The Promenade | Penang Property Talk

The Promenade

Bayan Baru/ 15 June 2012 Leave a comment

The Promenade, a mixed development by Lion Group, strategically located within the established township of Bayan Baru, Penang. Comprises 2-5 storey retail shops amounting to 37 units at its base, called The Promenade and 336 units of designer suites called The Promenade Residence. This development is next to Hotel Seri Malaysia and D’Piazza.

The 37 units of commercial lots comprise:

  • 4 units of 5 storey shoplot (Lot 1, 15, 16 and 19)
  • 2 units of intermediate 5 storey shoplot (Lot 17 and 18)
  • 13 units of 4 storey shop lot (Lot 2-14)
  • 17 units of 2 storey shoplot (Lot 20-36)
  • a semi curvature unit at 5th floor (Lot 37)

The 7th floor to 27th floor are residences serviced by 5 lifts including 1 service lift.  All units are internet-enabled (high speed broadband), Astro Beyond cabling, complete with internal air conditioning piping and instant water heater.  There are 16 units of designer suites per floor with 9 different floor plans.

  • Type A: 42 units 847sf (2 bedrooms)
  • Type B: 21 units 855sf (2 bedrooms)
  • Type C: 21 units 979sf (2 bedrooms)
  • Type D: 42 units 977sf (2 +1 bedrooms)
  • Type E: 63 units 1,011sf (3 bedrooms)
  • Type F: 42 units 1,111sf (3 bedrooms)
  • Type G:  42 units 1,294sf (4 bedrooms)
  • Type H: 42 units 1,525sf (4+1 bedrooms)
  • Type I: 21 units 1,651sf (4 + 1 bedrooms)

1 car park is allocated for each unit and additional lots can be purchased from RM25,000-RM28,000.  Maintenance fee is proposed at approximately 30sen psf including sinking fund.

Project Name : The Promenade Residence
Location :
 Bayan Baru, Penang
Property Type : Mixed Development
Built-up Area : 847 sq.ft. onwards
Total Units: 336 (Residential), 37 (Retails)
Land Tenure : Leasehold
Developer : The Lion Group and T.J. Group
Indicative Price : RM350,000 onwards

Contributed by reader – 09/11/2012

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Contributed by reader – 28/03/2013

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Contributed by reader – 16/05/2013

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Contributed by reader (Update 03/04/14)

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  1. Buyer F
    June 3rd, 2014 at 17:37 | #1

    The Promenade Residence starts from the 7th floor to 27th floor.
    So, 27th is the highest floor.
    Do you interested on 27th floor?

  2. daniel
    August 15th, 2014 at 15:27 | #2

    Hi anyone know that is the comercial title can be convert to residential? i heard that 1 world had been converted to residential title. is that true?

  3. Chew
    August 15th, 2014 at 15:36 | #3

    @daniel yes, but utility is still commercial rate 😛

  4. Buyer F
    September 1st, 2014 at 17:21 | #4

    Can anyone please share the worksite status? Multi level car park complete? how many floor complete now? Thanks.

  5. Mr Wong
    September 22nd, 2014 at 11:08 | #5

    any available unit? im interested to get 1. whats the price now?

  6. Buyer F
    September 22nd, 2014 at 12:53 | #6

    Hi Wong, because got DIBS, most of the owner won’t sell it until the OC pass.
    But i saw one post in Propwall 980sf selling on 585k.
    If owner sell now, we have to pay 2% bank penalty and 3% Penang state gov penalty.
    So, this 5% will actually add into the selling price.
    the more gov charge the vendor the higher price buyer need to pay.

  7. Buyer F
    November 20th, 2014 at 17:02 | #7

    Hi all, anyone get the rebate from developer?

  8. BuyerC
    November 20th, 2014 at 19:55 | #8

    Do u mean the DIBS rebate?
    I received it and auto-rebate from my housing loan acct

  9. Buyer F
    November 21st, 2014 at 11:01 | #9

    Hi C, my loan just release. so i am not paying my loan yet.
    I’m talking about the 5% rebate from Developer.
    Anyone of you get the 5% rebate?
    How is the work site status? Long time didn’t go there.
    Anyone can share the work progress update? Thanks.

