Pearl Villas @ Pearl City
Pearl Villas, an exclusive gated community is developing to be a growing township and a completely self-contained project which will be supported by well- planned infrastructures, comprehensive learning institutions from colleges to primary and secondary schools, supermarkets, shoplots and other essential community facilities.
The project comprises 152 terrace houses, 164 semi-detached houses and 19 bungalows.
Property Project : Pearl Villas
Location : Simpang Ampat, Penang
Property Type : 2-Storey Terrace & Semi-D
Tenure : Freehold
Developer : Tambun Indah
Indicative Price: RM 318,000 onwards
finally I can see Pearl Villas here
But I still hesistate to buy here, heard got a lot of flies & very smelly due to the farm nearby.
Anyone can advice? Or anyone bought unit there?
I have been there a while back, but I can’t recall any smell. I believed once the area is fully developed, those smell and flies should go away.
The other concern that I could think of is the flying insects from the surrounding plantation. Usually you will see a lot of flying insects at night or after rainy day. Try to pay a visit after 7pm, I have not try that though.
oh, you’ve reminded me…ok, I try to visit after 7pm and see…
I wonder this area will have termite problem or not? Anyone know?
should be okay, i stay quite a long time.
any idea what is the montly maintainance?
I went to the show room yesterday, still got many flies and smelly…
maintainance ~rm120-150, depend on the unit size.
May I know when the Pearl Villas is complete?
my sister stays at the semi d house neearby. The place is known for flies anytime without season. Reason being the farming and the land which was a farm initially. The people there seldom cook at home. My sister have sold at lost and move to another place. Developer if want to make their customer happy should look for professional solution
new terrace show house & official launch @ site this coming sat/sun
How much is the Semi-D?
438K++ for semiD
318K++ for terrace
found some comments about Pearl City from Pearl Indah @ Pearl City
I just bought a Semi-D in Pearl Villas with 539 k. will it too expensive ?
simpang ampat is one of the property hotspot in penang. the property price in this area is likely to appreciate very fast in the coming years. now is still a very good time to get the property in this area. personally thought this area is much more worth to invest compare to other areas in mainland, like Alma, BM, Sungai bakap, etc…
The 2nd hand price of surrounding js 300k+++ n u pay for 500k+++, really a bad buy for oearl villa as it too overpriced, there wont b high demand for 2nd as there are plenty of lands yet to b developed
Sorry to say tat it too expensive for tat area, mayb u can see the gain after 15 yrs. Fir now i rather hold the money to see other projects but definately not tambun indah overpriced project
I can smell u r tambun indah sale person, kaki kong kaki song. 500k for semi d too expensive for tis area, alma has tesco n wat do u have in simpang ampat?
Hi Gteh
i am not the tambun indah sale person, have no relationship with the developer at all. i am just one of the residences in that area, and i just shared the infor and personal point of views with the ppl here. anyway, choice is still at your own. for me, i still see simpang ampat is still a good and strategical place compare to other areas in seberang perai selatan.
and also, i am not the one posted the blogs or articles for the links i shared above. these are all something posted and shared by someone else.
i also agreed with your point here. the developer should put more efforts on developing the Pearl City.
p/s: the 500K++ for semi-d may be it is a corner lot. dont know, i just guess.
Thank everyone comment on my question.
I am buying the house for my own. As long as the price never drop down, it is ok with me. because I am not buying to invest.
I think your Semi_D is in the better position plot (better Fung Shui ), is it near to the club house ? If I am not mistaken, the nearest your house with the club house and security guard the higher the cost….Furthermore, Extra land will shoot up the price because you got extra land to gardening
. For me … I will try to plant Durian Tree (ang Hae) beside my house.
I suggest everyone hold on their purchase as the global economy may impact the purchase sentiment, everything will slow down, it will b consumer market by then. Always remember the golden rules ” when ppl rush into it, we stay aside to watch;when ppl start to pull out, then we go in” then only term as smart consumer. MNC will hit 2nd wave of slow down, b prepared. Here is not penang, u will nv miss the boat.
it is very true! tambun indah…what do yo uhave in simpang amapt????? is it your “Pearl City”?? hahahaaaaaaa…. the land is still look like a forest land, it is nothing there!!!!
oh ya, I missed out something. there are two things there in simpang ampat in the areas of pearl projects….. the forest land (so called the Pearl city), the chicken farm’s smellsssssss, and fliesssssssssssssssssssssssssss….
