintenance n direct get the key..after get the key i direct go to view my unit..mine is facing town 3x floor..
some carpark allocate below LMC..mine is under LMC block with front n back(5th Floor carpark)..for me disadvantage when 1st car park in which have no awning or roof on top..will be risky when somebody throw rubbish from the LMC or even shineville park also same..maybe lower then 5th floor car park don have this problem
* loan from public bank not public…kikikiki
Oh dear….that sounds bad though…couldn’t be changed or any options for owners?
So happy to hear that my carpark allocated at most convenient area.
Your car park was allocated by developer themself? You are early bird buyer?
Iv get my key and to visit my unit already. Everything fantastic..especially the facilities. .. except my parking lot…
Anyone who r still waiting to sold off ur unit? Can u rent out ur car park to me…
Hi Arsha, I have 2 car parks that I could rent out. Contact me if you are interested.
012 4305039.
Everyone of us … we win some , lose some !
No one and no thing is perfect ! Just like this very life of ours !
Can Shineville Condo somehow someday near the price of Bayswater Condo ?

Possible ? Maybe …
Address: Medan Batu Lanchang, 11600 Jelutong, Penang.
Location: Penang – Gelugor
Postcode: 11600
Price: RM 1 250 000 Type: Apartments, For sale Area: Gelugor
Title type: Freehold Other info: Non Bumi Lot Size: 1600 sq.ft.
Size: 1600 sq.ft. Bedrooms: 4 Bathroom: 3
Property Type:Condo / Services residence / Penthouse / Townhouse
Bayswater condo :
-Located at Gelugor, Near Tesco
-Built up @ 1600sf
-4 Rooms / 3 Bathrooms
-Renovated unit
-2 Carparks
Dear owners, congrats to u all for having such a good condo. Anyone here to let go your unit? I’m looking for a unit with 1,600sqft, town view and mid high floor (good bargain) for own stay. Deposit and Down payment is ready anytime. Drop me an email and I’ll call u back.
Dear all,may i know how to deal with these gangster contractor?Can we just ignore them?
I bought my unit on saturday which is 2nd day OHM doing launching at their office..i dono this consider early bird or not..
I ask when i get the key n as they told me is arrangement and cant be change..
Called up some agent, first question i rised is about carpark location, all the units carpark is from 4th to 6th floor.. No wonder they selling cheap for only Rm750k.. I rather top up another 20k+ for better carpark area..
Ivan, I have a unit. Call me for Rent. Furnished. 29th Floor. 2 side by side car park. 1650sf. City view.
Hi Property owner,
I am Evon, Real Estate Negotiator and have client looking for Shinevelle Park. Any owner interested to let go, please call me at 0124729897. TQ and good luck.
why is the carpark 4th floor less desirable? cos need to drive up?
hwo come we have to pay the maintainence fees since march yet until now cannot use the facility? maintainence paid means there must be clerk in maintainence office to give us the keys and tnb pba forms, just like other condo. money paid d still need us to go bhl so many times..really dissapointed,keep wasting our time to go bhl and the clerk just sit there waiting!
anyone else buy at lower floor? curious to know who is my neighhbour
we should unite and complaint, other condo have their own management office in the condo itself to serve us who paid maintenance, any problem just direct go down to office in the condo n ask…even the low medium costs also have this service….no need to go some other place to collect keys.. rubbish managemnt only requires us to go here and there! when as to call us when keys are ready,just said they are too busy, ask us to check on friday. what kind of managemnt like this? how many times must we go there ? march maintenance fees go where ? pocket ?
Sure everyone prefer good carpark. If your carpark was assigned on the highest floor, do you feel convenient? One day you travel 2 times already wasted 10mins + rm2 petrol. Imagine it yourself. How tired you would be..
Anyone want to sell the car park?
Cheer up Ben, sometimes we should learn how to appreciate. As for the price we paid, I wouldn’t complain at ALL. If we’re not happy, we can just sell off and buy somewhere that we Happy at. Don’t be so Negative thinking. Just be Happy with what you had.