  10. interested
    November 22nd, 2014 at 12:49 | #10

    hi. any idea if there’s unit left? TIA

  11. Ananth
    November 22nd, 2014 at 13:21 | #11

    Hi buyers,
    Recently i have purchased a unit at promenade. My unit has 3 car parks. Just married, n only two of us so i don’t need the extra car park. Would like sell the car park to interested buyer. The car park cost will be rm33k. Willing to nego for serious buyer. Plz contact me if interested : 016-4227704.

  12. BuyerC
    November 24th, 2014 at 15:33 | #12

    Sell car park before obtaining the Car park? Is the developer allowing to do this?

  13. Buyer F
    January 5th, 2015 at 10:25 | #13

    Hi all, Happy New Year 2015.
    Anyone haven’t receive cheque from developer?
    I already wait for few months, not yet get the cheque.

  14. Seller
    January 27th, 2015 at 13:17 | #14

    Hi all, I wanna sell my unit. floor 27, 1111sf, 2 car park. 689k.
    anyone interested? refer to Mudahcom “The Promenade Suite”. TQ.

  15. Eric
    January 28th, 2015 at 11:03 | #15

    Hi Ananth, are you sure that you can sell your car park? How to transfer it?? Developer allowing?? I am interested. please contact me. 012-585-338.

  16. BuyerH
    January 28th, 2015 at 13:16 | #16

    @Seller, why want to sell?

  17. interestedBuyer
    March 25th, 2015 at 09:48 | #17

    Hi all,
    May i know the estimated completion time for this project? 2016 or 2017?

  18. Buyer F
    March 27th, 2015 at 12:45 | #18

    Hi InterestedBuyer, according to S&P, the completion date at the end of 2016.
    Normally will complete early if everything run smooth.
    We went there last month, the multi-level car park is complete.
    Now they start build the residential unit.
    My unit want to sell, cause we move to oversea.

  19. Buyer
    March 30th, 2015 at 11:06 | #19

    Feb status, Multi-level car park complete.
    According to S&P, completion time is end of 2016.
    Anyone have the recent update or photo?
    How is the speed of the progress?
    Please share your information, thanks.

  20. Buyer
    April 13th, 2015 at 21:32 | #20

    Hi, anyone like to sell the car park?

  21. Buyer F
    April 17th, 2015 at 15:54 | #21

    Ananth wanna sell their car park. you may contact them. find their contact from old comment.
    Can anyone share the latest site photo? How is the work progress? Fast? Tq.

  22. Buyer
    May 5th, 2015 at 10:47 | #22

    Hi, anyone know the work progress? How many floor is ready now?
    I ask sale officer, they told me the Residential unit won’t kena GST during next SPA.
    Any opinion? Thanks.

  23. Buyer
    May 11th, 2015 at 10:57 | #23

    Hi all, the discussion and feedback in this page seem slow.
    Yesterday we wend to the site, the progress seem slow.
    Last visit on Feb, build up to Level 7, now still Level 7.
    What happen to the developer? Progess seem slow.
    Any know the reason or any news to share? Thanks.

  24. BuyerH
    May 11th, 2015 at 16:33 | #24

    Yes, the progress seen slow. What type of unit you have there? Anyone already receive the rebate and deposit refund?

  25. Buyer
    May 13th, 2015 at 14:50 | #25

    Hi BuyerH,

    I received the rebate last 6months.
    You better check with them, once your bank loan release to developer then you can ask the rebate from developer. It will take 2 to 3 weeks for KL office to prepare and send to Penang sale office.
    Yes, progress really slow. I can’t believe it, anything happen and cause the work slow?
    Other developer took 2~3 weeks for 1 floor.
    Since Feb until now the building remain same floor.
    What is going on? Everthing seem slow since the first day i book.
    SPA slow; rebate slow; building progress slow…..
    Lost confident to them. I thought Lion group is big!!!

