Setia Sky Ville
Setia Sky Ville, one of the most anticipated development by SP Setia in Jelutong. It is strategically located off Lorong Slim, just a short drive away from various high schools, namely Heng Ee secondary school, Penang Free School and Han Chiang College.
The proposed development features 550 condominiums of 1,036 sq ft to 1,424 sq ft, with an indicative price of RM750,000 onwards:
- Block 1A – 33-storey condominium (307 units)
- Block 1B – 33-storey condominium (243 units)
- Including 6 levels of multi-storey carpark and recreation area at level 7.
Future development (Phase 2):
- Block 2A – 34-storey condominium (269 units)
- Including 6 levels of multi-storey carpark and recreation area at level 7.
Project Name: (to be confirmed)
Location: Solok Slim, Jelutong, Penang
Property Type: Residential
Built-up Area: 1,036 sq.ft. – 1,424 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM750,000 (current phase)
Total Units: 550 (current phase), 269 (phase 2)
Developer: Kay Pride Sdn. Bhd. (SP Setia)
Register your interest here
Location Map:
- Site progress (Nov 2017)
Progress update – Dec 2018 (by reader)
What’s so great about this area that can command over 700psf price tag?
SP Setia appoint Kay Pride? What not direct under SP Setia? Marketing strategy?
But I think that price tag, you can’t find the majority group. Or does our Government success in their whole nation salary increase scheme?
Even flats sold at this area is very expensive. 650sf flat sold at 400k and above. Many rich local are staying here. 100% local and no outsiders.
Any1 have any details for this project ?
lai lai lai, sapu sapu
When complete?
when start launching??details?
I’m interested to get one unit. Kindly email me at
Hmmm…this project has been soft launched last weekend but seems like no one give a damn to comment. During this period, lots of investors are trying to flush out their units and yet Setia can launch at 700psf for this project in this area.
Not yet soft launch, only preview for those registered.
Pricing still on estimation and not finalize.
Anyone can let me know how to register on it ,
should i went to the office or just simple on9 register ??
Impressive show unit at their gallery
SP Setia is considered late comer to Green land. Late better then never. 700/sf is flat value in this area, all low cost flat here at least 600 to 700/sf. For an luxury condo, the unit price should 800/sf onward. See near by condo snatch up in a week before soft launched. Huge RICHs popularion here!!!!!
The price is too high
The price is too high!
Any recommend for
Price Tag 750K was too high and the project was high rise as well. almost 1000 units.
Even have 5 digits pay also need to consider again and against.
if own stay is ok, or else price sky high like the property name sky ville. good luck to the buyer.
They will hv an official launching for this Sky Ville at their sPICE showroom on 5/11, anyone attend?
Anyone attended their launching on last weekend (5-6 Nov) ?
How is the pricing? Is it buy-buy-buy scene ?
I went there last weekend, not to say buy-buy-buy scene, but according to their unit booking chart, more than 60% was booked already…
Setia still has this programme of 2% rebate for introducer fee. I am an owner of other project and entitled to this programme. Any buyer here willing to get extra 1% rebate?
Was shocked to see the price start from 900k at its official website. Meaning 900psf?? Thats insane
will u go to sign SPA in this coming weekend?
Andy, you sign up already?
Yes, signed oredi… u?
May i know what is the price now?
Market price…950k only…
you may go to Setia Welcome Centre, which located beside sPice (PISA) for more info…
How much is the maintenance fee?
RM0.25psf, was told by Setia staff, my salesperson.
How many units in this project?
0.25psf without sinking fund?
What is the package that offer?
1) total unit= 550 units, Block 1A: 307 units, Block 1B: 243 units.
2) Ya, normally sinking fund is excluded one.
3) For the latest offer, u can go to Setia Welcome Centre to inquire, I am Block 1B buyer only…
Look for Ms Jolin Fong if you don’t know any staffs there, she is a very nice and friendly staff and will explains the details to u…
How is the site progress right now? Anyone know when is the subsequent payment?