I’m really surprise with what I’m paid for, especially the swimming pool facilities floor. The view from my unit, WOW! (Better than my Aunt’s Condo at Gurney). Just really can’t find anywhere else in Penang’s market.
Cheer and Peace
P.s. As I’m very afraid of having “immediate” neighbor like this….. Hahaha….. Kidding….hope so…….
has anyone starts renovating?? any “sign” of gansters there? What about others who took UOB loan, have you guys got your key?
Only got one entrance, I need to turn a big round from green lane. Anyone feel convenience about this matter? Should we ask the developer to solve this issue? So disappointed.
I took UOB loan, no news yet
Yes all the facilities are perfect. but we must take what we deserved Jackie, 299 units paid the maintenance of rm190 means RM56810 IN TOTAL. with this money they should hire a clerk to sit at the management office of SHINEVILLE PARK to wait for us to pays & collect keys. not all of us 299 units owners to travel back n forth to their bhl office . everyone who bought house before will know, this is our rights
I got the key but everything seem to be in “kelam kabut” or disorderly
I’m still at KL, been asking them to prepare everything so i can just go collect and do all at one time but they can’t :/ so still havent get my key
what do u mean…more problem with the house?
My unit No.3 facing directly stair case, i remember when i bought the marketing told it is a wall.
Any comment or how to modify for good feng shui?
Defects such as cracks and basin dented also installed. Certain units not
ready yet so keys not given.
Hi, I saw there are lotsa car park at highest floor do not have cover. Anyone has any idea how they gonna arrange those car park? Is it front back convert to one covered and one non covered?
Basin dented got good explanation. They recycled, cause majority will do kitchen cabinet, so they buy back from those cheap gangster contractor n used back in another project.
Crack normal la for this Developer, which project of theirs not crack, shower head n tap rusty, two three yrs later tiles also pop out.
u can put a plant in front of the stair case as well…
I am started to feel angry about the poor management, 1st call up they said dont have my name in the list and the unit not under my name(I very confused about what they said), then I ask my banker he said bank already released the money by Monday, but i call up the developer again they said after they checked, they confirm received the money but still need to wait lawyer for the confirmation, they ask me again to wait their call, I dont know what confirmation were they needed, but some of the owner who are from the same bank they already got the key. Why are they confirmed receive the money from bank but still cant hang over the keys to me?
most likely by this week or most next week will get the key. most of the banks already released the money last week. The management need some time to process, just be patience. I also not yet got key.
For management, if we dislike the current management, once we form the JMB, we can fire them and hire our own management and station at SVP.
Few things i believe we can still improve. the entrace direction, visitor entrace, route to Farlim and home
its simple,the management is greedy makan duit but still lazy to do their the money dun wan hire people to sit there service us but want to collect the $$ asap including march maintenance fees, letter written 19 mac but last week april only receive, but already need to pay march maintenance fees.
Yet the clerk do like we are bullshit people. when tell them we will pay together once bank release loan,they said will charge us if late. but paid d until now still cannot enter the building or use the facilities.
when ask to call us once ready they said they unable to call all 299 units owner.owner should check back. means what? money take d job no need do?
I fully understood your feel.
Anyone from UOB bank get letter of release? Banker told me released but management said not sure for which unit.
I thought I’m the only one not satisfied with the management. Good to know there’s a bunch so we can kick them out 😉
There will be the renovation’s deposit of Rm 5,000.00.
i also feel that, this is 4th time i buy the house, fist time i buy serina bay also collect the key in ground floor management office, casa impian and asia height also same, but this time i feel very dissapointed for the management, this is first time i need go to other place to paid the maintenance fee and collect the key. why? this mean that next time we paid the maintenance fee need go to menara bhl? when management can set up the office in the building? the maintenance fee we paid for what? the management not do anythink for the resident feel convinience.
I took UOB loan,just got the key today(Need to call UOB and Maintenance many time).
After checked,feel disappointed. There are a small pool of water(after raining) in front of door before enter(most unit 10). The space in front of door also too small to put shoes cabinet.Too many defects show that no quality control at all. Shower also put at wrong place,sure will hit the wall if bath there.
