
Sunway Carnival Mall Expansion & Refurbishment


Situated in 12 acres land in the heart of thriving Seberang Jaya township, Sunway Carnival mall has established itself as a major suburban shopping mall since opening in 2007. The expansion will be implemented in phases with Phase 1 to be completed by November 2020, featuring more than 1.2 million sqft GFA with a new face lift.

Sunway Construction Group Bhd (SunCon)’s unit has been appointed as the project delivery partner for the proposed expansion of a nine-storey commercial development to an existing mall for a total contract sum of RM274 million.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia today, SunCon said Sunway Construction Sdn Bhd (SCSB) accepted the letter of award by SA Architects Sdn Bhd, on behalf of Sunway REIT Management Sdn Bhd, which acts as the manager for Sunway Real Estate Investment Trust (Sunway REIT).

SCSB is tasked to plan, coordinate, build and complete the development to the existing Sunway Carnival Mall in Seberang Jaya within the project period of 32 months from March this year till November 2020.


  1. CK Cheah
    March 4th, 2018 at 09:45 | #1

    Pls provide some investment info.

  2. commentary
    March 4th, 2018 at 10:23 | #2

    you asked for investment info….but who will know what investment are you looking for…the shop lot tenancy? the REITS? or what….you expect the world to feed you izzit….lazy ….

  3. franck
    March 5th, 2018 at 11:43 | #3

    You must be the kind of the Cyber ” bully” that people mention that happened online. I think certain words you put on to someone you dont know and is very impolite. Sorry that I find your comments to be very offensive ! When you start to judge people just remember other is as well judging you.

  4. franck
    March 5th, 2018 at 11:54 | #4

    This project will compete directly with GEM mall right across the street from Pacific Mega mall. I seriously think this is better location then Gem mall if there come any kinds of investment. Sunway Carnival mall is still the busiest mall in Butterworth and for those bought the shop houses in that neighborhood has been laughing all the way to the bank because it has been good rental return for more than 20 years in Butterworth Seberang jaya area.
    With the extension I believe it will be better for this area. I just curious how butterworth population can fit in another mall like GEM mall. Also dont forget many developments close to Penang central will come up also. I think is interesting to see how it will develop.

  5. hotdog
    March 5th, 2018 at 13:49 | #5


    Surely will be an oversupply after GEM is built (in fact there is already a glut now). Those who buy GEM will regret.

  6. Curious
    March 5th, 2018 at 17:30 | #6

    Just let the market talks itself. Consumers will decide which will be more happening. For sure, only one will dominate whilst others become the low cost mall. It is always the case.

  7. aun
    March 6th, 2018 at 08:45 | #7

    I guess Sunway will be the leading as the brand already established. Just waiting for the time when they going to build Sunway hospital on the existing land…

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