Shineville Park
Shineville Park, a 40-Storey Skyscraper, consists of 299 exclusive units with typical unit approximately 1,650 sq ft. To live like never before, finely detailed exquisite condominium brings dream into reality which a harmony living place where truly called home.
Property Project : Shineville Park
Location : Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,300 sq.ft. – 3,350 sq.ft.
Total Units : 299
Developer : Jiran Bina Sdn. Bhd. (OHM Group)
Contact No: 04-227 7487
Indicative Price: RM 366,000 onwards
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Wtf! Build on former graveyard??? First time in penang i heard this, i will praise those buyers on this project, got guts
It is not build on former graveyard right? But will build exactly at the side of graveyard with plenty view of two graveyard sites (including the Chinese Hokkien Cemetery). It will bring a lot of prosperity….’Ong Ah’
that lebuhraya Thein Teik stretch already have BL Avenue, Melody Park, All Seasons, summore now add this 300unit? sure will jam like ki-siao with a total population of 1500-2000 units!!
It’s not only beside of the graveyard but it’s also build on former graveyard…
That is why they are asking those ppl to collect those “xxx” stuff before they build it.
i think chinese would not prefer, somemore traffic jam at that area. Price wise also not competitive
If this project is accepted by penangites and successful, reckon some developers will start aiming on the Mt Eskine cemetery, Even the RIPs can’t live in peace.
For all these death souls, they have been living in bungalow lots for years & now you move them to low cost flats & sell their land for a fortune, crazy, for me, i’ll be damn piss.
I think there’s a little mistake right here, it’s not exactly a former graveyard, only few are affected which we can see from the above blog.
I would not stay here, forget it, even if it not “in”, but “side” of it. Meanwhile, buying for investment is also not good, as BL Avenue is selling at S&P’s price (developer gave RM 20K discount) despite nice features such as high ceiling, and balcony even in the masterbed room.
that is not a few… is 60 !!!
The price dont seem to be attractive too….
Checked from the sales office, RM438k onwards @ 1,650 sq ft. It’s around RM265 per sq ft, Free 2 parking space for early bird buyers. Might looking forward to book a unit as the whole lebuhraya thean teik area doesn’t have any 1,650 sq ft condominium, seems worth it
@Benjamin I smell the developer sales person doing hard sale here.
you will need to burn more petrol and spend more time for going to work and back to work buying property in that area….
and also burning alot of joystick and gold papers to pray for the death soul right below your foot when you step into the area.
@THS and @Billy seems to hate the developer very much, anyhow managed to book a unit 32-6 and still managed to get the early bird free 2 parking space, hopefully i’m making a good decision for investment, any comments?
Hey I want to book leh ~
this Benjamin and Benjamin Fan is same person ….. developer sale staff , getting desperate
Good decision for investments? fat chance :p
If I looking for rental, i will say NO once i heard this graveyard-condo, why not I go rent BL Avenue or All Seasons condo which on the same road? No difference what…..
If I looking for buy to stay, I will say definately NO NO NO!!
Nowadays ppl are ok if their house level is 4/14/24, or even house number 4/14/24. Coz that is plainly pantang thing, but the 60 graveyard cemetery is really there before……..mostly ppl cannot accept that, as there is always a bottom line in every ppl’s heart.
Think tiwce…
I felt that All Seasons Park is a better choice, somemore got shopping complex development in the future and i felt the price is quite reasonable, 2% downpayment only
If I’m looking for some good investment, i would prefer all Seasons Park
Sunway Merica in Sungai Ara also built beside grave but also all sold out wor…
who can guarantee sunway merica and setia pearl island land are not graveyard previous…..looking on their landscape,they are same as shineville park.
sunway Merica not sure la, but Setia Pearl Island previous is golf club…
i dont hate the developer…it is already jam like hell in that area and still so many properties are building there…
Aiyah.. dulu padang tembak also grave lah, people stay there so many years also no problem, somemore this project not whole piece graveyard land, just few only. if comfortable then buy loh, not comfortable no need to buy lo, easy as that
fren, you take low cost flat of 30k compare to 900k property ? kns pls use a better example to quote
With that high price on graveyard land & surrounding, not worth it lo. padang tembak low cost no choice but what happen back in 70’s ? a lot of superman …
aiyoh CK why so angry, everyone free to give their own comments mah, if u r talking about the land, then of course im talking about the land and not the property, somemore the land so biggggggg. saying things which tak satisfy u seems offend u. come on lah
Salem, grow up please.
temper tak boleh control?