If you presume your life is full of stink, you will see toilets everywhere…… DOn’t just focus on the toilets, they are more life are for…
There is Penang Science Park, Bkt Minyak Industrial Park, Valdor, Juru SMIs for work, Juru Auto-City, Tesco, EconSave, golf clubs nearby for play, Penang 2nd Link Bridge for easy access to Penang FIZ and island, Jit Sin is coming up, many schools nearby and even USM Ampang Jajar is not too far away. Traffic jams is not an issue at Simpang Empat, this area particularly Pearl City will enjoy the spill over effects of Penang Island.
It is your choice, be it investment or for your own occupying. If you want to know how ppl benefit from a shift from flies to flowers, please check out the price surged at Victoria Heights in Penang Island (opposites Hotel EQ).
What hapen to Jit Sin branch, no news update recently … is it coming back ?? if yes, this is great!
I think this place has its potential. It’s less than 10min drive to PLUS Tambun exit, Bkt Minyak Industrial area & Pg Science Park. I agree that the price is a bit on the high side, but it’s the overall trend and is there anywhere cheap now? Its price rises along with BM’s price but still 50-100k cheaper than BM. From here to BM also not far, just around 15min drive. If Tambun Indah successfully invites a good hypermarket here, which I’m sure they are working on it, the value may increase more.
I think most buyer buy here bcoz of its G&G, its green concept, design and facility. The flies and smell is there, but they are also present in Alma but no one seems to talk about it. If you can’t tolerate them, then don’t buy here. It’s a place you rest when back from work and enjoy time with your family. How do u want it to be? Think about how convenient you go to & back work from here, how convenient to buy grocery & your needs, how close to market, schools, banks, clinics etc. I think most are available near here. Of course if u want to go to more high class restaurant and stores, just go to Autocity/Sunway mall which is easy to go. If Pearl villa ticks most of your boxes, then no harm to buy. If you just wait for the price to drop, then you have to risk waiting for many years without your dream home. Life is short.
There is one commercial area “Star Walk” coming up in Spg Ampat. Any comment on it?
@BD U sound like the developer sales person, putting hard sale.
I want to buy a Semi-D in pearl villas . Any unit left ? and how much the price go now ? I see from their Facebook got 1% discount + cash bonus. Is that truth ? …. but i need to confirm the price first.
Don’t be so suspicious plz. Do u mean anyone who give good comments are developer’s sales person and those who give bad comments are other developers’ sales person???
I agreed with BD. This is an open forum, everyone is free to voice out with good purposes.
My house is nearly finish, left the roof top only . I think it is quite expensive at the first time plus it is very smelly after the rain. But i believe after OC, the resident in pearl villas will voice out about the chicken farm. I think the Chicken Farm will move out from this area….this is what i hope so far…..I will fight until the chicken farm move out no matter what it costs. I heard the Tambun got a lot of flies because of those chicken farm. I don’t want the Pearl villas became the second tambun . So i hope the developer can do something on it . As the the fly problem gone, i think Pearl Villas will be the best place to stay in Mainland.
Pearl Villas buyers can work with Pearl Garden owners, and the upcoming Pearl Indah’s residents to make formal complaints to the authority, ADUN, etc…
I am a PG buyer, and hope the broilers can be moved away soon also. OC for Phase 1 and 2 of PG is expected early 2012.
Keep our fingers crossed.
I agree what you said. Those give good comment are developer person:).
Bad comment is those buyer and after purchase then regret:)
Somehow I see the fence from Cari, feel like we been cheated. We pay so much for getting those cheap fence ? We really need to negotiate/fight with them gao gao. Furthermore, I went to see the clubhouse’s swimming pool. According to them, that is the standard size. but imaging each unit of pearl villas or garden send a representative to the swimming pool. The swimming pool will became hot spring pool………
As for the farm, I wish developer can do something on it, and take it seriously……I wish to have a healthier environment and community in Pearl garden and Pearl Villas. As you know, the new mutated virus of H1N1 which is H5N1 is coming back. Begins affecting the poultry and birds, The new strain has been detected in Northern and Central Vietnam. According to a report in Asian Scientist, could threaten other countries in Asia.( included Malaysia) . So having a chicken farm near by our Taman is like having a ticking time bomb beside our Taman.