  26. BuyerH
    May 14th, 2015 at 13:10 | #26

    Just call this morning and excuse given not enough accountants to prepare the cheque at KL head office. Asks you to contact KL office and don’t know when can ready. Loss confident and trust…
    Can cancel the S&P after loan released?

  27. Buyer
    May 15th, 2015 at 09:08 | #27

    Hi BuyerH,
    If can cancel the SPA, I wish too.
    Now u can’t even sell the unit before OC pass.
    Not enought accountants or not enought money?
    Better not enought accountants otherwise the construction will stop.
    U may ask them to provide you a date when they can issue the cheque.
    Keep on follow up or you wait forever =)

  28. BuyerH
    June 13th, 2015 at 15:06 | #28

    Rebate have been received and current floor constructed up to 8-9 level.

  29. Vincent
    June 29th, 2015 at 09:23 | #29

    Promenade is very good for investment. Like all investment products, the longer it ‘mature’ the more valuable it will be. As such I think it is a good thing if it complete later since property market is soft at the moment. Based on market value 1566sft and 1650sf are going for above 850K these days. By next year it can easily touch 1mil when market recovers. Anyway this is my personal experience being a long time investor.

  30. BuyerF
    June 29th, 2015 at 10:31 | #30

    Hi Vincent, thanks for your sharing.
    But Promenade is List-Hold compare to neighboring condo which is Free-Hold.
    May I ask for your comment on this?
    For me, the selling point is 1 block building and the shop-lot in front is not attach to condo.
    More privacy and secure .
    Since the shop-lot is independent and it can turn to Bank or government office, but depend the available carpark also.
    My understanding the property in Bayan Baru / Bayan Lepas is over supply until 2020.
    What is your comment, please share. thanks.

  31. Vincent
    July 1st, 2015 at 11:01 | #31

    Hi BuyerF,

    To go into detail, maybe u can consider attending my seminar :)..anyway I guess self-advertising isnt allow here lol…..Anyway suffice to say investing in a property (be it for self-stay or resale, always look at it as an investment) no longer has significant bearing on leasehold or freehold unless you are talking about leasehold is less then 20 years. Just look at D’piazza (freehold) and 1 Sky (leasehold) you can see why value of 1 Sky almost doubled comparatively. The more important consideration is the quality, layout, density and location. (1 SKY is sandwiched in between SPICE and Paragon2 by Hunza).

    As for being over-supply, my take on this is actually under-supply. There is a huge market from buyers and tenants working at Penang Free Trade Zone. When you factor in the traffic congestion now and by 2020, you will wish that you had purchased a property in Bayan Baru instead. Just look at the property value and demand in Bayan Baru 10 years ago and now. Rgds

  32. Buyer C
    August 11th, 2015 at 10:42 | #32

    Just want to confirm will the next bank loan release (after 1st Apr) subjects to additional 6% GST?

  33. Jason
    August 14th, 2015 at 18:54 | #33


    I am looking for ground floor shop lot – preferable small unit.
    I am not agent.
    Contact 019-4908032. Thanks

  34. Buyer C
    August 17th, 2015 at 14:08 | #34

    Hi Jason,
    Why u choose promenade shop lot but not the Elite Avenue?

  35. BuyerF
    September 19th, 2015 at 11:33 | #35

    Hi all,
    Anyone know how is the work progress now?
    Which floor is complete? Progress seem slow than my expectation.
    Thanks for sharing.

  36. Buyer
    September 28th, 2015 at 09:38 | #36

    If not mistaken they are building concrete slab for 15th floor currently…

  37. BuyerF
    October 12th, 2015 at 15:22 | #37

    Hi Buyer, thanks for the useful information.
    Anyone know when is the deliver date, mean OC pass date?
    End of 2016? Thanks and have a great day.

  38. BuyerF
    October 12th, 2015 at 15:31 | #38

    Hi all, I just called sale office, from their information.
    Current floor is 14.
    This condo total 27-Floor. Will complete August-2016.
    Mean still have 13-Floor to build in the next 10 months. Thanks.

  39. Buyer F
    December 24th, 2015 at 14:20 | #39

    Hi all, anyone know what is the progress now?
    Which floor is complete now? Thanks.