Hi for those kiasu ppl, its good to heard that you all not buying.. i hope you guys dont buy.. because im buying soon and hope the unit i prefferred still available. I dont think all seasons park is better. i living nearby now and i know the traffic issues. lets see how
Dear all, if u r really interested to buy, pls be quick. All units of facing town have almost been sold out. I’ve a unit today. The response is tremendously good!
this condo built on mass graveyard land … and surrounded by cemetery .. worst location
Kent, you are right.. haha.. i bought a corner unit also.. my sister planning to get another one but sadly all nice unit already sold out.. haha… its selling like hot cake.. after few years, this condo sure fetch super high price… for those ppl who dont really know about the area will just keep talking cock jammed ah.. wtf etc.. the location is much better than 4seasons park. the road linked to many side.. can go chungling sch also…
it is definitely worth for 1600-1650sf with only 450k-480k, i considering to take a unit there. but i feel tht the type A1 layout is better than type A, any comment? is any discount or s&p free for this project?
there are still a lot of units left when i asking the sale PIC yesterday especially those units facing graveyard…it is definitely worth for 1600sf-1650sf with only 450k-480k, but for those who are considering traffic jam and high density in farlim area, it will not prefereble…Dam jam during morning and evening before and after office hour especially start jam from Tesco tunnel until farlim..Graveyard and surrounded by cemetery is one of the point need to be considered as well for re-selling price.
Buy buy buy, Penang people don’t care too much, buy now for RM450k, then resell it at RM550k after completion, this is current formula to calculate the return…but do you really believe this will last for very long? With a lot of new projects booming now…will Penang population more enough to take up all properties with more than half a million in price?
No one believe the US or UK properties will drop so drastically during 2008 crisis, US$150k can drop till US$50k, but it happened….the price drop back to 50 years back….with current crisis, really hope one or few MNC in Penang move out or close down, then the ‘speculator’ will feel the paint or hold long long, waiting to see property bubbling in Penang Island…..
Crisis, thank u for not buying. At least I could get a good unit yesterday. In my opinion, property bubbling appears anytime and anywhere. But this will not definitely happen in an island, just like singapore, hong kong etc. In fact, the prices will go up strait due to the limited land area. US and UK are different case, the land is super big with unemployment rate and share market cracked. No doubt this will happen to Malaysia also but not a big impact. As long as we r not buying high rise condo, which is RM 800 ++ psf or higher, we r not afraid of the wave.
If the economic crisis happen in US or UK, it will definitely affects the penang property because all the giant investor from factory line in Pg island are from US.
not good for invest due to graveyard land … very bad fong shuei cannot sell
ghost2U kiasu ppl pls dont buy.. i dont hope you become my neighbour also.. hahha.. some units left is the one A1 plan which is facing wall, thats why the plan looks better compare to A plan.. A plan mostly sold out d because its also a corner lot and some is facing town not facing graveyard. for those stupid ppl, FYI not all facing to graveyard. even for other buyer who is getting unit facing graveyard also is not a problem. sure can sell at goodprice. you said not good? dont buy. no ppl ask you buy. lets see how. alot of ppl is buying, when im in the office, the sales person dont have enough time to serve me.. too pack..
No$plzdiam, u r right! U bought type A1 or A? For those who cannot afford or kiasu, pls don’t buy and wait to see the price rises later…
@NO$PLZDIAM aka benjamin aka ohm depesrated sales person Poor salesman of OHM have to come here talk coxk sell coxk. I bet ur sales aint so good tat y hav to xome here barking at the negative feedback. Haha if tis projects u find hard to sell i sugest u go work for sp setia, ijm, or mah sing. Tell me if u need a recommendation to go in.