By the way … Where is the page for pearl garden ? why they close the page ?
Agreed with MaoShanWang.
Regarding the poolsize and perimeter fence, Pearl Garden and Pearl Villas residence really need to work together to negotiate with developer to come out with a deal that satisfy both seller and purchasers.
Regarding the farm problem, the flies and smell actually came from chicken waste(sh*t) on the site. Even if they don’t move away, they need to maintain the cleanliness of the site to prevent environmental pollution(flies,smell) & diseases. Else we can appeal to Environment Health Dept to spot check their site anytime. Gov always have the right to shut down their site if the site is found to be causing environmental pollution esp nearby residences area.
@Ang Hae
Hi Ang Hae,
There are a lots of flies in Pearl Villas now, Can we appeal to Environment Health Dept to spot check their chicken farm now ? or We can go check ourselves then capture some photo from their farm ? I cannot wait until the day I move in, because I really hate fly.
@Ho Lo
Hi Ho Lo,
We can file a complain to Jabatan Kesihatan Pulau Pinang or BM by writing a letter. If it doesnt work, then need to walk in liao. I believe this kind of problem wont easily be solved in 1 or 2 days. We really need to push them from time to time so that they are aware of it and take action to resolve it. Furthermore, it is kind of hard to do it now w/o moving into the residency. When ppl start to move in then only they will encounter the same problem and realise how critical this problem impacts the environment of a residence area. Let’s form a group of ppl first when the time comes and try our best to resolve it.
house sell finish or not yet ? the 2 storey terrace..
Yes, environment affected with the smell and flies.
Very easy to resolve….don’t buy if cannot tolerate this.
Blame the developer why want to build houses there such a bad area.
If we complain about the chicken farmer then we are just as selfish as the developer that just want to earn the money without thinking of the health impact to thier buyer.
Unless the chicken farm is illegal.
Easy…don’t buy. Buy somewhere else that got no such risk.
i like the see thru perimeter fencing rather than brick wall fencing……… more safety………
i stayed in Juru Heights gated 3 storey terrace now, we request the tambun developer to change the brick wall fencing to see thru fencing but they dun allow………very disappointed !!! the thief always climbed over the fencing & we fail to detect them…….. our commitee showed them the mostly kl luxurious project like Desa Park City also use the same see thru fencing…..
probably that is why they are firm with choosing fencing for pearl garden & pearl villa…..
their facebook mentioned that a good landscape will supplement the fencing for greenery, like Setia Pearl Island
@bernald lim
Agreed with u bernald, see thru fencing is more effective……..furthermore if plant with more landscape, it will look different……most important thing is this kind of fencing is low maintenance compared to brick wall fencing.
@Ang Hae
Just checked with pearl villas sales on sunday, they said the pearl garden & pearl villas swimming pool are separated, only pearl garden can use their own pool.
Haha…..if same like setia pearl island, i think they make a right desicion. Hopefully i make a right decision also bcoz is my first house……..
Hi everyone! last week I jz go to pearl villas office. I consider to buy a 2storey house at this location & I quite like the concept. Now what I consider are normal landed house or G&G community concept. RM438k until RM500K++ for me is OK n i thnk reasonable bcz i gt go to other place compare oso..BM area almost RM600K n nibong tebal RM488K. Beside simpang ampat jalan besar thr gt some developer “lagi best”, 3storey RM728K++
Actually about the fencing…brick wall or “pagar” for me is OK…i thnk the most important is quality of management.
How about the renovation on land property + strata title? i heard that we can’t renovate the external of the house.
Personally i hate people renovate external build.
It will make the whole row of link house look very ugly.
If want to reno, bunglow is better.
We can see many people buy semi-d, then built a big extension and causing a large white wall facing his neibor. Made the semi-d look so ugly.
Yuck !!!! …..
We better dont reno external structure
Foul Smell & Precense of House flies
– As a responsible property developer, we have made several complaints to the authorities on these issues and have even written to YB Phee Boon Poh who is in charge of environment. Yb Phee informed that you may all liaise directly with him at his email at
Minor renovation like full cover on car pouch and balcony? is this violate any rules?
I think the residents have to conduct a meeting to decide to what extent minor external renovation is allowed. Am I right?
Thanks TI for YB Phee’s email. Hopefully he can help the Pearl City residents.