  40. Buyer F
    December 28th, 2015 at 15:01 | #40

    Just call to sale office, now at 22 floor.
    Total 27 floor, will complete Aug-2016.
    Happy New Year 2016

  41. Dan
    December 29th, 2015 at 17:58 | #41

    @Buyer F
    around 15 floor now

  42. Buyer F
    January 4th, 2016 at 20:58 | #42

    Hi Dan, I called to sale office, they told me is 22 floor now.
    Have you saw the building? Please confirm, thanks.

  43. Buyer H
    January 5th, 2016 at 13:29 | #43

    I pass by everyday to work and confirm is 22 floor now.

    There is second crane built between the residence and shop.

  44. Buyer H
    January 26th, 2016 at 14:36 | #44

    Look like the current floor constructed is 25th level and detail can see in Facebook.

  45. Dan
    January 26th, 2016 at 15:55 | #45

    @Buyer F
    Earlier I didn’t calculate retail shop below. Only calculate residential level. It’s quite tall now, I also pass by there everyday.

  46. Buyer res
    February 16th, 2016 at 08:33 | #46

    May I know the facebook link?

  47. Buyer R
    March 2nd, 2016 at 11:06 | #47

    This land is commercial or residential title? We can borrow how many % loan?

  48. J
    March 11th, 2016 at 19:52 | #48

    Cheapest shot lot to let go?

  49. J
    March 13th, 2016 at 00:33 | #49

    Any shot lot willing to let go at cheap price. Please leave ur contact here. Thanks

  50. ll
    March 22nd, 2016 at 16:36 | #50

    Anyone know still have any residential unit left?

  51. mig27
    April 14th, 2016 at 16:30 | #51

    visited the office and get to know only year end can get the key….

  52. PromBuyer
    April 15th, 2016 at 00:01 | #52

    I thought they say August 2016?

  53. Buyer F
    June 17th, 2016 at 16:47 | #53

    Hi all, is anyone know the project status or updated photo?
    Please kindly share here, thanks a lot. Happy weekend.

  54. Buyer H
    June 19th, 2016 at 10:49 | #54

    Project photos available in FB.

    Just check with developers yesterday.

    Estimate to complete on October or late December 2016.

  55. Buyer F
    June 20th, 2016 at 11:08 | #55

    Hi Buyer H, thanks for reply.
    I try many time to search Promenade FB, but I still can’t get it.
    May I know what is the FB name? thanks.

  56. Buyer H
    June 23rd, 2016 at 22:24 | #56

    Just searching for THE PROMENADE PENANG

  57. Buyer F
    July 21st, 2016 at 16:32 | #57

    Hi all,
    I just call to sale office, they told me OC pass during December but not Oct.
    A bit delay in the project. Now plastic ceiling at level 16.
    Anyone have picture or went to work site can help to confirm the progress?

  58. Mr X
    October 6th, 2016 at 14:03 | #58

    Did any lot for 847 sqf wanna to let go?

  59. Buyer23
    October 24th, 2016 at 09:03 | #59

    Hi all,
    Any update from work site?
    Recently saw some negative news about Lion Group.
    Wonder how is the condo progress? They have delay from Aug to Dec.
    Can they complete end of 2016? Anyone know the actual progress? Thanks.

  60. mig27
    November 2nd, 2016 at 13:45 | #60

    call to office, delayed again to Q1 2017, endless delay…

  61. buyer F
    November 7th, 2016 at 13:35 | #61

    Hi Mig,
    I just call to sale office, Ms Tan confirm the project was delay again.
    Maybe next Q1 can complete, maybe but not sure.
    Almost 5 years since 1st deposit, so disappointed.
    Plan to sell but Maybank not allow transfer while project in progress.

  62. Buyer J
    January 3rd, 2017 at 11:36 | #62


    May I check we can get any compensate if the project keep delayed ?

  63. Daniel
    January 3rd, 2017 at 16:22 | #63


    This project outlook look alike Elit Heights. Too bad Elit don’t have copyright otherwise kena sue till pant drop.