@Kent we not really kiasu didnt buy but we also kiasi to buy la. I will b here to chi chat wit u poor fella, no need immitate multiple users to question n answer kaki kong kaki song. How much ur commision of selling one “grave” unit of this project?
hi CK, i support u…i oso kiasi to buy…no investment value..
aiyoh CK, u only support sp setia projek, other project all u curse like hell!! people like u really kiasu and no hope lah, blind ppl also know where u from…
August 21st, 2011 at 17:56 | #46 Reply | Quote
@Kent we not really kiasu didnt buy but we also kiasi to buy la. I will b here to chi chat wit u poor fella, no need immitate multiple users to question n answer kaki kong kaki song. How much ur commision of selling one “grave” unit of this project?
August 21st, 2011 at 18:17 | #47 Reply | Quote
hi CK, i support u…i oso kiasi to buy…no investment value..
aiyoh CK, u need to duplicate ID to support urself ah? see the difference of the time. cheapskate and kia su lo…
Hey @Kent, notice CK here is a big-time imposter, like hantu disturbing every chat space in this blog. CK here is = Dk in setia green blog (notice how this fella spelled “coxk” the same as in setia greens) CK here also = ck in central way blog, style of writing almost same. He just a big time trouble maker. Dare call others immitators pula!!
Was there any overnight long queue before the first day launch?
No need to kiasu or kiasi la, hantu is everywhere, no matter where you live, all coexist together. Just need to ‘pak ho sin’ (kill the fly) during ‘Cheng Beng’ as a lot fly and bad smell will be coming from graveyard after people left their food for praying there. So, buy higher floor, so no fly can reach up there.
I think we do not need to waste time on these kiasi or kiasu “Bo lui lang”… I bought this unit as my 5th property which I think the price will go up at least 30% upon completion 3 years later. So u buy or not to buy also, it’s not important as u won’t enjoy the profit after all..
Ck is talking trash… No money to buy condo, go n buy flat lo, but pls don’t influence other people to buy also la… it’s a forum to share ideas not to boikot people!
@Anonymous, thank you for doing your homework here.
You are very WRONG. Thank you. Not that it matters to anyboby, but I don’t like your finding. Please don’t simply link-up. You will never get the truth anyway.
This is my first post here, and you want my opinion. I however do agree with the CK above.
@Anonymous, still can’t help but like your detailed assesment… You wan’t me to joint the nonsense here. I will.
I don’t give a shit what you buy and have never any interest in this highrise project.
Buying property is an individual choice. But if you want my opinion. It’s a pariah project. Sorry dude….
haha CK got trashed here, make your facts right before you set sail..
People not interested to buy this kind of property not because kiasu….they all kia kui
CK, don’t be furious and nervous about the findings of truly who you are, all of us can really see your true colors and how parlia you are!!
CK : FK u la.. who said im salesman and trying to do business here. i bought a unit there ok.
Kent : I bought a Aplan unit which is corner lot.. hehe.. my sister planning to get herself another one but not sure good unit still available or not..
Van heling: lol kia kui… This project much better than BL garden which some units selling for 300k+ which just 1000SF+.. somemore they sharing unit with those low cost apart.. using same life and facilities.. lolxx
NO$PLZDIAM you nonid waste ur time argue with nonsense people, he is parlia, talk without facts
Hahahaha…. Parlia ck…. Bo lui Lang….. Hahahaha….
Ask CK go apply LMC apartment or LC apartment better la..aiyoyo
No Kent, he can only rent a house.. Not even have down payment to buy… Kolien…
the issue here is build on mass graveyard land … most people avoid such locations
One thing to share, the developer will use the JM light wall panel system for the building struture beside using reinforced concrete based on the specification.
How much you know about this JM light wall panel??? What are the advantages and disadvantages?? you can go to ask the residents who are stay in the properties which using this type of light wall panel…
@Penang guy n desperated sales man aka kent, NO$PLZDIAM u can continue to sing to your tune and dream for brisk sale of your ‘grave’ units, but i continue to live my life luxury.