External renovation like awnings, change of painting color is not allowed. You can refer to your Deed of mutual covenants for the details.
until the developer pass over the management to the JMB, the only the residents can decide what can be done based on majority, but careful any reno might slow the process of strata. It is better to do major reno after strata is issued
Personally I prefer all the houses look the same externally, esp the colour.
Anyway, is the comment from “Tambun Indah” really from the developer? I hope it is not someone who is just playing around.
We are keep trying our best to solve all the problem occured. We just bought the land & have future development around 10 years, including housing development & business park. We are look seriously to all problems occured, critisize in forum cant help anything, no response is not means we dint do anything. We need the time & hopefully can co-operate with government, residents to solve it. Pearl City “The best place to live in”…… always is our mission.
I believe that Tambun Indah will try their best to solve the problems, as Pearl garden/villa/indah are just about 10% of their development in BTM. Their 90% future development there will very much depend on the success of pearl garden/villa.
@Tambun Indah
this should not be the way… not just posted the YB’s email here, and asking us go and complaint the issues ourselves. you are not responsible at all!!
this should not be the way… not just posted the YB’s email here, and asking us go and complaint the issues ourselves. you are not responsible at all!!
How is the sales so far for the Pearl Garden 2nd phase. All sold out?
Then what do you expect? Do you survey properly before buying, don’t buy and then only complain. And you want the chicken farmer cannot cari makan because you buy a house there?
Did u read the sentence properly? Tambun Indah said they have already made several complaints, and YB Phee himself asks the residents to deal directly with him. What can you expect developer to do? Point a gun to farm owner’s head and ask them to move? Or organize a protest rally to force the state gov to act? I can understand your frustration, perhaps with the fence problem also, but pls give time for things to settle. The farm owners can’t just move out immediately.
No proper planning of TNB thing in Pearl Garden! Can Tambun indah more considerable for the environment planning to Pearl Garden -so call a beautiful & best place to live !
what did you by TNB thing and environment planning? Can you elaborate more? Thanks.
* What did you mean by …….
is a TNB box/casing for underground cable. place in front of house, there are big & small, some houses got both i think…. answer from Tambun is they cannot do anything as is TNB’s rights!!!???!!!!
I see, thanks for the info, I didn’t know they use underground cable for Pearl Garden. Is it the same for both terrace and semi-d?
i think so, no check all since that day, btw any corner house owner here? do you all face the issue having big TNB feeder at your house??
@FB: Hi TI, as adviced by Ivan to call TNB Nibong tebal, guess what answer i have from TNB – Developer should review the plan before, once developer said ok they will start, and they are consider to change if developer feedback the location need… changes ! Somemore they asked why am i calling them, I shall feedback to developer to fix this not me to chase after TNB ! Ivan & TI management, can u advice on the answer from TNB?
Things I like about that place
1. Easy road access. Road condition is ok, not as bad as the Balik Pulau road.
2. Looking forward to the 2nd Pg Bridge.
Things I don’t like
1. The flies. I went to visit it after the 1 week rain. The place was SWARMED with flies.
2. The chicken farm and broiler (meat production factory) directly opposite the Pearl Villa site.
3. Your neighbour is the oil palm estate. Anyone who studied in USM at Nibong Tebal would know the ordeal. Problem with insects, flies and humid weather.
4. Building condition quality is moderate low. Hairline cracks and rusted gates. Patches of water on outside building due to rainy season.
4. Total toll price if you’re working in FTZ: RM7 + RM1.1. And the bridge toll is going to increase when 2nd bridge is ready.
Near to Boon Beng Primary School. And the SPS Jit Sin school has been granted the permit, which will be about 10mins away.
@Ah Qua
I guess once you decided to buy, you should already know the pros and cons of this project. The toll price and petrol can be expensive, but I would prefer to stay in mainland instead of Island. the housing price is 2X lower here and I dont think the petrol + toll over your 20-30 years working in FTZ would excess 500K. semi-D in Island is >1Mil now. Unless you are rich man, else you need to pay ~2mil after 20-30 years for your semi-D say the original price is 1mil. Also, if 2nd link can pull some companies setup in Batu Kawan, then it is different story. There is always a dilemma whether want to pay 2-3X more and experience city live or pay less, spending >1hour in traffic from FTZ to simpang ampat + low cost living w/o entertainment :).