Want o know more details?Pls do not hesitate to call /watsapps Jane@016-4405426 for more details.thank you
Any more information on this site? Seem like the comments is quite less, can I know whether the location wise is good for this property?
Compare to Artis 3 nearby, which is more worthy…..
It still depends on ur choice, for the location wise, Artis 3 is located near to Jelutong Expressway, whereby Sky Ville located near to Trengganu road and easier access to Green Lane.
Beside this, there is no upcoming new condo project surrounding Setia Sky Ville, but for Artis 3, there are some projects are ongoing, such as: Grace Residence, Urban Suites.
You can refer to the link below for Jelutong new project:
For the reason why I choose Sky Ville is because it is designed to have much bigger recreational area & facilities compare to other projects…
hope my opinion helps, tks!
Thanks for your information.
I do find the sky garden is interesting. Seem like you are the owner of Sky Ville, can I know which type you are getting? Mind to provide me ur whatapps, as I am thinking to get one unit there as well.
Hi, my wechat ID is: wangwang911111, add me, nice to meet u!
hello, heard that there’s a second round of sales rebate going on?
it’s up to 6% now?
6%? Wow, I booked in June, 5% only. Between, price rise?
soft launch only rebate 3%…
I think it is because prices of soft launch are lower compared to current’s. Between, any platform like whatapps for the purchasers to communicate any related issues and thoughts?
you may join Setia Sky Ville facebook page, although still not many ppl, but the page owner is 1 of the buyer too…
Any new update on this project recently?
Hi all, I am considering whether to buy a type B unit. Anyone know if the area is flood prone? I quite like the layout which is practical but am concern of the location. Surprised that SP Setia did not throw in other freebies e.g A/C for selling at such price.
Derek, what is your concern on the location. I tok this project is in the mid of town, center of jelutong whereby you can access to Gurney, Geotown or even queens bay within 30 mins?
This area wont flood but along Terengganu Road near P Ramlee flood if heavy pour.I am staying at this area. Location wise is good. walking distance to schools, market. Going to Gurney in less than 30 mins.
Scouts boy and Emily. Thanks for sharing. I grew up at Perak lane and jelutong, went to a school nearby so am quite familiar with the location. Agree the location is convenient. My only concern is the flooding. Left Penang for more than 10 years so not sure if this area is now flood prone.
Jalan Free School does flood during extremely heavy downpours, but it is passable for normal cars, unlike Jalan P Ramlee. The road will jam very badly during downpours due to traffic jam from Heng Ee stretching to Jalan Perak and Lorong Perak.
On the plus side you can get free concerts very frequently from the nearby temples. Not only during the 7th Month.
Haha… Zeke.. free concerts you consider as plus side???
Any owner wechat / WhatsApp’s group?
So far as i know no whatsapp group. Is good to have a platform for purchasers to communicate too. Btw guys, does the construction site suffer from recent flood?
Ya, this is i want to know too. The recent flood affect Setia ville location?
@Yeo, i believe you are one of the owner as well, can i know which unit u are getting?
The development area is not affected by the recent flood. I actually went to survey the area the next morning. Many cars are parked on the road accessing to the development, probably to avoid flood water. Outside main road has some muddy soil though.
Yup, I purchased a middle floor unit at block 1A. I heard that Taman Free School was affected by the flood but not the construction site. Quick safe i think since the area was free of the severe flood.
Then the location is quite good, at least the worst floor also never reach that place.
I see..
Just saw a new update of construction site from Setia website, think they build quite fast
@flavia lee
u can visit to their sales office at lorong slim for more details, showroom is available to view as well!
This project is overpriced. But if you are buying it for own stay, then overpriced also never mind because you can just “am tui” and just swallow it. But if you’re buying for flipping, then be prepared for real financial hardship!
For those who resisted the temptation to buy 2 years ago and still looking to buy a property now, you are one lucky bunch. You will be spoilt for choice at good good price. Just be patient. Things are not getting better anytime soon.
Any more update on this project? Unit still available?
Around ~60% sold, 40% still available
Base on what i saw in their showroom.
From the unit floor overall picture ( whatever unit sold/book they stick with red sticker )
This is just as reference.