Got $$$, another intimate by CK? people who lived in a luxury life doesn’t bark nonsense like you do here, the way you talk is extremely parlia to the max, who knows maybe you tried to apply for LMC?
CK, I am not like you who did create for multiply acc and support yourself. seriously you need seek doctor.. you are those paria ppl which known as cheappersontalkcocksingsong?
Please get your life.. I’m pity your your parents having a child like you.. no ppl cares about your luxury life.. if you did, pls cont with it and just jst fcking shutup!
@NO$PLZDIAM I still here kicking alive enjoying my cigar by the pool while u still struggling to sell the ‘grave’ units.
CK i think u must be insance.. lol.. im not selling any unit.. im not salesman etc.. lolx..
but anyway i wish you can recover soon from illness..
hai hai pls stop all these nonsense !!! whoever want to buy, buy la… ‘teak kee’ youngsters always like that excitement until something happen then regret…. what to do… is their $$
Couldn’t agree more with @anonymous after going through the post again…
First there was @Dk, then this @Dk become @ck, this @ck then become @CK.
@CK aka Dk aka ck, we were all once young and innocent before in our life. I bet you had a hard life and is oppressed during your childhood. Maybe you have never tasted the meaning of parental love before. You are never real, you don’t even have an identity. Maybe you are a ugly social reject? Look at yourself in the mirror. You must be very broken as there’s so much hate in your statement. Very sad… i can see..
You are enjoying your cigars? Hahahaha, I bet you are a bloody homo…. go figure it out la loser…. I bet the high cost of living is driving you up the wall, that’s where the hate comes from…. Cheers dude
CK.. who are you actually..? a loser..? just forget about this guy….
After all these +ve and -ve info, does any one know how many percent already sold?
mostly corner lot facing town sold out… you looking for one..?
I already book one for own stay, now just pray this project will be in positive site.
how bout your loan..? pay cash or loan.. my loan in progress…
PBB loan and already approved, waiting for offer leter and sign loan agreement.
how long does it take to get the approval from pbb..? im getting loan from AMbank..
I also book 1 unit….let updated more information!
Usually banker need few day to process (do search on you financial backgroud) your application, u can call your banker to check the status first as the offer letter will take about two week or more to reach you.
i submitted the form to Ambank on tuesday. Today they called up.. asking some questions and then just hangup. the num is from Kl one.. its my first time to apply myself.. last time my dad help me for all the procedures..
need your guys opinion.. will have alot of malay there..? i dont hope to stay with BUMIPUTERA as those PUTERA is fake PUTERA and i hate them alot.
Most bumiputera are nice. At least my neighbouring Malays are nice and friendly. In fact come of them are more friendly then non-bumiputera. When I forgot to close my house gate, my Malay neighbour was the first person who called me and reminded me.
Not all… some are nice i know.. but very rare.. some very troublesome.. always wanna fight..
I’ve made my purchase on unit 3 type a1 3 days ago, my friend tend to buy one unit 3 but too bad all sold out, left only type A..
Shane, you bought that one is face to graveyard..?
no, facing georgetown, which unit you took?
i took corner unit plan A facing town.. not the one beside low cost apartment.
i think it is unit 9 gua, tat one if not mistaken still left 1 unit only, not sure sold out liao bo….
Why no think a +ve, facing kek lok si and guan ying buddha. Gd or bad is depend of ppl thinking!
don’t buy this condo …. cos graveyard land , a definite no no
yalo.. Chinese why you think – way? you know alot of ppl encountered such cases like corpse undergrounded on their house land.. at the end the owner become very rich and keep upgrading.. Shane.. you bought unit 3 planA1 how much?
All ppl that already bought and havent, only a few graveyard has been dig up, and the developer is planning to build LMC apartment over that graveyard dig up area, so for condo and 3storey terrace, no problem.
Anyway, can call me anytime regarding the loan, or go to the developer site to take my name card.
Andy, my another friend is planning to get a unit there, how much monthly salary he must have in order to get 400k loan from bank. btw he is 26.
corpse undergrounded on their house land.. at the end the owner become very rich?First time heard this.So many sales person here given misled info, most of the comment dont show TRUE AND FAIR view.
