
CM discusses key infrastructure projects with Finance Minister II


Source: Facebook

In a recent Facebook post, the Penang Chief Minister announced a fruitful discussion with Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan. The meeting focused on several critical infrastructure projects previously proposed to the Federal Government, including the Perak-Penang Water Project, the expansion of the North-South Expressway (from Juru Toll to Sungai Dua Toll), and the return of 20% of collected taxes.

A key highlight was the proposal for a matching grant initiative to support the establishment of an integrated circuit (IC) design park and a chip design academy in Penang. Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan expressed keen interest in these innovative projects, recognizing their potential to elevate the local industry to compete with major global corporations. The involvement of government-linked investment companies (GLICs) was also identified as crucial for the sector’s development.

Additionally, the Penang State Government presented the ‘Penang STEM Talent Blueprint,’ designed to meet the human capital needs of various industries while also benefiting family welfare. Further discussions with the ministry will focus on implementing this blueprint to ensure it aligns with industry demands and supports the local workforce.

  1. Oh nice
    June 22nd, 2024 at 16:08 | #1

    yes pressure the federal to return Penangites’ tax money to the state……

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