You may go to verify it again
Status in Apr’18
Block A – 145/307
Block B – 157/243
Total sold – 302/550 = 55%
Block A
1036 sq – 87/213
1239 sq – 38/64
1424 sq – 20/30
Block B
1036 sq – 77/155
1239 sq – 50/58
1424 sq – 30/30 ( sold out )
hi, anyone bought Block 1B (facing south) 1239sqf?
OMG… The color…..!
I am same block with u, but facing north…
wat color u mean?
Unfortunately my loan still not approve yet. which bank u apply? I heard MBB says this project is expired in MBB record, they need long process to ‘open’ the project account back.
which bank u get ur loan?
I apply thru PBB Jelutong, you can visit and & make an inquiry over there!
The color looks cheap cheap lo. I’ve feedback to them. Not sure will improve bo.
@@T, can i know which color you mean? As far as I know, those building still under construction right?
They r start painting now…The brown yellow paint looks very cheap cheap lo. U may go visit the site.
Any owner group in whatapps/wechat?
buy now free two-year management fee!!!
any other promotion beside of waive of maintenance fees?
Look like promotion keep going but the price remains. For those buy when launch…. not worth lo..
I still concern about the color building, it doesn’t looks like high class condo… is a cheap cheap color.
Any owner group in whatapps/wechat? im a new buyer pls add me in, thanks
I’m interested to buy 1 unit, pls email me at
Today sp setia just having promotion for new buy. Smaller unit 1036 sqft facing south and west, rebate more than 100k.
Which means earlier buyer buy expensive abt 100k
So we can do now? Go complain and ask for refund???
Any setup owner group ?
Wanna to discuss how to ask for refund…
Today sp setia just having promotion for new buyer. Smaller unit 1036 sqft facing south and west, rebate more than 100k.
Which means earlier buyer buy expensive abt 100k
So what we can do now? Go complain and ask for refund???
I heard they plan to compensate those purchase facing East and South only. Those units facing pool, so sorry le.. but I think not fair for those support them since years…As Setia
Developer rebate for later buyer, you all complain and ask for refund. How if developer increase price for later buyer? Shall the developer ask for extra from earlier buyer?
Any setup owner group?
GK, u hv owner setup group ?
From launching rm750 per sqft til now 3 years later rm600 per sqft. Goodluck early bird….
Not fair to early bird
Hello early buyer,
100k cheaper leh, developer will refund back?
@Tt, I don’t.. I am asking if anyone already setup an owner group?
Hi, there is whatsapp group created today. any buyer want to be added please contact fb page of Setia Sky Ville.
i wanna join ur group for this case. How can i join in?
please contact fb page of Setia Sky Ville.
Is time for me to buy 2 units.
It is very cheap for a Setia project within a very strategic location. All the ammeneties are here. With a 100k rebate, this is definitely a steal. Ppl living in this area definitely won’t move out of this area. Buy it before it is too late. Too cheap for such a high end project.
If Setia can drop the price by RM100k just like that, their profit margin must be very high. Based on market trend, a 1036sqft condo should only cost around RM600k, if not lower.
The market is seriously down now, and if you can wait long enough (another year), the price will go down even further. Just look at the newspaper ad. The sub-sale price is even lower than original price.
Setia doesn’t want to hold all the units so they will still drop the price, let’s wait and see. It is the buyers market now.
In the meantime, enjoy their Durian party… courtesy of Setia.
holy shit
Many developers are throwing prices. You guys are not the only one. It’s a trend nowadays and there is nothing we buyers can do. Just get use to the 21st century property market.
@Jackpg what do you meant by durian party?
I went to setia just now and cery crowded
A lot of sub-sales and auctions are floating now. Don’t rush into buying it from developer. It is still over-priced. Example Middleton RM1.15M condo is now being auctioned off at RM891k.
It is the developer’s strategy to do all this marketing promotion (Durian party, Mid-autumn festival, CNY and so on) so that they can attract more buyers. But ultimately it is the buyers who are paying higher price to fund this promotion.
