First yacht calls at Straits Quay New marina a catalyst for growth in water activities and coastal limo service | Penang Property Talk

First yacht calls at Straits Quay New marina a catalyst for growth in water activities and coastal limo service

THE Straits Quay marina in Tanjung Tokong, Penang, welcomed its first guest vessel with the promise of a wholesome lifestyle experience for visiting boaters.

The Amadeus, a 28m-long motorised yacht owned by Singaporean entrepreneur Herman Ho, made her way into the marina, accompanied by Eastern & Oriental Bhd’s (E&O) own vessel, the Lady Kinari.

“It’s been years in the making, and we’re very excited to welcome our first visiting boat,” said E&O group hospitality and lifestyle director Michael Saxon.

“We believe this international-standard marina would add some depth to Penang.

“A lot of foreigners have bought units at Straits Quay. Many of them own boats and some have wondered if they can park them here.

“Now, they can step out onto the balcony and see their vessels parked below,” Saxon said, adding that quite a few boats had booked births for their arrival.

Complementing the marina facilities are Straits Quay’s food and beverage outlets, service apartments and concierge service, ensuring visitors would have their needs taken care of, and much to enjoy, during stopovers.

The marina has 40 berths in total, and is able to accommodate ships up to 20m in length.

It has a larger, central pier that accommodates larger vessels like the Amadeus for short term docking.

Marina operations manager John Ferguson said each berth would be equipped with facilities for electricity and water, and docking boats would be charged at RM3 per metre in length per day.

“The marina is an integral part of Straits Quay, and the people of Penang can look forward to exciting water-related activities, boat charters and excursions.

“With this, we anticipate Penang becoming a prime destination for boaters,” Ferguson said.

He added that once the expansion process of the E&O Hotel in George Town is complete, they would be running a water limousine service between the two properties.

SOURCE: The Star

  1. Simon Ortega
    July 5th, 2011 at 21:39 | #1

    How many staff working in the marina because so many boat can park? I only see 3 workers
    working down there,is that enough?

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