@Ah Qua
If travel frequently on Pg bridge, should get a Tough&Go with RM5.60 tol fee.
There is some earthwork going on at the proposed new Jit Sin site, anyone can confirm?
That area was cleared long before the granting of the permit. Not very sure if it is related to to school construction.
I pass by the site a few times every month, I can see a new layer of earth being added quite recently, and the site is now fenced up.
That will be a good news if it’s true
Thanks for the info!
Is it the same plot depicted in the map?
Yes, it’s the same site as in the map, very near to the Malay kampung.
Actually the land just opposite the mountain view golf course also has some earthwork going on just before this, and it is now planted with some crops…
It seems like underground utilities cabling is only available for semi-d in Pearl Garden. Not sure about Pearl Villas.
I understand that drainage is also not the covered-type for the whole Pearl Garden/Villas project, be it link/semi-d/bungalows. This is very let down considering that this is the G&G project. The open drainage is very unsightly, besides posing a risk to (young) residents. I have given feedback to TI.
House number is up for Pearl Garden.
Same as Juru Heights development coz same developer. Same problem. But a good bit of Juru Heights. Not easy to transfer existing chicken farm out of skirt. Until now chicken farm still there. Flies and shitty smell has become a nuisance. Before some project started, this farm owner also object for any housing development here coz they know residents will complain about their farm soon. Now residents complain about existing farm but they already complain about any housing development here before. No problem to buy but u will live maybe in long term with farm and any nuisance happen from chicken farm nearby. Based on the environment should be much cheaper price. This is not Seberang Jaya, bandar perda, raja uda or sungai dua…
Can onyone tell me how far is the chicken farm from Pear Villa? 200m, 400m away?
@PV Owner
Best to measure it here:
Can i know the scholl BTM Primary and Secondary School is a Malay or Chinese school?
1malaysia school
BTM Primary and Secondary are Sekolah Kebangsaan.
Thank you Chiew. Looks like the chicken farm is situated quite near Pearl Villa. But the other day when I visited Pearl Villa, I did not smell any foul smell. Strange! Did you all smell any chicken dung or witness any houseflies in the vicinity of Pearl Villa recently?
Yes …. each time i went to its show house, i could feel the air is not fresh … got mild smelly …. and lot of fly …… better dont buy here
I went to the show house and i found alot of crack lines along the wall. I have no experience in buying house. May i know is this mean that the base for the house is not strong enough? Is it ok with this condition? I believe the show house only recent year (not reach 2 years), am i correct? I don’t wish to make bad decision to buy my first house with alot of problem. Please help and advice..
i just booked a house in pearl indah. dunno will regret in the future cos its quite heavy for a young person like me (RM381k!!!!) it is already higher than what my fren bot by 50k!!
i went there 4 times…twice during dry season and twice after rain. there is no flood and i admit got flies….A LOT! especially after raining season but when it was dry, the amount was okay. for chicken shit i no see lar…but cow dung i saw quite a few *mounds* on the road.
i even sniff around the area and so far no smell lar
I bought a terrace house in Pearl Villas 1 yr ago. I don’t sniff the smell but i can see lots of flies there. but i think Pearl Garden is worse than Pearl Villas… I asked the sale person at there and they replied me that Penang’s Government ll take action on it (but i don’t see any action at all) so GOD bless me!!!
I will pull back my purchase semi-d RM478k non gated after compare with BTM semi-d sub sale price only RM2++K. Land area even more biger 3,000sf. not suitable for invesment for this projects . good luck for all.
Semi-D Sub Sale @ 2++K Bucks at Bukit Mertajam?
Which Location? How many years of the house?
Vincent : bandar tasek mutiara at simpang ampat just next to pearl indah, pearl villas.
Those who interested to buy, please look carefully the surrounding. You will not just found the chicken farm(ladang ayam Ah Ba) is nearby, pig farm is also there (beside Pearl Garden)….this is the reason why the house price is cheaper compare to Jesselton, Hillpark, Tropicale and so on. So, i foresee the sub sales value won’t be good unless the pig & chicken farm moved away….but do u think it is possible?
Hi All,
Please visit OC Obtain in Pearl Garden, which just in front of Pearl Villas.
I did not smell any bad smell or neither see any flies at my unit when i took my house key.
It nice to stay, also i believe Pearl City price will hike very fast, since to international school and hypermarket and business park there. Plus with government facilities, which have hospital and new build police station and etc there.