But sp setia is reputable developer. And this promotion 100k is too over d. Next time who dare to buy their project cos sure drop price in future. And in penang this is not 1st project they drop the pricing. Previously setia sky vista also same. They shld learn some developer, rebate b the same promotion to earlier buyer
Setia is always capitalizing their so called “reputation” so they can over-price their property. In fact their show units are misleading and not showing the exact floor space and ceiling height. And once they see sales is not good, they drop the price. So why bother buy from them so early, wait until they drop the price. SkyVille is not in a prime location either.
I fully agreed with your comment. I m one of the buyer who support them n buy at early stage. Subsequently they drop price. Although they mentioned that not affect our unit type. But if calculated per square feet, it become cheaper. Not fair to early buyer.
Wow! RM 100 rebate! Actually not fair to early buyer…
buy 600k, snp and loan shown 900k and you get 300k cash on hand to renovate, to buy BMW, to go vacation. sounds so good ? but you are spending your own future money and don’t forget that you just become a 900k loan onwer for 600k market price ya.
@Loan Shark, 300k can put inside ASNB to enjoy better interest or any other investments. Don’t tell everyone that you got small brain~
Hi all, comparing Setia Sky Ville and Queenswater Front since both were throwing price and get either project at quite similar price, any comment?
@LoanShark , who ask you to loan up 900k? since got rebate please do go for nett loan.
last sunday developer also dont encourage to loan full,just go for the nett,its optional for those who really need cash on hand la adui
@Aloha, do take note on the plane fly over Queenswater regularly.
besides, the seaview might be block by the mountain in-front.
hihi, any agent here for this project? contact me
i believe Pandemic affect construction duration. what is the target project completion date?
Guys please have a look at the paint job actual before making a move on this one. PSA
Fb page available
Setia sky ville jelutong
Any owners group on WhatsApp? If none let’s create one.
I was considering this project for months, and then finally decided to go against buying it. Considering the price, density and traffic during school days. I can get bettet options elsewhere with this price. Again just my opinion because my view is, if you have slight doubt about any project, dont buy.
Which project u finally went for? I’m looking around too.
Initially they claimed most of units sold, not honest in my view..
The latitude 700k with 1500sqf. Bigger space ,higher floor with 3 units per floor. And low density. Seaview.
This place Skyville is over crowded & Zero seaview.
Any news about phase 2?
@Adruel Lye
Phase 2 going to be very much few years later. Not so soon.
714k onwards for top floor units, worth!!!!!!????
742.5k now for top floor units =)
damn, just noticed, very dislike the pillar in front of the window, bad design ever
Yes. Very poor design & no balcony for 1k sqf house.
Own stay no problem as facility also ok. If investment & future capital appreciation… No chance. Not looking good for this subsale price at this location.
Management Office/developer to work out something to protect owner there.
There are “some people” collect RM600 “sampah fees” from unit owners when they start the renovation.
Imagine 500++ units, how much they can collect from these owner here!
It should not happen for a reputable developer project.
agreed your opinion, will finding others now, how about those condo near queensbay?
any comments on the workmanship of this project?
Was looking for a own stay house around jelutong area…
One of my relatives who bought a unit without balcony complained about one thing that is the wall between 2 bedrooms is not brick wall but just a partition wall
Heard that the piping at the corridor side did not connect properly and led to water pour in corridor during rainy day, is it true? Developer plan to repair it?
better consider other condos as this one seemingly has a lot of problems as you may refer to those comments over here
Have the corridor water pouring issue fixed? I heard developer actually wanted to fix it by installing shade/shield. Can any owner confirm if this had been actioned?
In addition, can any owner comment how’s the traffic condition after schooling hours when all the parents and school bus try to pickup the students?
Any owner wanna let go their unit? I’m interested to buy, pls email me at
Any owner want to let go unit? Email me
Any owner wana let go at a loss can email me your offer.
Why lose? This is one of best development in Jelutong area.
1000sqf unit will sell at 900k soon. The material & finishing really superb. Definitely better than IJM developer..
Anyone offer below 700k can pm here. Serious buyer..