  64. Buyer F
    January 19th, 2017 at 08:24 | #64

    Hi all,
    I just confirm with sale office, end of March can collect key.
    Anyone know how to claim the delay compensation from developer?
    SNP date is August 2016. Project delay at least 6 months.

  65. mig27
    January 26th, 2017 at 20:37 | #65

    called to the sale office, being told that they are sending out the letter for key collection at February. Not sure it is true or not…., hope that by february can get the house key.

  66. Hamid Kareem
    March 8th, 2017 at 09:34 | #66

    @Buyer F
    Same goes here the collection of key is on end of Mar’17, worried again will be delay.

    Need to get the compesation of the delay.

  67. FC
    March 29th, 2017 at 23:05 | #67

    Went to office today and was told that buyers can contact office to make appointment for key collection from April 3rd onwards.

  68. Hero
    April 1st, 2017 at 11:58 | #68

    You may collect your house keys from 3rd April and visit your house by appointment only. You will need to pay around RM2000 for keys collection. For some house there is late payment charges, since we bough the house after the development started. Not sure how this works???!!!

  69. Lee
    April 1st, 2017 at 16:57 | #69

    So far until now! What business will running at shoplot

  70. promenade
    April 1st, 2017 at 22:32 | #70

    What is the late payment charges all about?! i dont think we should pay for it as this property is under DIBS scheme and we never late payment to developer..

  71. Sam
    April 4th, 2017 at 10:53 | #71

    Called developer to discuss about the late payment. It seems Like those units who use A.Rahim as lawyer need to pay for the late payment interest. It’s their fault for sending documents late to bank to make progress payment to developer. I’m waiting respond from the lawyer and developer to waive this off.

  72. Ms choong
    April 7th, 2017 at 16:52 | #72

    Vincent :
    Hi BuyerF,
    To go into detail, maybe u can consider attending my seminar :)..anyway I guess self-advertising isnt allow here lol…..Anyway suffice to say investing in a property (be it for self-stay or resale, always look at it as an investment) no longer has significant bearing on leasehold or freehold unless you are talking about leasehold is less then 20 years. Just look at D’piazza (freehold) and 1 Sky (leasehold) you can see why value of 1 Sky almost doubled comparatively. The more important consideration is the quality, layout, density and location. (1 SKY is sandwiched in between SPICE and Paragon2 by Hunza).
    As for being over-supply, my take on this is actually under-supply. There is a huge market from buyers and tenants working at Penang Free Trade Zone. When you factor in the traffic congestion now and by 2020, you will wish that you had purchased a property in Bayan Baru instead. Just look at the property value and demand in Bayan Baru 10 years ago and now. Rgds

    hi, Vincent. Can I have your contact number as I would like to consult you on property matters

  73. Amused
    April 7th, 2017 at 18:38 | #73

    Someone said in June 2015 that “Based on market value 1566sft and 1650sf are going for above 850K these days. By next year it can easily touch 1mil when market recovers. ”

    And see this unit listed in Mudah 2 days ago

    The 15xxsf unit is asking for RM790,000 only, and after negotiation, at present weak market, the seller probably can’t sell at above RM750,000.

    And this is April 2017, almost 2 years from the post of that property investor, who predicted market recovery “by next year” (i.e. last year),and 15xxsf “easily touch 1mil “.

    So buyer beware. Most often than not, listen to so called guru at your own peril. Yes, market will recover eventually, but many buying/speculating at the peak of Penang property craze are biting their nails.

  74. Ivana
    May 22nd, 2017 at 11:07 | #74

    Does anyone know if it is a must to engage the ID company stationed inside Promenade for the renovation work?

  75. cane
    June 18th, 2017 at 09:44 | #75

    price has dropped. initially asking price was high. Now got units asking 550k. 500K will be a fairer price as this condo is small + leasehold. Future value will drop like 1World or any other leasehold condos around. Even freehold like elite and arena already dropping. It is more better to rent comparing to buy if you calculate the value/cost of buying vs rental installments…

  76. steve
    September 12th, 2017 at 13:49 | #76

    what is the selling price of 1011 pool view unit ?