For those always said flies or smell issue, please take a serious look and observation only make a complain.
At Pearl Garden, which is gated communities residences area, and it had over 20++ CCTV. I believe that other apartment or condominium in Penang Island does not have so many CCTV.
Anyway, I had buyer contact me DSSD unit n asking for sell Price at 520K, sorry i will not for sell, I buy and stay there for a good living environment.
Good to stay there for young n old ppl, there got secondary and primary school.
Looks like flies and smell are the 2 major concerns in this property. I was considering this place after looking at the photos in websites, but now I have serious 2nd thought. Greedy people are bloating the unjustified property price here, flies and smell. Pig farms and chicken farms are real major health concerns. I don’t see much action by the developer except the one of complaint to a YB and the gomen. I think, as long as these concerns are not mitigated, the property price will not go up much despite boasting about future facilities which very much dependent on population density. For those who think they can make fast money on this place, good luck!
is there any units left for pearl villa semi d? how much d price now?
still have the 2storey house?
I just visited there last weekend. Really smelly especially after raining. There are flies in the show house too. Somehow,overall concept for this project is good. really depend on whether buyers love the astonishing “chicken smell or whatsoever”.
hi everyone, im planning to get a house here in pearl villas…for staying… any suggestion regarding this area
I went there for a few times recently. I don’t see any flies neither the bad smell in that area. Pls let me know where can i experience this as i want to find out before i sign the S&P for Pearl residence. Thanks!
i tomorrow will buy 1 _ pearl residence…. i dun care!! i wan house!! next time see you cn stil buy house or nt… coz the housing price is rocketing… u no house lo…blekkk=P
Great regret to buy the house.
i just move in. So much of flies and terrible smell.
Complaint many times on the crack plaster still never get reasonable solution.
After patching the wall is so ugly now.
The plaster wall is uneven and keep cracking.
Really terrible.
Thinking of lodging report to consumer association.
i also have the same big plaster wall cracking problems.
My fencing also crack la.
so terrible lo….
swimming pool also very dirty without proper maintenance….
many roadsider abc jumping from the poolside highplatform. i asked the guard to sound them but they dont bother lo.
I scare they caused injury to other kids around…
I made 70k from my semi-D. luckily the innocent guy buy over from me.
I m sick with the smell and low standard quality……
There are so many new launching around. How to sell if i am late.
my unit having so much of defect.
plaster uneven, crack, ……leaking after rain….tile crack. etc….
the fencing also crack….
i dont know how the developer control the project….
very smelly and so much of flies after rain…..
Aiii so much of problems here.
think again and again and again and again before you guy buy…..
any one can advise. sos needed
my unit having so much of defects and the quality is terrible lousy. the developer did not attended to the complaints.
which authority department we can refer the case to?
how to get the lawyer on hold the remaining 5% retention?
who is in the position to justify the reasonableness of complaints made?
those under construction phases look little better then the units here…..but so much of cracks….. the developers has started patching up…..
buy no quality house full of complaint equal to no house lo, how to ONG like that ? so many complaints.
How can you move in to Pearl Villas consider it is still under construction? WEIRD. Are you construction worker there??……………..@Lim
How can you move in to Pearl Villas consider it is still under construction? WEIRD. Are you construction worker there??……………..
Perl Garden has been removed.
All are disappointed. If the blog remain…..
The signboard in front of Perl garden put Villas. All confused which and which.
There are so many new launch around.
I dont think it worth for investment
hardly see good comments for all TI projects.
why? why? why? why? why?
@Sales’ Voice
Sales Voice, is this the way you are doin sales? People comment the bad quality, you should get your boss how to improve then only could increase the sales. Not at here to shout people don talk this and don talk that! If you feel unconfortable, why not you quit your job? then you will feel better when people giving bad comment!
Consumer is expecting the good quality, you don tell us that all the while you buy anything is not quality concern but only to support the sales guys or sales gals?
Wow…so many complains in TI project.they have launched a new project Seri Permai,is it worth to buy for own stay.scared of quality issues.any comment or any recommendation?
How the boss feel,if he see all the negative massage here?

May be those bosses do not aware of the poor team they have.
But the negative image here is not really true. Because the sales is consider good.
I mean they have sold all their passed project within a short time. The sales team must be very good.