@sam Next time maintenance fee can pay at lvl8. But they should start now coz BHL tower are too far away from Shineville.
Agree with the above owner.
I also met the same thing.
2nd April paid RM1205 by cheque, then the management ppl said has to wait for the cheque
to clear. And accuse PBB not release final payment.
Prove PBB payment list to OHM, still they Ah Chi Ah Chor.
I quarrel with them, saying we have paid few hundred thousand to purchase the condo &
is ridiculous for us to bonce the 1 K plus payment.
Then i ask them, since April i am not getting the key, why i have to pay for the March service charge.
Its rather unfair for purchaser.
OHM are too greedy.
We owners have to unite to fight our rights ” Not to pay the March Service Charges”
Not we are ” See No Open”
I got my key already today. Just need to follow up with UOB and management office. So many defect in my unit. For example, one of my room sliding door can’t even close. Very bad workmanship. Furthermore there are many holes on the wall. Space in front of my door is too small and not according to the plan. When back talk to developer, their answer was the square feet is the same. Ask me not to compare with other units as their size inside the house might be smaller. This shows they are not taking any complain. Hard to believe that it happen to good reputational developer in town.
Furthermore if you have any defect submit your form before you start renovation. If you detect after that it is your own issue.
Now only you can apply for PBA. Why TNB is not available? No more form? Guess what, I see a unit already install air-con. It must be the gangster contracter showroom. How come they have the electricity to install their air-con while TNB form is not available during key collection. Could it be that they want to delay our renovation plan so that they can complete their showroom?
sad u right, menara bhl difficut to find the parcking la. they should appoint the cleark stay at 8 floor now. i go to menara bhl 3 time until now still not get the key but saman already kena 2 time …….
They prefer you to call them. But each time u call their answer will be the same even before they check. You need to ask them to double check. I call them few times on Monday as UOB already confirm my loan has been fully disbursed on Friday. Yet they don’t take the initiative to check. Only u start arguing then they move a bit. When you go pay maintenance no need show your IC but during collecting key they check ur IC. So weird… collect money no need to confirm whether u r owner..
svp ong, i also using uob bank, last week i check with uob, uob said that the loan already release last friday i go to bhl they said the bank is release but they still not receive the payment. yesterday i go to bhl office the “lazy fat malay girl” said they still not receive the payment. today i call them they still give me same answer. svp ong may i know when ur payment release? next time i wont buy the ohm project, the management “ka na sai”…….
Actually this developer not reputable, it’s Group of company is all those Jiran Yakin’ Jiran Bina all build poor quality house. But one thing they r good, it’s cheap. But expect to repair man, I’m one of their previous purchaser pending keep repairing. One more thing their toilet can leak wan.
I got one unit 1650sqf type A. City view high condo and two car park.
My best price sales is 850k…
Who interest can contact me
Hp : 0125082779 Wendy
Anyone interested to form a shineville owner group in facebook, so that we could share photos or feed back about shineville park?
Sam, call bank to verify where is your name / borrower name and in which attachment bank send to the management. Once u confirm ur name and the standing then u call management. Easier for them to find. Just assume u work there. Everything u hav to do by urself.
Ya! got 2 feed back…
1) Only 1 entrance cannot turn in from green lane and turn right to giant supermarket.
2) Parking no confuse owner (almost every level got the same no.), my suggest better put owner house no.
Your second idea really plain stupid. Im a shineville owner and i dont prefer this. Got same number? Its stated L1, L2, L3, L4 followed by lot no. still not clear enough? I wonder if you are coming from last century.
Yes….me too…we should unite and discuss among ourselves (as owners) and work things out…
oh no….is it that bad? which other property u’ve bought?
yes,we should form a group. so even when this topis is deleted from this website,we still can keep discuss without losing all the owner contact details.
important is we know who else facing same problem , otherwise the management will said u are only one who complaint, cheating owner like what they did for every project.
Me too.
Dont let the developer cheat us & the management so arrogant.
Unit 2,5,7,10, in front of main door, the space too small? even want put shoes rack also cannot, totally not match with catalog. Complaint to office, they say: is like that ee lah….