  77. Terry
    October 5th, 2017 at 11:55 | #77

    Any units 1300sqft or above only (for sale) let me know. willing to buy. please email
    Direct owners only.

    *at reasonable price

  78. BuyerH
    October 12th, 2017 at 18:15 | #78

    All units are not internet-enabled. TM and TIME don’t have connection line to this property. The developer don’t provide high speed broadband as stated here and just the port is available in all units only. The building management is applying for the internet but it take time for apply the internet line to this property. Estimate internet will available next year.

  79. Goh Kong Weei
    October 28th, 2017 at 09:27 | #79

    Is there any more unsold units available for sale?

  80. gg
    November 5th, 2017 at 20:08 | #80

    the front shop lot, lower than main road, rainy days… easily flood into it…

    newer projects around this area, but developer built this building with lower ground than main road, what a joke

  81. BBB
    November 5th, 2017 at 22:06 | #81

    gg :
    the front shop lot, lower than main road, rainy days… easily flood into it…
    newer projects around this area, but developer built this building with lower ground than main road, what a joke

    Yesterday massive flood, carpark all flooded, water go into shop also

  82. goh
    November 15th, 2017 at 12:06 | #82

    i notice this too

    no solution since its lower ground on a flood prone area. So many times road flooded. Even Arena (higher ground) people dont want buy because road flooded. This worse since car park also flood.

  83. steve
    November 17th, 2017 at 16:53 | #83


    I ‘ve one poolview unit, morning sun , 2 car park

  84. Jason
    November 20th, 2017 at 05:41 | #84

    Hi, anyone with unit number 13-A (980 sq ft, balcony facing SPICE, layout type D) for sale? Interested buyer here.

  85. Vivian Lim
    December 1st, 2017 at 10:18 | #85

    Hi Sir / Madam,

    I am Vivian estate agent (REN20937) registered estate negotiator. I provides sell&rent services to find buyers and tenants.

    Any properties need assistance to find prospect, welcome to list with full details such as pricing and size& address.

    Thank you
    Have a good day

  86. sss
    December 11th, 2017 at 15:59 | #86

    i rented a room for a friend last month. the layout is really awkward…and hallway tiles look so cheap and lowclass..
    i think the only nice thing about promenade is location + outlook
    i heard there r alot of issue with plumbing too..

  87. stephanie leong
    December 11th, 2017 at 18:09 | #87

    sss :
    i rented a room for a friend last month. the layout is really awkward…and hallway tiles look so cheap and lowclass..
    i think the only nice thing about promenade is location + outlook
    i heard there r alot of issue with plumbing too..

    bad plumbing..leakages

    its cheap unit launching time so quality on par as expected..
    karaoke open in shoplots will cause nuisance to residence.

    Jason :
    Hi, anyone with unit number 13-A (980 sq ft, balcony facing SPICE, layout type D) for sale? Interested buyer here.

    13 A should be cheaper than market price because no body want this number… consider no good luck. try bargain hard for lower price

  88. Agath
    March 2nd, 2018 at 08:09 | #88


    Planning to get a unit in this area. Kindly email me soon if any good units are up for sale. Above 1300 sqft only. Above 15th floor. Min 2 car parks/ prefer 3. Thank you.

  89. anson
    June 7th, 2018 at 01:45 | #89

    hi, is it commercial title for this? any different for this title? how much the cukai pintu?

  90. Beh
    August 8th, 2018 at 10:18 | #90

    Hi, Im planning to get a unit in this area. Kindly email me if any units are up for sale.


  91. boh
    August 8th, 2018 at 19:35 | #91



    this is commercial tittle. worse this is leasehold 99 years. price will drop later

  92. Steve
    July 25th, 2019 at 14:23 | #92

    How much is the launching price for 2 stories shop lot in those day?

  93. PenangGuy
    June 18th, 2024 at 19:38 | #93

    Hi, anyone know what is the ceiling high?

  94. fadly
    January 24th, 2025 at 19:55 | #94

    Looking for buy 3 bedrooms. Please contact me.

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