The only problem is the terrible quality here
the sales teams are all ‘no medicine cure’ always ‘D eyes’ on people.
We are planning to purchase a terrace hse in Pearl Impian by Tambun Indah. Just wondered if there is flooding in Simpang Ampat. Just were there and do not smell the odor nor see the flies. Are they still a problem?
Dear Pearl Villas Community,
As u know this project is near to completion, we would like to keep all the community under one roof to share their thoughts & update on the current project status as well as your future planning after OC.
Please join the P.V FB community group ASUP!!!
Group keyword: Pearl Villas, Simpang Ampat
@PV Facebook
Can’t find the FB group leh… pls double check.
i also can’t find it.thx
Try again guys..
Group name: Pearl Villas, Simpang Ampat
Can’t find also. Why not just put the link here?
Simple. MY advise to you is just trust 1O% of the words from salesperson. Their words cannot taken for granted as well as what the coy promise.I’m one of the unfortunate.
What is the resale value for a terrace intermediate unit?
all go see the terrace balcony. for those have bought the terrace good luck. because all terrace balcony have started crack. it must be due to design problems. i am sure. all have the same crack on the balcony.
This what happen when all the unit is sold out during launching time. The developer have choice to build low quality houses since they no need to afraid that nobody buying. We penangties have to be smart and not too greedy and kiasi.
Not to say normal but SP setia products also have cracks in and outside.. So???
KC u are right, but if wait until OC got liao only buy, might be more expensive d..
crackcrack, u bought a unit with balcony? really all crack ah… got to ask them to rectify..
When can obtain the OC?
I bought a terrace unit RM288K at pre-view period..My friends also tell me TI sales staff kanasai la…blar blar blar la..dont buy la..poor services la..Now I found a buyer n I sold RM390K.Just waiting TI handover key. Sometime u guys said TI bullshit sales staff talking bullshit with u..but I think if u talk politely with them, imposible they keep talking rude with u. I alway go their office when TI gt launching or some event, I feel ok with them even they knew I bought a terrace unit & impossible I will buy 1more unit again bcz my loan difficult to approval again. I just go there “walk walk c c” n keep asking the new project pricing. Now I just worried about quility issue bcz I saw my unit gt crack line at balcony too..
This area now is not only about crack. Go search their FB page. Full of flood photos. Whoever buy house here, I hope the future projects won’t make it as a pond when it rains.
Looking for double storey at Pearl Villas. Any unit to let go? Please contact me at
DST how much now?
pearl Villa seen that is good for stay^^ houw much DST and semi D?
DST…i think now 450k
Pearl Harmony selling RM368K, do u thing Pearl Villas worth RM450K ?? Dont think so.
but now OC pass already
Pearl Harmonir is not gated community ? banker told me that valuer said 450k…i also not confirm
anybody let go bungalow at pearl villas? kind pm me at 012-4248566
If Pearl Villas TDS is selling now at RM450k vs. Pearl Resident TDS, which one shall we consider, please share your thought? waiting for input desprately.
If Pearl Villas TDS is selling now at RM450k vs. Pearl Resident TDS at 450K too, which one shall we consider, please share your thought? waiting for input desprately.
If Pearl Villa project stated at 2011 selling at RM450k vs. latest project Pearl Resident at RM450k, which one shall we go? You immediate input are despritely needed, tx
Pearl residence…if u look in more details pearl residence come with much better design n overall offerung@Eem
DST how much?
Any unit 2-sty terrace to let go? pls email me. ( ) or
kindly Pm me @ 016-4838044 ( Serious buyer here )
Any unit for Double Story Terrace for Pearl Villas to sell. Kindly please contact me 016-4118313. Serious buyer looking for First Home!
I am a serious buyer to buy direct from owner, looking for Pearl Villas Semi D. Please call/sms – 016 4829905.
Pearl Villa is low density. About 355 houses compared to pearl garden or residence (450 units above)
And PV has more semi d with some bungalows compared to the other 2 tamans which have more terrace.
So those interested to buy, better grab before no more unit for sale in pearl villa
Me too a serious buyer to buy direct from owner, looking for Pearl Villas Semi D. Please call/sms – 012 3881132.
too expensive now. all better wait next year and see. tamun indah selling strategy only. all jack up high high for loan top up with dibs last time. shortly there will be people wanted sell quick. tambun indah poor quality one lo. all started to sink now. you go around and see you will be shocked. cost all started to crack d .
anyone want to sale pearl garden or pearl villa double storey?
if you want to sale can call me 018-9434331 anytime
I’m looking for double story / double story semi-D at pearl villa. If any owners wish to sell, you may contact my no: 016-4742717
good news to all. Pearl Villa is already getting their strata tittle. Property prices to go up further.