Unit 2,5,7,10, in front of main door, the space too small ! Even want put shoes rack also cannot, totally not match with catalog. Complaint to office, they say: is like that ee lah….
agree with u… may i know the FB group name.. so that i can add as well…
If u check the light point in front of the main door, u will found that they should extend for us.Just they forget//lazy to do it.
If we make the iron door, out light will placed out of door, how come ah? Anyone complaint to office? What they say?
Actually we already hv Facebook on 2011, just search “Shineville Park”, welcome u all to join it.
I cant understood your powderful england.
got my key, checked everything.just noticed got access card to car park and facilities area, but if low cost people want to use our facilities,they can easily walk up using staircase,staircase no need access card. too stupid. anyone. an enlighten me about this ? is it our developer really so stupid ?
type A master bedrrom truly dissapointed. they dont even close the beam,leaving small gap between wall. both toilet door also being changed without notice or whatsoever. how can they do what they like without asking us buyer ?
Just get the key today and check it the same day. The facilities floor are fantastic, everything are beyond my expectation. It look like a 5 star hotel. So grand and comfortable. Thanks to OHM. The gym is so nice. Overall the facilities are much better than many condo i’ve been before even those with higher value condo are not providing this kind of facilities. I found that the layout of the house are really beautiful, it’s easy to arrange our furniture. The ceiling are very high, after putting the plaster ceiling and fan, we can still enjoy the height of the ceiling. Almost whole house are furnish with 2′ x 2′ tiles, where it make the house looks bigger and luxury. I expect to have some lousy door but OHM has provide us more than just a normal ply wood door. It come with nice lamination and the toilet door are aluminium frame bi fold door.
After all, people are not perfect. So as OHM. The wall plastering are quite bad, need to touch up at many place. Hope they will rectify for us. To me the traffic is the biggest problem, it’s not convenient. Really hope OHM will do something for us or we need to form a committee to appeal.
As a conclusion, I get more than what i pay for. Initially thinking to dispose the unit after getting OC. This forum has a lot of negative feed back on Shineville Park. Thank GOD i didn sell my unit after being influence by the negative comment on this forum. Now have decide for own stay. The environment are very comfortable.
Cheers to all Shineville Park owners….
Gangster contractor setup booth there already?
nowsaday they don setup table at guard house, they will come to your unit to demand some ‘fee’. I got mine settle by paying some ‘fee’ as they walk into your unit when u start to reno, the ‘fee’ is depend on how exclusive is your renovation work.
the management is so lousy that the whole place will be a mess real soon.
me!!~ 15th floor as well..@15th
Ask whether TNB forms has send to owner?
No electric cant reno & cant check all electrical power points are correctly fitted.
i also took uob bank loan, already collect my keys. been calling them since last week and they said uob bank and AmBank will have the same prob as we have to wait for the bank to make payment then they will release the key.. but i think, better u call them by today as i already get my key, means that uob already make the payment, maybe?
already asked about the facilities, they said the access card will be activate by end of this month. so the non resident cannot use our facilities
the access card only can block outsider if they use lift.its installed at glass door once we come out from lift. but if use staircase,no need access card also can get it..
In this case, the developer should rectify this issue for us. The design or layout are not properly plan for the residences.
Hello, anyone know where can i get the floor plan for our house? I try to check with OHM but they don’t have. It will be easier for our contractor if we have the.My house is type A. I am disappointed with the workmanship as most of you do. The facility workmanship is great but not our house unit. I did ask them when i take my key last saturday of how could they allow the so called reno gangster to ask for protection fee or all sort of fee when we pay maintenance to secure our condo. Answer by OHM lady, i’m not sure , you need to negotiate with them yourself.
@Lam ho
His / Hers is Unit 2,5,7,10. Then we can understand.
I totally agree with you.
Agreed with u. We r paying maintenance fees with the guard facility. Why do our guard allow those so call gangster to enter to our condo. Do they hav the access card? As a owner, the guard Don allowed me to enter to condo when I didn’t get the key yet. Y do they allowed them to enter? Do they own an access card too? Who provide it to them? Y do we need security guard or access card? OHM should do something for the interest of his client (us). A happy customer is the best advertisement they will get.