Hi all,
Heard that Lonepine group is launching “Pine Sanctuary” at Paya Terubong hillside at end of this year. The project comprises 3storey semi-D and 3 types of apartment with size 1600sqft, 1800sqft and 1900sqft. The site is somewhere near to the Econsave. Seems to be a better choice compared to the shineville-park.
no racist pls. There are bad and good guys, regardless of races. Racist is the reason why BN and UMNO ruled the country for more than 50 years, with corruption and curi curi wang malaysia@ThinkTwice
You are wrong.. shineville park is much better compare to those apartment and house at paya terubong area. paya terubong is much far away and the road always pack. every morning move slower than turtle if u drive from paya terubong to bayan lepas area or queensbay area. car keep stucked there.. At Relau there even suck when u need to pass there.. now i live in town area, move to bayan lepas just need 10mins.. if you live at paya terubong, u want to go bayan lepas… 20mins is not enough for u.. there u go your answer.. which one is better location.. paya terubong apartment also quite cheap because of the traffic issues…
Van Helsing @ CK, still barking here in this forum? not parlia enough? or did you show better or fair view? i’m one of the purchaser of shineville park, not some sales person u dumb…
this project be a failure … due to the graveyards lands, most people dont want…
Most ppl dont want? you know how many units has been sold?
look at yourself and your taste first,Kent.only 3 type of people will buy:1)Katak(cause in the tempurung),2)cow(1st time come to town, 3)retard n parlia
lol.. your words is insulting all the buyers.. i dont mind because i know ur CK name comes from Cemburu Katak. jealous froggie lollll
Indeed, they sold almost 60% before launch, very good response.. and the terrace houses all sold out somemore.
Why Cemburu Katak Changed name to Van helsing..? Always changing nick….
Biasalah, need support mah
I see.. pity him.. still wonder when he can fully recovered from the serious illness…
So, what’s the latest sold out rate? My relative also get one 2days ago, unit#9 if not mistaken. He said very limited choice on those unit(s) face Georgetown.
Ganbateh to your friend… i think he’s getting level 13 or 14 for unit9 planA..
Hehe….. you’re right. Floor 14. My relative, not friend.
@kent n many names under same person. Pariah project got pariah salesman, still interested to work for ijm, mah sing, or sp setia? I can recommend u the lowest post there.
not only Kent,thinktwice also, poor salesman.Like to link everyone with ck.
@Van helsing
later those bunch of pariah salesperson link u n me again.
Benjamin,not 2 carpark lots for free but 2nd free…1st have to buylah
be careful of false demand created by pariah saleman here ….
notice or not,after 5pm,no more comment from thinktwice and kent,because they already clock out.Pariah Salesmen(Kent & the gang),this kind of project,only foreign worker will consider to stay.Chinese, sorry la, all “kia kui”.
Me, as a respect to the dead one I will not “touch” their belongings. This is my belief,and…asked chinese around here they definitely said No to the booking. My old school, built under graveyard in Shah Alam. I saw many schoolmates went mad after encountered w ghosts in toilet and corridor. One chinese got mental illness (till now still uncured) after the encounter. But you,all depends on your belief to buy or not but what will happen afterward is your responsibility to protect your beloved ones staying the ex-graveyard condo/terrace hse.
What i concern is “can this project build up properly and completely”. What i heard is, for those project which having the graveyards issue normally will be a lot of people die accidently during the construction and the project will be pending for a few year. Anyone heard about this issue?
H: You are right..I heard of it too.
imagine when you move in, suppose you & yr wife ( 2 persons) stay only … then you notice there is a third person in the house ! .. scary
Any scientific prove on ‘more death accident on graveyards construction’? or can you show any data or past record? Don’t scared other buyers and fool yourself. Penang bridge also sacrificed a lot of live, but you still crossing the bridge…
house built on graveyard land is diferrent from a bridge ! you eat, shit & sleep in your house … not on the bridge !
@Economic Crisis
Always heard people said,house built on graveyard land will encounter a lot of problems.They come down from first floor or directly walk in your house in front of you.Sembahyang kuat kuat also cant help,there are their land.
