Anson Cube | Penang Property Talk

Anson Cube

Anson Cube, a new commercial development by AZEA Property Investment (API), a Singapore-based company, and its local partner Dot Greenland Sdn Bhd. It is strategically located along Jalan Anson within UNESCO World Heritage Site in George Town. This project comprises 1 block of 5-storey retail lots and offices.

* This project is currently abandoned. Please let us know if you have any update *

Property Project : Anson Cube
Location : Jalan Anson, Georgetown, Penang
Property Type : 5-Storey Complex
Built-up Area: 400 sq.ft to 4,809 sq.ft
Indicative Price: from RM234k to RM2.8m
Land Tenure: Freehold
Developer : Tri Mega Venture

Location Map:


  1. Siang Tatt Khor
    June 20th, 2012 at 15:10 | #1

    Ehh…is this near the Anson Road market?

    How come no news at all after more than one year being published here?? Project got problem ah??

  2. TBSUX
    October 31st, 2012 at 00:54 | #2

    This cursed project is destined to FAIL!

  3. tomyam
    March 8th, 2013 at 07:42 | #3

    wow.. AZEA recommend this project so much and yet there is no one discuss this project, wonder the club follower for Azea bought this project or not?

  4. tips
    March 8th, 2013 at 10:08 | #4

    This is like a “pyramid Schme”, they launched in Singapore/JB first, then KL, lastly only in Penang. They have rolled the price layer-by-layer and finally think the penangite are stupid to buy with the highest price and sign the snp.

  5. tomyam
    March 8th, 2013 at 15:32 | #5


    i guess so, i been to their seminar one time.. and they say they got many tips and loan tactics etc. But member fees of the club is like 2 to 3k.
    During their introduction, it shows us few property of their success, and this is one of them.. so i wonder how they can conclude this as “success” project if no one is even talking about it.. or knowing this hot spot..

  6. Goppal
    July 20th, 2014 at 01:15 | #6

    to my surprise i passed by the area recently… the whole building topped out already… so got take-up already ah… i also thought this project failed already initially…

  7. chong
    July 20th, 2014 at 08:52 | #7

    For such a small project, it is very easy to complete the project even without selling any units. The cost is about RM2mil only (excluding land cost), and since this is a JV with the land owner, so the land cost “zero”.

    But this type of small scale project at such odd location is destined to fail. Fail as in low rental low occupation.

  8. Jesus Christ
    January 12th, 2016 at 14:29 | #8

    There has been no work at the site for quite some time already. This project appears to have stalled. Anyone knows what happened?

  9. W
    June 20th, 2016 at 08:54 | #9

    Out of curiosity, what happen to this?

    Thought the lady CEO is expert from Singapore for group property investment

  10. Brad
    June 21st, 2016 at 09:57 | #10

    Developer can’t escape when you abandon development in Sin but not in M’sia. That’s why there come here.

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