Expected rm700k for semi d and 450k for terrace.
Nice place and nice environment
Why prices will go up once getting strata title? what is the logic?
This is seller’s logic. Simple put the expected price…but reality is, where is the buyer?
If they have $, better buy directly from developer, such as Raintree Park.
lol. subsales has to be good bargain…
but i still dun get the logic of ppty price increase after title issued. once title issued, buyer got to pay stamp duty of the new higher purchase price or even worse if developer covers mot and buyer got to pay again…
Price only can up if the pig farm move out to other place.
hi, looking for 2 storey terrace at pearl villas. Any owner here intending to sell ? kindly pm me tq!:)
Hi, I’m looking for double stores terrace house at pearl villa. Pls email me the price and location. Thx.
What us the bungalow price now ? In pearl villa
bungalow is selling at rm1.3 million now
But is there any real transaction done at 1.3 million ? Too high….
what i hear, no transaction. greedy owner asking too high price.
Like actual price about rm800K-900k only
?any transaction done at ?
bungalow design really lousy. too many windows and many complain leaking. so far, no demand for bungalow subsale.
Planning to stay TDS here, saw so many negative comment, is any real residents here can share their living experience in villa mutiara?
Good day,
I’m direct buyer looking for terrace unit pearl villa. Preferable direction facing north or east.
Contact 0165559685/ 0166730856
DC, in pearl villa got homestay and temple. mgmt no take any action because lousy comittee. Other than this, nice place to stay.
bungalo in pearl villa design so lousy
leaking water everywhere… windows too big
wall all crack….
@cing le
my one no leakage la..your one leak meh ? any buyers ?? for 1.1million ?
selling one unit bangalow at 800k anyone do write..
got bungalo selling cheap in pearl villa but is facing junction. cheap also no use.. no one want to buy junction house.
better try pearl residence… quality much better
@cing le
hi selling how much I m interested contact pls thks
Went over with kids during school holidays. Managed to sneak in to use the pool. Really love the pool and the garden. Hope raintree park will be as good as this place.
Anyone is selling their Bungalow unit or Semi D unit ? Please reply
check with management office. few units bungalow for sale. but no takers. no demand for this area. better consider semi d. better layout. there is one facing the clubhouse. can check out a banner there for the number.
how much they are selling bungalow?
you so good why dont become committee. dont ke kian here talk rubbishes. lol
dont act smart.
the temple and homes stay next to your house r? stupid. chasing out la. residential gated house where got temper. report to mpsp la
I also no see temple me it is a nice place, clean n beautiful.. but a bit far, sometimes faint smells, it is ok… it is quite n serene pls to stay …
anyone givin up the bungalow for 800 – 900 k please leaves a message. I will contact your email or phone.
thank you
i see the swimming pool so dirty and all the grasses grow so high. The management sleeping meh? just keep paying every month without care whether the work done or not? I think something wrong with the management. i want to complain to tribunal and anti corruption for checking on all the committee
I am planning to lodge report to the tribunal and Anti Corruption Association to check on these committee for the mismanagement.
I am frustrated that i have suggested to make sure the damaged swimming pool lighting are replaced but not done.
The sand stockpiled on middle of the road and has caused people fall down and car slipped and accident.
All backlane light bulk never repaired.
All drain blocked but no cleaning.
Swimming pool so dirty
But why still so much of payments made as what posted on the information board.
The management cheat money?????
Tambun Indah can you help?
I hard insider told me that the new management company was set up by tambun indah ex staff. she secured few management packages pearl garden, pearl villas, pearl residence, bm and butterworth project under tambun indah by back pulling leg. henky penky all the ways to team with management committee in monies making. All careful…….. and go ahead if you guy find mis conducts. Cheer…..
LOL what is hard? Your england berry powederfull
Thats why ppl buying landed house in mainland just to avoid maintenance fees. If you still want to pay maintenance, why not staying in Island?
what is temper?
Is this project called Villas Mutiara Indah?
Sorry I meant Villa Mutiara, Pearl Garden.