Ck and van helsing, I know u both r the same person. I an all other buyers are happily buying our units. Stop all non-sense here! I think u r too free, u have no other things to do but to scare ppl here?? What a parlia person like u! Go n eat shit la!!!!
You have to believe to the ghxsh. If you still buy it, you all will regret. Bteer buy near by All Season or BL Avenue.
ghost?? haha…the posting here is getting ridiculous…i neither believe nor disbelieve on “ghost” stuff…but i do believe that if you have done nothing wrong, you don’t need to be afraid at anytime….human is more scarier that ghost!
haven’t u heard haunted house built on graveyards … doors open close by itself, radio & fan suddenly swtich on off, ‘someone’ pressing on you while sleeping at night , n seeing stranger in yr room … !
real scary … !
haha,let Aunty Lucy experience one time.
Seems like more and more lausy ppl joining this forum! Whatever u all comment, it’s up to u all. I have bought a unit and I’m happy with this. I’m not scared of ghost, and I won’t be influenced by those lausy ppl. Kiakui? I beg all the kui go n find u tonight!!!!
Shineville buyer, you not scared of ghost ah ? you sure will meet ghosts when u move in … !
@Economic Crisis
Greenlane park condo also famous for its haunted car park. Lady ghost wandering around the car park. Damn spoky
Whoever continue to warn about ghost, he or she needs to think why is he living in Penang or Malaysia or even Earth since these places are haunted!!!
That’s the biggest rubbish I’ve heard in a while.
what the … above ???? someone oledi KI SIAU ? !!!! so fast ! … got ghost!
I think administrator of this site should do something to stop clones from polluting tis site. Becoming more irrelevent and some childish act makes this comment blog a place for trash talking.
Hope something can be done to stop the rot. Maybe can block the IP of the clones
If relevantly i think i would prefer Four season park, got giant opening soon somemore. And somemore the new tower is launching soon on Chinese New Year, it’s opening for registration now.
This is 1st time i read this kind of lousy forum and blog…..wasting my time…the human heart is terrible than “GHOST”……
this blog really no standard, people like CK really spoil the whole blog and forum, this is not the right place to share pros and cons of a project, only duplicates which makes fool out of here. memang jatuh standard
Back to monday, look like those pariah salesperson come back to work and ‘pak hor xing’ at their sales office. Let me see how those pariah sales to continue to talk pro of this projects when there are many ppl talks about cons of this project.
All cons of this project is actually the clone and duplicate of this ghost, this ghost appear in this blog as multiple identity somemore duplicate a lot of other name. This ghost not only bring damage and sabotage to this forum but a lot of site also. The administrator should shut down this forum for the good of all others.
@ Shane, @123, @ anonymous, @WK, @Lucy, @Shineville buyer…I agree with you…we need to block those calling names on people, warning about ghost, ask ppl not to buy etc…why do we have such people on earth polluting the forum which is meant for a good discussion for potential buyers…Administrator, pls block the ip address for those who is polluting the forum. I guess only one in this forum
No doubt I get some useful info bout new and upcoming properties here at this site, the intention was good for the use of everyone but some clone misuses and sabotaging this site. really hope something can be done…..
Btw there’s nothing wrong with salesperson commenting, at least they are earning a decent living, not doing something illegal. Salesperson need to cari makan also and feed their family
CK mind if I ask you whether you are from other developer? Why are you putting all the cons here without even looking or consider into the true facts?
When someone praise or talk highly about a property suddenly that someone becomes a salesperson. So many sceptics here to please…..
hey CK, why you want say other ppl pah lia? Its because you too pah lia, scare ppl look “down” to you? Low self-esteem? If like that, nobody will help you…go to see doctor!!!
I think someone has identity crisis here. Doesn’t have any sense of belonging. Can’t stand on own feet, must steal others identity
Maybe the clone here is anti-development, cannot cope with the development here. Is the clone still living in a cave and hunt for food???
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What is WordPress? What will it be if registered? Pls confirm if this is not scam.