“OHM lady, i’m not sure , you need to negotiate with them yourself “. So to
say that OHM is in cahoot with the “gangsters” ? We should make report to
the authority to ban the developer.
Someone said so earlier..
yeah, the facilities are superb. i dont want to share with non residents. why we pay maintenance but others can use free?
Almost visited all units, i just noticed that even all are the same type unit for type A, but the layout is slightly different.
For the unit facing the kek lok si
Positive point
1)The hall beam is located at near by the entrance, so the front living area will get 12.5ft, look bigger and wont waste the space
2)2nd room has no beam for the wall room very big and square.
3)price worth as they bought last time
4)unit very big and confortable
5)big balcony
6)very windy
Negative point
1)the contractor who put the toilet bowl doesnt make sence, when u sit on it, ur legs will hit the wall, stupid design
2)air well is dark and moist(except the corner unit)
3)entrance too small totally no space to make a shoe wardrobe
For the unit facing the town
Positive point
1)view is superb even supercondos dont have this view
2)front foyer slightly bigger for shoe cabinet
3)what we get is more than what we paid
4)unit very big and confortable
5)big balcony
6)everyroom and drying area is bright(corner unit)
7)very windy
Negative Point
1)there is a beam located at front living hall such a waste space for the layout, only left around 12ft for the width
2)2 beams are located at center of the 2nd bedroom make the room looks narrow compare to the unit facing kek lok si
Overall is quite satisfied but the developer should rectify the quality control of the workmanship, the painting of many units are very bad, very cincai, floor very dirty, they should have some cleaning service to every unit and the lobby of every floor. Water is everywhere of car park after heavy rainning.
anyone know whether we can do extra long 2′ corridoor in front of unit 4,5,9,10? means extend our front corridoor to put shoes rack.that would be great
the gangster are under developer or not i dont know.but confirm is Rm5k is pay to zantalite. every unit pay means they suddenly get cashflow of 1.5m , good calculation and good idea. maybe gangster are their budak
Previously I was think like that, haha, if we extend the space then would be atleast 50sf extra in front of the entrance, but i think developer would not allowed we do like that, maybe we have to wait after strata title issue and form our own management committee only can do that.
If You say pay to Zantalite means its OHM. Its their subsidiary. Jiran Bina, Jiran Yakin, Zantalitte, Eco Hill all same owner
Definitely you can.
Good point. Another negative point for unit facing town is certain layout does not have wet kitchen.
Agent called me and mentioned got buyer
for my corner unit facing city and with 2 carparks side by side at LV1. Offering me Rm820k.
I feel this price is reasonable compare to my friend unit which is facing cemetery and only 1carpark selling 750k.
“Lam Ho”
Metro World call me to sell.
My offer is RM900K. 30plus floor, town view, LV 1 car park. Side by side.
Main door entrance got arround 6 feet X 4 feet area for shoerack & chair.
How do u TING ?
That is a very good price indeed. I hope can sell higher too if really got buyer.
I just bought 1 unit at RM950k, 30+ floor with good view. And straight away before I sign, someone offered my RM990k to buy over this unit. I am going to Rolex shop this weekend.
I feel very happy that I buy shineville, cincai plot, cincai buy, don’t even know which unit until get keys also blur blur duno where is the situated unit.
luckily didn’t listen to all the nonsense comments in the forum, cincai cincai close eyes plot, now people already offer 7xxk for kek lok si view, close eye earn 250k in 2 years. people offer 680k anytime pay money i also dont want.
really regret buy only 1 unit
haha! Agreed with u! Although there some pros and cons, but I also feel not regret to own a unit here, 4xxk to own a 1650sf unit and luxury facilities, really worth it.
You are very good, analytical & observant !
Car park flooded when it rains. I couldn’t alight without getting my shoes wet.
What to do ah ?
First time I heard a condo without management on-site. Even low cost flat has their management office at their ground floor. I wonder why they do not assign their office there. As if their workers do not like to be stationed there all the time. Something is very wrong..