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Hey Guys, I have read the whole trail of this blog. Each of us has our own point of view in this project. I would like to add in my input as well
undeniable that this area is jam and at graveyard. However this is a new housing estate, well developed with wet market, shopping mall (Sunshine, Giant is moving in soon?), hawker centre, schools, etc. Penang govt is doing very well, bringing in foreign investments into the state. Lotsa economist predicted that 2012 will slow down, however big boys wont feel the pinch. Only low and medium income who invested beyond their means will be affected. I do not wish to see MNC move out or close down. Talented Penangite will get paid via VSS (more than 100k base on their tenures) and move on or spend lesser. Who will be affected? so i feel sad with the quote below from ECONOMY CRISIS. you are one of the Penangite, and i do not wish to see low/medium income bracket or even yourself to suffer from your wish :
as quoted by ECONOMY CRISIS – with current crisis, really hope one or few MNC in Penang move out or close down, then the ‘speculator’ will feel the paint or hold long long, waiting to see property bubbling in Penang Island…..
So many people here to make this development so popular and famous around this blog…… Bravo Bravo !!!!!
My friend who is staying in a house at the graveyard border told me when you see down from your balcony you will see big dark area down there,you suddenly feel “they” are watching you with disappointed faces cz you put your foot at them for long long time (no respect). She discouraged me to buy such place. Before this,most LC n LMC built around graveyard but this is big big condo start to build…not good idea but let these lucky buyers move in first and then they will share you stories of how they feel sleeping with thousand of the corpses especially during mid-night. But Silleville developer is better than neighbour developer.I,personally,dislike Belleview project like 4 season park.
Clear cut salary shud be at least RM 3500.
Condo is still fine. The ghost may move around at different floor and the possibility to meet them is definately lower than than those landed house. The first thing to do after those ghost wake up in the mid-night is to sit at your living room sofa and watching your astro. When they feel too boring, may be they will sleep in between you and your hubby to get some warm…….. hahahahaha……..
Opps, besides the cons. We may talk about the pros. For those who like to play magnum 4D, you may get some hints from them. May be they will help you to FATT !!!
“不做亏心事 不怕鬼敲门” which means “an upright man isn’t afraid of anything”.
If you do not disturb them, then they will not disturb you.
-ve / jealous people will think “ghost” and cons. +ve people will think about development, appreciation and pros.
Now is 21st century, never influence by HK “ghost” movie.
Yeah, John! I agree with u!
agree with John .. just think rationally.. feel funny with the comments tho..
who wish to buy high floor facing georgetown can kindly contact me
how much you selling? what unit?
high floor is which floor?
unit 6 facing georgetown high floor. please sms me ur contact shall u r interested thank you
i booked a corner unit no.9 at level 2X for RM480k last week, juz paid the 10%, i dont think that the “ghost” will not affected the subsale value because of the current price is much cheaper than the other project. Where can u get a unit with 290/sf with 2 car park in penang market now? Last monday i was considering in the morning whether wan to buy the unit no 3 bcoz of the layout, but i go back again in the afternoon, the unit has been grabbed by others, regretting for consider so long, this project is really sell like hot cake. I m 22 years old, this is my first house and i think i m the youngest among the buyers. By the way, i am a housing agent.
will affected**
I have an idea to change better the layout of the Type A(for those who doesnt wan the bedroom become a maidroom)
我们可以把bedroom 3 改成kitchen, 然后在common bathroom旁边建一个房间当作bedroom3, 把原本utility的门改成窗口(那么房间就有窗口了),utility原本的窗口改成门,就可以打通kitchen(原本的bedroom 3)和utility了,至于kitchen(原本的bedroom3)原本的门补成墙,然后把门开在另一边,但应该装修要花上好多钱。 shineville park的buyer, 你们觉得这行得通吗?
by the time you renovate the whole house.. it would costs more…the layout itself if decent…??
i called you. Please call back..quite interested on your unit
The price is fair as just between RM438k and RM500k for 1,600sqft. But, it must take into consideration of the location.
However, I would prefer unit 8 & 9 (Town View). But, it is sold out. If any unit is vacant (loan disapproved by bank), pls do update me.