In addition to the bad response from that OHM lady and gangster contractor issue, It is very dissapointing. If sell any unit, must hide all this information from the buyers. Hope the buyers are not that smart.
DO NOT SELL YET la …. Tahan tahan cincai tahan …
close to 1 million is very possible in a few years time!
You are so stupid to bought at that price. I got one unit from direct owner. Only 835k with 2cp at lv3.
The management room is just renovated. In a few weeks time, I find we can just go there at Lv 7, if not mistaken.
Just went there. Management office already setup at Level 8. Same floor as the swimming pool.
About the entrance to the facilities, just saw they started to put the door at all staircases. If you need access to the facilities, need access key. Good
About units facing Kek Lok Si, at the entrace, wonder we can build a bean between out unit and the opposite our unit, as such we would have bigger space.
Since already have so many ppl already got the key, we should gather one day at the site during weekend to have some sharing.
Just went there. Management office already setup at level 8.
All the staircase already started to installed door and require access card to enter.
I’m one of the owner facing kek lok si, abt the space in front of the entrance door, i wonder if we can put a bean between out unit and opposite unit. As such we can have a bigger space.
Since already have so many owners, wonder if we could gather one day at the site, to have some sharing.
Well, you’re an SVP owner afterall. What do you expect?….:D…Hahahaha
u’re which floor? hope im your neighbour,if u don’t want the bigger space, i can make my corridoor longer ;D
pls read the can and cannot dos in that little black book they gave us when they pass us the key. dont make your condo lmc class
hi, anyone wanna buy SVP?
2X floor, town view with 2 carpark in lvl 3.
price at 800k
Can we form a FB group and share our Interior Designs, among other developments.
Only genuine owners will be allowed access bcos we must respect personal privacy.
How can we do this ? By flyers in the letter box ?
Or BETTER STILL, can the existing FB by KKK customized for this criteria?
has anyone got the TNB letter? oh dear…they work the slowest…seriously… as u guys mentioned before… wondering how many time we need to bang the BHL tower office…. kek sim…
who is this KKK?
Hi. Any direct owner selling? If yes, please email your price, level, facing, 1 or 2 car parks, level of car park and whether side to side car park to
I am direct buyer. Thanks.
Selling one unit below level 18. Price rm900k firm! More or less not acceptable.
Non negotiate at all. Bestprice. Ready buyer for 880k. From KL.
Details :
-unit no.9 (most value unit) corner facing city
-carpark 2 slots side by side at low floor. Very convenient and safe.
-unit very windy and bright during day and noon.
-potential buyer brought KL famous fengshui master visited and found out very good also.
-letting go because need alot cash to renovate my bungalow. Feng shui affected.
Interested may drop email to
Selling one unit below level 15. Price rm990k firm!
Non negotiate at all. Best price. Ready buyer for 985k. From JB.
Details :
-unit no.9 (most value unit) corner facing city
-carpark 2 slots side by side at low floor. Very convenient and safe.
-unit very windy and bright during day and noon.
-potential buyer brought JB famous fengshui master visited and found out very good also.
-letting go because need a lot cash to renovate my bungalow.
Interested may drop email to
Owner want to sell how much is not your problem. Why you want to be like that?
He own that house, he want sell 5mil also none of your business. He didnt forcr anyone to buy.
But anyway his asking price rm900k i dont think its too much if the fengshui is really that good. I bet you never seen low cost flat sold @ rm300k just because of the fengshui while other units just selling rm150k. Just take it easy and dont need always create enemies.
Who tells you that? Perhaps you dont know some people even buy spiritual house on purpose. FYI, those are good fengshui area, chinese corpse cannot be simply put at a place. They have to make sure the area is good so the luck also will help their grandson.
Yersterday I call the delevoper, their say that no more car park? Is it true that all car park lot are sold.. Anyone want to sell the car park..please email to me or leave massage. tq
Is it suitable to form our Residents’ Association (RA) at this time ?
30k for parking lot? Anyone would like to sell…
@For Shineville Owners
Our FB group should be formed 1st
24th floor unit 1 is doing showroom
Why are they doing with the showroom now ?
Developer no $$ so they quickly ask us to settle maintenance fees and asked bank faster release loan ,which makes owners rush them to pass us the keys. so now they x sempat do their showroom..kakakaka
@Shineville Owner
Can u form a group and leave the link/name of group here so we can join?
Shineville 1650sf unit to let go. Middle floor. 2 carparks. Front and back.
Bestprice RM910k & not negotiable. Original unit under warranty by developer 2 years. (Defect & repair)
Hassle buyers please stay away. Letting go because financial not stable at this moment.
Pls contact Mr.Teng 010-465 6510.
Please leave your message if call is not entertained.
i wanna buy …. but financial situation not stable too .. i offer rm 200k …
If you’re financially not stable, you should ask for more, I think RM990k better, and reasonable price too.
Headache about renovation now.Toilet too small, want to hack wall also dunt know what inside the wall.Want to save money on floor,but the tiles and skirting really no quality. Btw, today saw ppl move in already.
U want to save money, but want to hack wall to have bigger toilet! Walau put long bath ar?
The toilet actually not bad already la.. You never visited other condo yet.. Mostly inside the toilet got big piping which use for poopoo flowing.. Damn disgusting and you can heard that sound when someone above you flush the toilet bowl..
save on floor la ,toilet if design probably i also dunt want to renovate . Now the problem is the workmanship very cincai, my skirting like wave and have hole. Look like u all satisfy with ur unit.congrats for the luck.
Which floor moved in? Any seller want to sell? Just got chance visit 24th floor this morning. My budget below 800k anyone?
just meet them outside the lift, saw them move many boxes into lift. no electricity, how to stay?!
this morning i went to my unit 3+ unit 3. i never think the unit is so good.
1) main door entrance is not face to face to neighbour.
2) main door entrance still has some 50 sq ft area to put shoerack or whatevers.
3) The common corridor still occupy some 20 feet length area to dry clothing, planting & see saw
4) Front balcony can put table to play mahjong, aquarium or rear pets.
For around 4XXK can own such big condo 1650 sq ft nowhere else can find.
If not mistaken, after another couple of years price will go up to 950K ++++
No joke / main main.
Trust me, i wont bring you to Holland.
For those sour grapes keep on ” Am Thui”
Which floor moved in? Any seller want to sell? Just got chance visit 24th floor this morning. My budget below 1mil anyone?
Hello aitamlang, i already have offer RM985k from dubai, if you offer RM995k, i will sell it to you. Just nice for me to drop by our local horology shop to pick up that limited edition daytona that just arrived yesterday…..:)
Are you serious want to buy? If yes below 1mil, many units are selling below 1mil.
Dont make joke here. Im serious buyer!
Doubt that buyers are willing to pay RM950K for shineville park for now.
Went to the facilities floor yesterday. I found that there is no fan and dusbin at this floor. lt will be more comfortable with the fan. We also need to prepare a few dusbin there so that ppl won’t simply leave their rubbish here and there. I propose the svp owner to hav a simple gathering there so that we will b able to know each other. N we could form a group to share our opinion.
After visit the show unit then you know it worth or not. But doubt you qualify for that price.
Basically windy most of the time. So not necessary to have fan. Dustbin is a good one. Level 10 or 11 will throw the rubbish there. Do you think my opinion logical? We are Malaysian ma…
@Yatr wen ryn
I can rent the car park for u
Hi all Shineville Owner, I have also created a whatsapp group just for Shineville Owner, they are already 20 owners++ in this group. please do add me whatapps and provide your name and unit number so that u are able to join us to have any topics about Shineville, please add 016-4880534. You are not alone.
Level 24 Show Unit ready for viewing ? Anyone knows ?
The TNB form is ready.
BUT we can only apply at TNB starting this Wednesday, valid for 1 year as stated on the form.
A deposit of RM700 is required, electrically burnt, hadiah to TNB ! Habis lah … 😉
How much per month? how to contact?
How much per month? how to contact?
carpark for rent level 4 rm150 per month.2 space available
ur contact no?