Wilson, management will not allow u to simply hack and change the floorplan layout. Because there are a lot un-forseen beams and column inside the building. Wait until u hack hack hack then see beams/columns that cannot remove, then you have to scratch your head hard on how to re-layout the rooms, of course your reno budget will burst by that time….
unit 6 is also facing town view..TT got a unit.
I was late and all unit 8 was taken up.. luckily managed to secure unit 3. Booked and happily paid
i felt that it is worth to do it for staying confort, but now i keep it as 2 purposes, 1 for own stay and 1 for investment, if for own stay, i m willing to spend 100k for the renovation cost after 3 years later, for investment, i wont do anything, so only decided in future.
i was interested to either no.3 or no.8, but all grabbed by other buyers, only left level 37 on that time, level 37 is too high for me and the unit main door is facing the emergency exit stair, so i decided to take 2X-9. not bad also for unit 9 which is a corner unit and slightly bigger 50sf than type A1.
look at the layout plan, i think it wont be damaged to the beam because only hacking for a door. i think RM100-150k for the renovation cost can do it very well and luxury already, if the second value is good in future, i dont mind to sell it off and buy other properties.
Can do, can do…. no column there….
Luckily this condo didn’t use structure wall system. so that we can hack whatever wall we want….
Good suggestion……
I heard that we can apply from developer to change the lay out with top up some money during the progress is it? any idea? or maybe after oc abtained only find constructor go and check where is the beam.
Just think if u need to take 400k for ur next 30yrs, and u r able to subsale 550k then only comment this is a good project.
CK, can you please provide us a listing where how can we get a property within 300rm per sq/ft?
chuppy, u r right.
ck, i m a real estate agent, i see the properties price increase stable for every single year, u dont wan buy, a lot buyer in ready to buy. i believe got any unit for no.3, no.8, no.9 buyer surrender, it will be replaced immediately, if u cant accept the truth, the only way is u go out from penang island and buy properties in mainland.
@Wilson With the current economy situation, rush into property is a dumb, n rush into this kind of property is another dumber. Don believe then wait for another six months n see who will laugh till the end.
pls visit to this web site and see the shineville park site is not really a graveyard, there was a kampung there.
Ck, go mainland n buy house la! Penang properties does not suit ur standard!
Wilson, I m support u.
I m also real estate agent. I booked a unit no.8. We r Early bird buyer. We r total booking @ 12 unit in same days, Almost is unit No.8 & N0.9
Every Project hv their own Good point & Bad point.
This Project :
-Now a day In Town area with @1600sf (4 Rooms) as price below RM300/sf, I cant to say out have another project.
-After next few years almost Town area landed property penang will price >1 M. So the buyer only hv budjet @600k they only hv choose to buy this type of condo (1600sf@4Rooms)
-Buy as 460K, 30% increase (@600K) Price as 375/sf after completion, the selling price still very cheap if compare with other project (Now day hv few project already price as 400-450/sf)
-Giant Hypermarket will coming soon…
-Fully Facilities with Badminton court, tennis court, squash court….
-Confident with Developer, if refer to past record.
silly graveyard + kampung hse on shineville park site, i had visit the site this morning
don’t act smart, the site is already fenced up and the ground level has been risen
this no good location mass graveyard lands & cementery … got other better locations
I know that place well, i study in Chung ling late of 80’s, before Lebuhraya Thean Teik build there is a road connecting between batu lanchang and farlim in shineville park construction site. I saw many cementery along the road. Maybe you too young to know this, anyway you can ask some old man stay there.
“Not attractive at all” but nearly sold out in a short period.So all of the bad comments
can be considered very bad judgments and they are wasting their time here. Wonder
what they get or probably self-satisfaction.
What choice do you have if you can’t judge ?
Conclusion, Buy for stay, YES (if u r not afraid of ghost). Buy for invest, NO.
at least B – project.Anyone,not this one grade c or lower project
another sales person ..
@C+PROJECT @Realistic
I Agree with you all, I will consider all Season Park, better location and got giant supermarket
this be known as Graveyard Condo … no fung shuei master will recommend this project
@No Buy
another intimate name by CK? pity